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361  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The US is bombing Syria to destroy ISIS. on: September 25, 2014, 03:42:09 PM
"Wars, and rumors of wars." Just like Jesus said 2,000 years ago.

While there always have been wars and rumors of wars, they are increasing today because of our modern communications and transportation abilities.

Jesus' words, above, were spoken in His description of the last days - I mean the real last days, not the ones that the early church thought were the last days.

1. Collapse of the banking system, worldwide.
2. Collapse of many governments, worldwide.
3. A new, unexpected, unknown world government system rising up.
4. Something that looks like peace and safety with the new governmental system.
5. "Marrying and giving in marriage" like in the days of Noah before the flood.
6. Jesus' return at that time.
7. The above will not take long to play out once the banks collapse.

How is ANY of that different from the ACTUAL world war 2 that already happened, where banks collapsed during the great depression, governments collapsed, an unexpected government system, Fascism, rose up to try to take over the world, etcetcetc. Only thing missing was Jesus showing up. I don't think he's coming.
362  Other / Off-topic / Re: Pictures from Russia. on: September 25, 2014, 03:34:30 PM

More recent pics. So much trash and glass has been dumped on the beaches of Vladivostok, that the glass pieces were broken and ground up against each other and surrounding sand, creating rounded "jewel" stones of glass that cover the beach. Looks pretty, but it's still dangerous.

Fort Bragg, California, USA

Yes, Fort Bragg, a military base beach, where the military has been dumping some of its trash for decades, has one too. But the picture I posted is of the breach in Vladivostok, where beach gowers were the ones tossing trash. Here you can see more pictures.
363  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Could someone provide evidence that the majority of Russians aren't insane? on: September 25, 2014, 03:27:08 PM
Rassah, you're a zombie.  Cry
Go kill Muslims, hypocrite

I have no issues with Muslims. Just conservatives, religious extremists, and totalitarian socialists.

So, is a parallel world to you or not?
364  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Shocking Breakdown Of McDonalds Budget on: September 25, 2014, 03:21:51 PM
If I remember correctly, it was McDonald’s who first created the system where a person was used for one very simple task, and they would repeat this all day. In this way, their staff became easily replaceable and can therefore be paid a pittance.

Said another way, McDonald's figured out how to create a very simple to learn and do job, and created tons of new jobs that people without skills were finally able to get.

Is there any evidence to suggest these people were unemployable before McDonald's came up with this plan, like you seem to be suggesting, or that they'd be incapable of learning several roles within the "restaurant"?

Just the fact that they are working at McDonald's doing the very basic simple stuff, instead of doing something more complex. Remember, there weren't very many menial labor jobs before. You could dig ditches, paint stuff... Used to be you could do those menial repetitive  jobs at a factory, but robots replaced a lot of that. And I think even retail is more complex than making burgers.

And what evidence is there that this work-plan created more jobs than would have been available with people doing various roles?

Self evidence again, just the fact that so many of these fast food jobs exist that wouldn't have otherwise. But, I guess no concrete evidence. It's impossible to predict what kinds of jobs would have existed if fast food never came about.

Also is there something wrong with training people without skills and then giving them a decent wage? I'm sure most people could manage a few simple roles rather than just one (with a little more training, which has to be given in both scenarios anyway).

Of course not. McDonald's even has their own college, called Hamburger University, just outside of Chicago, and training is mandatory for owners, and available for managers. But most people just aren't interested in learning. Plus there's not much to learn with just making burgers. Those employees would be better off taking the free time of their part time employment learning something else. Also, if we train everyone do to more complex things, who will be left to make the burgers? (Probably the same people who don't care about training now, since those who want extra training are already seeking it out)

So, same amount of training and the same number of jobs. Only difference is that in one scenario the staff are highly expendable.

Said another way, in one scenario, the job is so simple anyone can do it, and dozens of people are on the sidelines hoping for that job.

The job wouldn't be expendable if there weren't many other people looking to get it too. That's what determines if the job is expendable or not: how complex it is and how many other people are available to do it. Want a job that's not expendable? Learn a skill that can't be replicated by every single person who walks off the street.
365  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Please stop turning into morons just because you see "Brock Pierce" somewhere on: September 25, 2014, 05:18:52 AM
We need a decentralized exchange! First step? Get USD into a digital decentralized form!

The key is making the transfer of USD decentralized. Any blockchain-based currency can solve this by pegging its value to USD (or even gold or silver perhaps). That is what Realcoin does.

The hard part is the pegging. In order to for there to be $1 billion worth of Realcoin (for example), the operator of Realcoin has to have $1 billion and has to be be able to redeem any amount of Realcoin at any time. It should be noted that this is exactly what e-gold did before they got shut down by the U.S., and everyone lost all their money.

Realcoin plans to partner with a bank, and then maybe a group of banks, to do the backing. So the same dollars that you deposit into your bank account, you would then be able to withdraw as a Realcoin, with your originally deposited dollar backing it. The hope is that if a bank or group of banks do it, while following most of the same regulations they already do, they won't get shut down.
366  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The US is bombing Syria to destroy ISIS. on: September 25, 2014, 05:12:31 AM
So the US backs rebels/terrorists to destabilise Syria, then when the the Syrian government is no longer in control of that area it gives the US the legitimacy to invade. By the same token then Russia has the right to invade Eastern Ukraine.  Tongue  

If Russia invades Eastern Ukraine to bomb and destroy the separatists, Ukraine would only be grateful. Your analogy only works if US were to continue to support ISIS, and invaded to help them take over the rest of Syria.
367  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Christian BS on: September 25, 2014, 05:06:52 AM
Just because it’s descriptive and contains stories of murder, rape, and incest does not mean the Bible is prescriptive in encouraging such atrocities. Such things were wrong then and they’re wrong now

But they seemed to be OK then, according to the bible, and are even given as examples of good behavior (like attempting to murder your child if the voice in your head tells you to).
368  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Study: Everyone hates environmentalists and feminists on: September 25, 2014, 05:05:19 AM
Pretty sure she's talking about poor people that have to many kids while not working much and depending on social programs.
369  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 25, 2014, 04:58:42 AM

Read the article. It doesn't say that Ukraine shot down flight MH17, it says they are suing for "manslaughter by negligence" and because "under international law Ukraine should have closed its air space if it could not guarantee the safety of flights."

Even Germans know that it the was separatists who shot down the plane by mistake and "Putin now understood that he has passed the weapon to wrong people".

But don't worry, Russia's time in court will come.
370  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 25, 2014, 04:49:53 AM
This number is likely to go much higher up as mass graves with tortured and killed locals are uncovered on territories liberated from US-backed Kiev forces.

This part is especially funny and stupid, because there have been several protests in Washington by Ukrainians DEMANDING that US gets involved and back Kiev forces, which US continues to refuse to do. If only all those protesters were told that those Kiev forces are already US-backed  Roll Eyes
371  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 25, 2014, 04:44:50 AM

Random guy talks on the internet. THIS PROVES EVERYTHING!

Also, first class gets food in ceramic plates with ceramic mugs.
372  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 25, 2014, 04:36:08 AM
- this is the identity that your "democratically elected" leaders are trying to detach ukrainians from. can you blame those who refuse to be detached from the russian identity? a country is not a prison - you cant force people to live there against their will. the only thing that glues any country together is identity. once you make segregation watch pieces fall off. 'divide and concur' comes to mind, no? 100 years ago ukraine as such didnt exist. those who designed ukrainian state to be the way it is are doing so merely to bite off a piece off russian zone of influence. but its fine. if you dont relate to russian culture anymore you can go, but please dont force those who still wish to be part of russian culture to become something they are not. please understand that.

Sorry, I had to come back to this and address it specifically. That proud Russian identity you speak of? Ukrainians also have their own proud Ukrainian identity. Things like Kievan Rus and Cossacs, and remembering the history of being constantly invaded by Mongols, Tatars, Poland, and Russia, until finally being conquered by Soviet Russia and being forced to be a part of Soviet Union. That is the history and the identity that Ukrainians have and cherish, and wish to preserve. The reason Ukrainians are supporting those "democratically elected" leaders is because they promise to help them preserve that identity, and the reason they kicked out Yanukovich (among others) and why they are fighting so hard against Russians is because they were threatening to destroy Ukrainian identity and have it be swallowed up, like it was something insignificant, by Russia. Again. And, BTW, this is why if Russia does invade the whole of Ukraine, instead of arriving to a population welcoming them with flowers and open arms, they will have a population that will fight them at every turn.

So it's rather ironic and hypocritical of you to talk about respecting identities, when Russia is the one trying to crush it.

As for a country not being a prison, tell that to Russia that annexed Crimea, and is now preventing people, especially Tatars, from being able to leave. People are getting mugged, pulled out of hard, and having their passports taken away or damaged so they can't fly or leave the country.
373  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 25, 2014, 04:22:52 AM
Most of the world hates Russia. Want me to post the evidence again? I noticed you keep repeating the same things and the same lies over and over again. Either your masters are late on your last payment, and you are putting in the bare minimum of effort to shill and spread Kremlin propaganda until your check clears, or else you are simply following the words of your soviet hero, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."  - Vladimir Lenin

 to be honest this is extremely arrogant thing to say. i dont care who you are or what you've achieved in your lifetime but having such biased remarks do not put you in better light. in fact it actually draws a clear image of nation that you tend to represent, even though you are brought up on western values. by saying "most of the world" you forget the fact that the actual "most" of the population is in china and india. i live in place where there alot of nationals from all over the world. those who actually come from china and india and not the ones born in north america respect russians for the history and how much they managed to achieve. coming from asia, most can refer to engineering sector, military equipment, science etc. intellectuals mention music, art, balley. ohh and by the way actual ukranian people are too huge contributors to these achievements, prestige and status of russian empire as well as ussr.

<bunch of personal anecdotal evidence>

 now if you claim that "most of the world" hates russia then ill have to upset you. the "most" part that you are referring to (ie north america) cant even locate ukraine on the map. in fact the actual "most" of them dont even know the difference between ukrainians and russians. so when these people claim such things you have to realise that they probably hate ukrainians too.

No, I'm not claiming that most of the world is north America, and o don't care about your personal anecdotal evidence from a part of the world you live in where they happen to like Russia. I mean actual polling around the globe

Russia’s Global Image Negative amid Crisis in Ukraine

Russia is broadly unpopular in many countries around the globe and increasingly disliked in Europe and the United States. Across the 44 countries surveyed, a median percentage of 43% have unfavorable opinions of Russia, compared with 34% who are positive. As has been the case in previous years, Russia is also unpopular with publics in the Middle East. More than half in most countries surveyed in the region have an unfavorable opinion of Russia, including seven-in-ten or more Jordanians, Turks and Egyptians. Russia is increasingly disliked in many Latin American countries, though the change has not been as dramatic as in the U.S. and Europe. And while, on balance, most publics hold negative views of Russia, substantial percentages have no opinion. More than four-in-ten in Brazil, Venezuela, Chile and Mexico give Russia unfavorable ratings.

So, sorry, but despite what your local friends think, Russia is hated by the world, and will probably be increasingly so as more evidence of their involvement in Eastern Ukraine continues to come out. Even more so if they keep brandishing their tactical nukes, threatening other Slavic neighbors, and supporting Syria and ISIS.
374  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: September 25, 2014, 04:12:36 AM
Russia has not bombed its own nation to increase the control of its population with shitty patriot act,

Are you a 9/11 conspiratard?

russia had not start wars all over middle east, destabilizing every country they invade

They invaded Afghanistan, and screwed with Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Of course they invaded the middle east. Half the problems US has in the middle East comes from cleaning up Russian shit (including Al Queda and 9/11 planes, which came from a group US armed to fight of Russian invasion).

Russia did not caused the global economy to collapse in 2008..

Because Russia's economy is tiny, and has been more or less stagnating for the last decade. Besides, America didn't cause the global economy collapse, either. Bankers of global international banks did, along with financial analysts who made really bad mistakes. The collapse didn't happen on purpose or with any malice, it was due a huge miscalculation of risk by a single insurance company Leahman Brothers, and everyone else wrongly assuming that LH calculated the risk right and had the money to cover their market bets. So, not only is Russia too small to cause that much of a wreck, and not only was this not caused by America, but the same mistake could easily have been made by a Russian bank as well.

You seem to have a short memory as to how oppressed people around the world are because of that western capitalism. Litterrally BILLIONS of people are dying

Literally billions? Like, all seven of those billions that exist on the planet?

people are dying in manufacturing camps (ie for you precious iphones), starving, or dont even have access to water

They're not dying of starvation. Companies where I phones are made provide their workers with housing, food, water, and clean working environment. They are dying of suicides due to boredom and feeling trapped. BEFORE these "manufacturing camps" got there, when China was communist and India was very socialist, THEN they were dying of starvation, since all they could do is be farmers or prostitutes. And the ones that don't have access to water are mostly in Africa, where Soviet Russia has had a TON of influence, creating people's revolutions and setting up socialist regimes. It's effects are still screwing Africa up. But it will get better once Capitalism gets there, like it's getting better in Kenya.

Stop bitching man they had it coming and im glad putin is standing in front of them, even if he has done some pretty nasty things before. Whatever, it cant be worse than what the west have done or is planning to do..

Do you like using the internet? Or Skype? Or Bitcoin? Do you like posting things and voicing your opinion? Do you like being able to voice your disapproval of government or its actions? The west has no issues with you doing those things. Russia, on the other hand, would like to either jail you, or send some thugs to beat some sense into you. Yes, it can be much worse.
375  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Shocking Breakdown Of McDonalds Budget on: September 25, 2014, 03:33:45 AM
If I remember correctly, it was McDonald’s who first created the system where a person was used for one very simple task, and they would repeat this all day. In this way, their staff became easily replaceable and can therefore be paid a pittance.

Said another way, McDonald's figured out how to create a very simple to learn and do job, and created tons of new jobs that people without skills were finally able to get.
376  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Christian BS on: September 25, 2014, 03:28:01 AM
That is why,in the christian bible there are 2 books New Testament and Old Testament.The Old Testament describes how God made the world ,Adam and Eva and what happened to the chosen people till the day that Jesus was born.The New Testament describes the life of Jesus and the new rules that are given to the chosen the Christians must respect the New Testament were is no slavery and Jesus says  to turn the other chick when some one slap your face.

"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished."
377  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Atheism BS on: September 25, 2014, 03:21:33 AM

Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex.

~Karl Marx - Famous atheist


Um... Yes? Do you disagree with this or something?
378  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Could someone provide evidence that the majority of Russians aren't insane? on: September 25, 2014, 03:19:19 AM
Russian legislators have revived plans to ban long-distance calls via Skype and similar services, saying they foster terrorism and an illegal drug mafia.  Grin
Pagan is a proof of existence parallel worlds  Grin

All Pagan has ever been doing is copy/pasting news articles with links, nothing more. So...
Is proof of existence of parallel worlds?

Or do you exist in a parallel world where doesn't exist?
379  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again? on: September 24, 2014, 09:07:59 PM
Why would the US or NATO want to invade Russia? There's absolutely nothing in there anyone wants, and no one, no Europeans, and no Americans, support such a thing. The only thing anyone has ever talked about is a line, as in defensive, "DO NOT CROSS" position to keep Russia from trying to expand again.
380  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sanction against Russia for West-choreographed conflict in Ukraine on: September 24, 2014, 08:58:10 PM
It's pretty silly that you're still denying that Russia had anything to do with the fight in Eastern Ukraine, or that it annexed Crimea, despite overwhelming evidence.
You mean "overwhelming evidence" like this?

Nah, more like this

 "Armed men seize Crimea parliament". The Guardian. 27 February 2014. Retrieved 1 March 2014.
"BBC News - Russian parliament approves troop deployment in Ukraine". Retrieved 14 September 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b c d Office of the Spokesperson (13 April 2014). "Evidence of Russian Support for Destabilization of Ukraine". Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of State. Retrieved 14 April 2014.
Russian Military Forces Come Into Chonhar Village, Kherson Region. Ukrainian News, 8 March 2014
"The New York Times". Retrieved 14 September 2014.
"US: Photos show Russia fired into Ukraine - Videos - CBS News". Retrieved 14 September 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b "Putin admits Russian forces were deployed to Crimea", Reuters, 17 April 2014, "We had to take unavoidable steps so that events did not develop as they are currently developing in southeast Ukraine. ... Of course our troops stood behind Crimea's self-defence forces."
"Ukraine Puts Troops on High Alert, Threatening War", The New York Times, 2 March 2014
"Putin admits unmarked soldiers in Ukraine were Russian; optimistic about Geneva talks". Public Broadcasting Service.
Дороги в Крым перекрыли блокпостами, которые охраняет Беркут и вооруженные люди в камуфляже
^ Jump up to: a b "Crimea Checkpoints Raise Secession Fears". The Wall Street Journal. 28 February 2014. Retrieved 17 April 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b c "Под Армянск стянулись силовики из "Беркута"". (in Russian). 27 February 2014. Retrieved 15 March 2014.
Ukraine revolt was anti-constitutional coup, Putin says CBC. Retrieved 4 March 2014
Steven Lee Myers; Alison Smale (13 March 2014). "Russian Troops Mass at Border With Ukraine". The New York Times. Retrieved 14 March 2014.
Shipman, Tim. "Ukraine to hold joint military exercises with U.S. and Britain after announcing troop withdrawal from Crimea | Mail Online". Retrieved 20 April 2014.
Juergen Baetz; John-Thor Dahlburg (16 April 2014). "NATO increases military moves to counter Russia". The Star (Canada) (Brussels). Associated Press. Retrieved 19 April 2014.
Nicolas Miletitch; Dmitry Zaks (15 April 2014). "Ukraine pushes tanks toward flashpoint separatist city". The Daily Star (Lebanon). Agence France-Presse. Retrieved 15 April 2014.
"Ukraine crisis: 'Russia has launched a great war'". BBC) (London). 2 September 2014.
Network writers, agencies (27 February 2014). "Russian troop invasion encircles Crimea's capital as Ukraine PM declares the nation to be on 'brink of disaster'". Retrieved 3 March 2014.
General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces: in Crimea – not just soldiers from units of Black Sea Fleet. Ukrayinska Pravda. 4 March 2014
In Crimea, Russian soldiers are not only part of the Black Sea Fleet, says the General Staff of AF of Ukraine. Interfax-Ukraine. 4 March 2014
"Депутат: Псковские десантники переброшены на Украину (Deputy: Pskov paratroopers deployed to Ukraine)" (in Russian). PLN-Pskov. 28 February 2014. Retrieved 16 September 2014.
"В СНБО подтвердили захват силами АТО 2 БМД Псковской дивизии (Capture by ATO of 2 BMD from Pskov division confirmed in the National Security Council)" (in Russian). Interfax-Ukraine. 21 August 2014. Retrieved 16 September 2014.
"Russian Airborne Forces Reportedly Captured In Ukraine". The Interpreter. 21 August 2014. Retrieved 16 September 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b c "В Джанкое находятся войска Чеченской Республики (In Jankoi there are armies of the Chechen Republic)" (in Russian). IPC-Dzhankoy. 5 March 2014.
"Russia redeploys ships of Baltic and Northern fleets to Sevastopol, violates agreement with Ukraine". Ukrinform. 3 March 2014.
"Зроблено в Кремлі: фальшивка про те, що убитий український офіцер п'яним напав на росіян (Made in the Kremlin: fake that killed Ukrainian officer attacked by drunken Russians)" (in Ukrainian). Ukrinform. 7 April 2014. Retrieved 16 September 2014.
"Ukraina: Krimmis on Tšetšeeniast ja Uljanovskist pärit Vene sõdurid (Ukraine:In Crimea there are Russian troops from Chechnya and Ulyanovsk)" (in Estonian). Postimees. 5 March 2014. Retrieved 16 September 2014.
"Ukraine looks for 'sign of hope' from Russia over Crimea". CNN.
"In Crimea are already 30 thousand of Russian military – part of Sevastopol fleet base which was agreed by the legitimate government of Ukraine and Russian which states that Russia is allowed to keep the military base till 2045.". Ukrayinska Pravda. 7 March 2014.
Michael Weiss (3 January 2014). "Russia Stages a Coup in Crimea". The Daily Beast.
"An eerie mood on the ground in Crimea". CNN.
Dearden, Lizzie (1 March 2014). "Ukraine crisis: Putin asks Russian parliament's permission for military intervention in Crimea". The Independent.
Russia illegally increased the number of its troops in Ukraine up to 16 thousand – acting Defense Minister. Interfax-Ukraine. 3 March 2014
Anonymous (3 March 2014). "Insider's view: Moscow is in control of Crimea in Ukraine". Daily News. New York. Retrieved 6 March 2014.
"Ukraine must focus on where its assets are stationed, experts say". The Guardian. 3 March 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b de Carbonnel, Alissa (8 April 2014). "With Russia controlling Crimea, Ukrainian army allegiances waver". Sevastopol. Reuters. Retrieved 12 April 2014. "overwhelming majority of some 18,800 service personnel [...] ignoring orders [...]. Only about 4,300 will continue their service [...]" NY Post
"Special Report - Moscow stifles dissent as soldiers return in coffins | Reuters". Retrieved 14 September 2014.
'Up to 15,000 Russian soldiers' sent to Ukraine, say rights groups
Russian soldiers detained in Ukraine; leaders meet in Minsk
Ukraine crisis: Pro-Russian troops storm naval base as Clinton warns of 'aggression' from Putin The Independent, 19 March 2014
594 killed by 13 August, [2] and 789 killed by 29 August, [3] making a total of 195 dead since the first reported Russian deaths in the area
Russian marine kills Ukraine navy officer in Crimea, says ministry
Aleksander Vasovic; Gabriela Baczynska (24 March 2014). "Ukraine military to pull out from Crimea". The Sudbury Star. Reuters. Retrieved 24 March 2014.
"Two die in rallies outside Crimean parliament, says ex-head of Mejlis". Kyiv Post. 26 February 2014. Retrieved 27 February 2014.
JC Finley (27 February 2014). "Unrest in Crimea leaves 2 dead; government buildings seized". United Press International. Retrieved 9 March 2014.
Perished Crimean Tatar on the way to military enlistment office was captured "vigilantes". LB. 17 March 2014
"Зверски убитого крымского татарина звали Решат Аметов. Трое малолетних детей осиротели. ФОТО - Крым, Россия, татары, Украина, Агрессия России против Украины (18.03.14 01:57) " Политика Украины " Новости | Цензор.НЕТ". Retrieved 3 April 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b Kramer, Andrew. "Ukraine Says Russian Forces Lead Major New Offensive in East". CNBC. "Tanks, artillery and infantry have crossed from Russia into an unbreached part of eastern Ukraine in recent days, attacking Ukrainian forces and causing panic and wholesale retreat not only in this small border town but a wide swath of territory, in what Ukrainian and Western military officials are calling a stealth invasion."
^ Jump up to: a b c Sindelar, Daisy (23 February 2014). "Was Yanukovych's Ouster Constitutional?". Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty ( Retrieved 25 February 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b "Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached". Al Jazeera.
^ Jump up to: a b "What is Russia doing in Ukraine, and what can West do about it?". CNN.
"Russian special forces on Crimea frontline: experts". Gulf News. 4 March 2014. Retrieved 4 March 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b Morello, Carol; Constable, Pamela; Faiola, Anthony (17 March 2014). "Crimeans vote in referendum on whether to break away from Ukraine, join Russia". The Washington Post. Retrieved 17 March 2014.
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"Rebels in Besieged Ukrainian City Reportedly Being Reinforced". TIME. 19 August 2014. Retrieved 28 August 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b "Ukraine says 2 columns of tanks from Russia have entered strategic town". 28 August 2014. Retrieved 28 August 2014.
Dilanian, Ken. "CIA reportedly says Russia sees treaty as justifying Ukraine moves", Los Angeles Times (3 March 2014): "CIA director John Brennan told a senior lawmaker Monday that a 1997 treaty between Russia and Ukraine allows up to 25,000 Russia troops in the vital Crimea region, so Russia may not consider its recent troop movements to be an invasion, U.S. officials said. The number of Russian troops that have surged into Ukraine in recent days remains well below that threshold, Brennan said, according to U.S. officials who declined to be named in describing private discussions and declined to name the legislator."
"Putin’s remarks raise fears of future moves against Ukraine - The Washington Post". Retrieved 14 September 2014.
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"Russians troops fighting in Ukraine? Naw. They’re just on ‘vacation.’". The Washington Post. 28 August 2014. Retrieved 28 August 2014. "“Among us are fighting serving [Russian] soldiers, who would rather take their vacation not on a beach but with us, among brothers, who are fighting for their freedom,” Alexander Zakharchenko said in a reported interview with a Russian state television station."
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^ Jump up to: a b [5] NPR, "Russia Reports Troop Deaths In Ukraine, But Calls Them 'Volunteers'"
^ Jump up to: a b Moscow Times. "Moscow Stifles Dissent as Soldiers Return From Ukraine in Coffins"
Channel 4 news 28 August 2014
^ Jump up to: a b Channel 4 News, 2 September 2014 tensions still high in Ukraine
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^ Jump up to: a b AP, 13 September 2014
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^ Jump up to: a b John Feffer. "Who Are These 'People,' Anyway? | John Feffer". Retrieved 17 March 2014.
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