Sory for the noob question, but is there option to lower cpu usage during mining other than setting number of threads?
You can try/use
--cpu-priority set process priority (default: 0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
(and set affinity or threads also)
I'm using --cpu-priority 0 - so you will not feel any performance issue while you are working, CPU pumps and dumps hash rate automatically
It's quite the same as you will set "priority usage" on windows taskmanger (process) but you don't need to because it's already in your command line (bat-file)
Thanks, very usefull
Edit: Could someone help me setup affinity for i5-5200u?
I would recommend to use only "real" cores, so no hyperthreads.
That means, you first have to know how much cores your CPU has. Then, you can choose on which and how many cores you want to mine with. This is in binary form and you have to "convert" this into hex.
Sounds difficult, but quite easy...
Example for my CPU:
I'm using a i8700k, 6 cores - 12 threads. - each core is followed by it's hyperthread
I'm mining on all 6 "real" cores...so it looks like this:
1 = core and using for mining
0 = hyperthread and not used for mining
"converting" this (10101010101) into hex: 555
so my --cpu-affinity for 6 cores without hyperthreads is: --cpu-affinity 0x555
If want to mine only on 4 cores it would be:
converted to hex: 55
ergo: --cpu-affinity 0x55
Because it's my "working" PC and I don't want to get laggy I lowered the intensitiy to 0 - which means idle-power.
So, if I need more cpu power on demand the miner throttles down
All in all my command line in my bat-file looks like this:
cpuminer-xxxx -a algo --cpu-affinity 0x555 --cpu-priority 0 -o stratum+tcp://pool:port -u wallet-or-name -p x -q
-q is for not spamming every core's hash
With --cpu-affinity you can set/select the cores directly. Using -t for threads isn't necessary anymore
If you only using -t it usually uses the number in sum, so core and it's hyperthread. Ergo less hash-rate for the same power-usage
You can check this or look it up in any hardware monitoring tool like "HWMonitor", there you can see the wattage the cpu consumes, what cores are working etc.
Play around with that and your cores/intensity to get the best you want. It's also different from coin (algo) to another and can be laggy if your working on your PC, so lower intensity or threads. Some algos are "heavier" then others