DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
September 19, 2014, 04:20:53 PM Last edit: June 01, 2020, 10:57:49 AM by DrHaribo |
Bitminter shutdown noticeThe Bitminter mining pool will shut down mining activities on 2020-07-01. The website will stay up until 2021-06-01 so you can cash out any crypto currency on your account. It is unfortunate to have to shut down after 9 years of mining. However, to keep going would not be fair to the few miners we have left in the pool. The efforts of miners who have tried to keep the pool going is greatly appreciated. But the pool has shrunk so much that we might never find another block. Attempts to bring big miners onboard did not work out. A big thank you to everyone who mined with Bitminter over the years. This has been a grand adventure. The original purpose of Bitminter was to make mining accessible to those who found other mining software difficult to operate. For many of our users mining in this pool was their first experience with bitcoin. I hope you enjoyed it and that you are still part of the bitcoin community. Hopefully Bitminter was a useful service for you. Best of luck for the future. Below is the original message that was posted here: Mint new bitcoins at the Bitminter mining pool! Why you want to join us:- A brand you can trust, serving your mining needs since 2011
- Over 440 000 total users since launch
- Merged mining - free namecoins with your bitcoins, without slowing your bitcoin mining
- We pay income from transaction fees in addition to the freshly minted coins
- 99% of mining income paid out
- Under continuous development and improvement
Joining us takes seconds:- 1. Choose a user name to sign up at https://bitminter.com/signup
- 2. Point your miner to mint.bitminter.com:3333 with your user name and a dummy (x or 123) password
- 3. Profit
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
September 19, 2014, 04:21:22 PM |
Welcome to the new Bitminter thread.
Note that this is a self-moderated thread. Treat others with respect and do not post lies, scams, spam or misinformation.

Activity: 72
Merit: 10
September 19, 2014, 05:54:41 PM |
Nice cleanup Dr.
September 19, 2014, 08:01:32 PM |
Nice clean thread 
September 19, 2014, 08:39:09 PM |
yup, long overdue!
September 20, 2014, 12:34:41 AM |
Nice cleanup.
SgtMoth, that avatar is tooooo distracting !!!
Doc, I suggest grab a few spots high up for myth-busting and general info for noobs.
Activity: 2058
Merit: 1007
Poor impulse control.
September 20, 2014, 10:16:56 AM |
Ah, sanity prevails. Thanks DrH!
major job
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
September 20, 2014, 03:23:06 PM |
I can see clearly now lorraine has gone... 
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
September 20, 2014, 07:03:45 PM |
Looks like the thread switch is well received.  Doc, I suggest grab a few spots high up for myth-busting and general info for noobs.
First two posts should do it. I can put in some info later as needed.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1001
September 20, 2014, 07:24:36 PM |
Hey Doc, doubt it really matters but you didnt include the pool speed in the title of this new thread.
To be decided...
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
September 20, 2014, 07:57:45 PM |
Hey Doc, doubt it really matters but you didnt include the pool speed in the title of this new thread.
Less maintenance.  It's in the dynamically updated image in the first post.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1001
September 22, 2014, 12:22:32 AM |
Hey Doc, doubt it really matters but you didnt include the pool speed in the title of this new thread.
Less maintenance.  It's in the dynamically updated image in the first post. Cool, I saw that but what about the proxy thing here or did theymos bypass that for ya ? Anyway, good luck on keepin the shit talk down here.
To be decided...
September 22, 2014, 02:40:07 AM |
Way2Go! I will keep watchin 
BTC: 1F1X9dN2PRortYaDkq89YJDbQ72i3F5N3h MEOW: KAbvy9jrrajvN5WLo7RWBsYqYfJKyN9WLf DOGE: DAyKSrTiVeRZaReTu1Cyf5Je6qPdKTuKKE
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
September 22, 2014, 11:45:55 PM |
Cool, I saw that but what about the proxy thing here or did theymos bypass that for ya ?
I haven't had any problems with it.
September 23, 2014, 03:05:45 AM |
Any chance you could support the grid seed units? I have never really got them working bitcoins but if you could somehow support them I would point them at the bitminter... I would even send you one of them. http://gridseedasic.com/item-type/asic-scrypt-minersThanks Fahlcor
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
September 24, 2014, 07:30:53 AM |
Hi, On the BTC luck chart, does anyone know what's the time frame for a column? Can one access chart data from whatever point in time? Thanks

Activity: 104
Merit: 10
September 24, 2014, 01:50:41 PM |
Glad this was a cleanup. I was really worried I had pushed my rhetoric too far in the old thread. Now, on to earning and learning!!!!
Bitminter rules!!!!!!!
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
September 24, 2014, 03:43:19 PM |
Any chance you could support the grid seed units? I have never really got them working bitcoins but if you could somehow support them I would point them at the bitminter... I would even send you one of them.
Isn't gridseed very slow at mining bitcoins? Does it make sense to use them for that? I haven't looked at the gridseed myself. On the BTC luck chart, does anyone know what's the time frame for a column? Can one access chart data from whatever point in time?
It's the last 500 blocks (NMC or BTC, total blocks, not 500 of each). There's no way to move backwards in time - that's still on my TODO list.
September 24, 2014, 04:08:14 PM |
Any chance you could support the grid seed units? I have never really got them working bitcoins but if you could somehow support them I would point them at the bitminter... I would even send you one of them.
Isn't gridseed very slow at mining bitcoins? Does it make sense to use them for that? I haven't looked at the gridseed myself. On the BTC luck chart, does anyone know what's the time frame for a column? Can one access chart data from whatever point in time?
It's the last 500 blocks (NMC or BTC, total blocks, not 500 of each). There's no way to move backwards in time - that's still on my TODO list. Where I have them I don't pay power so it would make sense for me. They do about 6 ghash each and I have a dozen. They are mostly used for scrypt but if the minter app supported them I would love for them to do something useful and easy. They make neat desk items as conversation pieces. if you PM me directly I would send you one to try and get them working. They are only worth about $29 now each. Thanks Fahlcor
September 24, 2014, 04:51:55 PM |
ON the accounts page what does the future column represent?
And thanks for all the green blocks guys. Looks like more pool hoppers are inbound so maybe we can get more going.