Minor Miner
Activity: 2562
Merit: 1020
Be A Digital Miner
December 08, 2014, 09:10:55 PM |
one of my accounts (caromei) stopped getting work from Bitminter. I have rebooted them all but all of them say they are waiting on the pool. I have another account that is in the same location and on the same switch and it is connecting fine. any ideas?
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
December 08, 2014, 09:23:00 PM |
one of my accounts (caromei) stopped getting work from Bitminter. I have rebooted them all but all of them say they are waiting on the pool. I have another account that is in the same location and on the same switch and it is connecting fine. any ideas?
Not sure what this means. Does the error message actually say it's not receiving work? Or is it the general "something went wrong" error that most miners show, which basically says nothing. You are sure both pool URL and user/worker name is correct? Could you try us2.bitminter.com:3333 and eu1.bitminter.com:3333 to see if you get the same result? Hint for mining client authors: your software knows what is wrong. Don't be a jerk, tell the user what it is.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 08:51:07 AM |
Dec. 9 is the one year anniversary of receiving my KNC Jupiter. Difficulty has gone from 707M to 40G. My expected earnings have gone from over 3 BTC a week to barely .25BTC per month. Been with Bitminter for the entire time (excluding a couple of days of testing early on). My thanks to the Doctor. Just felt I needed to mark the occasion.
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
December 10, 2014, 05:06:05 PM |
Dec. 9 is the one year anniversary of receiving my KNC Jupiter. Difficulty has gone from 707M to 40G. My expected earnings have gone from over 3 BTC a week to barely .25BTC per month. Been with Bitminter for the entire time (excluding a couple of days of testing early on). My thanks to the Doctor. Just felt I needed to mark the occasion.
That's awesome  Thanks for mining with Bitminter! Good thing the difficulty increases are taking a break though. 

Activity: 104
Merit: 10
December 10, 2014, 07:25:56 PM |
Indeed. Congrats on hitting a year. How long have the rest of you been mining? I jumped in around the beginning of the year.
December 10, 2014, 07:26:35 PM |
Dec. 9 is the one year anniversary of receiving my KNC Jupiter. Difficulty has gone from 707M to 40G. My expected earnings have gone from over 3 BTC a week to barely .25BTC per month. Been with Bitminter for the entire time (excluding a couple of days of testing early on). My thanks to the Doctor. Just felt I needed to mark the occasion.
The Jupiters were good machines. Parted ways with mine last month after nearly a year.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 10:21:20 PM |
Dec. 9 is the one year anniversary of receiving my KNC Jupiter. Difficulty has gone from 707M to 40G. My expected earnings have gone from over 3 BTC a week to barely .25BTC per month. Been with Bitminter for the entire time (excluding a couple of days of testing early on). My thanks to the Doctor. Just felt I needed to mark the occasion.
That's absolutely awesome! Congrats! I too, just crossed my 1 year anniversary on BitMinter, back on Nov 25th. My first shift completed was at 2.3 Ghps. I was absolutely thrilled (and using the BitMinter client for my Block Erupters). I'm now up to 1160 Ghps -- and lurking around #250 overall. I incrementally added (and later removed) a Jalepeno, a couple of Cubes as well as two S1's, followed by an S3, upgrades for the S1's. I've mined over 5 BTC during this time and BitMinter is the ONLY pool I've ever mined in. It's been great! Not a huge operation nor particularly profitable, but it is fun, nonetheless (I have really cheap rural electricity which helps). I also have made over 100 LiteCoins in about 5 months + all of the merged mining coins that go with that, too. -- Bill
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
December 14, 2014, 11:50:26 AM |
Help! Can anyone offer any advice? I am running an antminer s1 from behind a corporate firewall. I can connect to bitminter pool via ports 80 and 443 only. Status is showing alive. However, I am not getting any accepted blocks and they are all showing as rejected.  The miner works fine at home on my own router. To complicate things .. I am running awesome miner with some block eruptors on usb on my laptop. These can connect fine to the bitmintr pool and all is working ok. So it leads me to believe that it is something to do with the antminer setup. Could it be down to the speed of the antminer compared to the usb asics? I have been looking at ways to best circumvent the corporate firewall by perhaps using a proxy or ssh tunnel. But I do not know how to set up. Any advice would be great! 
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
December 14, 2014, 08:26:00 PM |
However, I am not getting any accepted blocks and they are all showing as rejected.  You see the rejects under "my account" -> "workers" in the website menu? And accepted says zero?
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
December 15, 2014, 05:21:15 PM |
Hi thanks for the reply.
I got back into work and re checked it. The miner status page shoed the acccepts ramping up and then on the bitminter worker page.
Weired ..... but i have started to get some accepted.
Dont understand why as i have not chnaged anything.
Anyway i will try again later when i get some more time.
Thnx again.

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Bored with you morons.
December 16, 2014, 03:26:19 PM |
Bring about 0.7TH/s online before the end of the year. Pulling my BFL 50 (thankfully I don't pay for electricity for this thing).
Done with this forum. Goodbye all.
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1005
December 16, 2014, 10:28:41 PM Last edit: December 16, 2014, 10:45:33 PM by HerbPean |
Bring about 0.7TH/s online before the end of the year. Pulling my BFL 50 (thankfully I don't pay for electricity for this thing).
I'm running one at home  It will be unplug this week also. My first miner will be replace with an AntFurnace (modded S1 boards)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Bored with you morons.
December 16, 2014, 11:09:43 PM |
Bring about 0.7TH/s online before the end of the year. Pulling my BFL 50 (thankfully I don't pay for electricity for this thing).
I'm running one at home  It will be unplug this week also. My first miner will be replace with an AntFurnace (modded S1 boards) Nice. I got a S3+ and two Rockminer R-Box coming sometime this week, or next. And then two Rockminer "NEW R-Box" Gen 3s by the end of the year.
Done with this forum. Goodbye all.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
December 17, 2014, 05:03:14 AM |
It's my fault - I rented a few machines to learn about Cloudmining and since then we've been only getting a coin every day or two or three.. :-( I'll stop! erosco 
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1005
December 17, 2014, 07:16:02 AM Last edit: December 17, 2014, 08:04:46 AM by HerbPean |
Why people are dumping hashrate when we are hitting a long block. I don't understand the thinking. Running after luck ? EDIT: Doc, we also still have the machine slot sound for NMC if you tried to change that  EDIT 2 : NMC just hit his halving mark. The reward if now 25 NMC per block.
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
December 17, 2014, 12:36:20 PM |
I haven't found the bug with the NMC sound. Haven't had much time to look though.
And yeah, unfortunately NMC is 25 new coins per block now. Much less income from merged mining now.
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1005
December 17, 2014, 04:40:48 PM |
I haven't found the bug with the NMC sound. Haven't had much time to look though.
And yeah, unfortunately NMC is 25 new coins per block now. Much less income from merged mining now.
Thanks you Doc, no rush for the NMC bug. I was just "OMFG we found it !!! hooo not  " I hope we see the NMC value going up a bit.

Activity: 72
Merit: 10
December 18, 2014, 04:43:30 PM |
Just wanted to see the difficulty because i thought i read Dr. say it stopt. Now i see that yesterday i got back a step to 39 from 40  . Edit: now i see it went up so many days back and in a couple of days in little steps back than i tiny step lower in the 39 step that it was.. Stil hoping it go's back eve more:D. What i don't understand and is going around in my mind a couple of days, when if am wright mr cox or so shut down when bitcoin was 1000 dollar or even 1000 euro, after that it only dropt and well.. what it does now. Why the ..... is it not going up as it did then and what was different back then? If suddenly it was rocketing and one site does bad, common.. 1 site and than that happens. And now it is like this, why does it go like this?? It was stable then going up and now totaly not stable, what is making it not stable and not going up. Now hoping the difficulty go's more down.
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
December 19, 2014, 02:56:50 PM |
Does Antminer S4 still require you to set minimum difficulty 2048, or is there a new firmware that fixes this?
Activity: 966
Merit: 1003
December 19, 2014, 03:09:05 PM |
SSSHHHHH...don't mention Anything about Firmware and Bitmain unless you want to field A BAZillion Q's of trouble shooting.