February 18, 2014, 03:06:35 PM Last edit: February 18, 2014, 03:24:14 PM by opticalcarrier |
Here goes again: [2014-02-18 15:28:39.676] DEBUG: Failed to accept block 114652587818176816 at he ight 69417 received from vps5.nxtcrypto.org, blacklisting [2014-02-18 15:28:40.722] DEBUG: Failed to accept block 114652587818176816 at he ight 69417 received from vps5.nxtcrypto.org, blacklisting [2014-02-18 15:28:41.772] DEBUG: Failed to accept block 114652587818176816 at he ight 69417 received from vps5.nxtcrypto.org, blacklisting [2014-02-18 15:28:42.820] DEBUG: Failed to accept block 114652587818176816 at he ight 69417 received from vps5.nxtcrypto.org, blacklisting [2014-02-18 15:28:43.892] DEBUG: Failed to accept block 114652587818176816 at he ight 69417 received from vps5.nxtcrypto.org, blacklisting [2014-02-18 15:28:44.942] DEBUG: Failed to accept block 114652587818176816 at he ight 69417 received from vps5.nxtcrypto.org, blacklisting [2014-02-18 15:28:45.993] DEBUG: Failed to accept block 114652587818176816 at he ight 69417 received from vps5.nxtcrypto.org, blacklisting [2014-02-18 15:28:47.042] DEBUG: Failed to accept block 114652587818176816 at he ight 69417 received from vps5.nxtcrypto.org, blacklisting I've downloaded 0.7.5 new (from nxtcrypto) deleted the previous version, started from fresh, blockchain downloaded. After a minute or so the above messages start appearing. Deleted the nxt_db folder, but again after a minute those messages start appearing. I don't think I'm on a fork, because all my transactions show up, even the forged block from the day before yesterday. What's going on? I want to be absolutely sure I don't lose any NXT and I want to do some transactions. Could someone please assist me (in non-technical wording, okay technical is okay, just not programming deep-into-nxt stuff)  Block explorer shows that block at 69418 http://blocks.nxtcrypto.org/nxt/nxt.cgi?action=1000&blk=114652587818176816 and Ive queried vps5.nxtcrypto.org for that block: # ncli getBlock vps5 114652587818176816
baseTarget: 648186177 blockSignature: f1e70a7cfc14191f9e7076c86d6383cfc142d4ba256db1ecb7cf449ade888100d9fd6401529d41a76d4728d22391e485e5a393226ff44b0fa4a5deea5deedb8c generationSignature: 58faf5d7aec9720f2267b0f4079f0d949c18b1f45a5065331b0492187cdf51ea generator: 14571285356259793594 height: 69418 nextBlock: 4650020713678921687 numberOfTransactions: 0 payloadHash: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 payloadLength: 0 previousBlock: 7165854537706726184 previousBlockHash: 28632158bc3a726325198d30038354087cfc15ce5fc3ff902157f9f37e0c9ae0 timestamp: 7439343 totalAmount: 0 totalFee: 0 transactions: version: 2 #
so vps5 agrees with block explorer. do a getBlock API on your client and get us the results: https://localhost:7875/nxt?requestType=getBlock&block=114652587818176816
February 18, 2014, 03:08:37 PM Last edit: February 18, 2014, 03:37:01 PM by rickyjames |
Who has the account with the unclaimed coins and how does community decides how to spend them?
Come from Beyond split the unclaimed coins between Pouncer, klee and neer.g; committees with spending authority over them have yet to be finalized. James / jl777 has sole spending authority (with the exception of sending it to himself) on the three other accounts I am responsible for, since these were all started by private donors to support James' efforts. Here's the link to the consolidated treasurer's spreadsheet for the six ongoing funds. Total amount in these is around 12.3 million NXT. We're still getting it on a standardized format. The four treasurers have implemented a system between us to obtain passwords to each other's accounts if any of us become incapacitated. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoE8nAOEMIa7dFFnWjRNYTM4RkhsN3dRRXFBaTBiaHc#gid=14I personally am hoping to get on the infrastructure committee. Official thread for selecting the committees is here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=445209.0Salsacz also has sole spending authority on an earlier marketing account. The spreadsheet for that is: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgAGADgnQcrtdHRrV3V3Z1lzOXVEMWtqdElUaEtqV1E#gid=15
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
☕ NXT-4BTE-8Y4K-CDS2-6TB82
February 18, 2014, 03:14:44 PM |
February 18, 2014, 03:16:47 PM |
In following all the posts here, it seems we are now getting to the point where real world use is coming to the forefront. Since NXT is not really best at micro-payments, but higher staked goods and services, so a TV show I watched peaked my interest. The name of the show is Gem Hunters http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/gem-hunt/videoThe basic concept is these individuals search other countries for gem stones to purchase and bring back to the US to sell. One interesting thing I noticed was the issues they continually had with currency, attaining, exchanging and safe guarding. Now I am quite sure most of the show is quite exaggerated, as most reality TV is these days, however, the fact of the matter is the gem trade world wide is a cash business for the most part and has never had a true alternative. I'm sure we can see the issues with walking around Zambia with $100,000 USD or any other fiat for that matter. I imagine gem traders exchanging goods via a smartphone app and Nxt as the back end. I'm sure this may sound a bit far fetched, however, I just want to think outside the box for a moment and see if anyone else can think of similar business segments that have similar challenges.
February 18, 2014, 03:17:47 PM |
Are the tresures being paid by the community? Or was it from neer.g´s own pocket? "Salary for James / jl777 ($2000 Feb 12 - Mar 12) per neer.g"
February 18, 2014, 03:19:39 PM |
pls could anyone provide a basic info about client "Nxs" Like 3 sentences about it, maybe even 2 pictures.
Salsa, There's some good descriptive text you can grab from their github page: https://github.com/Regulus343/NxsEDIT: and like instacash mentioned, it's not a new client, just a facelift for the current default web interface.
February 18, 2014, 03:24:43 PM |
Are the tresures being paid by the community? Or was it from neer.g´s own pocket? "Salary for James / jl777 ($2000 Feb 12 - Mar 12) per neer.g" James does not have the spending authority to give NXT from NXTcommunityfund to himself, only to others. Neer.g was the original biggest donor to NXTcommunityfund and any payments from there directly to James are effectively private agreements between the two of them from neer's original contribution. Anything I disburse directly to James I clear with neer first. I personally don't have any authority to send NXT out of the NXTcommunityfund unless directed to do so by either James or neer. I'm just the big beefy guy with his arms crossed at the bank door making sure nobody secretly dips into the till. I don't receive any NXT for being a treasurer, I am doing it gratis as my part to support the NXT community. I am pretty sure the other treasurers aren't receiving any NXT for their efforts, either.
February 18, 2014, 03:25:43 PM |
Here goes again: <snip> I've downloaded 0.7.5 new (from nxtcrypto) deleted the previous version, started from fresh, blockchain downloaded. After a minute or so the above messages start appearing. Deleted the nxt_db folder, but again after a minute those messages start appearing. I don't think I'm on a fork, because all my transactions show up, even the forged block from the day before yesterday. What's going on? I want to be absolutely sure I don't lose any NXT and I want to do some transactions. Could someone please assist me (in non-technical wording, okay technical is okay, just not programming deep-into-nxt stuff)  Block explorer shows that block at 69418 http://blocks.nxtcrypto.org/nxt/nxt.cgi?action=1000&blk=114652587818176816 and Ive queried vps5.nxtcrypto.org for that block: # ncli getBlock vps5 114652587818176816
baseTarget: 648186177 blockSignature: f1e70a7cfc14191f9e7076c86d6383cfc142d4ba256db1ecb7cf449ade888100d9fd6401529d41a76d4728d22391e485e5a393226ff44b0fa4a5deea5deedb8c generationSignature: 58faf5d7aec9720f2267b0f4079f0d949c18b1f45a5065331b0492187cdf51ea generator: 14571285356259793594 height: 69418 nextBlock: 4650020713678921687 numberOfTransactions: 0 payloadHash: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 payloadLength: 0 previousBlock: 7165854537706726184 previousBlockHash: 28632158bc3a726325198d30038354087cfc15ce5fc3ff902157f9f37e0c9ae0 timestamp: 7439343 totalAmount: 0 totalFee: 0 transactions: version: 2 #
so vps5 agrees with block explorer. do a getBlock API on your client and get us the results: https://localhost:7875/nxt?requestType=getBlock&block=114652587818176816The result: {"transactions":[],"nextBlock":"4650020713678921687","blockSignature":"f1e70a7cfc14191f9e7076c86d6383cfc142d4ba256db1ecb7cf449ade888100d9fd6401529d41a76d4728d22391e485e5a393226ff44b0fa4a5deea5deedb8c","payloadLength":0,"numberOfTransactions":0,"version":2,"timestamp":7439343,"previousBlock":"7165854537706726184","payloadHash":"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855","height":69418,"totalFee":0,"baseTarget":"648186177","generationSignature":"58faf5d7aec9720f2267b0f4079f0d949c18b1f45a5065331b0492187cdf51ea","previousBlockHash":"28632158bc3a726325198d30038354087cfc15ce5fc3ff902157f9f37e0c9ae0","totalAmount":0,"generator":"14571285356259793594"}
February 18, 2014, 03:27:06 PM |
OK so as far as web browser javascript transaction generation and signing goes, does it matter where the end client sends their signed transaction to? do they have to send it to a NRS process that has active forgers, or can they just send it to any NRS system with a synced blockchain? Im asking because Im considering opening up API for all the 24 VPSs I manage on nxtcrypto.org and am also considering adding SSL certs for that domain into the Jetty for each server as well.
February 18, 2014, 03:34:22 PM |
February 18, 2014, 03:39:14 PM |
Hi, my testNXT balance is 474 and I have tried to buy 2 VitaminXT. Total price 51 and my NXT Wallet is saying "Not enough funds".
Then I have tried to send mesage and again, "Not enough funds"
What is wrong?
Hi! Thanks for your interest! It's my assets. Try again - should work) Soon there will be dividends.. Thanks!
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1016
February 18, 2014, 03:45:22 PM |
for testnet please 11726704843988639528
February 18, 2014, 03:45:46 PM Last edit: February 18, 2014, 04:20:08 PM by salsacz |
Sr. Member
Activity: 421
Merit: 250
HEAT Ledger
February 18, 2014, 03:45:54 PM |
Question about the java API.
Are there any plans to extract the functionality of the handlers in in nxt.http into java interfaces. My use case is to create a payment transaction but i dont want to go through the HTTP layer. Currently to send money from the java api you would have to duplicate all the steps taken in for instance nxt.http.SendMoney.
February 18, 2014, 03:46:15 PM |
Are the tresures being paid by the community? Or was it from neer.g´s own pocket? "Salary for James / jl777 ($2000 Feb 12 - Mar 12) per neer.g" James does not have the spending authority to give NXT from NXTcommunityfund to himself, only to others. Neer.g was the original biggest donor to NXTcommunityfund and any payments from there directly to James are effectively private agreements between the two of them from neer's original contribution. Anything I disburse directly to James I clear with neer first. I personally don't have any authority to send NXT out of the NXTcommunityfund unless directed to do so by either James or neer. I'm just the big beefy guy with his arms crossed at the bank door making sure nobody secretly dips into the till. I don't receive any NXT for being a treasurer, I am doing it gratis as my part to support the NXT community. I am pretty sure the other treasurers aren't receiving any NXT for their efforts, either. Thank you!

Activity: 64
Merit: 10
February 18, 2014, 03:46:52 PM |
Sorry to say, if you cut away the smoke and mirrors NXT is not a way to make money by mining or forging. NXT makes mining obsolete by making the required infrastructure so cheap that it's going to happen as a low -cost NXT community effort just because we want it to happen.
Here's some words I'm writing for distribution in Texas:
NXT Is Green
Ecological? Financial? BOTH !!!
Bitcoin depends on a small network of mining nodes who support their operations by generating a fixed profit of 3600 bitcoins per day. The available daily operating budget to keep Bitcoin from freezing up is thus $3.6M or less (at $1K/BTC or under) to generate the current 25 million GHash/s needed daily. A representative miner “pickaxe” is a Butterfly Labs Monarch costing $2000 and using 350W of power to produce 600 GHash/sec. Thus the current Bitcoin mining network has sunk unit infrastructure costs of at least $83 million and (at $0.10/KwH) ongoing electricity costs of at least $35,000 per day.
Both costs are rising faster and faster. Exponential growth of Bitcoin’s hashrate (see blockchain.info/charts/hashrate) means mining rigs and energy use will skyrocket out of control, sooner rather than later. Bitcoin, and clones like Doge, are thus by their very nature destined to fail.
NXT is the sustainable solution to this problem. By using cooperative transparent forging, not competitive gigahash mining, NXT does not have an exponential forcing function at its core that drives its costs and energy consumption ever higher. A NXT blockchain support network of 1000 Odroid U3 nodes has a one-time unit infrastructure cost of only $60 thousand and uses only $48 per day in electricity – forever.
Excellent – thanks. I read the forum posts everyday trying to improve my (still) very limited understanding and this is one of those stand out posts that produce that 'Ah ha' moment.
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future
February 18, 2014, 03:51:05 PM |
pls could anyone provide a basic info about client "Nxs" Like 3 sentences about it, maybe even 2 pictures.
Salsa, There's some good descriptive text you can grab from their github page: https://github.com/Regulus343/NxsEDIT: and like instacash mentioned, it's not a new client, just a facelift for the current default web interface. We have a Wesleyh his client to cover that and function as the new webinterface when NRS is gone