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1941  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread -- Group Stage! on: February 05, 2022, 02:42:55 PM
Judging by yesterday's match, the absence of Benzema can still have a strong impact on Real Madrid. Of course, the Copa del Rey and the Champions League are different competitions with different motivations, but Benzema is a super player (according to Ronaldo top 1 now) and his absence is very important. As for Neymar, he will miss the first leg - won't he? Messi is not dangerous. Mbappe is dangerous, but I hope Real Madrid's defense can handle him.
The champions league is always something to look out for, always. I think the Real Madrid coach made some changes in yesterdays game and he knew it was risky and might not pay off and it didn’t, but it is football and you can’t win all the time. More focus on the domestic and champions league for Real Madrid now, and considering the caliber of players that both team possesses we should be expecting a good first leg match, the magic of L. Messi and the speed of mbappe in psg attach should be a concern for Real Madrid and both team defenders should be really ready cause both side have dangerous attackers that can cause problems and create goal opportunities. So I think we might wittiness matches in both legs where both teams will score.

I wonder from what year you wrote this message?  Grin I haven't seen any magic from Messi either this year or last.
As for the teams, they will play the first match in suboptimal lineups and suboptimal form. For one of the teams, this will be fatal - as one team will go further, and the second, which also planned the peak of form for the later stages of the Champions League, will leave the tournament.

I agree, Messi’s magic seems to have disappeared since he came to Paris  Grin
I read somewhere that Messi is not yet fully ready due to health problems, that he is unhappy in Paris, has no friends, doesn't know the language, that he uses every opportunity to visit Barcelona etc.
It seems to me that Real is a more complete team than PSG and has a better chance of winning.
PSG have too many stars in the team, Messi, Neymar and Mbappe, who think they are bigger than the team, don't like to help teams in defense etc.
Against weaker teams this is not a problem but against top teams like Manchester City or Real, it is a serious problem in the game.
1942  Other / Meta / Re: fxsurfer is back on: February 05, 2022, 02:27:56 PM
Seems like fxsurfer/antikvark got bored and is yet again back with a new account, Antithesis and yet again he managed to troll people with his obsession about Bitcoin being a just an useless number and nothing else in his latest "Can you answer a couple of questions to a potential bitcoin buyer?"  thread.

This time he is more cautious in order not to be connected so he is avoiding Croatian board, but his posts reeks of fxsurfer.

Some people just never give up.
It’s funny to come to a bitcoin forum and then try to convince members that bitcoin is a scam, each time with a different profile  Cheesy
Admins can, and I hope they will, check his IP address, prove that he is the same person with different forum profiles and finally ban him, because the other way of proving, via btc address, in his case will obviously not work.
It's obvious that what this person is doing is a violation of the rules of the forum.
1943  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How do i get merit in bitcointalk forum? on: February 05, 2022, 02:14:01 PM
Ok, you just registered on this forum a couple of weeks ago, you only wrote 7 posts, all in the altcoin section and now you are interested in merits. Why?
You can write on this forum without merits, as newbie, with some minor technical limitations, so I see no reason for merits and higher forum rank unless you want to monetize your forum membership and make money through bounty campaigns.
If this is the reason, be aware that no one will give you merits for that reason, but only if you help others with your work and effort on this forum, with some useful information, advice etc.
1944  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Altcoin novosti on: February 05, 2022, 01:35:40 PM

Iskreno sumnjam da njemu par miliona igra neku ulogu u zivotu

inace, sto se tice TESLA, to je sve samo ne proizvodjac automobila, oni skupljaju podatke o voznji (imaju ubedljivo najvecu bazu podataka o navikama u voznji, kretanju i sl.) i predstavljaju lidera u bespilotnom upravljanju vozilima, i zato su tu gde jesu, oni su tehnoloska kompanija, ne proizvodjac automobila (bar ih tako vide), pa ih ne vredi uporedjivati sa proizvodjacima automobila

A čuj, kada pogledam njihovu strukturu poslovanja i zarade, tzv. Tesla revenues by segment, što se može pogledati na grafu u ovom članku,
Total automotive revenues još uvijek čini  više od 90 % zarade kompanije, dok zarade od Services and other te Energy generation and storage čine manje od 10 % zarade Tesle.
Dakle, mogu se oni predstavljati u medijima kako god hoće, ali njihova glavna zarada je još uvijek od prodaje automobila i to je to.
A podatke o vozilima, razvijanje autonomnih načina vožnje i sl. pa time se već sve velike automobilske firme na tržištu bave, od našeg Rimca pa do svih velikih automobilskih igrača, nije to nešto čime se samo Tesla  ekspulzivno bavi bavi.

Ono što je za ovakvu firmu puno važnije je njihov P/E tj omjer cijene i zarade.
Smatra se da je normalni i održivi P/E do 16 a za Teslu je trenutno 187.92 što znači da se njegovim dionicama trguje po cijeni koja je 187 puta veća od aktualne zarade.
Toliko o tome da li je trenutna cijena dionica Tesle, od 787 dolara, održiva i realna ili je jako prenapuhana i zapravo veliki balon koji svaki trenutak može eksplodirati.
Treba li podsjetiti da gotovo ni jednu fiskalnu godinu Tesla nije završila u plusu?

A Musku je kripto, SHIBA i DOGE vjerojatno usputna zabava, a ne neki ozbiljniji projekti, ali dok ima vojsku odanih i vjernih sljedbenika, što god da objavi na društvenim mrežama, odmah će se ''pozlatiti''.
1945  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Godisnji pregled aktivnosti domaceg podforuma on: February 05, 2022, 01:24:39 PM
Iskreno, ni ja nisam očekivao baš tako veliki pad broja postova, mislio sam da će ipak biti puno bolji rezultat.
Očito nam fali novih članova, jer su se stari već malo umorili  Cheesy
S obzirom na sve, broj podijeljenih merita je onda čak i dobar.
Očito moramo držati slackovica kao malo vode na dlanu, jer da nema njega, statistika bi nam bila još gora  Grin
U zadnje vrijeme sam i ja bio u gužvi zbog posla i drugih stvari ali pokušat ću biti bolji ove godine  Cheesy
1946  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Jesmo li pronašli Fxsurfera& Antikvarka? on: February 05, 2022, 01:20:24 PM
Ne mogu vjerovati da nisam prije primijetio, ali He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named se opet vratio na forum.  Shocked

Pratio sam taj thread od pocetka te se i meni cinilo isto ali ovaj tvoj post mi je sada potvrdio ono sto sam i sam sumnjao. Jos je kvalitetno uspio zatrolati ekipu, oni se fakat trude a on ih trola i pise pizdarije a ovi kuzeci da nema smisla pricati sa nekim kao on kome je lakse utjerati metar u guzicu nego centimetar u glavu.

Pretpostavljam da se radi o istoj ekipi, vjerojatno istih par ljudi, koji imaju ''bolesnu'' potrebu dolaziti na bitcoin forum da bi sve okorjele bitcoin fanove spasili od neizbježne propasti i odvratili od ulaganja u kripto.  Grin
Oni su u misiji spašavanja i nikakvi tu argumenti ne pomažu, a iskreno takve rasprave su očiti gubitak vremena i energije.
Vjerujem da će to i ostatak ekipe uskoro shvatiti.
Što se tiče rasprava na našem lokalu od prije (Fxsurfer&Antikvark), radilo se vjerojatno o ekipi iz Hanfe ili HNB, a kakva je to ekipa možemo sada vidjeti kada se ekipa iz HNB-a ''zaigrala'' i ulagala u dionice i obveznice banaka koke kontroliraju, koristeći pri tome svoje povlaštene informacije za zaradu.
I takve nas ''moralne vertikale'' spašavaju od kripta?   Grin Grin
1947  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove i za korisne informacije on: February 05, 2022, 01:08:05 PM
Evo i mene s prijavom. Ne toliko zbog Merita koliko zbog toga da malo istaknem temu koja me baš zanima - NFT 2.0

Hvala na zanimljivoj informaciji slackovicu.
Evo, sad si i mene zainteresirao za ovu temu (jaja i ostalog), a vjerujem i druge   Grin
Nagradio sam te i za trud i korisnu informaciju.
Ima li još tko štogod za podijeliti sa zajednicom ovdje?
1948  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove i za korisne informacije on: February 04, 2022, 08:41:00 AM

vise zbog vidljivosti, interesantna prica o projektu Refereum, mozda neko ima ideju sta se desava sa projektom, ili sta ja to ne vidim
projekat je mrtav, ne desava se nista, a neko gomila tokene, i daje prilicne pare za to

Pa, hvala na korisnoj informaciji.
Ako netko ima neke informacije, neka se javi.
Opet neka kripto muljaža?  Grin
1949  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Bijela Kuća priprema završnu kripto odredbu? on: February 03, 2022, 08:15:40 PM
U zadnjih par dana već sam par puta naišao na ovu vijest, ali nisam vidio da je netko to do sada spominjao na ovom forumu.
Sorry ako sam previdio  Cheesy

''Očekuje se da će Bijela Kuća u narednim tjednima izdati izvršnu naredbu o radnjama koje će američka vlada poduzeti u vezi s digitalnom imovinom.''
''Izvor “upoznat s planom Bijele kuće” rekao je Barron’su da će izvršna naredba biti izdana u memorandumu o nacionalnoj sigurnosti. Bidenov bi memorandum dodijelio nekim državnim tijelima ovlasti da proučavaju kriptovalute, stablecoine i NFT-ove ciljem razvoja funkcionalnog regulatornog okvira.''
'' Forbes je izvijestio da će ti vladini subjekti vjerojatno objaviti izvješća o svojim nalazima do sredine 2022. u kojima se razmatraju “sustavni rizici kriptovaluta i njihova nezakonita upotreba”.''
''Obrazloženje za izvršnu naredbu koja potpada pod temu nacionalne sigurnosti je da je kripto prekogranični alat za prebacivanje novca. ''
''jedna odredba u predloženom zakonu omogućila bi ministru financija da zabrani rad kripto burzama bez prethodne obavijesti.''
''Ovo će zasigurno utjecati na kripto sektor, ili ekstremno negativno ili iznimno pozitivno,''


Ako je ovo sve istina, ima tu dosta vrlo zabrinjavajućih stvari koje se spominju kao mogućnosti, od zabrane rada kripto burzi, pa spominjanje sustavnih rizika kripto valuta i o potencijalnoj prijetnji nacionalnoj sigurnosti...
Ako Bijela kuća zaista objavi ovakvu izvršnu uredbu, to bi zaista mogla biti prava kripto bomba koja će potresti kripto tržište (znamo da u konačnici svi slijede Ameriku).
Pretpostavljam da ćemo uskoro saznati da li su ovo bile provjerene i točne vijesti ili samo glasine.
1950  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Altcoin novosti on: February 03, 2022, 07:24:26 PM
 jer tko će prihvatiti DOGE kao sredstvo plaćanja ako Musk jednim tweetom može utjecati na to da cijena u sat vremena ode 10% gore ili dolje. Možda sam ja malo subjektivan jer mi DOGE nikad nije bio zanimljiv projekt ali stvarno ne vjerujem da će ikad imati tu svrhu.

da se ne lazemo, Musk to moze tweet-om i kad je BTC u pitanju
to je upravo ono sto ne valja u kripto industriji, svi su tu samo zbog novca i spekulacije

ne bi da ispadne da sam promoter DOGE-a, pa necu vise pisati o njemu, bice svakako interesantno pratiti sta ce se desavati u narednom periodu

Musk ima veliki broj sljedbenika na Twitteru, za koje je on nekakav vizionar ili guru, čovjek kojem se vjeruje i čiji se savjeti slijede.
Nevjerojatno je da Tesla, koja objektivno proizvodi puno manje auta od svoje konkurencije, vrijedi puno više od svih glavnih konkurenata zajedno  Grin
Musk je uspio prodati dobru priču i ljudi kupuju dionice Tesle jer vjeruju u tu priču i zapravo kupuju očekivanja što bi Tesla jednog dana mogla biti, a ne ono što trenutno objektivno vrijedi.
Ista je priča i za Doge ili Shiba.
Musk je uspio ponovno prodati dobru priču i njegovi sljedbenici kupuju Doge ili Shiba jer očekuju velike stvari poslije.
Mislim da će se mnogi razočarati u svog ''gurua'' jednog dana.

1951  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: February 01, 2022, 08:24:01 PM
[...]Mislim da se scenarij iz 2018 neće dogoditi tj da vidimo onakav brutalni pad btc koji smo onda imali, sve do 2019.
Za razliku od tog perioda sada imamo puno više institucionalnih ulagača u glavne kripto valute što im daje određenu stabilnost a očito je da kripto tržište sve više prati kretanja na tržištu dionica glavnih burzi na svijetu.
Čak i makroekonomske vijesti poput dizanja kamatnih stopa središnjih banaka ili porasta inflacije,  čini se,  također utječu na cijene kripto valuta jer u takvim situacijama veliki ulagači prvo rasprodaju tzv. rizičniji dio portfelja.[...]

Zaista to mislis? Za razliku od tog perioda momentalno SEC tesko presira upravo tih institucionalnih ulagaca da dovedu svoje balanse u redu... ako im za to treba likviditet odakle mislis da ce ga (morati?) izvuci...?

Ako probijemo support koji momentalno po drugi put testiramo pad do ispod $20K meni barem izgleda realan...

Ako si pažljivo čitao moj post, ja nisam rekao da ne očekujem i daljni pad cijene btc ali sam naglasio da ne očekujem brutalni pad cijene btc kao u periodu 2017-2019 kada je btc sa ATH od 19 343 $ pao na bottom od  3 239 $ što je zaista bio brutalni i strmoglavi pad od 6 puta.
Kada bi se to sada ponovilo, to znači da bi btc cijena sa svojeg ATH od oko 69 000 $ morala pasti na oko 11 500 $ a to zaista ne očekujem.
Čak i ako btc probije resistance na 30 000 $ i padne na oko 20 000 $ (što nije nemoguće ako se ispuni određeni uvjeti na tržištu) ipak ne očekujem da padne još više, na 11 500 $ i da se tako ponovi onaj veliki pad iz perioda 2017-2019.
S 20 000 $ ili 30 000 $, ovisno koji se scenarij u konačnici dogodi, očekujem početak novog bull marketa i novi ATH (do kraja 2023).
A i ja sam spomenuo da kada su veći poremećaji na tržištu, da se institucionalni ulagači prvo rješavaju visokorizičnih investicija, i u tome se slažem s tobom.
1952  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: February 01, 2022, 03:54:19 PM
Svjestan sam toga da bi tržište trebalo biti drugačije nego onda ali nekako mislim da to u konačnici neće imati prevelikog utjecaja. Kitovima paše ustaljeni bull/bear pattern gdje stalno povećavaju svoje bogastvo a nekako mi se čini da usprkos svom napretku mjesta manipulaciji još uvijek itakako ima.

No moram priznati da zapravo više ni ne pratim cijene kripta, dobro pogledam jednom ili dvaput tjedno ne može baš "cold turkey" odvikavanje. Ja sam izašao sa čime sam mislio, ono što nisam čeka novi ATH a ne mislim ulazit nazad unutra tako skoro. Štaviše volio bi da dosta bezvrijednih projekata krepa pa da se vratimo nekakvom razvoju a ne samo štancanju majmuna koji izgledaju što debilnije. Koliko god je NFT super stvar toliko će napraviti i veliku štetu sa ovim morem projekata bez vrijednosti.

Meni bi isto više pasali ustaljeni bull/bear ciklusi jer onda nema živciranja. Kupiš kad je BTC halvening, prodaš nakon cca godinu i pol i to je to. Volio bi da se tako i nastavi.

Ja sam isto izašao s većim postotkom skroz van u fiat, a ostatak sjedi u Tetheru i vrebam priliku za ponovni ulaz. Sve mi se više čini da se ponavlja 2018. godina kad je od početka godine sve krenulo nizbrdo i onda smo umirali dvije godine.

Mislim da se scenarij iz 2018 neće dogoditi tj da vidimo onakav brutalni pad btc koji smo onda imali, sve do 2019.
Za razliku od tog perioda sada imamo puno više institucionalnih ulagača u glavne kripto valute što im daje određenu stabilnost a očito je da kripto tržište sve više prati kretanja na tržištu dionica glavnih burzi na svijetu.
Čak i makroekonomske vijesti poput dizanja kamatnih stopa središnjih banaka ili porasta inflacije,  čini se,  također utječu na cijene kripto valuta jer u takvim situacijama veliki ulagači prvo rasprodaju tzv. rizičniji dio portfelja.
Ja sam dio btc prodao kada je btc bio na vrhuncu prošle godine i uložio ta sredstva u jedan start up u energetskom sektoru sa potencijalom povrata od 20 x i to mi je za sada dovoljno.
Ostatak hodlam za sada i ne opterećujem se previše sa dnevnim usponima i padovima cijene.
Diverzifikacija portfelja je već napravljena  Cheesy
1953  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: January 31, 2022, 05:42:28 PM
Hvala Rikafip na uloženom trudu i vremenu na ovoj mjesečnoj analizi naše lokalne sekcije.
Drago mi je da se trend pada postova malo preokrenuo, i da nakon duže vremena imamo mjesečno povećanje broja postova.
E sad, da li je to stvarno prava promjena trenda, ili smo jednostavno svi imali malo više vremena za blagdane, i bilo nam je ''malo dosadno'' doma pa smo češće posjećivali forum i malo  više pisali?  Grin
Vrijeme će pokazati.
S meritima isto jako dobro stojimo a slackovic, iako se malo ''ulijenio'' u zadnje vrijeme, i dalje kolo vodi  Cheesy
Ja sam malo manje pisao prošli mjesec, ali iskreno nije ni bilo puno tema koje bi me zainteresirale da se uključim u raspravu.
Nadajmo se da će se ovaj pozitivni trend nastaviti.

1954  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis: Australian Open 2022 on: January 31, 2022, 12:24:48 PM
Federer is 40 years old
Nadal is 35 years old
Djokovic is 34 years old

Their time is coming to an end. I do see Nadal winning another grand slam except maybe one final chance at the final French Open. I do not see Federer winning another grand slam except maybe one final chance at Wimbledon and of course the US Open or Australian Open. As for Djokovic he will have several opportunities at trying winning all 4 majors but I think at most all 3 of them will end up with 21 grand slams each  Grin
Well, we were both right... apart from the no surprises bit, that men's final was crazy! Does it count as a surprise coming back in the way that Rafa did there? For most players, yes, but for Rafa/Djokovic/Federer, actually not really that big a surprise!

I agree with you. The big 3 era is almost at its end. I don't think that Roger Federer will be able to get another GS as his form has dipped and so has his pace as he has gained a lot.

Nadal just won a tournament and maybe he'll be able to win another 1 or highest 2 at the moment. But Djokovic is still very fit and on top of his form so maybe we'll see another year or two of Djokovic domination.

I wouldn't really agree with you.
Did you watch the final?
Nadal, although a much older tennis player than Medvedev, had a lot more physical strength in the final and looks much less tired than Medvedev.
I would say that the main reason for this big turnaround in the final is the fact that Medvedev has been left without strength and energy in the last 2 sets.
If he stays at this level, Nadal can surely win new GS tournaments for another two years, and the same goes for Djokovic.
1955  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: January 31, 2022, 12:19:04 PM
What Nadal did yesterday was simply outstanding. It just shows how dominant the old 3 were in their prime (Federer, Nadal, Đoković) compared to anything else we have seen in tennis before and after it.

Medvedev is a great player - he's got it all. Yet - he's already 25 years old and has only one GS to his name so far.

I'm really glad Nadal has won it, the battle between him and Đoković for the top spot is still on. It will be a fantastic Rolland Garros.

It will be a fantastic Roland Garros if Djokovic is allowed to play at all because of the strict Covid rules in France  Grin
Djokovic could easily have a scenario from a nightmare, Nadal wins more GS tournaments this year, especially the next GS in Paris, while he watches it at home on TV because he is not allowed to perform.
I sincerely hope that something like this will not happen because it would be a disaster for tennis, and Nadal's success would forever remain in the shadow of the decision that Djokovic can't play.
It is truly amazing that Nadal, as a much older tennis player, has more physical strength and is more prepared in the finals than a much younger opponent.
Nadal is truly a phenomenon.
1956  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: HANDBALL EHF EURO 2022 Discussion thread on: January 31, 2022, 12:04:34 PM
Everyone happy with Sweden win? Can't say they don't deserve it, the way they upset France. Final moment penalty made the difference in the end. 20 years since the last win apparently?

And Denmark, the favourite for gold, least took home a consolation medal.
It was great final with dramatic ending. Interesting that France had timeout to make last attack, but it was complete failure. They left time to Sweden for response and earned 7m penalty on last second.
3rd place game was good too. Denmark simply dominated in overtime.
I guess you mean Spain here, France was in 3rd place playoff Smiley

I think Sweden deserved it, they had some covid and some injury problems but they coped with all of that and managed to get back some important players for the tournament finish. That last 7 meter goal from Sweden got me a win for ML and at the same time busted my Sweden under bet.

Sweden used to be a handball superpower, but they haven't won anything for a long time. I'm glad that they are returning to the paths of old glory. They absolutely deserved this triumph.
My biggest disappointment is Denmark. They were the main favorites of this tournament, Covid completely bypassed them, and in the end they almost ran out of medals.
As for my Croatia, again an old story about the change of generations and that the opportunity must be given to young players. And yes, eighth place is a success (and what we wanted to achieve before the tournament), judging by the coach’s statements  Roll Eyes Shocked
1957  Other / Meta / Re: [CHARTS] Brief monthly overview of the local boards activity on: January 31, 2022, 11:56:21 AM
Thank you Rikafip for your great effort in making this monthly forum analysis.
Really very interesting data, there was finally a reversal of the long-term trend, and the number of posts increased on the forum, but unfortunately the number of merits decreased.
Indeed, what actually happened to the Pilipinas section of the forum?
Are their merit sources  became inactive so it’s time for some new merit sources?
I see that I have been a little less active on the local part of the forum lately. I will try to be better  Grin
1958  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: January 30, 2022, 01:05:49 PM
Transfer rumours:

Borussia Dortmund and Norway striker Erling Braut Haaland, 21, wants to wait to make a decision on his future to see if Barcelona will be able to afford to sign him. It is not clear to me where Barcelona got the money for such an expensive transfer. Their financial problems are well known so this transfer doesn't seem like a realistic option to me.
Manchester City will reluctantly listen to offers for England forward Raheem Sterling in the summer if they fail to agree a contract extension with the 27-year-old, whose current deal runs until summer 2023. What will eventually happen with Sterling? He stays in Manchester or goes to another club?
France winger Ousmane Dembele, whose contract with Barcelona runs out in the summer, is hoping to secure a move to the Premier League, with the 24-year-old's representatives focusing on interest from two unnamed clubs in England's top flight. So it looks like Dembele is leaving Barcelona after all and if I can guess, he will probably go to Manchester, City or United.
Atletico Madrid will not let Spain striker Alvaro Morata, who is on loan at Juventus, join La Liga rivals Barcelona. Arsenal, Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur are interested in the 29-year-old. A lot of clubs wants him. Where he will end up?


1959  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis: Australian Open 2022 on: January 30, 2022, 12:54:51 PM
Well, we have the Nadal vs Medvedev final that always seemed inevitable.

I think Medvedev won't be too tired, though, or not as tired as I expected. I thought the match with Tsitsipas would be quite tight, and for most of the match it was... but I also thought it might be quite draining, long games, possibly a 5-setter. As it turned out though, although it was tight, much of the match seemed to be the players holding serve to love... so not as tiring as might have been expected.

I was going to have Nadal as favourite for the final, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe he might still edge it, even though Medvedev didn't have an exhausting semi-final.

For me, Nadal is a big surprise of this tournament.
Of course, we all know how good and quality a tennis player he is, but he was injured for a long time and had a long break when he couldn't play in tournaments.
Personally, I thought he is not completely ready and healthy before the start of this tournament, but Nadal really delighted me with his games until the finals.
The experience is definitely on his side and I am sure he will cope easier with the pressure of playing the GS final than Medvedev.
It will probably be a very uncertain match but I give a little advantage to Nadal.

Yeah, when we thought that he is done because of the numerous injuries he had and even his rankings has drop this year. And then at the start of the year entering the first slam and then going directly into the finals? that's already a big accomplishment and a good boost for him. But then again, he will be facing Medvedev who is now the second seed and seems to be on his prime, really hard to see what will be the outcome of this match. But experience wise, obviously, Nadal has the edge here.

It seems to me that exactly what I predicted in my earlier post is happening.
Medvedev started the match well and won the first 2 sets, but now Nadal is on the way to completely turn the match in his favor.
Nadal has already played a lot of such important matches, has a lot more experience than Medvedev and copes better with the great pressure of this final.
If the match goes to the fifth set then Nadal is the favorite in my opinion.
1960  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: January 30, 2022, 12:49:40 PM
Is Nadal's great return to this match imminent?
He seems to be pretty close to taking this match to the fifth set and then the psychological advantage would definitely be on his side.
I mentioned earlier that I think that Nadal is a much more experienced tennis player than Medvedev, he has played a lot more matches like this and he copes better with the pressure.
If the match goes to the fifth set, I think Nadal is the favorite to win.
Great match.
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