That list doesn't say much if anything. One example: DAO. I never believed that it's a good idea, especially because it involves some conflicts of interest and while I'm kind of idealistic I don't believe such a social-experiment can be effective and successful. A lot of people didn't understand that it would be totally irrational if it trades above 1/100 of ETH and hoped for much profit. That's one of the main reasons why the ICO was so successful (another is most likely that ETH-groups bought a lot and have a lot of control now). Many are already disappointed and want out but nobody wants it. There is a huge sell-wall > 1000 BTC at 24k Sat since days. But: It was on place 19 and is on 17 now! Doesn't make much sense in my opinion.
Or Poloniex and Kraken are on 14 and 15 and on 16 follows Bittrex. In reality there are universes between Poloniex and Bittrex. Bitstamp follows on 19. And if we look were Bitfinex is: On 37. Bitfinex is the leading USD-exchange and it has even more volume than Poloniex. Or Huobi, one of the leading chinese exchanges, is on 39. That's even kind of funny.
There is much more I don't understand and there is no way to make such a list correct. That's why I see no difference if Factom is in the top 10 or top 20 or on place 40 or 60 now. And there is no way to make such a list correctly.
A more interesting list would be about connections into the real world, about contacts to businesses and politics etc. Where would Factom be? I would say Top 10, maybe above Ethereum.
P.S.: If you and I would want to lift Factom a little bit up... it wouldn't be hard. We pay some people for one month who tweet and post comments on FB etc and it already would have effect - but no meaning.