I still prefere DCR though.
Don't you think that the professional software development industry has a hard enough challenge writing code that IS going into production without writing that ISN'T ?
I'm at a loss to understand the merits of a development model that's designed to:
• intentionally kill coding efficiency by factor of multiples
• use a prototyping technique to put software into production, thereby loosing all ability to pursue long term design objectives
• put the high-skilled people in charge of the low level development and the low skilled people in charge of the high level development
It's one of those ideas that wins the Champagne for 'wackiest idea' at brainstorming meetings, but I think as an investment, your money's safer in lottery tickets. Maybe I haven't understood correctly how that project functions - if so I'm happy to be corrected.
will have a few "inspired" to put more money in marketing and less in development themselves.
If you're talking about Dash, I'd like to see you quantify that statement. Having followed this project for 3 years, I estimate that the amount of man hours/money in development is
huge and the amount of man hours/money in marketing is
tiny - at least by comparison.