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661  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [NEWS] CZ Mengundurkan diri Sebagai CEO Binance on: November 27, 2023, 04:15:26 AM
Saya belum pernah melihat CEO Binance CZ melakukan korupsi, menyalahgunakan dompet pengguna, menjarah aset seseorang, menyalahgunakan pertukaran Binance. Menurut saya CEO Binance sangat baik karena Binance (BNB) sekarang sudah belajar bergerak cepat, tidak ada lagi anak kecil sehingga dia mengundurkan diri.
Ya masak dia melakukan itu terang-terangan sih gan. Sudah pasti kalau ada tindakan kejahatan semua itu dilakukan dibalik layar. Memang bisa saja semua itu cuma sekedar tuduhan atau malah fitnah ke CZ, tapi agak naif kalau agan bilang dia sangat baik dan sejenisnya hanya karena dia sering bikin shitpost dan ngetweet. Apalagi kalau dasarnya adalah karena pergerakan harga token milik perusahaan yang dia miliki.
662  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [Guide] Macam-Macam Wallet Cryptocurrency Serta Pro & Kontranya Untuk Pengguna on: November 27, 2023, 03:43:55 AM
Sekalian wallet yang open source untuk altcoin apa ya? mungkin ada yang sudah gunakan wallet tertentu dan saya belum mencoba, sejauh ini saya hanya menggunakan metamask dan trus wallet untuk altcoin.
Agan nyari wallet multicoin yang support Bitcoin juga maksudnya? Atau ada altcoin khusus yang ingin agan coba? Kalau yang jadi tujuan agan adalah yang kedua, bisa bikin thread baru di sub altcoin atau tanya di thread khusus altcoin yang agan inginkan (kalau ada). Rata-rata altcoin punya open source wallet sendiri kok, tergantung agan nyari yang bagaimana, meskipun altcoinnya ga terlalu populer sekalipun (biasanya sih dari devnya sendiri).
663  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [DISKUSI] Bagaimana Cara Mewariskan Wallet/Bitcoin? on: November 27, 2023, 03:26:35 AM
Inti dari cerita ini adalah istri saya juga tentunya sudah saya ajarkan dengan wawasan dasar terkait aset kripto seperti membuat dompet pribadi dan menyimpan Seed Frase wallet dan bagaimana cara mengimportnya kembali. Cara mengirim dan menerima kripto. Dan istri saya juga tahu dimana saya menyimpan semua hal yang berharga termasuk frase cadangan wallet saya.
Berarti agan dan istri agan pake akun yang sama ini? Atau istri punya akun sendiri dan mengelola tradingnya dengan modalnya sendiri? Ada baiknya agan pisahin akun sih gan, mengingat kalau ada masalah dari pihak exchange sendiri bisa menuduh agan berbagi akun atau melanggar ToS karena akunnya dipakai berbagai orang. Memang ini tergantung exchangenya juga, tapi ane pernah baca kasus akun kena blokir gara-gara dipakai oleh dua orang dengan dua IP yang berbeda, walaupun mereka suami istri/pacar. Di sisi lain ada baiknya memisahkan akun untuk mengurangi risiko keamanan ataupun privasi.

Ane rasa agan harus memperhatikan juga masalah keamanan penyimpanan seed phrase mengingat istri juga tahu. Jangan sampai istri atau keluarga agan tanpa disadari mencatat atau menginput seednya diluar sepengetahuan agan dan menjadi target serangan hacker ujungnya.
664  Local / Marketplace (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [Gratis] Jasa Konsultasi Spek Komputer (PC & Laptop) + Diskusi on: November 27, 2023, 02:51:47 AM
Kenapa GPU yang lebih rendah TDP nya malahan yang di undervolt? Ga kebalik yang bagian ini gan?

Sedangkan untuk melakukan undervolt itu sendiri ada kemungkinan ga sih, kita melakukan pengaturan yang salah yang justru dapat membahayakan kesehatan GPU yang kita undervolt?
Karena emang boros gan GPU ane yang lama, maklum produksi dari brand yang emang murahan di bidang power delivery dan pendingin, sampai ane beliin fan custom buat bantu dinginin GPUnya. Sementara yang 3060TI lumayan ok dan hemat biaya meskipun dari bawaan TDPnya lebih tinggi.

Setahu ane masalah yang terjadi ya stabilitas saja, kalau memperpendek umur sih ane rasa tidak karena kan agan tidak memaksa perangkat itu untuk bekerja dengan lebih keras dengan suplai listrik yang lebih tinggi dari setelan pabrik etc. Koreksi kalau ane salah, tapi overclock biasanya yang lebih sering dikaitkan dengan memperpendek umur device.

Kalau hanya undervolt saja (tidak diikuti overclock) malah memperpanjang usia gan, karena tidak jalan di full throttle.
Masalah yang terjadi setau ane kalau agan undervolt + overclock, itu kalau terjadi degradasi silikon (yang pasti terjadi karena usia), maka nanti bakal tidak stabil -> setting ulang afterburner.
Walah iya, entah kenapa kok ane nulis 'biaya' padahal yang ane maksud itu umur om. Kan agak kontradiksi juga kalau ane bilang didepan underclock tidak memperpendek usia eh diakhir bilang sebaliknya. Udah ane om, makasih replynya.
665  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [DISKUSI] BITCOIN Sebagai Mata Uang Dunia - Mungkin atau tidak, Mengapa? on: November 27, 2023, 02:39:23 AM
Ya, untuk mata uang alternatif masih mungkin menurut saya gan, karena efektif untuk pembayaran lintas negara dan bisa untuk melawan hagemoni dollar USD, selain itu bisa juga di buat peraturan bahwa bitcoin bisa digunakan untuk mata uang lintas negara tetapi tidak di skala local negara jadi sistem keuangan di dalam negara menjadi tidak terganggu.
Jadi standarnya udah jadi mata uang dunia kalau begitu kayak apa gan? Soalnya saat ini kan juga udah umum Bitcoin jadi alat bayar jasa atau produk-produk digital seperti VPN dan sejenisnya. Udah bisa dianggap jadi mata uang alternatif dunia kalau begitu? Ane rasa kok ya sama saja jadi mata uang dunia ujungnya kalau begitu. Diskusi dengan topik ini ane rasa agak susah untuk dicari ujungnya karena rata-rata definisinya sendiri ga disepakati secara umum. Beda standar beda asumsi, jadinya beda konklusi juga.
666  Economy / Services / Re: Crypto Mixing Platform 🔥 [banned mixer] Signature Campaign 🔥 $7/Post Reward 💪🏻 on: November 27, 2023, 02:29:57 AM
Forum rank: Legendary
 1st choice of interested payroll:  Legendary
 2nd choice of interested payroll: Hero
 Merit earned in the last 120 days: 55
 Bech32 address: bc1q2e9ekyt5zugaknf0tqw0zhwxnak8ym3u745jnc
667  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin's Impact on South Asian Economies. on: November 25, 2023, 03:10:13 AM
Through this platform the foreheads of the people of all these regions are being opened.
Where is the data to suggest this? Are you referring to how some countries are making mistakes by pushing away their local traders like India, which makes them lose a ton of potential tax money or is there any survey that indicates people in those countries hold Bitcoin?

So far, what you mean by impact is probably the potential of Bitcoin to get some people out of poverty. That is true regardless of where they live though, but they need to be a little bit lucky since not all of them have the means to start DCA to begin with.
668  Economy / Economics / Re: strange indicators to know economy is bad on: November 24, 2023, 01:59:23 AM
must issue economic policies that can help society so that people's purchasing power can increase, either by providing subsidies to keep goods prices cheap or providing cash assistance to people affected by the bad economy.
I think that is a tricky decision. If they can't control how much money is in the market, it can go south quickly and will just increase inflation like what happened in Argentina iirc. At some point, people need to become creative on their own so they don't rely on the government to survive for a while. I guess this is where natural selection comes into play.

Weirdly enough, I stopped taking regular haircuts a few years ago. My reason is just laziness though, quite different from the Japanese I guess. On the other hand, the price to get a basic haircut does increase here. Things are getting expensive.
669  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Solie - The ultimate trading bot for Binance Futures, with GUI and easy simulati on: November 24, 2023, 01:45:13 AM
Is this the page for your project[1]? A quick read shows that it looks like an advanced open-source trading bot for future trading. Looks like it is not noob friendly since people need to input their strategies by coding. Is this intentional or do you want to expand your market into the average joe in the future? If that's the case I think you should improve your UI and UX a bit.

670  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Should we care about the Proof of Reserves of the Exchanges? on: November 24, 2023, 01:32:00 AM
Tell me please which exchanges are the most reliable? So that they have full disclosure of ownership information. And so that exchange employees do not launder funds
Is this still related to the topic or are you looking for a good exchange in general? As far as I can tell proof of reserve doesn't include any ownership information, at least not in detail. You can start a new topic if you want to discuss who owns what exchange or which exchange is related to another exchange/business.

You're probably better off looking at the registration information, although it doesn't guarantee that they will publish their company structure in detail. Even if they did, there is still no way to make sure nobody is playing a money laundering game. Most of them is probably done behind the scene and no exchange would publicly tell you that.
671  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Can we avoid tax on crypto trading in india on: November 24, 2023, 01:03:46 AM
Maybe you can wait and see if your government is going to change anything since a recent study shows that they lost a ton of money by pushing any transactions offshore[1]. If they're being stubborn though, then you can probably ask around your local community and see if they have some options to make your trade more affordable while still paying your tax. The last choice would be to move out as mentioned above.

Btw, starting a crypto journey is a broad term. You don't have to start it by trading. Learning about Bitcoin and how it works, how to set up your wallet, etc is also a good step to take. It is not like you'll magically earn $10k and need to pay $3k for tax as soon as you open an exchange account.

672  Other / Meta / Re: Losing entire post if you hit back arrow accidently on: November 24, 2023, 12:51:28 AM
Though that also depend on the browser one is using. And also if you mistakenly refresh the page everything would just wipe out. This incident made me to uninstalled Opera Mini from my phone. There should be undo features so that in case you delete a vital information from the comment, you can bring it back without stress.
I don't think Opera Mini or other browsers that are designed to save your data or mobile-focused is a great choice to visit the forum. Most of them have this automatic sleep feature, and while you can turn it off you still have other issues like privacy or security if you use them. Other than hoping for an update, you should probably look for alternatives or use your laptop/PC if you want to type a long post. CMIIW.
673  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / [Airdrop] Airdrop Blast on: November 23, 2023, 07:01:03 AM
Kemaren ane search di sosmed ternyata ada airdrop baru yang dilakuin oleh Blast. Airdrop ini juga beberapa kali di share oleh akun-akun influencer kripto di Youtube. Kalau agan ingin ikutan, caranya ga terlalu sulit, hanya perlu bridge $10 ke layer mereka dan mengikuti Twitter plus Discord mereka. Hanya saja untuk join early access butuh kode invite. Ada beberapa invite kode yang bertebaran di Twitter tapi kalau agan kesulitan nyari yang masih valid ini ane share beberapa kode yang ane punya:

Kalau mau nyoba silakan visit website mereka di dan klik early accessnya. Prosesnya adalah menginput invite kode -> follow Twitter -> follow Discord -> bridge ke layer mereka.

Untuk berapa hasilnya ga ada yang tahu ya. Jangan lupa gunakan wallet yang memang dikhususkan untuk nyari airdrop kaya gini daripada ujungnya kenapa-kenapa. Kalau ada yang mau ditanyakan bisa reply saja nanti ane bantu nyari jawabannya.

Update: untuk dapet airdrop sepertinya agan harus melakukan spin. Dapetin spin perlu modal yang cukup banyak karena ratenya 1 spin / 1 ETH / minggunya. Ane rasa ga worth it kalau agan tidak bisa mengambil risiko terlalu banyak. Topik ane kunci dulu dan bakal ane update kalau ada update baru.
674  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Chatswap - a decentralized crypto exchange for social analysis on: November 23, 2023, 02:24:47 AM
My plan is to build the parts of the AI that I know need to be implemented and then wait and observe the community to see what the best way is to approach a secure solution.
Maybe prevent new users from posting without doing some task, or something similar. Not sure what you can ask since your platform is centered around people sending messages though. Other platforms also require people to pay to prevent bots like Bitcointalk with its evil IP, but I doubt it is suitable for your platform either. At the end of the day, I believe the issue is not going to be big unless your platform becomes really popular.
675  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: Zeal | a new competitor to other cryptocurrency wallets? on: November 23, 2023, 02:19:12 AM
Due to its planned launch in 2024, we will wait to see how Zeal is rumored to be a solution amidst security concerns in the digital currency environment[1]. If in the end Zeal is the same as TrustWallet or other closed source wallets, it means that Zeal is not a solution for the security in question.
They don't offer anything new. From what they said, their new offer is. basically a phishing/scam list check if I get it correcly. Not really groundbreaking since most of them are available in many apps today. Other than probably a better blocking list, or the so-called advanced AI-powered list, I don't see how it will be different compared to what we have today. Even if they offer something new, it will likely be a closed source as mentioned above. CMIIW.
676  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: 47 countries pledge to authorize Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework by 2027 on: November 23, 2023, 02:06:35 AM
if you use centralized services, then expect that all your transactions will be transferred to your government and your tax service. Then you will be ready to formalize everything correctly legally and pay taxes.
The statute of limitations for tax crimes varies widely across countries.
That's true. At the very least in my country, you'll get taxed automatically if you use any centralized services. As far as I know, there won't be a penalty if you forget to report it on your yearly tax report, and there is no tax on your crypto savings until you sell them, AFAIK. I feel like this might change if they need more money from the crypto community. Hopefully, they will make it easier to calculate and pay them instead of indirectly trying to make people get sanctioned for supposedly hiding their wealth.
677  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: If i have 1k how to trade future on: November 23, 2023, 01:48:13 AM
What do you mean by "safe trade"? Do you want to avoid risk as much as possible? Do you want to make sure you still end up with 1K when the trade ends? Your question has a lot of hidden assumptions like your risk profile, your profit target, etc. Nobody can handhold you to do your margin trade with just that information, and you should not rely on some random advice from strangers, to begin with.

Maybe you should learn and practice on a demo trading platform or trade with some spare funds to get familiar with how the market works first. Experience is as important as having money to trade, especially in such a risky environment like margin trading.
678  Other / Meta / Re: Losing entire post if you hit back arrow accidently on: November 23, 2023, 01:36:10 AM
Now, perhaps there is no need for new software for the forum, perhaps a small patch could resolve the issue.
Won't that need to involve the server in one way or the other though? Unless you're talking about client-side caching with some plugins or something similar. I'm not familiar with how it works, it would be neat if that is possible as long as it doesn't bog down the browser due to too much caching.

So far I did what loyce said, and tried to click preview as often as possible if I need to type a very long post.

Also in my Android too the situation is same but where we most likely will refresh the page while swiping down and all the text written will be gone but its unlikely to happen with PC.
Don't most browsers open the typing window when you click the posting page? Maybe you can change the gesture of your browser or Android so you don't mix refresh and scroll down.
679  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Chatswap - a decentralized crypto exchange for social analysis on: November 22, 2023, 01:31:20 AM
This data that would be collected wouldn't necessarily be used to follow what others are doing, if you see a large irrational sentiment and trading decisions towards a token you can choose to make the opposite decision. The goal of this exchange would be to see why people are making the trades they are in real-time, but there's no set use for this it's simply showing data.
So basically it just makes it easier to check the trend? What's the difference between buy and sell signals available on other websites then? I'm referring to stuff like bullish, bearish trend, etc. Basically, any technical tools that aggregate the overall sentiment of the market for people who like to counter trade.

To be honest I don't see the appeal of your product. It is definitely a convenience to see how others react in real-time, until it becomes too much or just spammy in general. I'd rather stick with checking social media and so on. Maybe it is just not my thing in general.
680  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: An Email from TradingView claiming they are airdropping $TRADE Tokens on: November 22, 2023, 01:23:18 AM
In other words, the scammers were taking advantage of the minds/chat feature to send a notification about a fake airdrop to as many tradingview members as possible,
What the, so there is no difference between e-mails sent for the tagging features before or do the scammers use some code to mask the message? If it is the former then it would be really weird. I don't see how difficult it is to provide a template for something like that. Just a quoted message from the members tagging you will do that, including their names or something similar. Really an odd choice imo, good thing they solved it quickly.
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