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641  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: PI network! A huge trap[Warning!] on: May 03, 2020, 07:23:16 AM

KYC is simple!  You just have to prove your human and not a robot! Only 1 person, 1 account, 1 cellular device

OK, PI shill, when YOU mine coins for yourself it means you own them (at least that's what I've heard). Simple question:

What will exactly happen to your "mined" PI coins if you don't provide KYC?

Please explain using your own words.
642  Other / Meta / Re: [UNBAN APPEAL] account kirreev070 on: May 01, 2020, 10:32:13 AM
Is there any chance that the moderators will answer about this case?
If they didn't respond by now they probably won't.
This is sad Sad when I see trolls and spammers all time in the forum roaming freely, OP is a genuine person who committed an honest mistake and as I see he is a quality contributor to the forum. Sad it's taking much time for you :/ hopefully you will be unbanned and given another chance!
I wouldn't call this "honest mistake", it's not like OP forget to put something under quotes or unintentionally forgot to add source, but, as there are worst cases of users who are still not banned and/or are given second chance, I believe this user should get second chance in the form of "signature ban".

As for their posts, I've read some of them in WO topic and they are funny, there are some good topics started by this user as well, some scam accusations and so on, so that should be another reason to remove permaban.
643  Economy / Reputation / Re: Ree @hacker1001101001 ICO bump account on: April 28, 2020, 06:58:30 PM
Thanks for bump.

Bump, I mean...
644  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: regulushr ban on: April 28, 2020, 06:42:49 PM
E jebiga, ništa od ručka.

Mislim da nema nikakve urote ovdje, iskreno, adminima se ne da zajebavati ili je regulus napravio neko žešče sranje u vezi merita koje se otkrilo. Nema mi druge logike. Mislim da je ovo prvo al vidjet ćemo, inače, nisam baš nešto aktivan po forumu u zadnje vrijeme, ali, čitam, i logiram se da napišem nešto u vezi par tema...Pa ono, mislim držati neke teme na vrhu u meti, pa kad se u meti bude dnevno nalazilo par tema na vrhu, možda netko i kršimo nikakva pravila ovdje.
645  Other / Meta / Re: [POLL]Double standard moderation? on: April 28, 2020, 06:11:19 PM
Sure marlboroza can update and make better poll
No, poll is as it should be. It would be pointless to place all other subjects into this matter, I believe one is more than enough, everyone can read topic, right? I specifically said:
please read both topics before ticking 1) or 2)
You could imagine it is not hacker but some other account mentioned in that topic.[1]
but looks like there is no other way to have DT members and moderators to reply in RegulusHR topic.
One way or another, it is not fair.
Moderators, that is what you are looking for. Not even hacker agree with regulusHR ban
Even I support RegulusHR's unban, but unban him or ban me..awesome justice !
...but he didn't mention why regulus should get second chance, like he did.
Not to mention mysterious editing and post vanishing
Conspiracy theory  Grin

[1] Account Otto_diesel is evading ban, manipulating DT and abusing merit (you can find that in topic) and he is accused of terrorism btw He is not banned.
646  Other / Meta / Re: Appeal of Ban Appeal: “hacker1001101001” spammer-sockpuppet menagerie on: April 28, 2020, 05:56:28 PM
That was kinda funny. Report his post for being off topic Smiley
Rumor has it that theymos is moderating meta and that he is colluding with moderators so report will probably remain unhandled.
Just PM hilarious or theymos or both about RegulusHr and see what they say.
I am pretty sure they can read...
And I'm quite certain that hacker1001101001 won't be re-banned.
Yeah, he won't be unbanned, he got second chance and that's it.
I get that moderators can't please everyone but by trying to link two unrelated cases you're not really helping.
Lets just agree to disagree.
647  Other / Meta / Re: Appeal of Ban Appeal: “hacker1001101001” spammer-sockpuppet menagerie on: April 28, 2020, 04:04:33 PM
Cmon, use logic, topic is in meta for last 15 months, it is bumped on daily basis lately and it has +4000 views, there is no fucking chance moderators/admins missed it! Even one post was deleted by moderators few days ago.

Seeing a thread and looking into the details of the case is not the same thing. Unless a mod commented in the thread itself I wouldn't assume they looked into it or made any decisions one way or another.
You mean, they didn't read it like when I asked why accusation topic was removed and I didn't get any answer and then I created topic to ask why user Neopotism is nuked and somehow I got response to my previous topic?

That was off topic reply btw!

Report for hacker's copy/paste post is marked as good  Undecided

This post
And this one

As I can see, they don't exist any more, picture:
648  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: regulushr ban on: April 28, 2020, 02:27:45 PM
Srećom pa imamo Loycev sistem koji je sve to fino snimio
Topic arhiva:
Post arhiva:
Nema ni ovog posta A dobro, svako ima pravo raditi sa svojim postovima što god hoće, jedino mi je čudno u cijeloj toj priči što nije komentirano ništa a tema je editirana nakon 3 mjeseca (inače, ne vjerujem da sam do sad vidio da se teme moderiraju). Što je uopće uređivano tamo?
649  Other / Meta / Re: [POLL]Double standard moderation? on: April 28, 2020, 01:18:00 PM
I guess OP didn't even look for identical ones. he wanted more to pay attention to unequal rules for two bans cases.
That is correct. This:

There is no response from anyone "on top" about these issues least some users would like to see this for regulushr's case. Also, don't forget that there are at least 10 examples of users getting second chance.
650  Other / Meta / Re: [POLL]Double standard moderation? on: April 27, 2020, 08:11:05 PM
The cases are not identical
Elaborate "not identical" (I responded to your post here btw

Why is regulushr banned (most users see him as "good for forum") and hacker is not banned (ico bump service which has active newbie flag and bunch of negatives on his profile and "soft negative neutral rating btw)"

It is not really about "identical", it is more about double standards. If spam service is unbanned then no one should be banned at all.

Ok, lets say spam service "has changed", so did regulus.
651  Other / Meta / Re: Appeal of Ban Appeal: “hacker1001101001” spammer-sockpuppet menagerie on: April 27, 2020, 08:05:11 PM
I'm just saying that spilling it over into other threads probably won't help. IIRC RegulusHr had more than one plagiarized post so that might have been a factor.
So did hacker (I didn't look for more), unless we are looking for +2 c/p now? New rule? Undecided
Do we know for a fact that admins/globals looked into the case, e.g. did someone PM hilariousandco and what was his response?
Cmon, use logic, topic is in meta for last 15 months, it is bumped on daily basis lately and it has +4000 views, there is no fucking chance moderators/admins missed it! Even one post was deleted by moderators few days ago.
652  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: regulushr ban on: April 27, 2020, 07:56:56 PM
Čuo sam se s Regulusom na watsappu i predložio mu da se uključi u raspravu u Meti, u skladu sa prijedlozima koje su mu drugi iznijeli.
Neka se uključi, što god da je napravio nije ništa usporedivo sa plaćenim prevarantskim spamom. Ako je nekome kome je bilo plaćeno za takav spam i najvjerovatnije je i sam vodio spam servise dozvoljeno da nastavi tipkati, ne vidim razlog zašto regulusu ne bi bilo.

EDIT: Nešto se čudno događa u regulusovom topicu u Meti.
Lucius je prvo objavio post u kojem je jako napao forum admine zbog odbijanja rješavanja ovog slučaja i usput objavio dokaz da su forum admini editirali postove i prema tome bili jako aktivni u tom topicu, a onda je iznenada izbrisao sve svoje postove.
Poslao sam mu poruku, nije ni meni jasno zašto je obrisao postove. 

Evo, novi poll pa idemo malo demokracije, s obzirom da nema odgovora.
653  Other / Meta / [POLL]Double standard moderation? on: April 27, 2020, 07:48:52 PM
RegulusHR's ban appeal
Hacker1001101001 anti ban appeal

There is no response from anyone "on top" about these issues, please read both topics before ticking 1) or 2)

Please vote!
654  Other / Meta / Re: Appeal of Ban Appeal: “hacker1001101001” spammer-sockpuppet menagerie on: April 27, 2020, 07:33:40 PM
Otherwise, the first step is to unban RegulusHr or ban hacker1001101001.
Keep reporting posts that break the rules and if the user keeps breaking the rules they will get banned.
I did, I reported hacker's second c/p, reports is handled as "good" and nothing happened, on the other hand:
Discussing some other cases here and whether they're better or worse is quite pointless.
But why ?

This user has more support than hacker's spam service, spam service is unnbanned and regulushr is still banned. What makes hacker so special and regulus not? Regulushr got lots support. Final line is, both c/p / plagiarism cases happened at the same time, or, "long time ago", in 2017, if you want me to put it in this way,..., if you want me to compare it like this...

Why obvious double standards? FFS everyone who commented in that or any other "regulushr related" topic  see double standards...

It only takes 2 minutes from admin to post comment. 15-16 months? well, that is lots of time!
655  Other / Meta / Re: Ban Appeal RegulusHr and discussion on topic "good for the forum as a whole". on: April 27, 2020, 07:22:03 PM
Well, I am guessing here. Anyway, not a single ban here is comparable to unbanned ICO spam service, not only it is literally payed-to-spam-forum activity, it is fraudulent activity!

What Regulus did? @Lucius, why did you remove your posts? If we are talking about ban appeal and forum administration not responding, it is not beating dead horse!

For users reading OP only and/or going straight to reply button, read topic from here and please vote here
656  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: regulushr ban on: April 26, 2020, 08:43:22 AM
My notification bot has been going crazy because you guys are talking about me and the Regulushr ban appeal.  
Not really, we only mentioned your posts. Here you go, another notification.
Mislim da je taj Albertov post izbrisan jer je off-topic
On topic je, napravio sam "edit" svojeg prethodnog posta, eto, skoro pa prva stvar na koju sam posumnjao, samo što nije "slično" već "isto"  Roll Eyes
guigui371 kaže da sam Regulus lično nije objasnio zašto je on dobar za forum, i s tom tvrdnjom nije pogriješio jer su se članovi našeg HR foruma zauzeli da to pokažu. Moje viđenje te situacije.
Postavljen je za merit sourca, povećani su mu meriti (kako netko reče, netom prije bana), u principu je samim tim već bio "dobar za forum" i po nekoj logici ne bi trebao ništa objašnjavati. Mislim, zašto bi mu se povećali meriti ako ga se nije smatralo "dobrim za forum"?
Pa naravno, admine boli kifla.

Pogle samo Reputation i Meta boardove. Svi seru jedni po drugima, svaki od njih ima bar 10 negativ trusta od drugih, tako da se uopce ne isplati zamarati time.
Sloboda govora i trust se ne moderira, ukratko.
657  Other / Meta / Re: Unban RegulusHr - Thank you theymos on: April 26, 2020, 08:09:45 AM
Another example. This is account which run spam service, what is worth to mention is (



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I don't have anything to add here except that this account is not banned and he can come back and post whenever he like. It's bloody spam service! Another example is account antikvark who is evading ban btw and all he does is spreading FUD against bitcoin.

Since I am following this topic for quite a while, I can confirm I don't understand the situation as well.
I don't think anyone does.
And either we are not being told everything, or there is an issue in the staff's objectivity. I don't see another option, and neither is acceptable imho in a spirit of transparency...
Maybe he, as a merit source, sent merit to alt account or sold merit? I don't see any other logical (backing up my logic with all previous examples) explanation.
658  Other / Meta / Re: Beware of fixed matches scam scheme on: April 25, 2020, 12:23:08 AM
There are threads in Reputation (or Gambling) for this. The topic belongs there because Meta is not suitable for it Smiley
May I ask you why?  Huh

posi specifically said "it would be nice if moderators...", this is whole point of this topic:

it will be nice if the Mods could delete every thread that have to do with fixed matches. it is for meta. (Answer to OP, scam is not moderated. Read forum rules.)

Please move this back to meta. (please edit topic title, it is misleading btw)
659  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: regulushr ban on: April 24, 2020, 09:20:00 PM
Došli smo do konsenzusa .... marlboroza i Daniel91 se slažu i sada je sve moguće  Grin
Čekamo bilo kakav odgovor
Treba ovo navesti kao argument u onoj temi  Grin

Ili je neko prijavio post.
Ima raznih koji svašta prijavljaju samo da nabiju bolji rezultat u svom profilu.  Tongue

Netko je prijavio i moderator obrisao međutim post je bio "on topic" koliko se sjećam, evo:

Moram proći temu još jednom i vidjeti da li je netko već napisao nešto slično, što bi moguće bio razlog da se makne "on topic" post, a s druge strane, one 2 kobasice iznad tog posta od guigui371 što nije u stanju pročitati temu nisu obrisane. Opet, s jedne strane moderatori obrišu te "one linere" međutim ne vidim da su mu obrisani ostali "one lineri". A možda je, s obzirom da se radi o newbie accountu, moderator pomislio da netko namjerno bumpa temu pa obrisao spam.

Zapravo, kad malo bolje razmislim, nemam pojma. lol

Ninja edit: Evo ga:

His account was 2 months old...that would in my book be "forum childhood"

Iskopirao od Branka post.
660  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: regulushr ban on: April 23, 2020, 08:56:15 PM
Evo mojeg zadnjeg pokušaja u Regulusovoj temi.
Ne treba odustajati, bar da dobijemo nekakav odgovor.
Sada, ili će Theymos odgovoriti ili će me admini ''uzeti na zub'' jer se usudim ''kritizirati'' big bossa pa ću ja idući zaraditi permaban ili izgon.  Grin Grin
Vidjet ćemo.
Što god se dogodi, neke stvari ne mogu prešutjeti, bez obzira na moguće posljedice.
Ovaj forum podržava slobodu govora tako da te nitko ne bude uzeo na zub  Wink Ajme, sad sam se sjetio da ovaj account;u=2678368 osim što širi FUD također izbjegava ban, mislim da budem ovo napomenuo u toj temi.
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