Activity: 5
Merit: 0
March 23, 2016, 05:40:01 PM |
me and a friend are selling 200k IOTA for 10 BTC in total, the friend is holding the coins. With escrow of course!
Wow the price has really skyrocketed. It's not the price. It's just a sell offer. ... There's a risk involved, people can get screwed. The buyers that take this risk, and receive their coins will be rewarded. I can't see the risk being gone and the coins costing less. I say this because that would mean that there would be LESS demand for Iotas. How could the demand go down once there is less risk. That would mean that more people would rather buy iotas and risk not getting them, than people wanting to buy iotas with a guarantee of getting them. ... You have a point, but you also have an agenda. Good salesman you are.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1000
March 23, 2016, 06:20:16 PM |
200k IOTA for 9 BTC, special price for you my friend, ofcourse with escrow!  @yassin can you please change the previous offer to this one? Thanks! 
March 23, 2016, 06:29:04 PM |
yassin, please update my offer:
WTS: 500k IOTA by batch of 100k for 4 BTC each.
Possibility to negociate if you take more than 1 batch. Escrow Seccour (or anoyone else we can agree on)
yassin54 (OP)
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
March 23, 2016, 06:29:51 PM |
200k IOTA for 9 BTC, special price for you my friend, ofcourse with escrow!  @yassin can you please change the previous offer to this one? Thanks!  edited!! 
yassin54 (OP)
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
March 23, 2016, 06:32:51 PM |
yassin, please update my offer:
WTS: 500k IOTA by batch of 100k for 4 BTC each.
Possibility to negociate if you take more than 1 batch. Escrow Seccour (or anoyone else we can agree on)
yassin54 (OP)
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
March 23, 2016, 06:39:38 PM Last edit: March 23, 2016, 07:09:35 PM by yassin54 |
Hi community IOTA, I have edit my post and add 2 new website
A Big Thanks the community IOTA!! (in construction)
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
March 23, 2016, 07:29:03 PM |
wow, really good websites .

Activity: 76
Merit: 10
March 23, 2016, 07:43:00 PM |
Just to get it straight so I'm not confused...I downloaded the html file above and entered my password and got back my iota address. So this means my address is on index=0 -- therefore your message in blue does not apply to me? correct?
Correct. what if i enter my pw and it shows me another address?
Activity: 2955
Merit: 1050
March 23, 2016, 07:46:02 PM |
1 IOTA = 0.029 BTC 
March 23, 2016, 07:59:26 PM |
1 IOTA = 0.029 BTC  wouldn't that be nice  . Cool sites yassin.
yassin54 (OP)
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
March 23, 2016, 08:19:40 PM Last edit: March 23, 2016, 10:19:02 PM by yassin54 |
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
TokenHouse decentralized cryptocurrency exchange
March 23, 2016, 08:27:31 PM |
1 IOTA = 0.029 BTC  Maybe that's an omen of things to come. 
March 23, 2016, 08:32:41 PM |
1 IOTA = 0.029 BTC  wouldn't that be nice  . Cool sites yassin. Theoretically, forecasting ahead iota Potentiality as it appears.. Play with those iota calculations for a few & you start to see images form in your mind that Iota may be one of the top most anticipated crypto 2.o projects set to launch this year Usually when newer innovation peaks it's head Theres somebody who got their eyes on already Waiting.. hence the "big deal" obvious to some Blind to others that outside investors have Expressed interest in iota innovation. If & when the big deal gets done & once the word Gets out about who the new investors that will be endorsing iota may jus cause frenzy in the market. There will a race to buy as many iota As soon is it starts to trade on an exchange. P2p360
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1000
March 23, 2016, 08:36:21 PM |
1 IOTA = 0.029 BTC  wouldn't that be nice  . Cool sites yassin. Theoretically, forecasting ahead iota Potentiality as it appears.. Play with those iota calculations for a few & you start to see images form in your mind that Iota may be one of the top most anticipated crypto 2.o projects set to launch this year Usually when newer innovation peaks it's head Theres somebody who got their eyes on already Waiting.. hence the "big deal" obvious to some Blind to others that outside investors have Expressed interest in iota innovation. If & when the big deal gets done & once the word Gets out about who the new investors that will be endorsing iota may jus cause frenzy in the market. There will a race to buy as many iota As soon is it starts to trade on an exchange. P2p360 Im really curious about the deal. The minimum for the deal is already reached right?
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
TokenHouse decentralized cryptocurrency exchange
March 23, 2016, 08:41:08 PM |
1 IOTA = 0.029 BTC  wouldn't that be nice  . Cool sites yassin. Theoretically, forecasting ahead iota Potentiality as it appears.. Play with those iota calculations for a few & you start to see images form in your mind that Iota may be one of the top most anticipated crypto 2.o projects set to launch this year Usually when newer innovation peaks it's head Theres somebody who got their eyes on already Waiting.. hence the "big deal" obvious to some Blind to others that outside investors have Expressed interest in iota innovation. If & when the big deal gets done & once the word Gets out about who the new investors that will be endorsing iota may jus cause frenzy in the market. There will a race to buy as many iota As soon is it starts to trade on an exchange. P2p360 Im really curious about the deal. The minimum for the deal is already reached right? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17d2k_0Xgy2SSFx6NWx2xyrgF9pFcs_Mr-GgVg5Uvzjw/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0Still little over 5 million to go.
March 23, 2016, 09:41:41 PM |
1 IOTA = 0.029 BTC  wouldn't that be nice  . Cool sites yassin. Theoretically, forecasting ahead iota Potentiality as it appears.. Play with those iota calculations for a few & you start to see images form in your mind that Iota may be one of the top most anticipated crypto 2.o projects set to launch this year Usually when newer innovation peaks it's head Theres somebody who got their eyes on already Waiting.. hence the "big deal" obvious to some Blind to others that outside investors have Expressed interest in iota innovation. If & when the big deal gets done & once the word Gets out about who the new investors that will be endorsing iota may jus cause frenzy in the market. There will a race to buy as many iota As soon is it starts to trade on an exchange. P2p360 Im really curious about the deal. The minimum for the deal is already reached right? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17d2k_0Xgy2SSFx6NWx2xyrgF9pFcs_Mr-GgVg5Uvzjw/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0Still little over 5 million to go. If we get close enough that a few million is all it needs I can top up. Prefer not to sell a lot since I'm long term with my IOTA but I can do it.
yassin54 (OP)
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
March 23, 2016, 11:15:35 PM |
Good Night!! 
March 24, 2016, 02:23:15 AM |
Good Night!!  Good night sweet prince! 
March 24, 2016, 04:27:40 AM Last edit: March 24, 2016, 05:26:35 AM by cryptoknightt |
1 IOTA = 0.029 BTC  wouldn't that be nice  . Cool sites yassin. Theoretically, forecasting ahead iota Potentiality as it appears.. Play with those iota calculations for a few & you start to see images form in your mind that Iota may be one of the top most anticipated crypto 2.o projects set to launch this year Usually when newer innovation peaks it's head Theres somebody who got their eyes on already Waiting.. hence the "big deal" obvious to some Blind to others that outside investors have Expressed interest in iota innovation. If & when the big deal gets done & once the word Gets out about who the new investors that will be endorsing iota may jus cause frenzy in the market. There will a race to buy as many iota As soon is it starts to trade on an exchange. P2p360 Im really curious about the deal. The minimum for the deal is already reached right? Even with the 25 million being 5 million away, to me "the deal" is a done deal. It's going to happen. Let's start to focus on the Iota Foundation now. The deal was very important but the Iota Foundation is much more important. When we reach that we are really off the the races. The Iota Foundation is extremely important, and it is NOT guaranteed right now.We need to change that. I'm still thinking how much I will pledge. I suggest you give it a lot of thought too. Look at it for what it truly is... An investment!!
March 24, 2016, 05:38:28 AM |
4. I read somewhere that the current prices (around 30k IOTA for a BTC) is 30x the price of the ICO. Is that right? If it's right, do you think it's still beneficial to buy IOTA now?
At current price it is at 11-th place in coinmarketcap, with 30 000 BTC cap. http://coinmarketcap.com/#BTCIf you think that it is a better coin then any one from above - yes it is. You can sell your iotas above your buyin price and hold your wealth in BTC - as a more stable coin. It's one way to see it. The other way is to ask yourself, can it be (in long term - years) the bitcoin successor - I mean DAG vs Blockchain. If it does, then it doesn't make sense to sell iotas at all. Cause it will be stupid like selling bitcoins for USD in 2011. For example, bigiotabig bought millions of iotas. I guess he done this not for quick profit in BTC in 1 month. 5. Any ETA for the IOTA launch date?
It's already possible to send nanoiotas via command line. We are waiting for GUI. My personal estimate is 1 week before GUI wallet. Bigiotabig is definitely not in it to flip it. I can attest to that. I agree as well. He is a great asset to our community along with you altcoinscamfinder. You have stepped up to the plate aa well. It's great to see big holders making a positive impact on Iotas future. Of course they are not the only ones but they are setting a great example and making things happen. Yassin, Seccour, tangleninja and the list goes on. I find the most amazing part to all of this is that it's only the beginning. Wow!