
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
February 28, 2014, 01:12:22 AM |
NEW WWW.EDCBELTS.COM STORE ACCEPTS NXT Hi NXT community, I am excited to announce that my friend Mike McSorley, owner of www.edcbelts.com and www.mcsology.com is now accepting NXT for his fantastic custom hand crafted Every Day Carry Belts. Please head on over to http://www.reddit.com/r/NXT/comments/1z4p85/15_leather_edc_belts_with_austrialpin_cobra/From the McSology post at /r/nxt; Hi folks! I'm jumping into the nxt game and want to support the community! I've recently started selling custom leather edc belts (Every Day Carry). Similar, lower quality items are 2+ months backordered from Jones tactical, etc.... I make them to order and ship next day. I have parts for 6 belts to sell for nxt Check out my website for pics and features (it's still under construction) www.EDCbelts.com They go for 100 usd , or through this (reddit) sub for 2500 nxt! Pm me to set up a buy and communicate your size and preferred carry position! Please ask any questions about the product in comments. Thanks! Please help drive organic adoption of NXT, and support craftsman accepting NXT. www.edcbelts.com makes and delivers only the finest and durable products available for Every Day Carry.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 28, 2014, 01:57:18 AM Last edit: February 28, 2014, 02:30:09 AM by CoinTropolis_JustaBitTime |
** Marketing **Alright, made it under the deadline for the NXT Funding Committee Candidate Statements: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=479167.msg5417724#msg5417724** Songs of Love - We Raised over $6k **Alright, I just head back from John at Songs of Love. Be proud everyone, we raised over (drum roll) $6k for the kids!! "... The Nxt community is the most compassionate group that we have so far come across in the cryptocurrency world. We are eternally grateful to you John for spearheading this most amazing campaign. We will be delighted to bring Nxt in at the 5,000 sponsorship level and we will be giving you the full back page of our event program as well as top billing on our event web site at www.songsoflove.org/LA. Please provide us with the logo you would like to see displayed on our site and event program. I addition, I was so moved by your effort that I still want to come up with the Nxt theme song. I would like to work with you on the various elements you'd like included in the lyrics of the song. You can reach out to me for a discussion about this. I will be back from LA on March 14 and can get on with creating the Nxt theme song at that time." - John Beltzer, Songs of Love
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1004
February 28, 2014, 02:05:43 AM |
Evolution...3 years doesn't seem so long.
I've been in China more than 7 years now and actually access to numerous overseas websites (even non-https) has got *slower* over that time (and I not talking about anything that would be considered "controversial" here). Hello,CIYAM Open Are you still in China?which city?
February 28, 2014, 03:05:19 AM Last edit: February 28, 2014, 03:26:46 AM by opticalcarrier |
Hey I have a question with transaction malleability. From the NXT Wiki: Transaction malleability is an issue with Nxt, as it is with all cryptocurrencies. Do not rely on a transaction ID alone to verify transactions! I was reading up on the BTC malleability issue from here: On the one hand, you can argue that malleability has been a known issue since 2011 and companies should have known to be watching for the non-malleable payment details of a transaction to show up, rather than waiting for the transaction ID to show up. If you’re not doing this, your system is buggy and it’s your own fault. Or so this argument goes. I think I understand the concept 100% but heres where I get stuck: So if an exchange should not rely on just looking for a transactionID, what is the proper method? Do they have to attempt to track sendingAccountID, receivingAccountId, and amount? OR, am I working on old information, and is what Im describing the the Dr.Evil discovery that has been completely fixed and is not an issue with NXT any more?
February 28, 2014, 03:38:05 AM |
Whats the *real* deal with BTC paper wallets versus trying to do it with NXT? Paper wallets are generally created by printing a brand new public address and private key onto paper, and then sending bitcoins from a "live" wallet to the printed wallet's public address for safekeeping. People have been saying that NXT cannot accomplish this because to have 2^256 security for a NXT account requires publishing of the NXT public key, thus being online. It seems to me that it shouldnt be too much different - to be 100% sure with a BTC paper wallet, shouldnt you boot to a live CD and generate the wallet from there? Sure, you dont have to be online to do this and there is no public key to publish, but is publishing a public key really that big of a deal, especially since it can be done by booting to a liveCD and running NRS from there? discuss.
Activity: 1890
Merit: 1098
Ian Knowles - CIYAM Lead Developer
February 28, 2014, 03:44:48 AM |
Whats the *real* deal with BTC paper wallets versus trying to do it with NXT?
I am pretty sure that you'll find AC will include a solution for this (that is also "quantum computer" safe).

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 28, 2014, 03:46:56 AM |
Nikel and I met the team of Cryp2cash at the Miami Bitcoin Conference. They are looking to implement Nxt sometime after the Texas Conference.
February 28, 2014, 03:50:31 AM |
what is the plan concerning the assignation of the three gateway servers? I mean, who will be in charge of them or what is the plan conerning the assignation of the three gateway operator?
What action can be taken to avoid the collusion?
We need some garanty that people money will be safe. This is very serious matter. A fail on this could kill NXT. I believe that his need to be very tranparent.
I am worry about this.
February 28, 2014, 03:52:21 AM |
People this thread is giving me headhache and we are losing a ton of time reading thing and searching the subject that we are interesting, we need really to move to a forum with nice functionnality. Also, I lost my password to my user account at https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ and it seem that there is no way to recover it. I have contact twice the official forum e-mail. I did not get any answer for since 11 feb. It look like the https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ is dead. Any help?
February 28, 2014, 03:55:21 AM |
Ripple and NXT are Bing and Yahoo right now. Bitcoin is Google (as in Kleenex, Band-Aid type brand dominance) but it's search algorithm is not so hot and is ripe to be taken over by a competitor. It's not a perfect meta-phor, just a hsitorical example of where we are right now. You could go w/ VHS v Betamax, Microsoft v. IBM, v. APPLE v. WANG
This is not only NOT perfect but bad. Yahoo is older than Google. Bing is just a rebranding of MSN Search, around same age if not older than Google. Is Google search algorithm not so hot? Who told you that? I will take it over anything else You're right it was just a bad metaphor. I should have said it's 1995 and Yahoo is Bitcoin and NXT is possibly a young Google, but then again maybe something else will if NXT doesn't stop fucking around.
NXT: 4957831430947123625
Sr. Member
Activity: 262
Merit: 250
I hate my family
February 28, 2014, 04:26:29 AM |
Any luck with the decentralized exchange? Seems like a hot buzz word across the crypto community, but not much content.
February 28, 2014, 04:32:25 AM |
Are you going to implement this into the AE or offer it as a for profit service? It sounds like it may be a potential salable financial product.
It is built on top of AE, so it is not part of the NXT core itself. I would like this to become the NXT community's gateway and be integrated into some of the existing high capacity NXT nodes. As a community gateway, it should be run as a non-profit, so only fees would be to cover transaction costs. Since the gateway code is not server intensive at all, it wont require much of the server capacity. Running bitcoind is the most intense usage of the gateway. Maybe if a dozen bitcoind forks are running at the same time, eventually disk usage could become an issue. After I get the gateway code debugged, I expect there will be three of the server guys here who will run the gateway code. My time is much better spent coming up with crazy new ideas and seeing if I can get them implemented. I shouldnt be spending my time running day to day operations of a gateway. No matter how much things are automated, we are talking real money here and there will be times where manual intervention is needed. James Agreed, I would like to see a list of projects you are working on if possible, or plan to work on after DAC. I know DAC and Nxtcash (mixing) but not sure if there is others we will be aware of. If you deliver, I can see you getting a good chunk of unclaimed. Also, would be great if you could list resources that would be needed with each project, such as servers, testers, programmers, etc. So we can be proactive. Great work so far. Right on. You should maybe consider doing something in the form of a private business though. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, and appreciate your time and effort, as you are doing things that not a lot of people can do (including me), and being generally selfless; but I think it would be just as much help to the community if you guys who can write program would do something in the form of private enterprise. It would be a strong form of PR for there to be a business that were based around the NXT economy, especially if it were a new form of service geared specifically for the network. It would offer an opportunity to highlight the true potential of NXT and giving people an incentive like being able to run a business and make a profit would maybe make people who are on the fence about NXT a little push. Plus like you suggested, there is an expense in doing what you are doing, along with the time you have in it. There is nothing wrong with making money. I don't want to see things like the Gox debacle turn people away from using opportunities to do these types of things. We NEED business to be a part of this if it is to be a true ecosystem and economy. And what you are talking about is innovative..... You guys who are able to do what you do should consider this 
February 28, 2014, 04:48:14 AM Last edit: February 28, 2014, 05:24:53 AM by Sebastien256 |
 I believe that you could initiate the mass mouvement of Nxter to a place where discussion can be organize more easily. We are losing so much precious time. If you stop posting here for a while and only post at https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ people will follow. WIth 2000 pages here, people already know that NXT is going somewhere. Continuing posting here at the increasing ryhtm will only get worse for NXT. I believe that to initiate the mouvement, the following procedure can be use, for each answer to an existing subject of this thread, take the time to create a thread on https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ and post a link here to follow the discussion on https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/. It is a little job that will bring value to NXT, and frankly this have to happen someday. So, why not now ?!? I will help everyone by given a go, that will be my nice contribution  , I mean: START NOW FOR A BETTER FUTURE AND MOVE THE PRINCIPAL AND VARIOUS THREAD SUBJECTS to https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/. Take this opportunity to make NXT community better! This comment can be applied to all people that post the most here. JUST MOVE your discussion to https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ with a link! Don't be lazy!!! GO GO GO Make it a contest or bounty for the first few threads create to https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/! Like, every serious thread start between specific dates at https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ could get like "x" NXT from the community fund. Just a thought...
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1006
February 28, 2014, 05:55:07 AM |
It would be nice if someone can setup a zeronet, testnet for NXTcash alpha. We have made internal release, but it seem that we need an alternate zeronet setup.
Rather than go breadth first for a lot of things that in flux, I think it would be better to go depth first. Concentrate on automated multisig gateway. We get the most bang for the buck, so to speak. Simply by adding support to a new bitcoind fork, we open up an entirely new segment of people. once we get a couple dozen coins supported, we will have one of the largest crypto exchanges (centralized or decentralized)
As soon as I hand off the automated gateway, I plan on adding a NXTcash gateway. It wont have the full support of the zeronet version,but it will still be useful and we can launch it without waiting for zerocash or even porting to Java as we can run it in the gateway layer.
In the short term, I will need DOGE testers, and the community should select the three most trustworthy and independent server operators to host the multisig gateway.
After I cant find any more bugs, we need to get the gateway code thoroughly reviewed. No complicated crypto, just plain C code review.
If someone can take care of the logistics, that would let me spend more time on coding
Can we help James get this done?
February 28, 2014, 06:12:35 AM |
It would be nice if someone can setup a zeronet, testnet for NXTcash alpha. We have made internal release, but it seem that we need an alternate zeronet setup.
Rather than go breadth first for a lot of things that in flux, I think it would be better to go depth first. Concentrate on automated multisig gateway. We get the most bang for the buck, so to speak. Simply by adding support to a new bitcoind fork, we open up an entirely new segment of people. once we get a couple dozen coins supported, we will have one of the largest crypto exchanges (centralized or decentralized)
As soon as I hand off the automated gateway, I plan on adding a NXTcash gateway. It wont have the full support of the zeronet version,but it will still be useful and we can launch it without waiting for zerocash or even porting to Java as we can run it in the gateway layer.
In the short term, I will need DOGE testers, and the community should select the three most trustworthy and independent server operators to host the multisig gateway.
After I cant find any more bugs, we need to get the gateway code thoroughly reviewed. No complicated crypto, just plain C code review.
If someone can take care of the logistics, that would let me spend more time on coding
Can we help James get this done? I can set up and maintain testnet servers and keep the ZC testnet version of NRS running. I would start with one or two servers. I am not into DOGE at all, so probably I'm not the right one for running a gateway.
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1038
February 28, 2014, 06:15:14 AM Last edit: February 28, 2014, 06:41:18 AM by abctc |
plz send me some TESTNXT to 6770698723651913351
- 4k testNXT sent. Those who need some testNXT please post here your testNXT account number here: https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=832
██████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ | , the Next platform. Magis quam Moneta (More than a Coin) |
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1038
February 28, 2014, 06:26:20 AM Last edit: February 28, 2014, 06:40:24 AM by abctc |
Any luck with the decentralized exchange?
- you can try it yourself: http://nxtra.org/nxt-client/if you need some testNXT - write here your test acc № here: https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=832
██████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ | , the Next platform. Magis quam Moneta (More than a Coin) |
2Kool4Skewl (OP)
February 28, 2014, 06:42:03 AM |
 I believe that you could initiate the mass mouvement of Nxter to a place where discussion can be organize more easily. We are losing so much precious time. If you stop posting here for a while and only post at https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ people will follow. WIth 2000 pages here, people already know that NXT is going somewhere. Continuing posting here at the increasing ryhtm will only get worse for NXT. I believe that to initiate the mouvement, the following procedure can be use, for each answer to an existing subject of this thread, take the time to create a thread on https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ and post a link here to follow the discussion on https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/. It is a little job that will bring value to NXT, and frankly this have to happen someday. So, why not now ?!? I will help everyone by given a go, that will be my nice contribution  , I mean: START NOW FOR A BETTER FUTURE AND MOVE THE PRINCIPAL AND VARIOUS THREAD SUBJECTS to https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/. Take this opportunity to make NXT community better! This comment can be applied to all people that post the most here. JUST MOVE your discussion to https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ with a link! Don't be lazy!!! GO GO GO Make it a contest or bounty for the first few threads create to https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/! Like, every serious thread start between specific dates at https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ could get like "x" NXT from the community fund. Just a thought... +1 This is a good idea. We'll get more accomplished if we are more organized.
Sr. Member
Activity: 262
Merit: 250
I hate my family
February 28, 2014, 07:09:10 AM |
Please send to test-next account: 8839306088864514610 Will I be able to use my real NXT's eventually? They're not getting replaced right?
Full Member
Activity: 162
Merit: 100
February 28, 2014, 07:11:25 AM |
 I believe that you could initiate the mass mouvement of Nxter to a place where discussion can be organize more easily. We are losing so much precious time. If you stop posting here for a while and only post at https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ people will follow. WIth 2000 pages here, people already know that NXT is going somewhere. Continuing posting here at the increasing ryhtm will only get worse for NXT. I believe that to initiate the mouvement, the following procedure can be use, for each answer to an existing subject of this thread, take the time to create a thread on https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ and post a link here to follow the discussion on https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/. It is a little job that will bring value to NXT, and frankly this have to happen someday. So, why not now ?!? I will help everyone by given a go, that will be my nice contribution  , I mean: START NOW FOR A BETTER FUTURE AND MOVE THE PRINCIPAL AND VARIOUS THREAD SUBJECTS to https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/. Take this opportunity to make NXT community better! This comment can be applied to all people that post the most here. JUST MOVE your discussion to https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ with a link! Don't be lazy!!! GO GO GO Make it a contest or bounty for the first few threads create to https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/! Like, every serious thread start between specific dates at https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/ could get like "x" NXT from the community fund. Just a thought... +1 This is a good idea. We'll get more accomplished if we are more organized. lock the posts at 2100 pages 