The new roadmap looks great.
But i think you should have the year indicator before the events not after.
EG.. 2017 indicator then going up list the events. then arrive at 2018..
becasue the events are going up the page the year should be lower than the event completions.
My thoughts.
There is no mention of a re-working of the whitepapers.
Should this not be a priority so that your marketing that has started has reference material.
This is a technical coin and so the documentation needs to be up to date.
Why is it only one decimal point change in the coin?
All other coins have 6 to 8 decimal points.
Can you clearly label the team members on the website.
Even if they are anonymous - Give them all a title and github name or twitter name.
List the team on the website, give a job title, brief technical background and what they are responsible for.
Give them an individual twitter feed so they can post their github updates.
Even have a likeness or avatar for each of them.
In my opinions alot of the alts and also BTC and its family maybe will go through another boom market.
And the whole crypto is still in speculation mode. It is clear on the roadmap that launch is after 2018.
But marketing and growth and price can increase between now and then while this boom is occurring.
Also the telegram was set up wrong. Some people can access the news slack but are locked out of the BB and the main slack.
Why not promote the close of the telegram and the slack channel.
Move completely to discord. is the skycoin discord chat link
Focus on one area or if it is too spread around none of them get productive.
Lastly on the login or wallet.
IOTA has very easy access.
Heat has very easy access.
Can you copy heat or Ard or Nxt.
Easy access to login..
Super long seed needed.
81 characters etc...
Full node earn.
Lite wallet downloads...
and web wallets accessing sky full nodes.
Even seeds with pin protection like heat.
One of our handicaps has been unwillingness to shamelessly promote like the other coins (who have only marketing).
We are in a stage of the market, where almost none of the top 500 coins have any substantial or real economic value. Their valuation are completely based upon marketing and the ability to create capital inflows by attracting new buyers to purchase the coin at the inflated post-ICO prices.
We are working on an extremely aggressive marketing campaign now.
We are in a bubble. The amount of money the media firms are asking for, for publishing three articles is enough for me to hire eight people full time for a year to write articles and launch two media outlets.
The people dumping money into these coins are unsophisticated, unable to assess coins or the technology, easily improved by appearances (often false) and are short-term and emotionally driven. The people buying these coins basicly think they can rich and achieve massive returns by buying the most popular coins and the coins everyone else is buying. The retention of these coins is also extremely bad because they do not have any user retention and the majority of coin holders do not even have wallets.
They are just paper assets traded on an exchange like a real money fantasy stock market.Some of the coins are an exception, like Ethereum, Arc, Steemit. That actually have users, a community and people who have installed and use the wallet. However, in the case of Steemit the price will decrease until the capital outflows being paid to the miners, equal the inflows. So even coins with a large userbase and users can only increase in the short term or up to an equilibrium value because of how the balance of capital outflows and inflows are structured.
Without applications to retain the user community and involve them in an activity, the coins are just pump and dumps whose only purpose is to attract new money and buyers.
It is actually mathematically impossible to balance the equations and create a sustainable crypto-currency that is based upon more than mere speculation, without substantial real economic activity behind the coin. So in the long run, commodity back cryptos (solar energy, bandwidth, water, consumables, resources, sand, tungsten) with fixed infrastructure are going to be the next trend and boom in cryptos.
Huge amounts of money go into "smart contract platforms" goes in, but no real economic use that people are willing to spend money on (besides speculation on the price of the token) has been found for these platforms.
For Skycoin marketing we are focusing on
- community growth
- user base growth (of applications)
- capital inflows/outflows
While we are still focused on the fundamentals, I think we have decided that we are going to enter the altcoin fantasy stock market horse race too.
Enough of the applications are ready that we can begin aggressive marketing.
I do not know if the developers are ready to get on twitter yet, because they seem pretty busy.