Brief overview of SuperNET sale process. Hopefully this will answer at least some common questions.
SuperNET fundraising processSuperNET will be available on BTER and the NXT Asset Exchange (available within the client downloadable from, or see for browser version).
BTER will sell a SuperNET token (symbol: TOKEN) which will be exchanged for the UNITY asset at the end of the process. (TOKEN may not be withdrawn until it has been converted to UNITY. They may be traded if desired.)
A similar token will be available on the Asset Exchange, which will also be exchanged for UNITY at the end:
Official SuperNET NXT addr: NXT-MRBN-8DFH-PFMK-A4DBM
Official SuperNET TOKEN asset: 15641806960898178066
Beware of any SuperNET related asset issued by any other accountTOKEN can be purchased in BTC, NXT and BTCD. There will be a 5% discount on the BTC price for purchases with NXT and BTCD. The discount will be calculated from a 24-hour moving average.
This does not take into account any fluctuations in the price of NXT or BTCD over the course of the process.In addition, there will be an 'early bird' discount of 15% for the first investors. This amount will slowly decrease to zero over the next two weeks. Pricing will be adjusted automatically on BTER but manually on the NXT Asset Exchange, hence may not be as smooth.
There is no limit on the amount of TOKEN available overall, though there may be short-term restrictions on TOKEN available at a given price if volumes are very high. If a large number are sold, this does not dilute other buyers' holdings, since SuperNET is backed by the cryptocurrency paid: SuperNET is not a cryptocurrency and this is not like a typical coin offering. (SuperNET is a basket of cryptocurrencies and revenue-generating assets than can be considered more like a closed-ended mutual fund.)
The fundraiser will start at
14:00 GMT Saturday 6 September. It will continue for 2-4 weeks in total, for as long as there is sufficient interest. At the end, all TOKEN will be converted to UNITY, which can be withdrawn to a NXT wallet or traded on the AE, BTER and other supporting exchanges.
For further information about SuperNET, please see