BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
May 05, 2017, 04:30:38 PM |
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
May 05, 2017, 04:35:24 PM |
May 05, 2017, 07:48:26 PM |
XBC shares are going down.. Hope best it will overcome I have some XBC and will till price reach 0.1 BTC ..
May 05, 2017, 10:01:11 PM |
Wallet open 24/24, 24/7
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
May 06, 2017, 01:00:48 PM |
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
May 06, 2017, 06:27:19 PM |
Got my bro in Holland to write to !!! Geachte, Graag wil ik u wijzen op de coin bitcoinplus (xbc). Deze coin (nauw gerelateerd aan bitcoin maar met POS implementatie) heeft de laatste tijd veel aandacht gehad (waaronder grote toename in volume de laatste maanden op Poloniex en developers en community zijn actief bezig met de ontwikkeling: wil ik u erop wijzen dat Poloniex recent een groot aantal coins heeft verwijderd op 2 Mei (waaronder enkelen die hier te krijgen zijn via XBC hoorde niet tot die groep omdat ook Poloniex zich bewust is van de actieve ontwikkelingen die momenteel gaande zijn voor deze coin en verwacht dat deze coin in toenemende mate gebruikt/verhandeld gaat worden. Wallets zijn verkrijgbaar via de volgende website: https://bitcoinplus.orgZou u mij kunnen laten weten wat er gedaan dient te worden om de coin toe te voegen aan So this was sent to LiteBit yesterday. I understand you guys are trying - but I will try as well. Can't hurt the process. Cheers, MasterTrader777 PS: Devs , lets get together in a skype group asap. Thanks.
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
May 06, 2017, 07:11:14 PM |
Got my bro in Holland to write to !!! Geachte, Graag wil ik u wijzen op de coin bitcoinplus (xbc). Deze coin (nauw gerelateerd aan bitcoin maar met POS implementatie) heeft de laatste tijd veel aandacht gehad (waaronder grote toename in volume de laatste maanden op Poloniex en developers en community zijn actief bezig met de ontwikkeling: wil ik u erop wijzen dat Poloniex recent een groot aantal coins heeft verwijderd op 2 Mei (waaronder enkelen die hier te krijgen zijn via XBC hoorde niet tot die groep omdat ook Poloniex zich bewust is van de actieve ontwikkelingen die momenteel gaande zijn voor deze coin en verwacht dat deze coin in toenemende mate gebruikt/verhandeld gaat worden. Wallets zijn verkrijgbaar via de volgende website: https://bitcoinplus.orgZou u mij kunnen laten weten wat er gedaan dient te worden om de coin toe te voegen aan So this was sent to LiteBit yesterday. I understand you guys are trying - but I will try as well. Can't hurt the process. Cheers, MasterTrader777 PS: Devs , lets get together in a skype group asap. Thanks. Litebit are only taking on coins currently listed on Bittrex.They are not ready to accept bitcoinplus[xbc].It will be weeks before they are even ready.You can't join a team group chat but send a pm or email for an invite to the slack channel although its not that active. If you have any suggestions/proposals email them.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
May 07, 2017, 03:23:45 AM Last edit: May 07, 2017, 03:41:24 AM by mastertrader777 |
Got my bro in Holland to write to !!! Geachte, Graag wil ik u wijzen op de coin bitcoinplus (xbc). Deze coin (nauw gerelateerd aan bitcoin maar met POS implementatie) heeft de laatste tijd veel aandacht gehad (waaronder grote toename in volume de laatste maanden op Poloniex en developers en community zijn actief bezig met de ontwikkeling: wil ik u erop wijzen dat Poloniex recent een groot aantal coins heeft verwijderd op 2 Mei (waaronder enkelen die hier te krijgen zijn via XBC hoorde niet tot die groep omdat ook Poloniex zich bewust is van de actieve ontwikkelingen die momenteel gaande zijn voor deze coin en verwacht dat deze coin in toenemende mate gebruikt/verhandeld gaat worden. Wallets zijn verkrijgbaar via de volgende website: https://bitcoinplus.orgZou u mij kunnen laten weten wat er gedaan dient te worden om de coin toe te voegen aan So this was sent to LiteBit yesterday. I understand you guys are trying - but I will try as well. Can't hurt the process. Cheers, MasterTrader777 PS: Devs , lets get together in a skype group asap. Thanks. Litebit are only taking on coins currently listed on Bittrex.They are not ready to accept bitcoinplus[xbc].It will be weeks before they are even ready.You can't join a team group chat but send a pm or email for an invite to the slack channel although its not that active. If you have any suggestions/proposals email them. Thanks. I'm not sure how seriously I take you due to the nature of your attitude the other day. I'm persistent and will make the choices I wish to make. If I want to message, I will. ( As I've previously worked with them before ) If I want some natives to message them, they will back me up as I have a good group of people behind me. Hope this doesn't offend you, so please quit the trolling attitude and I'll take you more seriously. Cheers, MasterTrader777
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
May 07, 2017, 03:30:24 AM |
Will be some updates and news coming in the next few days.
Great, can I get any infographics made up for a real twitter media blast? XBC will be the next $100 coin. The market movements clearly show it. If you'd rather me be hush hush, and not promote...Contact me. I'm on your side, and would rather do things that you'll appreciate. Keeping a stable and steady price per coin is something I agree with. The flash pumps do nobody good, and this is why I have stayed at your market speed with it. If you're going to keep insinuating that you guys aren't involved in the market...well its gunna make me lol Cheers, MasterTrader777
May 07, 2017, 07:47:42 AM |
There is a huge gap in demand and supply... no doubt this coin will rise to its next level
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
May 07, 2017, 01:54:52 PM |
I'm not sure how seriously I take you due to the nature of your attitude the other day.
I'm persistent and will make the choices I wish to make.
If I want to message, I will. ( As I've previously worked with them before )
If I want some natives to message them, they will back me up as I have a good group of people behind me.
Hope this doesn't offend you, so please quit the trolling attitude and I'll take you more seriously.
It doesnt offend me because I don't take you comments seriously.When you have been supporting bitcoinplus for as long as I have then you may get some credibility around here but you still either havent read properly or understood my last comment.Litebit are not ready to accept bitcoinplus.Which part of that do you not understand and maybe I can break it down barney-style for you?
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
May 07, 2017, 01:58:19 PM |
If you're going to keep insinuating that you guys aren't involved in the market...well its gunna make me lol
What team member is involved in the market?Which one??
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
May 07, 2017, 02:02:38 PM |
 Sun, 07 May 2017 13:53:40 GMT Network hashrate. (hash/s) 10.73756267 Difficulty POW: 3.62004869(zero rewards) POS: 0.00024414 Coin Supply (XBC) 95972.86981612 BTC Price 0.03951735 321570 blocks 29 connections
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
May 07, 2017, 03:11:42 PM |
If you're going to keep insinuating that you guys aren't involved in the market...well its gunna make me lol
We aren't involved in the market and have no control over the price.
Full Member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
May 07, 2017, 05:07:56 PM |
How many people here think xbc can go to .2 btc per coin ?
May 07, 2017, 05:33:41 PM |
Very soon, I paid $110 for mine and I am holding my babies for a long time, I think it will pass .2 btc in no time.
May 07, 2017, 05:38:47 PM |
How many people here think xbc can go to .2 btc per coin ?
XBC definately pass 0.1 BTC
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
May 07, 2017, 06:33:16 PM |
There is a huge gap in demand and supply... no doubt this coin will rise to its next level
What do you believe is next level? I'm thinking if we stay cool, calm, and casual with everything and actually "COME TOGETHER" - we can be greater than anyone expected. Still haven't gotten any messages from the devs to be added for a collective group chat.  Shall I voice my true opinion of whats going on here? Hmmmmm, MasterTrader777
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
May 07, 2017, 06:41:12 PM |
How many people here think xbc can go to .2 btc per coin ?
Truly think the question is not if it will, but more or less when it will. The devs claim they are working on some things in the background, so maybe soon they will let some of the advancements out. I will keep on using my resources to get things in better shape... Things like the Facebook being dead and outdated since 2014 is UGLY. At least throw a bot on it or something to get it trending. There are so many crypto communities on Facebook, and If you guys really want adoption - can we fix things like this? Do you guys purposely intend on keeping the advancements as hush hush as possible? If you don't want to add me for a professional and private chat, I guess all I can do is ask my questions here. I have a lot. Soooo, MasterTrader777
May 07, 2017, 08:39:41 PM Last edit: May 07, 2017, 08:52:37 PM by dac10 |
How many people here think xbc can go to .2 btc per coin ?
Personally I sell other coins to buy XBC. Think, there are only 1m of XBC, so I'm sure that passes in front of ETH, DASH and will reach BTC. Do not forget 20% earning per year of your investment!