Ways you can help increase Monero's Growth & Adoption! 1) Subscribe, up-vote, and contribute across all Monero communities and forums
2) Mention Monero via "word of mouth"
3) Attend local Monero meet-ups (or events)
4) Youtube or Video marketing
5) Graphic design – create new Monero Logos & Imagery
6) Spread Monero Stickers, images (or Posters) around your locality
7) Stamp Monero marketing campaign (
8 ) Wear Monero Merchandise (T-shirts, Hats etc.)
9) Run a Monero node
10) If you are a Merchant – accept Monero as a form of payment (or encourage other merchants to do so)
11) Purchase something with Monero
12) Donate to Monero projects
13) Write Articles, Blog posts and e-books – educate!
14) Translate or create materials in foreign Languages
15) Contact Exchanges, Websites, and the Media: to request they adopt Monero, or contribute to Monero's coverage
16) Simplify how we express or explain this technology's usefulness (in layman's terms) to noobs
17) Contribute Code or Web design
18) Protect Monero's REPUTATION (privacy is NOT a crime)