I've just watched my miner switch and looking on MPH there was some Expanse as well as my original Ethereum, so looks like the switching works.
Having a bit of a think about it and I think port 12023 is for auto-switching between Ethash algorithm coins and port 17xxx is for switching between different algorithm coins.
I'm a little confused can anyone clarify my understanding of Auto-Switch on MPH.
Here is my understanding of the "Quick start guide".
"Algo switch mining (Port 17XXX)."
So this would switch only between coins of the *SAME* Algo such as; ETH, Musicoin, Expanse...and so on.
"Multi-algo switch mining (Port 12XXX)."
So this would switch between coins of *DIFFERENT* Algo's such as; Ethash, Cryptonight, NeoScrypt...and so on.
...but I have Claymore config as below, and I see it switching between the Ethash algo's only (ETC, ETH & Expanse) - just as I want it to; so what's the difference between using ports 12xxx & 17xxx if I'm only mining Ethash algo coins - or is there any ?
EthDcrMiner64 -epool europe.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:12020 -ewal <username>.<worker> -eworker <username>.<worker> -esm 2 -epsw x -allpools 1 -allcoins 1 -ftime 10
12023 is ethash algo endpoint for expert. You can manually set mining job at "Hub Worker" page with this port including multi algo switching, ethash switching, or just ethereum mining only too.
You can see many mining job for each account or worker.
17023 is shortcut for 12023 + ethash switching.
It works completely same as 12023 + ethash switching job selected.
Where can I find the transaction data, because it seemed like it just disappeared. I have no transaction history of BCC leaving my BCC wallet. when BCC autoexchange was first enabled, it sat on "Credited for Auto Exchange" for five days and did nothing. After 5 days I moved it back to my wallet which took less than 30 minutes. After it was back on my wallet, I chose to auto exchange it again. 30 minutes later is was completely gone with no trace. what happened to it?
Is it not solved still?
Let me know your account id then.
Where can I find the transaction data, because it seemed like it just disappeared. I have no transaction history of BCC leaving my BCC wallet. when BCC autoexchange was first enabled, it sat on "Credited for Auto Exchange" for five days and did nothing. After 5 days I moved it back to my wallet which took less than 30 minutes. After it was back on my wallet, I chose to auto exchange it again. 30 minutes later is was completely gone with no trace. what happened to it?
The similar situation.
Yesterday i move my BCH to autoexchange, transfer ID 8065330
24h no autoexchange, is it normal?
Let me know your account id.
8065330 is not valid transfer id.
Monero seems to be having problems with manual payout and auto-exchange. Im piling up quite the collection and need to get that $$$
Sorry for inconvenience. Monero payout is done really slowly because Monero wallet has internal issue.
When pool try to send 1 XMR, then pool sends 1000 XMR and receive 999 XMR back.
It is same as bitcoin-like cryptocurrencies but Monero's transaction pool treatment is much much worse and unoptimized. It usually send one and wait confirmations for coins to come back.
I asked this issue at monero bitcointalk few months ago and I couldn't get clear solution for it.
Neoscrypt port is not responding or takes minutes to connect! Please fix it asap.
Fixed it. I extended server.
Have anyone problem with cash out too?
Maybe you are asking about Monero? Monero payout is delayed due to wallet issue.
I hope I can see more coin about Ethash, Cryptonight, Equihash...
Especially Equihash, because Zencash and Hush sometimes can gain more than Zcash, let Nvidia card have more benefit than mining ETH only.
Yeah I'll add one by one.
4 days ago I entered an ETH payout but did not arrive at my address and support was not answered.
Let me know your id.
Maybe if you receive from exchange site, then you would have to receive more than 1 ETH to get confirmed.
Can anyone help me with configuring Cryptonight CPU mining? At the moment I'm using Claymore CPU miner v3.5 configured for Nicehash. When I try to reconfigure it to miningpoolhub I get error about username, like it isn't valid XMR address or something, and also get notified about pool removal from the list. After that miner just closes.
I tried to configure some of the miners provided at miningpoolhub Cryptonight page, but didn't succeed. Please share example of working BAT file for some CPU miner configured for miningpoolhub.
Claymore cpu miner doesn't support account based mining. It only supports XMR address based mining currently.
I haven't tried it yet, but maybe try this miner.