Just wanted to summarize all the positive support and potential team members for this project! All the following were quoted from this thread:
mbishop75 - I've been a C/C++/C# developer for over 10 years and would be willing to help with rebuilding.
nzminer - Im all in to help in whatever way possible. I have a client of mine who does web hosting if the devs dont hand over the domains etc.
vcoinminer0938 - I can help on web develop, promote if need.
FredDag - I am happy to contribute what I can to make this rebuild a success.
Yoshinori - If anything i 'm in, i have quite the marketing and funding proposals for this coin to start scaling.
ethereal73 - Good to see this, if you need help PM, for now its your turn.
h0lybyte - I am down to help with any programming. I can help with any code maintaining as well as setting up things like multiple nodes, faucets, dicing and other similar matters.
remistevens - When things are getting closer, I can create a promo video for the re-launch/branding.
BrianJaye - I'm willing to commit sometime and BTC to working in the project.
Rav3n85 - I will continue with the promoting @
https://twitter.com/NetworkSilkBadAss.Sx - Website design is what i do most for clients. I made silkcoin.nl in just 2 hours. I could take that job.
boestin - I am more then happy to join the team by the way as a CEO/Spokesman.
mafort1469 - I just purchased the domain silkcoin.us for this community to use.
starsandskies - I can help out with advising on the legal front.
judgecrypto - I will help advise. I just sent you .5 BTC. You stepped up big time for a community I care about. Even if it doesn't work out please keep it as a token of universal rightness.
Grifftech2k4 - Thank you so much, I am completely behind this and will help fund as much as possible!
Dimitry - I'm willing to send 1000sc for reviving the coin.
ifxist - I am definitely willing to donate 1 BTC to bholzer and this project.
WhiteNotWright - I will be gathering additional support for investment.
hamzatu - I am in on the crowd funding initiative.
Bitcoinasourus - I will be more than happy to offer some funding for this. When do we get a donation address?
Kaliber1 - I already have all the investors.
hiddensphinx - i will pledge BTC myself!!!
Crypt0Keeper - I'm in for 1% of what I have (as long as it's not staking, haha).
flipboxx - I'm absolutely ready to spare some SC to support the dev.
psychocoin - I'll also donate 1k SC as soon as development fund opens.
tequillaquagga - I will give 2k of Silks for rebuild.
Mr.Joker - Will contribute with 10K Silk
jaipagare - I am ready to donate 1000 Silkcoin for project development.
lonely@thetop - I'll personally send 30k to the dev.
FesterBlack - I will contribute 1K SC. Thanks.
7000years - I will also contribute 1k SC (3% of my total) regardless of price
bluepixie - 1000 Silk sent to the Escrow
socal - for the record I will pledge 2k SC to see this through
bholzer please setup a escrow at a location we can donate to. If you wait too long, alot of these volunteers and donations will dry up and people moved to another coin.