Activity: 4
Merit: 0
January 22, 2018, 04:49:56 PM |
LOTTERY ROUND 138 TOTAL TICKETS: 259,127,469 SERVER SEED: "ea559d6ba05800e981a5a6ea8d15256a24d630e426272baf0f4d228f877e229e" CURRENT BITCOIN BLOCK: 505367 BITCOIN BLOCK FOR CLIENT SEED: 505373 ( BLOCK HASH: "000000000000000000541e8b06cef831f5a497d122d857403a71906ec2f79b1a" ****************************************************************************************** WINNING POSITION: 11) A string (STRING1) is created - "[ SERVER SEED]:[ BLOCK HASH]:[ WINNING POSITION]". STRING1 = "ea559d6ba05800e981a5a6ea8d15256a24d630e426272baf0f4d228f877e229e:000000000000000000541e8b06cef831f5a497d122d857403a71906ec2f79b1a: 1". 2) The SHA256 hash of STRING1 is calculated and the first 8 characters of this hash are taken (STRING2). SHA256(STRING1) = " fdf9ab8907352393ee56f8a062d55bf30600605b21b1679278b1bb4c85195567". STRING2 = " fdf9ab89". 3) STRING2 is converted to a decimal which gives us a number between 0 and 4,294,967,295 (NUM1). NUM1 = 4260998025. 4) NUM1 is then multiplied by the (total number of tickets minus 1) and divided by 4,294,967,295 to get a number (NUM2) between 0 and the total number of tickets less 1. NUM2 = 4260998025 * (259127469 - 1) / 4294967295 = 257078006,31139630133085798037491. 5) NUM2 is then rounded off to the nearest whole number which is the winning ticket number. WIN_TICKET_NUM = round(NUM2) = 257,078,006. ------------------------------------------------------------ |USERID |USER TICKETS |TICKET NUM. START|TICKET NUM. END| ------------------------------------------------------------ |... | |11827439 |2 |257,077,424 |257,077,425 | |11827440 |6 |257,077,426 |257,077,431 | |11827441 |314 |257,077,432 |257,077,745 | |11827442 |6 |257,077,746 |257,077,751 | |11827443 |4 |257,077,752 |257,077,755 | |11827444 |2 |257,077,756 |257,077,757 | |11827445 |2 |257,077,758 |257,077,759 | |11827446 |34 |257,077,760 |257,077,793 | |11827447 |56 |257,077,794 |257,077,849 | |11827448 |40 |257,077,850 |257,077,889 | |11827449 |62 |257,077,890 |257,077,951 | |11827450 |2 |257,077,952 |257,077,953 | |11827451 |60 |257,077,954 |257,078,013 | <--- winner #1 (0.93540016 BTC) |11827452 |2 |257,078,014 |257,078,015 | |11827453 |56 |257,078,016 |257,078,071 | |11827454 |50 |257,078,072 |257,078,121 | |11827455 |60 |257,078,122 |257,078,181 | |11827456 |3 |257,078,182 |257,078,184 | |11827457 |25 |257,078,185 |257,078,209 | |11827458 |4 |257,078,210 |257,078,213 | |11827459 |2 |257,078,214 |257,078,215 | |11827460 |60 |257,078,216 |257,078,275 | |11827461 |2 |257,078,276 |257,078,277 | |11827462 |2 |257,078,278 |257,078,279 | |11827463 |41 |257,078,280 |257,078,320 | |... | ------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************************** WINNING POSITION: 21) A string (STRING1) is created - "[ SERVER SEED]:[ BLOCK HASH]:[ WINNING POSITION]". STRING1 = "ea559d6ba05800e981a5a6ea8d15256a24d630e426272baf0f4d228f877e229e:000000000000000000541e8b06cef831f5a497d122d857403a71906ec2f79b1a: 2". 2) The SHA256 hash of STRING1 is calculated and the first 8 characters of this hash are taken (STRING2). SHA256(STRING1) = " 382bafe5fe000f8215722ce46e73e3bedcdc97aa228acd6dd6d6723261f8087e". STRING2 = " 382bafe5". 3) STRING2 is converted to a decimal which gives us a number between 0 and 4,294,967,295 (NUM1). NUM1 = 942387173. 4) NUM1 is then multiplied by the (total number of tickets minus 1) and divided by 4,294,967,295 to get a number (NUM2) between 0 and the total number of tickets less 1. NUM2 = 942387173 * (259127469 - 1) / 4294967295 = 56856871,133675993218476882488112. 5) NUM2 is then rounded off to the nearest whole number which is the winning ticket number. WIN_TICKET_NUM = round(NUM2) = 56,856,871. ------------------------------------------------------------ |USERID |USER TICKETS |TICKET NUM. START|TICKET NUM. END| ------------------------------------------------------------ |... | |3725043 |759 |56,192,046 |56,192,804 | |3725086 |20 |56,192,805 |56,192,824 | |3725116 |12 |56,192,825 |56,192,836 | |3725149 |20 |56,192,837 |56,192,856 | |3725150 |54 |56,192,857 |56,192,910 | |3725151 |2 |56,192,911 |56,192,912 | |3725152 |4 |56,192,913 |56,192,916 | |3725199 |42 |56,192,917 |56,192,958 | |3725244 |32 |56,192,959 |56,192,990 | |3725270 |2 |56,192,991 |56,192,992 | |3725292 |10 |56,192,993 |56,193,002 | |3725295 |18 |56,193,003 |56,193,020 | |3725349 |1,158,640 |56,193,021 |57,351,660 | <--- winner #2 (0.46770008 BTC) |3725360 |1 |57,351,661 |57,351,661 | |3725429 |14 |57,351,662 |57,351,675 | |3725477 |9 |57,351,676 |57,351,684 | |3725480 |142 |57,351,685 |57,351,826 | |3725484 |2 |57,351,827 |57,351,828 | |3725525 |2 |57,351,829 |57,351,830 | |3725529 |10 |57,351,831 |57,351,840 | |3725538 |21 |57,351,841 |57,351,861 | |3725562 |2 |57,351,862 |57,351,863 | |3725568 |1,412 |57,351,864 |57,353,275 | |3725585 |4 |57,353,276 |57,353,279 | |3725609 |34 |57,353,280 |57,353,313 | |... | ------------------------------------------------------------