[Escrow Solution]
The following is an escrow process that would make investors (including myself!) trust that the funds are safe, at least I think so. First the easy part, Azeh (the founder of BTCD) has agreed to be the Trustee for the BTCD raised and bter has agree to be the Trustee for the CNY raised. Due to the smallish amounts of BTCD and CNY compared to the rest, I dont think there should be any issues with this allocation.
effectsToCause, the founder of VRC, has graciously agreed to help reach out to more coin founders to create a trustable group of Trustees. It is very happy for me to see all the different coin founders working together in the spirit of UNITY.
I have posted at length about the procedure to make a spending request, I wont repeat all that here. The key is to separate the deciding of allowing a spend from the people that are holding the funds.
There will be a spending authorization committee of 7 trusted members, an Approver and the set of trusted members who hold the funds.
When the Requestor (currently me, but this is a spot that can easily be taken over by anyone, just ask!) posts a spending request, the Authorization committee members would verify that everything is in order, eg. it is following the spending rules or election results, and post a token with their approval. If 4 approvals are received, the Approver validates the tokens and posts the Approval of the spending request.
At this point, the Approver will PM all the trustees with a Spending authorized message with URL to the post authorizing it in this thread. An available trustee would verify the official thread to make sure there are no strangenesses (the everyone taken over by aliens scenario) and posts his availability. Immediately, the Approver posts approval of the specific trustee to make payment. then txid is posted and Approver PM's all the trustees (and posts) that the authorized spending #tbd has been paid.
With this method, the Approver is the only one that is doing a lot of work and lucky for me I cannot be the approver as I am the Requestor
The trustees just have to check their messages and if they see an spending approval #tbd without a matching paid PM, they click the URL, verify it is in the official thread here and that there are no aliens, posts availability, sends funds, posts txid
All other trustees can just ignore a matched pair.
In practice, this is the duty of a Trustee other than safekeeping funds:
1. get PM about approved spending
1b. if "funds sent" PM is also there, just ignore
2. verify it is not fake and there is no controversy
3. post availability to send funds
4. when approval is posted, send funds and post txid
(*) If 2 of 3 multisig is used, then two Trustees for a slice will need to coordinate
There is a division of responsibilities and powers. No one is allowed to be more than one of Requestor, Authorization, Approver, Trustee. The specific people who are filling these roles will be listed in the OP.
The amounts for these two currencies are relatively small, so I dont think this is an issue. This leaves the NXT and BTC and I have reached out to other coin creators and known escrowers for the Trustee positions, the NXT community is selecting the 7 Authorization committee members. If you would like to apply to be an Authorization committee member, please post in
https://nxtforum.org/index.php?topic=5181.0This issue of a safe way to escrow the massive amount of funds has not been a simple one to solve. I believe getting the help from other coin devs will be a very good solution as this shows the spirit of UNITY and if we cant trust the core dev's of top coins, then who can we trust? Of course I welcome any feedbacks!
SuperNET EscrowsRequestor - jl777
Authorization Committee of 7: <selection process pending>
Approver - <position offered>
CNY - Bter
BTCD - Azeh
BTC/NXT - effectsToCause (VRC), coinsolidation (BTM) ...