
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 26, 2017, 12:40:25 AM |
BTG fork is done as the 491,407 block has been mined: bit(.)ly/BTGFork
Looking forward for the statement on getting our coins. Or, even better, on converting them to BTC as in BCC scenario :].
Yes indeed! Stay tuned for more details. The miner FreeBitco is using mines Monero, not Bitcoin. FreeBitco then sells the mined Monero for Bitcoin and pays you in BTC. That is why when the price of Monero rises in respect to Bicoin, you will receive more satoshis for your mining.
This is correct. I left my work pc mining during the weekend from friday evening until Monday morning and it earned 5265 shatoshis.
Be careful with that move, shit like that can get you fired! Something happened with my freedoge acc last night. Before I went to sleep, my account balance is 1057 DOGE. And this morning I log in, everything is gone, balance is 0. What's happen last night when I slept??? Please check the PM Sir. 
October 26, 2017, 04:28:38 AM |
Please check the PM Sir.  Just responded. It is online now thank god i have 50k satoshis inside  Never fear. We've been subject to DDOS attacks and other things, we've never been hacked.
How are you all doing this week?!
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
October 26, 2017, 06:59:33 AM |
How are you all doing this week?!
Do you know if it is possible to recover old account with signed message like TheQuin suggested earlier?
Full Member
Activity: 357
Merit: 100
Casino & Slot Reviews
October 26, 2017, 12:24:07 PM |
FreeDoge should think about "2fa" slowly... 
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
October 26, 2017, 03:25:46 PM |
Instant withdraw pending since 3 hours. Is that normal?
Activity: 2184
Merit: 1057
In Search of Incredible
October 26, 2017, 04:07:55 PM |
Instant withdraw pending since 3 hours. Is that normal?
Yes, I have also same problem. You can also check that there is no payment in last six hours at site stats.
R |
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October 26, 2017, 05:56:57 PM |
Today I take it slow payment and get it after 4 hours of waiting.. Received it today at 10 AM recording to this forum clock.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
October 26, 2017, 06:36:20 PM |
Please help me understand where freebitco takes a lot of funds(hundreds of bitcoins) to pay its users every day since there aren't banners on pages 
October 26, 2017, 10:48:21 PM |
Please help me understand where freebitco takes a lot of funds(hundreds of bitcoins) to pay its users every day since there aren't banners on pages  Dice game income, mining income... There are many people who uses the site depositing money to play Dice game and most of these people lose their money playing like at any other casino. I think this is the main income from, but only Myfe or wetsuit can confirm it exactly. 
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
October 27, 2017, 11:19:25 AM |
Question to Admin of this greatest BTC-faucet ever:)
Would you be so kind to add information about already payed mining income and interest to the "Personal Stats" section?
It is minor improvement, but may facilitate control of the deposites to users.
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
October 27, 2017, 11:32:16 AM |
You can see the total interest earned on the "Earn BTC" page, but I agree too that it would be great if this information is also available on the "Presonal Stats" page. It would be even better if the "Personal Stats" page displays one's total earnings, as well as what percentage each type of earning represents, ideally in a pie chart, for example: "Free Rolls - 50%", "Interest - 2%", "Referrals - 40%", etc.
Full Member
Activity: 363
Merit: 111
Endless Horizons!
October 27, 2017, 02:52:06 PM |
Anyone have experience with the sharing mechanic. I just tried to give the 30k sats to all of my refs so they could accrue interest but I'm unsure if it worked. Under the amount shared it's showing 0.00042610. Is this averaged or did I just type in the numbers wrong? XD just need a littler clarification before I possibly try again. Share equally was checked.
Helping inform my local community about BTC since 2017.
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
October 27, 2017, 02:55:13 PM |
Anyone have experience with the sharing mechanic. I just tried to give the 30k sats to all of my refs so they could accrue interest but I'm unsure if it worked. Under the amount shared it's showing 0.00042610. Is this averaged or did I just type in the numbers wrong? XD just need a littler clarification before I possibly try again. Share equally was checked.
You can only share back what you have received, so you wont be able to give them the 30k unless they gave it to you through referral claims.
Full Member
Activity: 363
Merit: 111
Endless Horizons!
October 27, 2017, 02:58:35 PM |
AAhhh so I would have to deposit individually in or outside of freenitco in order to make this happen.
Helping inform my local community about BTC since 2017.
October 27, 2017, 11:47:36 PM |
In 10 minutes we'll embark on an EPIC Rewards Points bonus weekend >>>>> 5x Rewards Points starts tonight!For the entire weekend, we'll pay you 10 Rewards Points for a free roll, 5 Rewards Points for a multiply roll activity exceeding 1500 satoshi, and 5 Rewards Points for a referral roll! Who's coming with me? Follow us on Twitter to get more announcements of great promotions >
Full Member
Activity: 357
Merit: 100
Casino & Slot Reviews
October 28, 2017, 12:28:55 AM |
cool this will be another 20000 reward points this weekend  thanks you cheers
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
October 28, 2017, 12:30:53 AM |
One of my favorites! Still an awesome faucet to claim from and refer. I have 618 refs there and they claim very good for me. Good luck to all!
Full Member
Activity: 357
Merit: 100
Casino & Slot Reviews
October 28, 2017, 12:35:38 AM |
One of my favorites! Still an awesome faucet to claim from and refer. I have 618 refs there and they claim very good for me. Good luck to all!
Are you making a lot from your referrals daily? I have also 3200+ Referral on Freebitcoin which still makes an good amout daily  cheers
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
October 28, 2017, 02:33:01 AM |
One of my favorites! Still an awesome faucet to claim from and refer. I have 618 refs there and they claim very good for me. Good luck to all!
Are you making a lot from your referrals daily? I have also 3200+ Referral on Freebitcoin which still makes an good amout daily  cheers Yes Sir I do make a decent amount but I think maybe you do a lil better! That is awesome to hear and I am happy to see you do so well. 

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 28, 2017, 03:56:35 AM |
cool this will be another 20000 reward points this weekend  thanks you cheers Very impressive  What you got,I have to pay for 3 months to get it. You should be a rich man in freebitco, so jealous  One day I will win the lottery and I will be rich like you 