Activity: 1806
Merit: 1038
March 01, 2014, 08:00:16 PM |
We don't need another exchange like Mintpal. THEY need a coin like NXT. These exchanges are just like alt-coins. out for a quick buck. We need to support James and his DAC project. then we can change all coins and not pay fees to these leeches, who only serve to piss us off and not reply to messages. And then go bankrupt. Or lose our coins.
Trusting (exchanges) is against BCnxts ideas.
Trust no one.
+ 1440
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March 01, 2014, 08:08:03 PM |
... -Implemented Curve25519 algorithm: * NXT Solaris is now a bit like "Electrum for NXT" (a thin client that does not download the complete blockchain, connecting to untrusted NRS nodes) ...
Very cool I think this is what the community has been needing to really help adoption. But lets talk about this from a trust and sustainability perspective... I had initially thought that eventually, all the public VPSs that I and others have been running with donated funds would no longer be needed when the network got large enough with mass mass adoption. But with thin clients, there will *have* to be something stable for them to connect to. Assuming NXT really takes off like we want it too, are we prepared (and is the centralization really even appropriate) to continue running a core of public hallmarked VPSs for the purposes of servicing thin clients? IF that is the desire, then at some point this sort-of-centralized network of public VPSs we have now will need funds to renew (I believe the 12 I am paying for with bounty should be good till EoY, and the other 13 that I manage are up to the owners to continue payment) as well as possible additional fees for extra bandwidth and CPU/memory upgrades if they end up getting hit hard for utilization. Is there a better non-centralized model? Or am I too paranoid? Do we just continue the current course?
March 01, 2014, 08:10:44 PM |
Here is version 2.1 of my Windows NXT client "NXT Solaris". Changelog-Compatibilty fixes for NRS 0.8.x -Implemented Curve25519 algorithm: * NXT Solaris is now a bit like "Electrum for NXT" (a thin client that does not download the complete blockchain, connecting to untrusted NRS nodes) * It is now safe to connect to public NRS nodes (except for forging). * As default, NXT Solaris no connects to a random public node. * Currently a static list of public nodes that allow API calls from anyone from the text file public_nodes.txt is used. * NRS and Java are now longer distributed with NRS Solaris. * You will get a warning in the secret input dialog if the secret is transmitted over http to the remote NRS node (only with start/stop forging). * If you want to forge, run your own NRS instance locally and set up NXT Solaris to connect to your instance. -Since there is no batch mode in the NRS API: * Details for peers are no longer retrieved as default * A maximum of 50 (yet unkown) transactions per account are fetched from the NRS node whenever there is a new block -Fixed null exchange rates when is down NXT: 1758531264253431177 This is very nice and was really needed. All clients should implement this. Ordinary users with small amount of Nxt would not need to install java or run NRS server. This can mean that non-techie ordinary users can use it much easier but still stay safe. Don't let the users create their own master passwords for new accounts and make sure you give them enough warning to backup their "wallet" (i.e master password) or they will lose their accounts. Also, the master password should NOT be saved to hard drive without encryption . The user would need an encryption password (local password, could be much smaller/weaker)
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 08:28:15 PM |
The long term eco benefits of this coin are great. Transaction fees are quite high at the moment though, but a worthy long term hold.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 08:29:23 PM |
Version 0.3.6 of Nxs has been released. Some of the changes: - The ability to download NRS and check it against the SHA-256 hash that existed in html/tools/update.html has been integrated in the Nxs UI. You can now click the Nxt logo and see the About Nxs dialog which shows the version numbers for both NRS and Nxs. If either one is outdated, an "Update" button appears. For NRS, you may drag your zip file into a drop zone to check the hash.
- Two shell scripts were added, and, for installing and updating Nxs and NRS on Linux. This feature should be very much considered "alpha" at this point and may not work exactly as expected. I have tested it enough that I am satisfied to a level that permits me to publicize it, but cannot guarantee there won't be bugs. Please check out the script that both and use to ensure I have properly implemented the SHA-256 hash verification. I am no command line expert, so it would be nice to have some confirmation from someone a little more experienced in this area.
- The files that existed from NRS' html/tools directory, admin.html and message.html, have been removed from Nxs root directory. The functionality of both of these files will soon be integrated into Nxs' UI. In the meantime, those files are still available at html/tools of course.
A full change log is available here. I'm always happy to hear comments, questions, concerns, and suggestions from the community. Feel free to give me your feedback in this thread, through a private message, or even open an issue on the GitHub repo. I should also add that, as a non-believer in the concept of intellectual property, I welcome anyone to use any of the code in your own projects with or without credit. My goal is not one of recognition, but rather to improve the software we have available to us in the Nxt community. For example, Wesley's client may benefit from using the Language class at assets/js/language.js to integrate multiple languages.
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future
March 01, 2014, 08:29:30 PM |
... -Implemented Curve25519 algorithm: * NXT Solaris is now a bit like "Electrum for NXT" (a thin client that does not download the complete blockchain, connecting to untrusted NRS nodes) ...
Very cool I think this is what the community has been needing to really help adoption. But lets talk about this from a trust and sustainability perspective... I had initially thought that eventually, all the public VPSs that I and others have been running with donated funds would no longer be needed when the network got large enough with mass mass adoption. But with thin clients, there will *have* to be something stable for them to connect to. Assuming NXT really takes off like we want it too, are we prepared (and is the centralization really even appropriate) to continue running a core of public hallmarked VPSs for the purposes of servicing thin clients? IF that is the desire, then at some point this sort-of-centralized network of public VPSs we have now will need funds to renew (I believe the 12 I am paying for with bounty should be good till EoY, and the other 13 that I manage are up to the owners to continue payment) as well as possible additional fees for extra bandwidth and CPU/memory upgrades if they end up getting hit hard for utilization. Is there a better non-centralized model? Or am I too paranoid? Do we just continue the current course? just continue imo, funds is (or must be) reserved in the infrastructure unclaimed coins I tought.
March 01, 2014, 08:30:45 PM |
Guys I need some links for educating someone in NXT!
Is there any concerted effort being made to compile information to a single, comprehensive source? there are a lot of places to find info, and a lot of people putting out info, it may be a good idea and a good time for there to be an effort to consolidate and reorganize usable information to a single and definitive source and to coordinate this effort between the people who are working on it. There is so much info out there in so many sources, and in so many forms and styles that it is kind of confusing and really a lot of work to self educate on NXT; And there is no form of cohesion or method to its structure. There IS no single article, blog, interview, podcast, forum thread or any other media source that does it justice as a stand alone source of info. Anon136 was posting last night about how he felt he had given a bad interview on NXT, but that only stands to reason, as the nature of NXT makes it impossible to be educated on in a brief info session, and the lack of cohesiveness in the information that is available only serves to magnify this. It may be a good time to start a coordinated effort to supply a source of info that is more unified, accurate, and complete and is organized in a way as to accommodate specific targeted audiences (technical information seekers, and basic information seekers). I think it would serve the community better and make it seem like we had our stuff together a little more to pursue this. I have come into the community just recently and have spent a lot of time looking, and bugging people with questions to learn about NXT, and this has made me aware of this chink it the NXT armor. I think there is a lot of good info out there, and a lot of talented people who know a lot about NXT and care a lot. But with the way that NXT has grown and with the way that info about it is dispersed as a result of that growth it might be a good Idea to supply a more easy to access, consolidated source of info. Get everyone on the same page so to speak. If there were a group effort, coordinated and outlined for that purpose I think it would be beneficial to the growth of NXT, and would not burden one person with such a daunting task. if there is an effort to do so, I would like to help if there is help needed. If there has not been such an effort I would like to suggest it and offer help. Something like a NXT secretary, scribe, or archivist? Yes. Something to compile existing info, clarify, update and fill in gaps or make more accurate. And also index info for easier access by different demographics. Now that it seems as though the structure of the network is coming together solidly, and details are being be made more concrete. It would be advantageous to have a ready supply of easily accessed info assembled. If there isn't something already. There is a lot more to NXT than it being a coin; it is capable of a lot more. I don't want the fact that people can be lazy and the fact that this info takes effort to find, sort through and digest to create an impression on people that it is just a coin. We should spoon feed the info and impression we want to make, and keep people from having to search around; eliminate redundancy, and provide info that is accurate and concise and propagates NXT in a light of the community interest. here you have 30 pages about Nxt created from weeks of archivist works  (Nxt Myths)

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
March 01, 2014, 08:31:20 PM |
Guys I need some links for educating someone in NXT!
Is there any concerted effort being made to compile information to a single, comprehensive source? there are a lot of places to find info, and a lot of people putting out info, it may be a good idea and a good time for there to be an effort to consolidate and reorganize usable information to a single and definitive source and to coordinate this effort between the people who are working on it. There is so much info out there in so many sources, and in so many forms and styles that it is kind of confusing and really a lot of work to self educate on NXT; And there is no form of cohesion or method to its structure. There IS no single article, blog, interview, podcast, forum thread or any other media source that does it justice as a stand alone source of info. Anon136 was posting last night about how he felt he had given a bad interview on NXT, but that only stands to reason, as the nature of NXT makes it impossible to be educated on in a brief info session, and the lack of cohesiveness in the information that is available only serves to magnify this. It may be a good time to start a coordinated effort to supply a source of info that is more unified, accurate, and complete and is organized in a way as to accommodate specific targeted audiences (technical information seekers, and basic information seekers). I think it would serve the community better and make it seem like we had our stuff together a little more to pursue this. I have come into the community just recently and have spent a lot of time looking, and bugging people with questions to learn about NXT, and this has made me aware of this chink it the NXT armor. I think there is a lot of good info out there, and a lot of talented people who know a lot about NXT and care a lot. But with the way that NXT has grown and with the way that info about it is dispersed as a result of that growth it might be a good Idea to supply a more easy to access, consolidated source of info. Get everyone on the same page so to speak. If there were a group effort, coordinated and outlined for that purpose I think it would be beneficial to the growth of NXT, and would not burden one person with such a daunting task. if there is an effort to do so, I would like to help if there is help needed. If there has not been such an effort I would like to suggest it and offer help. Something like a NXT secretary, scribe, or archivist? Yes. Something to compile existing info, clarify, update and fill in gaps or make more accurate. And also index info for easier access by different demographics. Now that it seems as though the structure of the network is coming together solidly, and details are being be made more concrete. It would be advantageous to have a ready supply of easily accessed info assembled. If there isn't something already. There is a lot more to NXT than it being a coin; it is capable of a lot more. I don't want the fact that people can be lazy and the fact that this info takes effort to find, sort through and digest to create an impression on people that it is just a coin. We should spoon feed the info and impression we want to make, and keep people from having to search around; eliminate redundancy, and provide info that is accurate and concise and propagates NXT in a light of the community interest. Threads Activity does a great job keeping everything in order.
March 01, 2014, 08:43:17 PM |
Any plans to reduce the fee?Currently it seems awful for everyone at first sight,that the minimum fee charged is 5$ cents!!
I know it was discussed not much ago,but we should be ready,in case the value of Nxt increased significantly in the next weeks,as there are real chances it could happen.Or people could lose 2$ just trying a demo transfer to a trial account to try Nxt.
March 01, 2014, 08:46:23 PM |
Any plans to reduce the fee?Currently it seems awful for everyone at first sight,that the minimum fee charged is 5$ cents!!
I know it was discussed not much ago,but we should be ready,in case the value of Nxt increased significantly in the next weeks,as there are real chances it could happen.Or people could lose 2$ just trying a demo transfer to a trial account to try Nxt.
Yes, this should be a priority. Nxt can't be used as encrypted messaging app (for example Android app) with that high fee. Consensus was 0.1 but I think 0.01 is even better.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
☕ NXT-4BTE-8Y4K-CDS2-6TB82
March 01, 2014, 08:51:35 PM |
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1010
March 01, 2014, 08:52:31 PM |
Guys I need some links for educating someone in NXT!
Question on making things easier to find. Something like a NXT secretary, scribe, or archivist? Yes. Something to compile existing info, clarify, update and fill in gaps or make more accurate. And also index info for easier access by different demographics. Now that it seems as though the structure of the network is coming together solidly, and details are being be made more concrete. It would be advantageous to have a ready supply of easily accessed info assembled. If there isn't something already. There is a lot more to NXT than it being a coin; it is capable of a lot more. I don't want the fact that people can be lazy and the fact that this info takes effort to find, sort through and digest to create an impression on people that it is just a coin. We should spoon feed the info and impression we want to make, and keep people from having to search around; eliminate redundancy, and provide info that is accurate and concise and propagates NXT in a light of the community interest. Threads Activity does a great job keeping everything in order. Thanks, but I think that Jerical has a point.  For instance, I have made a choice not to go into discussions or into technical details, because I cannot do these topics justice. I don't have the background to filter out important stuff for technical questions and discussions and it *would* be good to have them, if only to allow people to quickly leaf through them so they can get a quick "boost" to their creativity. On the other hand, if you look at how easy it is just to make a simple list in WordPress, there is no need to make it more difficult than it needs to be. I would be happy to give people access as a contributor to the site so they can keep track of the things I can't keep track of. Or for material from others to be published on the site. The whole aim is accessibility. We have already tried docs etc, but the point is, all of these still require regular maintenance, or they become useless. So if anyone wants to use my site to keep people posted on the more technical aspects, you are most welcome. Just drop me a PM and we'll work something out.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
☕ NXT-4BTE-8Y4K-CDS2-6TB82
March 01, 2014, 08:52:53 PM |
Any plans to reduce the fee?Currently it seems awful for everyone at first sight,that the minimum fee charged is 5$ cents!!
I know it was discussed not much ago,but we should be ready,in case the value of Nxt increased significantly in the next weeks,as there are real chances it could happen.Or people could lose 2$ just trying a demo transfer to a trial account to try Nxt.
Yes, this should be a priority. Nxt can't be used as encrypted messaging app (for example Android app) with that high fee. Consensus was 0.1 but I think 0.01 is even better. For a standard transaction, yes. I think there was also this idea of having different fees for different transaction types.
March 01, 2014, 08:55:52 PM |
So why the hell he is asking this stupid question? Of course it would not be float. Maybe because i have no knowledge in programing language? I just know/heard floating point are not very good for any financial system, or anything that recquire accuracy. So i thought it would be best to express it, to be sure, even if it appear stupid to some people...
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1010
March 01, 2014, 08:57:55 PM |
So why the hell he is asking this stupid question? Of course it would not be float. Maybe because i have no knowledge in programing language? I just know/heard floating point are not very good for any financial system, or anything that recquire accuracy. So i thought it would be best to express it, to be sure, even if it appear stupid to some people... Just take it as a compliment that everyone in here thinks that the other is equally capable  Welcome to the thread 
March 01, 2014, 09:21:55 PM |
... -Implemented Curve25519 algorithm: * NXT Solaris is now a bit like "Electrum for NXT" (a thin client that does not download the complete blockchain, connecting to untrusted NRS nodes) ...
Very cool I think this is what the community has been needing to really help adoption. But lets talk about this from a trust and sustainability perspective... I had initially thought that eventually, all the public VPSs that I and others have been running with donated funds would no longer be needed when the network got large enough with mass mass adoption. But with thin clients, there will *have* to be something stable for them to connect to. Assuming NXT really takes off like we want it too, are we prepared (and is the centralization really even appropriate) to continue running a core of public hallmarked VPSs for the purposes of servicing thin clients? IF that is the desire, then at some point this sort-of-centralized network of public VPSs we have now will need funds to renew (I believe the 12 I am paying for with bounty should be good till EoY, and the other 13 that I manage are up to the owners to continue payment) as well as possible additional fees for extra bandwidth and CPU/memory upgrades if they end up getting hit hard for utilization. Is there a better non-centralized model? Or am I too paranoid? Do we just continue the current course? You are raising very important questions. I was thinking about these, too and they are the reason why I have applied for the infrastructure commitee. I wouldn't call you paranoid, but I see things a bit more optmistic. With the current low adoption of NXT we do have a working network and with wider adoption plus service providers with an economic interest to keep the network stable, I would say the future looks good. Nevertheless we should be prepared and I look forward to do a kind of brainstorming for problems, solutions and ideas regarding NXT infrastructure once we have a commitee.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1010
March 01, 2014, 09:24:52 PM |
Just read this and it's a very inspiring article. Required reading for anyone who wants to know the power of AE.
March 01, 2014, 09:45:30 PM |
Need an explanation: I made three transactions from this account today but now I looked into the account and all three transactions are gone.
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future
March 01, 2014, 09:51:45 PM |
Need an explanation: I made three transactions from this account today but now I looked into the account and all three transactions are gone. fork ?
March 01, 2014, 09:57:20 PM |
How can I check it? I am using 0.8.3 and restarted it. [2014-03-01 22:44:51.437] Nxt server 0.8.3 started successfully. [2014-03-01 22:45:19.746] nxt.uiServerEnforcePOST = "true" [2014-03-01 22:47:19.711] DEBUG: Invalid peer address: Name or service not known at Method) at$1.lookupAllHostAddr( at at at at at at nxt.peer.Peers.addPeer( at nxt.peer.Peers$ at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset( at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301( at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at In the history of the console I can see that there are many of these "Invalid peer address"-messages, including the "at"-stuff.