jl777 (OP)
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
September 06, 2014, 08:22:30 PM |
100,000+ nodes will do quite a lot of InstantDEX, Teleport, Privatebet, Tradebots, etc.
Went through .pdf file and some other places, starting post here and then noticed the number above. Out of all craps by now from jl777 mouths that one is the biggest one. jl777 is a pirate40 (nefario) in the making, watch out. Hey, I know your FUD from some months ago, I see you're still on that path of darkness  Given that majority of people are just like you - on a path of light - and the state of The World today, that is a compliment, thanks. Number of nodes on majority of cryptocoin networks is few hundreds at best ( Bitcoin is at 8,000 reachable nodes) yet SuperNET will reach 100,000+ nodes, complete bullshit but that does not really matter to you - just like none of other craps by jl777 and his buddies, it is all fine (until you finaly realise what the fuck have you participated in and done)! and i am kinda qrious this argument is being neglected though; the 100,000 nodes is this deliberately ignored? i put that troll on ignore since he is refusing to stay fact based, so i didnt see it
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1292
September 06, 2014, 08:28:21 PM |
100,000+ nodes will do quite a lot of InstantDEX, Teleport, Privatebet, Tradebots, etc.
Went through .pdf file and some other places, starting post here and then noticed the number above. Out of all craps by now from jl777 mouths that one is the biggest one. jl777 is a pirate40 (nefario) in the making, watch out. Hey, I know your FUD from some months ago, I see you're still on that path of darkness  Given that majority of people are just like you - on a path of light - and the state of The World today, that is a compliment, thanks. Number of nodes on majority of cryptocoin networks is few hundreds at best ( Bitcoin is at 8,000 reachable nodes) yet SuperNET will reach 100,000+ nodes, complete bullshit but that does not really matter to you - just like none of other craps by jl777 and his buddies, it is all fine (until you finaly realise what the fuck have you participated in and done)! and i am kinda qrious this argument is being neglected though; the 100,000 nodes is this deliberately ignored? I asked if there were any valid questions in the 3 pages of FUD while I was doing the compensations. this is the first I see. there must be some confusion!! https://bitscan.com/bitnews/item/how-many-people-really-own-bitcoins-and-why-does-it-matterthis says there are over 1 million bitcoin users, most with presumable a QT wallet running Each QT wallet will become a SuperNET node does this answer your concern? NXT alone has ~25000 users, so we get one quarter the way there. Now 100K users is an estimate, just like by 10K BTC was an estimate. I am not always right, but I am not usually wrong thnx for the reply better to have clarification from the author himself wonder what will be the comment of subSTRATA on this  kinda interesting 
| CASINOBET | ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ |
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| ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ | ULTIMATE DESTINATION FOR CRYPTO GAMING PLAY NOW |
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
September 06, 2014, 08:31:18 PM |
yes, NXT moved up sharply last 24 hrs
This^^^ will be very bad for SuperNET (at least short-term). I already knew that NXT holders (especially the initial stakeholders) SUCK at trading but this is borderline pathetic... they always seem to do the opposite of what would be in Nxt's interest... just saying...  Yeah, sooooo bad for NXT. So terrible to have the price go up towards reasonable evaluation prices. Smh. Lol Actually, it isn't awesome for those that get TOKEN d1. I should have anticipated this and waited a few days... since I am getting token with already held NXT, I am actually paying more NXT per token, then if I waited a few days for NXT to go to a peek and bought TOKEN then. Argh... the only good thing is that perhaps in 10 days I will be able to get more tokens for less NXT each.
September 06, 2014, 08:32:05 PM |
Is there an estimate of when UNITY will be sent out?
"We have the power to begin the world over again" - Thomas Paine
jl777 (OP)
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
September 06, 2014, 08:33:04 PM |
I am getting close to 40hrs without sleep so I am much more prone to errors, especially observational ones So, if I and ignoring you and you are not a troll, just repost I think things are reasonably under control and I think a good time to get some rest. Thank you everybody for the strong support! I believe in the first hour of SuperNET fund raising, we outdid etherium's first hour! not bad for having not a single fancy graphics. I hired the team that did http://nxttechnologytree.comto do something for SuperNET. not sure if it will be ready before funding is over, but we will try back after a while, dont worry, I am just recharging James
jl777 (OP)
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
September 06, 2014, 08:33:48 PM |
Is there an estimate of when UNITY will be sent out?
within a day of the end of funding, unless we get unexpected delays
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
September 06, 2014, 08:35:54 PM |
I am getting close to 40hrs without sleep so I am much more prone to errors, especially observational ones So, if I and ignoring you and you are not a troll, just repost I think things are reasonably under control and I think a good time to get some rest. Thank you everybody for the strong support! I believe in the first hour of SuperNET fund raising, we outdid etherium's first hour! not bad for having not a single fancy graphics. I hired the team that did http://nxttechnologytree.comto do something for SuperNET. not sure if it will be ready before funding is over, but we will try back after a while, dont worry, I am just recharging James so I buy tokens then they get converted to unity? and unity is my holding in supernet im confussed i want in just want to know everything i have to do
September 06, 2014, 08:36:16 PM |
Really?? 1000 btc only for marketing?
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
September 06, 2014, 08:37:02 PM |
Considering your net worth of 4000 BTC in crypto, all I can say, I certainly wont be able to afford those "food and latte" too  . That said, couple of queries/suggestions: 1. BITGO has a paid service for "enterprise" level wallets. I have not tried it so I am not sure what kind of extra layered security is in place for that. If you are considering them for multi sig addresses. 2. Now most of the people already know you/your work with NXT. I first heard about you when I was reading up on the BTSX in wallet exchange where they have put in markets pegged (to use their lingo) to BTSX. Someone mentioned about Supernet and how it will have a market effectively trading every crypto joins to any other crypto. So the query is: how different/similar is this idea to the BTSX exchange market? 3. As I said, I am not overly familiar with your work but I do see the long list of project you are into. Thats one huge list man  Many of them have been open source basis, I presume? So I was wondering if you could list out the projects which you are currently working on/are in the pipeline? The reason is I really want to know how busy you really are? We normally have the best of intentions when taking on a project but things fall apart some times because of an issue encountered with another projects. I also think it will help in disclaimering your already fully disclaimered pdf  You can probably add "expect a bit of delay"/"don't bitch if the initial date is pushed" to your list. The btsx holographic peg experiment is proceeding so far as I have expected. I am worried that my full prediction will come to pass, so I am not spending efforts on understanding the details. I have been too busy for such extra research. Please do not ask about my opinions on this, you can search forums and find my postings I posted a few posts back the layered structure of my projects. they are all one big project with most of them being applications written on top of the SuperNET layer. the source codes are here for a recent version: github.com/jl777/libjl777 I have not put all the things into libjl777 yet, I guess only about half of the 40,000 lines are in there for now, but this is just lack of time for housekeeping. The SuperNET launch is delaying me by about a week, I estimate a full month of debugging to get all except the Privatebet into a beta release. Maybe I am only able to work halftime on the debugging, so with only 50 hours a week, then it could be taking two months. So I think the timeframes of yearend for all but Privatebet and 6 months for things to get up to speed is reasonable. I ask for forgiveness if I am not meeting this schedule with exact precision, I am finding that there is much time spent recently on the 100+ PM's I am getting every day. I do not know how much longer I can continue to answer every PM. If it is OK for me to ignore the PM's of low content, then that will increase the time I have for coding. so please do not send me a PM until you are reading this thread, thesupernet.org and asked on the thread. Everybody can help this poor monkey from menial work if you are making the right answers on the thread. Then if you can refrain to ask me in PM, you can ask me on the thread. SuperNET should be the best idea for everything, the best answer for every question, the best mind for each post. I thank you for your assistance. James I understand you have quite a lot of projects under your belt. I just wanted to understand how things stack up. I will try to dig up your structured project post. In any case, just for the fact that you are making an effort to answer every post, I will invest whatever meagre btc I have.  please follow the advices on being able to sleep soundly. this is the only way you can HODL bull shit, after holding 6 month of xmr,doge,auro,nas, I only get 10% or even less. You mean you lost 90% or gained 10%? A 10% gain on investment in 6 months is quite good.
jl777 (OP)
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
September 06, 2014, 08:42:01 PM |
yes, NXT moved up sharply last 24 hrs
This^^^ will be very bad for SuperNET (at least short-term). I already knew that NXT holders (especially the initial stakeholders) SUCK at trading but this is borderline pathetic... they always seem to do the opposite of what would be in Nxt's interest... just saying...  Yeah, sooooo bad for NXT. So terrible to have the price go up towards reasonable evaluation prices. Smh. Lol Actually, it isn't awesome for those that get TOKEN d1. I should have anticipated this and waited a few days... since I am getting token with already held NXT, I am actually paying more NXT per token, then if I waited a few days for NXT to go to a peek and bought TOKEN then. Argh... the only good thing is that perhaps in 10 days I will be able to get more tokens for less NXT each. what if NXT price goes down? there is no way to know which is best the price of NXT changing, this is not changing the price of the TOKEN, it is changing the purchasing power of NXT Now if you did 50/50 or 33/33/33 split, then you would get the average cases and not have a chance of the worst selection. of course no chance for the best one either. let us not be counting the pennies, they are important, but to be frustration over not being able to predict chaos, is self-torture now if you did the SMA projection like I recommended, you could at least get some visibility into the future price, but it is probably too complicated for most. OK, I will tell you a trick you can use. We know the reference price is the 24 hr SMA, so what you need to do subtract out the shrinking bonus. this is approx by looking at the BTC price, getting a percentage from 0.01 and adjusting the NXT price that bter is showing. now plot this number every 5 minutes. (more frequent is better) Since we are talking about 24hr average, let us say that if the price is dropping for 1 hour straight and the current NXT price is also below the SMA price, then the rise has reversed. You can do the opposite to find when the fall has reversed. so then you just want for the current trend that is in your favor to reverse, then put the order in. wont be perfect, but with 24hr sma it is a slow boat, if it turns around for an hour, odds are decent it wont just reverse again James
jl777 (OP)
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
September 06, 2014, 08:43:16 PM |
Really?? 1000 btc only for marketing?
incorrect about 25 BTC so far, the rest is in escrow also there is 20,000 lines of code in testing but these things dont really matter to you
September 06, 2014, 08:45:16 PM |
Thanks for responding so quickly and sending me the tokens from the NXT exchange error. Great work, get some sleep!
Este Nuno
Activity: 826
Merit: 1002
September 06, 2014, 08:47:35 PM |
100,000+ nodes will do quite a lot of InstantDEX, Teleport, Privatebet, Tradebots, etc.
Went through .pdf file and some other places, starting post here and then noticed the number above. Out of all craps by now from jl777 mouths that one is the biggest one. jl777 is a pirate40 (nefario) in the making, watch out. Hey, I know your FUD from some months ago, I see you're still on that path of darkness  Given that majority of people are just like you - on a path of light - and the state of The World today, that is a compliment, thanks. Number of nodes on majority of cryptocoin networks is few hundreds at best ( Bitcoin is at 8,000 reachable nodes) yet SuperNET will reach 100,000+ nodes, complete bullshit but that does not really matter to you - just like none of other craps by jl777 and his buddies, it is all fine (until you finaly realise what the fuck have you participated in and done)! and i am kinda qrious this argument is being neglected though; the 100,000 nodes is this deliberately ignored? It's obvious he wasn't referring to the equivalent of Bitcoin full nodes. He likely meant nodes as in every user is a node on the supernetwork. People seem to be really grasping at straws here.
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
September 06, 2014, 08:52:56 PM |
this is so wrong, please stop the ipo! I am furious I lost more than 15,000 nxt with this shit ipo!!!
I assume you bought from someone other than "Asset Issuer" which is clearly shown in the NXT AE as the selling account.
jl777 (OP)
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
September 06, 2014, 08:54:14 PM |
this is so wrong, please stop the ipo! I am furious I lost more than 15,000 nxt with this shit ipo!!!
I assume you bought from someone other than "Asset Issuer" which is clearly shown in the NXT AE as the selling account. bter is sleeping it is 3am, they will get credits for all the tickets please be patient
Este Nuno
Activity: 826
Merit: 1002
September 06, 2014, 08:55:59 PM |
this is so wrong, please stop the ipo! I am furious I lost more than 15,000 nxt with this shit ipo!!!
I assume you bought from someone other than "Asset Issuer" which is clearly shown in the NXT AE as the selling account. bter is sleeping it is 3am, they will get credits for all the tickets please be patient You should probably try get some sleep.  40 hours without sleep is not healthy, and you need to be in this for the long haul as you know. 
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
September 06, 2014, 08:58:22 PM |
this is so wrong, please stop the ipo! I am furious I lost more than 15,000 nxt with this shit ipo!!!
I assume you bought from someone other than "Asset Issuer" which is clearly shown in the NXT AE as the selling account. bter is sleeping it is 3am, they will get credits for all the tickets please be patient You should probably try get some sleep.  40 hours without sleep is not healthy, and you need to be in this for the long haul as you know.  Agreed, get some rest James!
jl777 (OP)
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
September 06, 2014, 08:59:21 PM |
this is so wrong, please stop the ipo! I am furious I lost more than 15,000 nxt with this shit ipo!!!
I assume you bought from someone other than "Asset Issuer" which is clearly shown in the NXT AE as the selling account. bter is sleeping it is 3am, they will get credits for all the tickets please be patient You should probably try get some sleep.  40 hours without sleep is not healthy, and you need to be in this for the long haul as you know.  Agreed, get some rest James! OK, please tell the trolls you are not made of cheese see you all in a while
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
September 06, 2014, 09:04:39 PM |
All that needs 2 happen is for A line to be drawn after 24 hrs. then calculate how much has been raised in each coin do the maths on average price and reissue the correct amount of tokens even if it means making a new token and scraping old one. This was supposed to be a fair deal. At the moment it's anything but. Jon  do not worry, we will issue extra TOKEN so you end up at the official price it will just take a bit of custom coding by bter for NXT AE I can only offer a 114 price if anybody really over paid, PM me with the details and I will see what to do Slightly confused. 114 on NXT AE. I bought at asset issuer price of 127 ?? THIS jl777, everyone needs to pay 127, otherwise bad blood! take your time bro, but don't let let some pay 114, some 127, and some 140 - ALL 127! you are talking about 127 or 140 I paid bloody 500!!!! see below 09-06 22:16:11Buy350.0000000015.972 09-06 22:15:35Buy350.000000000.028 09-06 22:14:59Buy500.0000000010.000 09-06 22:14:18Buy500.000000005.000 09-06 22:13:32Buy500.000000001.000 I'm not sure if you realize that your mistake is probably going to come out of james's poket. He is the kind of guy that will make this right, even though it was your mistake. But, you should pay attention... you DID put in by orders at 500 right? Did you calculate how much that was in BTC and look at the IPO price and maybe think, hmmmm, that seems too high, let me see what's going on there before I play 4x too much for this.

Activity: 81
Merit: 10
September 06, 2014, 09:13:01 PM |
All that needs 2 happen is for A line to be drawn after 24 hrs. then calculate how much has been raised in each coin do the maths on average price and reissue the correct amount of tokens even if it means making a new token and scraping old one. This was supposed to be a fair deal. At the moment it's anything but. Jon  do not worry, we will issue extra TOKEN so you end up at the official price it will just take a bit of custom coding by bter for NXT AE I can only offer a 114 price if anybody really over paid, PM me with the details and I will see what to do Slightly confused. 114 on NXT AE. I bought at asset issuer price of 127 ?? THIS jl777, everyone needs to pay 127, otherwise bad blood! take your time bro, but don't let let some pay 114, some 127, and some 140 - ALL 127! you are talking about 127 or 140 I paid bloody 500!!!! see below 09-06 22:16:11Buy350.0000000015.972 09-06 22:15:35Buy350.000000000.028 09-06 22:14:59Buy500.0000000010.000 09-06 22:14:18Buy500.000000005.000 09-06 22:13:32Buy500.000000001.000 I'm not sure if you realize that your mistake is probably going to come out of james's poket. He is the kind of guy that will make this right, even though it was your mistake. But, you should pay attention... you DID put in by orders at 500 right? Did you calculate how much that was in BTC and look at the IPO price and maybe think, hmmmm, that seems too high, let me see what's going on there before I play 4x too much for this. if you read what jl777 posted earlier, bter(if you bid with them) will help fix the accounts that were affected with overbidding during the time the selling of tokens were still allowed by customers, I think it was by funding your account with the appropriate difference in Tokens from 127<+ NXT. If you went through the AE then jl777 will fix it when he gets some rest, just message him about it. Also so it was you who posted the 500 bids...