Full Member
Activity: 148
Merit: 100
Juggling with Crypto Investments
October 24, 2017, 09:10:45 AM |
Damn... I just lost 70'000 XBG (Bitcoin Gold) on C-CEX. It just disappeared, my balance is now 0. They didn't even warn or anything, XBG just disappeared from the platform from a minute to the other. 
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange: https://c-cex.com
October 24, 2017, 09:55:54 AM |
We have to free up server resources for new coins by delisting some coins which have consistently low trading volume. The following coins will be removed on 07.11.2017 if their average trading volume for the last month has not exceeded 0.5 BTC/day (15 BTC for last 30 days):
SixEleven [611], Alphabit [ABC], AnarchistsPrime [ACP], AdvancedInternetBlock [AIB], Altcoin [ALT], BitBay [BAY], BighanCoin [BHC], BoostCoin [BOST], BritCoin [BRIT], BitLuckCoin [BTLC], Bitquark [BTQ], CaliphCoin [CALC], CryptoJacksCoin [CJ], CoreCoin [CRC], CereiPayCoin [CRPC], Crypto [CTO], DA$ [DAS], DragonDigitalCoin [DDC], DT Token [DRACO], Droidz [DRZ], GA Coin [GAC], Eclipse [EC], Etherex [ETX], FastCash [FCH], FujiCoin [FJC], FutCoin [FUTC], President Johnson [GARY], GoldCoin [GLD], GlobalTradeCoin [GLTC], GoldUnionCoin [GUC], HEAT ledger [HEAT], JIO Token [JIO], Kingdom Coin [KGDC], KiloCoin [KLC], LEOcoin [LEO], MALCoin [MALC], MobileCash [MBL], EncryptoTel [ETT], Macro [MCR], Mooncoin [MOON], NoLimitCoin 2.0 [NLC2], NovaCoin [NVC], OpinionCoin [OPNC], OTCCoin [OTX], Polybius Token [PLBT], PiZZAcoin [PIZZA], President Trump [PRES], Pesobit [PSB], Robocoin [ROBO], SIGMA coin [SGC], Sikka [SIKKA], SilverCoin [SVC], T-coin [TCOIN], TengRi [TERI], Terra [TERRA], TeslaCoilCoin [TESLA], TerraCoin [TRC], WexCoin [WEX], Xaurum [XAUR], Humaniq [HMQ], Bitcoin U.F. [XB], BlackPearl [XBP], ForeverCoin [XFC], GoldenBird [XGB], XNCCoin [XNC], InternetOfThings [XOT], Bonanza [XZA], Zilbercoin [ZBCN], Zennies [ZENI], SmileyCoin [SMLY].
Please, trade, sell or withdraw these coins before removal date, after which retrieval of any remaining balances for these coins will not be possible anymore. We will not remove coins which will reach minimum trading volume requirement.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 02:43:58 PM |
Please note! Bitcoin gold (BTG) are preserved at all and in full volume on all exchanges on which it previously traded. And access to trading and coins is opened. And the blockchain not broken (as You unsubscribe). You need to investigate and try to adequately get out of the situation. We think that a group of creators led by architect Jack Liao can and should evaluate the actions of C-CEX. From a favourable decision may depend on the demand for BTG and as a consequence cost. Ready to provide all possible details and photographs on our work in this exchange. Sure will join us brokers who are under such action of the exchange C-CEX.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
October 25, 2017, 04:48:32 AM |
Today 2017-10-06 15:00 (CET) CCEX is down again (3 days in a row !)
....As for any possible issues with accounts/deposits/withdrawals etc - use our support system: https://c-cex.com/?id=supportAt the moment we do not have unanswered tickets. If you think your issue was not resolved - just post answer into your ticket. Hi, My ticket is not solved and already passed 5 days. My withdrawal was processed and I have transaction ID in history but I don't receive coins in my wallet about 100 hours. I wrote you in every day this week and I have no answer from you. In your TOS you have this note: "Your withdrawal was not instant and got queued? Don't worry - it will be processed soon or we will put coins back to your balance automatically in case wallet is unable to process it. No need to open ticket." I need to solve this issue ASAP, or in my c-cex balance or in my wallet address. Thanks. Thanks. My ticket has been solved & the coins are back into my balance.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
October 25, 2017, 06:13:57 AM |
Hi , i did hold 500 ZCL before the split and forgot about it.I would like to get the 500 zen resulted from the fork.I know you do not support zen but nevertheless it is rightfully mine.So please show some good will and return the 500 zen to me.Not supporting does not give you the right to hold it from me.After all 10.000 usd is an important amount (at least for me).I even would agree with paying a fee for your effort up to 50% from what i held here.I think it is more than a generous offer and it worth your while.Unless you want to cash it all yourself. Thanks and best wishes.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
October 26, 2017, 10:31:45 PM |
When i try to remove 2fa i dont get the mail to confirm it, there is a bug. iI hope it will be solved so i can remove 2fa and get access to my account. Thanks
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
October 27, 2017, 12:13:44 AM |
I have a 'lag' in my 2fa, and the first three tickets I submitted got a 'robo reply.'
Have pulled my funds.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1000
October 27, 2017, 11:47:19 AM |
your fees for btc withdrawl 0.002  10x than usual is it just temporary or what,.. this is so high,.the biggest fee ever on the exchange C-CEX.com Trusted, Secure & Friendly Exchange Since 2013. 200+ Alts,USD,Low Fees LOW FEES ?which one
October 28, 2017, 10:33:58 AM |
Kraken charges me 0.001 BTC to withdraw or roughly $5. I don't think it's unreasonable to charge a fee. But 0.002 BTC for such a small exchange as C-Cex certainly is too much. I would not complain if the fee to withdraw BTC was 0.0005, or less. 0.002 is very greedy.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
October 29, 2017, 08:44:27 AM |
SCAM! E-mail for link withdrawal not coming!
Activity: 65
Merit: 0
October 29, 2017, 08:55:36 AM |
hi! with your exchange, it is impossible to withdraw coins. e-mail do not receive a confirmation. urgent take action!
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
October 29, 2017, 09:10:05 AM |
I have gmail and its work. I tested now.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
October 29, 2017, 10:32:18 AM |
Hi, this is the developer of Aureus, we were talking to the c-cex admin and getting ready to update our coin software when they disappeared. He had made suggestions to us on upgrading to defend against attacks (which we implemented) and have not heard anything from him for several days...
Has anyone heard of anything dire happening to the c-cex admin?
I personally was in a serious traffic accident this summer, so I know that sometimes things just happen.
October 29, 2017, 12:40:34 PM |
what happend with C-CEX ! i can't login ??
i have requested password . i received via email normal but when itry to login with new password ; sometime it say wrong captcha Other times it say wrong password after 4 Frequent entry he say try after 500 second
Activity: 2506
Merit: 1030
Twitter @realmicroguy
October 29, 2017, 12:55:11 PM |
Hi, this is the developer of Aureus, we were talking to the c-cex admin and getting ready to update our coin software when they disappeared. He had made suggestions to us on upgrading to defend against attacks (which we implemented) and have not heard anything from him for several days...
Has anyone heard of anything dire happening to the c-cex admin?
I personally was in a serious traffic accident this summer, so I know that sometimes things just happen.
Yuri was talking in chat just a few hours ago so I'm sure he is fine. 
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
October 29, 2017, 05:55:59 PM |
Hi, this is the developer of Aureus, we were talking to the c-cex admin and getting ready to update our coin software when they disappeared. He had made suggestions to us on upgrading to defend against attacks (which we implemented) and have not heard anything from him for several days...
Has anyone heard of anything dire happening to the c-cex admin?
I personally was in a serious traffic accident this summer, so I know that sometimes things just happen.
Yuri was talking in chat just a few hours ago so I'm sure he is fine.  Thanks, I appreciate the response.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
October 30, 2017, 04:40:26 PM |
We have to free up server resources for new coins by delisting some coins which have consistently low trading volume. The following coins will be removed on 07.11.2017 if their average trading volume for the last month has not exceeded 0.5 BTC/day (15 BTC for last 30 days):
SixEleven [611], Alphabit [ABC], AnarchistsPrime [ACP], AdvancedInternetBlock [AIB], Altcoin [ALT], BitBay [BAY], BighanCoin [BHC], BoostCoin [BOST], BritCoin [BRIT], BitLuckCoin [BTLC], Bitquark [BTQ], CaliphCoin [CALC], CryptoJacksCoin [CJ], CoreCoin [CRC], CereiPayCoin [CRPC], Crypto [CTO], DA$ [DAS], DragonDigitalCoin [DDC], DT Token [DRACO], Droidz [DRZ], GA Coin [GAC], Eclipse [EC], Etherex [ETX], FastCash [FCH], FujiCoin [FJC], FutCoin [FUTC], President Johnson [GARY], GoldCoin [GLD], GlobalTradeCoin [GLTC], GoldUnionCoin [GUC], HEAT ledger [HEAT], JIO Token [JIO], Kingdom Coin [KGDC], KiloCoin [KLC], LEOcoin [LEO], MALCoin [MALC], MobileCash [MBL], EncryptoTel [ETT], Macro [MCR], Mooncoin [MOON], NoLimitCoin 2.0 [NLC2], NovaCoin [NVC], OpinionCoin [OPNC], OTCCoin [OTX], Polybius Token [PLBT], PiZZAcoin [PIZZA], President Trump [PRES], Pesobit [PSB], Robocoin [ROBO], SIGMA coin [SGC], Sikka [SIKKA], SilverCoin [SVC], T-coin [TCOIN], TengRi [TERI], Terra [TERRA], TeslaCoilCoin [TESLA], TerraCoin [TRC], WexCoin [WEX], Xaurum [XAUR], Humaniq [HMQ], Bitcoin U.F. [XB], BlackPearl [XBP], ForeverCoin [XFC], GoldenBird [XGB], XNCCoin [XNC], InternetOfThings [XOT], Bonanza [XZA], Zilbercoin [ZBCN], Zennies [ZENI], SmileyCoin [SMLY].
Please, trade, sell or withdraw these coins before removal date, after which retrieval of any remaining balances for these coins will not be possible anymore. We will not remove coins which will reach minimum trading volume requirement.
Hello. I have problems with the deposit. I sent SIBcoin on c-cex wallet. https://chain.sibcoin.net/en/tx/4f47b81b571b6b79fd56bd8a19148732c4e2fd4c7cc89d22ae77da7d7d2c3a39But coins are not credited. I wrote support, but the bot answers me and does not solve my problem. I did everything right. Check yourself, ticket #519650. I've been waiting more than two days.
October 30, 2017, 10:32:29 PM |
Hi, this is the developer of Aureus, we were talking to the c-cex admin and getting ready to update our coin software when they disappeared. He had made suggestions to us on upgrading to defend against attacks (which we implemented) and have not heard anything from him for several days...
Has anyone heard of anything dire happening to the c-cex admin?
I personally was in a serious traffic accident this summer, so I know that sometimes things just happen.
Yuri was talking in chat just a few hours ago so I'm sure he is fine.  You mind asking Yuri about what happened to the Piecoin-to-PieX swap? Our leadership team sent them 17 million coins as we were doing a manual swap in our Discord channel because C-CEX wanted to list PieX BEFORE we were finished manually swapping. Now we notice some huge dumping going on AND our leadership team ran out of PieX to swap for old Piecoin... Our leadership team has audited all of the wallets and everything is as clean as a whistle. EXCEPT C-CEX...they are telling us to just trust them that they did everything they were supposed to AKA simply swap out Piecoin for the new PieX, but now our community is left in a position where our leadership team no longer has enough PieX to swap for the old Piecoin and C-CEX is telling us to simply trust that they did everything properly...yeah, right. Considering your stance on community, MicroGuy, I would appreciate relaying the message if leadership is around. Thanks.