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1001  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Iraq PM: We Lost 2,300 American Humvees to ISIS in Mosul Alone on: June 05, 2015, 12:47:50 AM
Seeks More Arms and Vehicles From US

by Jason Ditz, May 31, 2015

In an interview today on Iraqiya TV, Prime Minister Hayder Abadi made a plea for more US military aid, saying the country lost a lot of weapons over the course of last year’s war, including large caches abandoned by troops in the initial ISIS push last summer.

“We lost 2,300 Humvees in Mosul alone,” noted Abadi. The Humvees weren’t destroyed, by and large, but were rather simply left behind by fleeing troops, and were subsequently taken by ISIS. The Humvees were only a portion of what was lost, as ISIS acquired tanks, artillery, armored vehicles, basically a small army’s worth of advanced US gear in the fall of the major city.

After the fall of Mosul, the US began seeking to ratchet up sales and aid to Iraq, and approved the sale of another 1,000 Humvees to Iraq, an estimated $579 million deal. How much of that has been delivered so far is unclear, but the fall of Ramadi this month led to scores of additional armored vehicles, including Humvees, being seized by ISIS.

There has been surprisingly little debate in the US about the wisdom of further shipments to Iraq’s military, inasmuch as those shipments have tended to amount to delayed shipments to ISIS, and the Pentagon has hyped the large number of Humvees and armored vehicles it has destroyed in the war so far, seemingly oblivious to the fact that those are US-provided arms that the US is just going to keep providing.

Galdur, you really reminded me last aired episode of GoT with Caliph instead of White Walker King  Smiley "Whatever, you send at us, it will just make us stronger, so come on bitch."

1002  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: June 05, 2015, 12:44:49 AM

that is small change you are talking about. "Long freeze" would then continue... while it might be advantageous to Russia currently, I would prefer much more for hard tried people of Ukraine (both west and east). They deserve more, than east-euro version of Vietnam.
1003  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about Islam ? on: June 05, 2015, 12:42:16 AM

while your post reeks of conspiracy theories... happening of the last 15 years give you alot of credence, much more so, than I would like. The fact is, that both muslims and non-muslims are but chess pieces in much larger game.
1004  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [NSFW] What do you guys think about this.. on: June 05, 2015, 12:39:03 AM
I dont have problem with the officer here. When you are already handcuffed by LE responsible for the area, you ought to cooperate. Ive never had a problem with police even in eastern Europe and middle East, because it never crossed my mind to try to fight them, when they were doing their job.

Yes, she is woman. I know it and most of you here also. Yet, she doesnt. She reacts like drunken brawler, who just lost his favourite toy. You dont argue with drunken brawlers (especially not, if you are LEO). You put them in place.
1005  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Illegal Migrant Crisis in Mediterraean on: June 05, 2015, 12:30:06 AM
Good point. Region polarized by ethnic, religious and class hatred might be easy to control by outside power. Local authorities would also get good excuse to curb civil liberties "if it only saves one life!".
1006  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: June 05, 2015, 12:28:23 AM

Magyar Jew and his Rotschild companion seem pretty much immortal by this point. One has to wonder how many organ donors did these rich and priviliged white men need. Like modern day versions of Bram Stokers Dracula, frankly.
1007  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Life as one giant videogame on: June 05, 2015, 12:26:27 AM
How of life on earth is just one giant videogame?  Thought there was a thread on this already, couldn't find it though?

Please, pretty please, when bad mood hits you, dont go onto killing spree in Wallmart and blame it on playing Grand Theft Auto. Thank you.

- Concerned Gamer
1008  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Japanese Blowjob Prices Getting Hit by Deflation on: June 05, 2015, 12:24:54 AM
2000 yen, that 15 dollars or so, isnt it? Japan is turning mouths of its women into third world country, that is for sure.

The surprise here is that many people find that the 2,000 yens blowjob is too cheap. I'm certainly no specialist in that field, bit I see that as normal price for an average country. Why should it be more expensive?

Do you realize that 2,000 Yen corresponds to only $16? In the United States getting a decent blowjob might cost at least $100. And many of the sex workers there are having sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and some are even transsexuals. And the less said about Europe, the better. Rates in Europe are around 2-3 times of that in the US.

Europe is almost certainly not that expensive in this regard, I assure you, that american women are the worlds most prolific gold diggers.
1009  Other / Politics & Society / Re: what do you think about ROhingya ??? on: June 05, 2015, 12:22:04 AM
Both the sides are guilty here. 

Did you state the Rohingya refugee are guilty? I think United Nations must take action to response this problem. It's not about political, but humanity. I will appreciate if US will help them although world people hate US.

Perhaps United States should then take them all in? I sparsely see undeserved violence, so I reserve judgment until both sides have spoken. Fact is, that those bangladeshi migrants are muslim, while the country in question is (despite repeated invasions) still budhist.
1010  Other / Politics & Society / Illegal Migrant Crisis in Mediterraean on: June 05, 2015, 12:19:48 AM
This year, aprox. 600 000 new asylum seekers are expected on EU borders, analysts already predict perhaps one million next year. This is nothing new, for years thousands were migrating towards Europe, searching refugee, better life or just piece of its welfare system. However current crisis is unlike any other for following reasons.

- Western Europe has been trying (and failing) its romance with multiculturalism for decades now, integration of millions of its "new citizens" has to large degree failed as we can see in cities such as Malmö, London, Paris, Calais or suburbs of Berlin. Letting in one million of foreigners with completely different value system every year might be just irresponsible.

- As direct result of the above, euro comitee now wants binding quota, that would force smaller countries to also take in refugees - this of course disregards the fact, that new member states such as Poland or Czech republic already took care for tens of thousands Ukrainians, Vietnamese and Roma. That just doesnt count.

- In most progressive countries such as Sweden or Austria, even small towns are now forced to take in migrants under the threat of government sanctions. In Austria, every town has to take in atleast 1 migrant per 266 inhabitants, in Sweden it is 1 migrant per 300 inhabitants.

- As result of the state sponsored multiculturalism (which all but replaced religion in northern-western Europe), any criticism of either immigration or Islam is seen as criminal offense in Sweden, starting from 1/1/2015.

- Cant speak for westerners, however in my country (Czech republic), 92% of population is against the quota and for self-determination and voluntary help. Regardless, local goverment already assured its citizens, that quota will be accepted in the future, it is only question when.

- Current euro asylum system is quite motivating for people smugglers (who already take aprox. 6000 dollars per migrant, before they allow them to board their ships). Recent tactics, is to throw (!) passengers overboard, when ship from some european nation appears on horizon, forcing the euro crew to rush to rescue. Job done, money already received.

- In places such as southern Italy, large mobs of visitors were leaving detention camps, occupying buildings, throwing out inhabitants if any were found inside. All areas heavily hit by migration start to heavily resemble Detroit.

- In northern France drivers and policemen are frequently attacked for preventing migrants to cross La Manche into the Britain - and its welfare system. Along with the fact, that 80% of these people are young men under the age of 30, it begs the question: Is their absolute majority fleeing from something or rushing towards it?

- Main donor countries: Kosovo, Eritrea, Nigeria, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia. Rich and culturally close countries (Saudi Arabia, Quatar, UAE) refuse to take them in. Countries responsible for unrest in middle East (vast majority of them english speaking) also do not take them in.
I ask for civil discussion on the matter. Thank you.
1011  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: June 04, 2015, 11:56:03 PM

EU is not true political entity, it has no unified government, standing army or even police force. When you say "EU" in your posts, you merely mean american vassals in Europe  Wink mainly in Poland and United Kingdom.
1012  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about Islam ? on: June 04, 2015, 11:52:50 PM
I am neutral on existence of God.

On Islam - there is no universal tradition, just set of rules, that are followed to higher or lesser degree around the world. On one end, you have salafists (Saudis, ISIS, Taliban and euro-wahabbis), who want to go "back to roots" (or back to caves) and live word by word according to rulebook from 7th century written by desert nomad. On the other, there are quite modern, powerful countries like Turkey or even Russia, where Islam developed in another more modernist form.

I dont feel hatred towards it or its believers - ardent believers are simply way too backwards to be a direct threat to current order. Rather I am afraid of westerners, who use it as yet another tool to shut down dissent - via political correctness. In this way, hapless muslim immigrants prove to be quite useful...
1013  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why Government Likes Atheism on: May 28, 2015, 12:16:50 PM

 I thought Governments would just LOVE Christians with Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's (Taxes), and "Turn the other cheek".  Instead they love, do what you like just don't get caught? 

Hmm... No wonder they are failing.

They are not failing, they are stronger than ever as far as west is concerned. The thing is, that authority of God can and should be recognized by state as kind of competition, we are living in age where wordly authorities (outside of third world) no longer claim, that their rights were given to them by God. So the words "people" and "common good" were resurrected.

The state represent both people and common good, social buraeu is the church, the state is your God. That is the western dogma of today.
1014  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bin Laden's porn stash will not be released on: May 28, 2015, 12:12:51 PM
I wonder if ISIS has found out about this yet? Aren't these types supposed to look poorly on porn and all the related fetishes that lie beneath the surface? I can only imagine what kind of freaky shit he was into.

I actually had a debate on this with my friend, biologist heading local, national, anti-islamization campaign. He said Bin Ladin, also considering women he kept close, was rather surely "sub", looking for strong female characters, given his own status as Über-male and protector of the "pure" (his own men wouldnt respect him otherwise).

Also google "femdom", youll understand.
1015  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Child kidnapping by the Norwegian State on: May 28, 2015, 12:08:14 PM
In reply to the OP, that's absolutely terrifying. I believe that it should be up to the parent how to raise their child, not the state. Governments often make sweeping, generalized decisions that don't work in all situations. Every kid is different. Parenting isn't a one-size-fits-all type of thing.

I also find it disturbing that even tourists can have their children taken away under this system, and that the Norwegian government uses the children themselves as informants!

This is just wrong!

Its actually quite similar to 1984 by Mr. Orwell. Parents are afraid of their own children. By the way, protests against Norway´s gestapo should be staged in countries such as Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Czech republic, Slovakia, Germany and possibly United Kingdom.
1016  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin Signs Russian Law To Shut Down ‘Undesirable Organizations’ on: May 28, 2015, 12:04:50 PM
One has to shut down any ability for the peasants to see the outside so they don't know what they are missing.

Yes, that why the United States have similar law in place since 1930´  Wink oh, that was not your point, peasant?

If there is lobbystic group inside your country, that is paid by foreigners, the government and public should be aware. People haver right to know, if foreign agents present security threat or not.
1017  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: May 28, 2015, 12:01:15 PM

Funny thing is, that Mr. Orbán is the only one between the present people, who was elected in direct elections. Fascists calling him dictator is quite a spectacle. Almost Conchita Wurst level spectacle.
1018  Other / Politics & Society / Re: christians fined for refusing to bake cake for diseased sodomites on: May 28, 2015, 11:59:07 AM
I think you mean another victory against bigotry. It's just a cake. Funny how they think baking this cake is against their teachings of the bible. I wonder if the cake shop is open or works on a sunday?  Grin

Bigotry happens to be a criminal offense only in police states, mister  Wink in the free ones, bussiness is made by mutual agreement of both parties.
1019  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Baltimore officers indicted for the death of Freddie Gray on: May 21, 2015, 11:09:25 PM
When did US jury started to take notes from bygone Soviet Union? I understand, that sacrificing six officers on duty might placate masses for rest of the year (real politiks for ya!), but it will do NOTHING to change the abominable socio-cultural position of black Americans, neither it will send good message to the rest of police force.
1020  Other / Politics & Society / Re: China Plans First Ever Landing on the Dark Side of the Moon on: May 21, 2015, 11:05:23 PM
I don't think that they have the technology to do all this. Most of their space technology is stolen from various countries, especially from the former USSR. Right now, only two countries are capable of conducting manned missions to the moon. They are the United States and Russia. China is a long way off.

If F-35s debacle taught us something, its the fact, that Chinese engineers can copy and modernize US technology faster, than Americans are able to develop and finish it.
No doubt, let others spend their R&D money on the first bunch of steps and then rip it off and start forward from an advanced position. Hardly an honorable endeavor.

I dont remember a time, when national defense of any sovereign country was driven by honor  Wink My point is, that Chinese are Moon capable, if not now, they will be in a decade at most and unlike Westerners, they will also have handy capital and personel willing to make sacrifices to get and stay there.
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