- build a great gateway á la james
- work hard on AT and atomic cross chain transactions
Without a doubt if we can achieve atomic cross-chain txs then we will have basically got rid of the business model for all exchanges that don't do fiat.
IMO "this is our job".
The future will not be centralised!
ANY detailed info about atomic cross chain transactions ?
Let us assuming AT supports the same secret sharing methods that bitcoin scripts do. That will allow the method previously described to work, IF the external blockchain is accessible.
Since AT is in a sandbox, this data is not directly accessible, so I think it will need to coordinate with some external process (gateways!) that will put the required info in AM that the AT can access. I also think this means AT will need to support writing of AM, which to my knowledge is not yet on the list of current AT features. I am sure CIYAM is working out the details. In order to support automatic cross chain transactions, a lot of pieces need to be in place.
Since there is now a GIANT bounty for cross chain support. I think we might as well get started on it!
Due to constraints by dogecoin network and impracticality of lots of independent gateways, I limited the multisig to 2 of 3. However, for data validation purposes there is no need to limit to 3, we can have a larger number of peers to validate the external blockchain. I doubt there is much utility in going to more than 1 per geographic area. The idea is to have each bitcoind on whatever the local fork is. Then as soon as any forking is detected, all withdrawals stop. The only time withdrawals get processed will be when all the gateway bitcoinds are in agreement.
The multisig gateway is the first step toward automatic cross chain. What I hope is that the community recognizes this and we can create a standard set of software to run on hallmarked nodes. If all the hallmarked nodes have bitcoind, dogecoind, altcoind installed now, then that is the first step. I know the multisig gateway sure could use such an infrastructure in place.
Then we can create a layer of software that cross validates all the crypto daemon's blockchains (at least the subset we care about) and provide AM interface for AT and NXT clients.
In addition to crypto blockchain services, we can easily add market price information for everything and provide AM services for price data. AT can then be written to implement options, bets, etc.
This is why I have been saying that we need NXT layer. The multisig gateway is just the first alpha version of the full NXT layer. So, I hope it is not to controversial to ask the hallmark server guys to get a set of bitcoind, litecoind, dogecoind, etc. installed. Then when I make a release of multigateway, you can easily fill in the wallet addresses for the three gateways and public keys. This determines the multisig address and change a few strings and constants for the coin, recompile and new multisig gateway.
As far as error handling goes, I have not figured out how to deal with the network disappearing for 2 days

Anybody that sent in DOGE, the deposit got swept into the multisig, but the unspent txout trigger is gone. I think I have to reconcile every transaction and use any discrepancies to further investigate a manual transaction. I will put in a NXT network down flag to prevent this in the future