Activity: 980
Merit: 1040
April 15, 2014, 06:44:04 PM |
April 15, 2014, 07:05:53 PM |
April 15, 2014, 10:30:16 PM |
I saw this coming, didn't some celebrity tweet about it (resonating voice in the background: not a cool thing to joke when hundrends of human lifes are involved)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 15, 2014, 10:47:46 PM |
2012 was the start of this http://humansarefree.com/2011/04/amazing-scientists-our-dna-is-mutating.htmlThinking the Mayans were cave men and not connected with their spirit will lead you down a dark path. They actually understood the 25,920 year cycle, Unlike the so called 'developed' world these days! Look at roman statues and see the Fibonacci sequence and phi in there statues where as roman, Although artistic, Do not align to the distentions of this universe like the Greeks statues do. Greeks were just so much more cleaver than the Romans and in touch with there spirit. The roman were just dogs compared to the grace-ness the greeks had. Truth is, There's a huge change going on now and i dont know about you but ive felt it for a few years. Most people will not though, The cognitive disadence, Poisoned food and water is blocking you from feeling. As i say, Once your awake what a few people do to the rest of the world becomes clear. 12 stands of DNA... Imagine the true power we could hold with that! Dont fall for the FEAR (Fictional Events Actually Realised) that they want you too, You have NOTHING to fear  As for MH370.... We'll see hey, THis is such a botch job their hold on this world is over! Wake up people and don't get left behind!
Activity: 1979
Merit: 3006
Goonies never say die.
April 15, 2014, 11:08:32 PM |
Who said the Mayans were cave men? I think the Mayans were very intelligent and I do believe there is a change happening. However, I am not so sure about the article you posted. http://jlnavarro.blogspot.com/2010/05/dr-berrenda-fox-is-fraud.htmlEDIT: And lets try to stay on topic….. the Plane VS Vagina link was heading in the right direction.
April 15, 2014, 11:11:20 PM |
2012 was the start of this http://humansarefree.com/2011/04/amazing-scientists-our-dna-is-mutating.htmlThinking the Mayans were cave men and not connected with their spirit will lead you down a dark path. They actually understood the 25,920 year cycle, Unlike the so called 'developed' world these days! Look at roman statues and see the Fibonacci sequence and phi in there statues where as roman, Although artistic, Do not align to the distentions of this universe like the Greeks statues do. Greeks were just so much more cleaver than the Romans and in touch with there spirit. The roman were just dogs compared to the grace-ness the greeks had. Truth is, There's a huge change going on now and i dont know about you but ive felt it for a few years. Most people will not though, The cognitive disadence, Poisoned food and water is blocking you from feeling. As i say, Once your awake what a few people do to the rest of the world becomes clear. 12 stands of DNA... Imagine the true power we could hold with that! Dont fall for the FEAR (Fictional Events Actually Realised) that they want you too, You have NOTHING to fear  As for MH370.... We'll see hey, THis is such a botch job their hold on this world is over! Wake up people and don't get left behind! Please share the drug you are using wtf lol, did you ever tried to writte a book or something
April 16, 2014, 01:21:48 AM |
Truth is, There's a huge change going on now and i dont know about you but ive felt it for a few years.
That's the exactly the same kind of stories which have been circulating since... like, forever. Wherever you look into the past, you realize that the humanity from every era had that feeling that their time was something special and that something extraordinary is happening, or should happen sometime. While in fact it's always the same old business, more or less. With rather small variations, historical patterns and cycles of life are repeating over and over again. I am not sure what you mean by huge change but I am pretty confident to tell you - forget about it. In the upcoming decades there will be usual dose of turmoils, revolutions, wars, class conflicts, economical breakdowns, natural disasters... perhaps we might get lucky to witness some *really* groundbreaking technological or scientific breakthrough too, but that's all - generally speaking, there won't be anything radically new which humans havent' had already experienced in one way or another.
April 16, 2014, 03:48:57 AM |
Here's what i think happened:
The plane was happily flying when aliens took away the plane and took it 10000000000 light years away.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 16, 2014, 04:31:00 AM |
2012 was the start of this http://humansarefree.com/2011/04/amazing-scientists-our-dna-is-mutating.htmlThinking the Mayans were cave men and not connected with their spirit will lead you down a dark path. They actually understood the 25,920 year cycle, Unlike the so called 'developed' world these days! Look at roman statues and see the Fibonacci sequence and phi in there statues where as roman, Although artistic, Do not align to the distentions of this universe like the Greeks statues do. Greeks were just so much more cleaver than the Romans and in touch with there spirit. The roman were just dogs compared to the grace-ness the greeks had. Truth is, There's a huge change going on now and i dont know about you but ive felt it for a few years. Most people will not though, The cognitive disadence, Poisoned food and water is blocking you from feeling. As i say, Once your awake what a few people do to the rest of the world becomes clear. 12 stands of DNA... Imagine the true power we could hold with that! Dont fall for the FEAR (Fictional Events Actually Realised) that they want you too, You have NOTHING to fear  As for MH370.... We'll see hey, THis is such a botch job their hold on this world is over! Wake up people and don't get left behind! Please share the drug you are using wtf lol, did you ever tried to writte a book or something Love, compassion and empathy, you ought to try KT sometime ;-)
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1004
April 16, 2014, 04:35:28 AM |
We will never know the truth...
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 16, 2014, 04:43:10 AM |
Who said the Mayans were cave men? I think the Mayans were very intelligent and I do believe there is a change happening. However, I am not so sure about the article you posted. http://jlnavarro.blogspot.com/2010/05/dr-berrenda-fox-is-fraud.htmlEDIT: And lets try to stay on topic….. the Plane VS Vagina link was heading in the right direction. It was first link in my search, theres loads of other links. Tbh, I got here through studying maths and ancient sites. I'm not religious and never been spiritual but when the truth reveals itself to you, there no denying. Hardcore maths and logic person, and it still lead me to this crazy stuff! Coral castle, check it out. Good start
Activity: 1979
Merit: 3006
Goonies never say die.
April 16, 2014, 06:16:32 PM |
Truth is, There's a huge change going on now and i dont know about you but ive felt it for a few years.
That's the exactly the same kind of stories which have been circulating since... like, forever. Wherever you look into the past, you realize that the humanity from every era had that feeling that their time was something special and that something extraordinary is happening, or should happen sometime. While in fact it's always the same old business, more or less. With rather small variations, historical patterns and cycles of life are repeating over and over again. I am not sure what you mean by huge change but I am pretty confident to tell you - forget about it. In the upcoming decades there will be usual dose of turmoils, revolutions, wars, class conflicts, economical breakdowns, natural disasters... perhaps we might get lucky to witness some *really* groundbreaking technological or scientific breakthrough too, but that's all - generally speaking, there won't be anything radically new which humans havent' had already experienced in one way or another. What timescale are you basing your 'eras' on? Are you referring to the normal patterns that have existed since we have started recording human history? Even so, are you claiming that every generation in history has thought something extraordinary is happening during their time? Every time I hear something related to history where people are claiming to be involved in something extraordinary, in hindsight, they usually ARE part of something extraordinary. I can only imagine what people will think when they look back at our time in history. Also, you do realize that planetary cycles & patterns were created well before humans existed and that there could be larger planetary cycles that we are not aware of because we HAVEN'T experienced them yet and haven't written them down in our history books?
April 17, 2014, 02:05:42 AM |
Oh god this is becoming a philosophical thread, guys any new news ? I guess the signal has died by now 
April 17, 2014, 03:28:42 AM |
it is my opinion that someone knows exactly where this damn plane is but won't so for whatever reason. That being said let's just take a step back and recognize how much of a distraction this story has been.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1094
Learning the troll avoidance button :)
April 17, 2014, 03:36:44 AM |
Believing in Bitcoins and it's ability to change the world
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 17, 2014, 08:51:31 AM |
The most closed mind person on the forum speaks up! This dude will never get it, He thinks i'm racist for starters because? I don't know, He's quick to jump to conclusions and dismiss any information out there. I'm married to an indian women and from uk and have friends/aquanntancies all around the world, I don't keep myself in my farm (uk). Bick is a Good guy but on his high horse cutting his nose of spite his face! And doesn't see it either. WELL PROGRAMMED THIS CHILD IS! On subject, MH370 IS involved in the bigger picture, Even if you don't want to believe it which many don't because there comfy! Hell, Look how mind controlled you so called leaders are!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsnU_DPQClQHorrific abuse as a child allows you to shape humans in ways you can not imagine! People don't realise its much MUCH worse than 1984 EVER was. I hate to say it but david icke..... He's been right all along! Think what you want about him as a person, The information he has been saying for decades is true! And i mean ALL OF IT! The average brainwashed person in the public could never understand this until they open there mind from the box that schooling as created on you all. MH370 is child's play to them! I'm thinking of a way of getting all this info in an informative post linking the stuff together but its a pain because of how much i have to explain on every section because people's cognitive dissidence makes others jump to pre programmed conclusions and they don't even see there doing it. Alex jone's, Mark dice etc etc are all puppets but do speak truth 80% of the time in there but noticed how they don't speak of israel? NEVER! that's what you call jesuits! Real jews know that they were NEVER meant to own any land and that's in there religion! Not only is Israel an illegal state (Not country, although there building a country, NOT A STATE!) but the true Jewish people are appalled at this and do not want to be associated. Again, they control a few in all sectors and that few shout louder than anyone else so the 95% pay attention to the 5%. This is basic crowd manipulation and as been done for over 100 years now. The heard mentality. I could go on rambling here, But until you see what a few do because they understand the tree of life/fruit of life you will never know yourself and we will continue down this path of destruction. New 2013 $100/$10 bill - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E52mtSZN9D8The old bills - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUD4vTW5SS4Hidden in plain sight! If the old bills depicted the fall of the twin towers before it happened, YOu have to think, Were they built for that purpose? How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? All you have to do is see it for what it is and they will lose all control! Check out michael Rivero, He blows it all to pieces including alex jones and all the Jesuits. Can you people not see or even just FEEL that you have been lied to about just about everything? Nothing makes sense and your taught not to question back or think outside of the box! The name sheeple is an apt name because you all go around as dosile as them. When i was younger my dog chaed a sheep into a river. Once the sheep got there it froze and stood there like a rabbit in the headlights absolutely useless! Obviously i stopped my dog from doing any harm but thats why 'they' call you sheeple, Because you literally been programmed like sheep! Meh, I can tell/show you how they do things but you will fight it so i dont know why i bother!
Activity: 1979
Merit: 3006
Goonies never say die.
April 17, 2014, 11:13:55 AM |
It doesn't help your case much comparing an incident that happened to a local town 43 years ago involving 3 people with an incident involving multiple countries, 239 people, and modern day technology. A car crash of that nature, today, would have been found. In any case, your drawing conclusions without evidence the same way tinfoil hatters do. Where are these past similar events? This seems like a pretty unique situation.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 17, 2014, 11:31:13 AM |
It doesn't help your case much comparing an incident that happened to a local town 43 years ago involving 3 people with an incident involving multiple countries, 239 people, and modern day technology. A car crash of that nature, today, would have been found. In any case, your drawing conclusions without evidence the same way tinfoil hatters do. Where are these past similar events? This seems like a pretty unique situation. DING DING DING! You win a prize for using your head! 
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1199
April 17, 2014, 11:34:34 AM |
Maybe ... but in my opinion there are bigger chances that it will give no results.. I hope that I am wrong, but ...