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Author Topic: Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0 (Windows/Linux)  (Read 6590955 times)
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January 29, 2017, 06:42:21 PM

Profitable for dual mining now ?
More profitable than not dual mining with other miners (if that's what you're already doing).  Not profitable enough to build yourself a new rig these days, just for the dual miner.  With the rate that difficulties are increasing, you'd be lucky to ROI on just the GPU within a year.  If you're factoring in all the other costs associated with building a new rig? Maybe never ROI.
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January 29, 2017, 09:05:32 PM

Where is the promised new double miner? You can already single)) but give Polaris gains on air !!!

I'm an idiot. I believe in Bitcoin!
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January 30, 2017, 03:27:03 AM

Is there any difference in power consumption between mono and dual mining?
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January 30, 2017, 04:11:23 AM

Is there any difference in power consumption between mono and dual mining?

Dual mining uses more power.  Depending on the coin you dual mine some use even more power than others. You can sort of tell by your fan speed. That will give you an idea.

MinerParts - 8 GPU Riserless motherboard with Intel 3855 CPU - 1600w fully modular power supply
Best quality PCIe Powered Risers Shop on Amazon - Shop on eBay - or ship direct at <- best for international or crypto purchases
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January 30, 2017, 07:49:00 AM

friends I often see that GPU #1 is Wrong share. If you see this warning often, make sure that You are not
too hard to overclock it! or GPU #0 what the error is
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January 30, 2017, 10:47:50 AM

friends I often see that GPU #1 is Wrong share. If you see this warning often, make sure that You are not
too hard to overclock it! or GPU #0 what the error is

5x sapphire rx480 4gb 3104/1900, 0 memory gpu errors , eth+lbc, lbry 69% wrong shares

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January 30, 2017, 05:47:35 PM

Having extremely high rejects on DCR Suprnova.  Like 99%, usually gets better after a bit, but getting worse. If it gets better, it goes to ~1% rejects until I restart miner.  Anyone else having terrible issues?  Happens on most rigs.  Cards are 100% stable, never crash, Eth rejects are rare.

Profitability over time charts for many GPUs -

BTC:  bc1qr2xwjwfmjn43zhrlp6pn7vwdjrjnv5z0anhjhn LTC:  LXDm6sR4dkyqtEWfUbPumMnVEiUFQvxSbZ Eth:  0x44cCe2cf90C8FEE4C9e4338Ae7049913D4F6fC24
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January 30, 2017, 06:03:52 PM

I get some rejects from Decred too, but nothing too bad.

Whats bad is the temps of the cards... Can't run it on 7950's as they go over 80 degrees  Undecided

Any advice here? tried lowering the clocks to 800Mhz and memory to 1200 Mhz, lowered voltages but still geting too hot...
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January 30, 2017, 06:16:23 PM

I get some rejects from Decred too, but nothing too bad.

Whats bad is the temps of the cards... Can't run it on 7950's as they go over 80 degrees  Undecided

Any advice here? tried lowering the clocks to 800Mhz and memory to 1200 Mhz, lowered voltages but still geting too hot...
I switched to now getting 0.00% rejects, across 29 cards. suprnova dcr pools seems crap I guess.

Profitability over time charts for many GPUs -

BTC:  bc1qr2xwjwfmjn43zhrlp6pn7vwdjrjnv5z0anhjhn LTC:  LXDm6sR4dkyqtEWfUbPumMnVEiUFQvxSbZ Eth:  0x44cCe2cf90C8FEE4C9e4338Ae7049913D4F6fC24
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January 30, 2017, 08:01:50 PM


Will there be an update for this or response to this? Thanks.

NiceHash Miner v1.7.4.3


This is a minor bug-fix release and minor feature updates.

You all need to add Claymore as a 3rd party ETH miner option, it works fine and doesn't have all these driver issues you're having with the ETH Miner and SGMiner.

It is not up to us.
Ask Claymore to modify his miner so it will fit the NiceHash Miner.
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Activity: 92
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January 30, 2017, 09:21:30 PM

I have a question for RX 470 and 480 users

What power consumption do you guys get with what hash rates?

Have you read the forum ? there is alot of post already referencing those numbers.

I read plenty of post about hash rates but power draw is not so consistent. Problem when searching these terms even with quotations is it only requires the words to appear anywhere on the page, even if one is in a post and the other is a related link.

470 runs around 26@120
480 runs around 29@135

Theoretically its possible to run 470 at 28, but it requires hardcore mem OC and not many cards can handle it 24/7.

Without any problem, withoutn crash. Sapphire RX470 4GB Nitro+ (moded bios)
ETH - Total Speed: 114.433 Mh/s, Total Shares: 5248, Rejected: 0, Time: 26:11
ETH: GPU0 28.610 Mh/s, GPU1 28.635 Mh/s, GPU2 28.577 Mh/s, GPU3 28.612 Mh/s
ETH: 01/30/17-22:19:46 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 3)
ETH: Share accepted (78 ms)!
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January 30, 2017, 09:43:23 PM

Without any problem, withoutn crash. Sapphire RX470 4GB Nitro+ (moded bios)
That's probably Samsung memory you've got there? Those can usually overclock to 2100+ with 1750 strap timings. But most 470s, as far as I'm aware, don't use Samsung chips but rather Hynix (not bad as well) or Elpida (those are a bit worse I think?).
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January 31, 2017, 04:15:33 AM

Why my miner wont connect to Huh help
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January 31, 2017, 07:02:28 AM

Without any problem, withoutn crash. Sapphire RX470 4GB Nitro+ (moded bios)
That's probably Samsung memory you've got there? Those can usually overclock to 2100+ with 1750 strap timings. But most 470s, as far as I'm aware, don't use Samsung chips but rather Hynix (not bad as well) or Elpida (those are a bit worse I think?).

Elpida memory gpu 1122 / mem 2020 core voltage -96mV . I got with samsung memory too. I will test them in few day...
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January 31, 2017, 08:20:50 AM

I get some rejects from Decred too, but nothing too bad.

Whats bad is the temps of the cards... Can't run it on 7950's as they go over 80 degrees  Undecided

Any advice here? tried lowering the clocks to 800Mhz and memory to 1200 Mhz, lowered voltages but still geting too hot...
I switched to now getting 0.00% rejects, across 29 cards. suprnova dcr pools seems crap I guess.

I dont mind a few % rejects, its realy a small amount.
The temperatures are the problem, i can get the RX series cards to 70 - 74 degrees, which is not that bad, but the 79xx series just goes 80+ hehe.

Can anyone tell me what the degrees are on 280x cards for istance? Im guessing they overheat to, since its basicly at 7970 repacked.
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January 31, 2017, 10:05:52 AM

Elpida memory gpu 1122 / mem 2020 core voltage -96mV . I got with samsung memory too. I will test them in few day...
At 2020 memclock, which timings do you use? From which strap - 1500, 1625, 1750?
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what is this "brake pedal" you speak of?

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January 31, 2017, 12:58:34 PM

Without any problem, withoutn crash. Sapphire RX470 4GB Nitro+ (moded bios)
That's probably Samsung memory you've got there? Those can usually overclock to 2100+ with 1750 strap timings. But most 470s, as far as I'm aware, don't use Samsung chips but rather Hynix (not bad as well) or Elpida (those are a bit worse I think?).

my powercolor red dragon 470/4 will also do 28+. does 28.5-28.8 on eth with 1750 straps @ 1300/2100 -75mv  -i 8. runs 24/7 with no problems. about a month ago it could hit the low 29s, guess the epoch increase slowed it down a touch.

seems to be a samsung thing?

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January 31, 2017, 01:29:10 PM

I have a question for RX 470 and 480 users

What power consumption do you guys get with what hash rates?

Have you read the forum ? there is alot of post already referencing those numbers.

I read plenty of post about hash rates but power draw is not so consistent. Problem when searching these terms even with quotations is it only requires the words to appear anywhere on the page, even if one is in a post and the other is a related link.

470 runs around 26@120
480 runs around 29@135

Theoretically its possible to run 470 at 28, but it requires hardcore mem OC and not many cards can handle it 24/7.

Without any problem, withoutn crash. Sapphire RX470 4GB Nitro+ (moded bios)
ETH - Total Speed: 114.433 Mh/s, Total Shares: 5248, Rejected: 0, Time: 26:11
ETH: GPU0 28.610 Mh/s, GPU1 28.635 Mh/s, GPU2 28.577 Mh/s, GPU3 28.612 Mh/s
ETH: 01/30/17-22:19:46 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 3)
ETH: Share accepted (78 ms)!

mind to share the bios and afterburner settings or whichever u use? and memory type... elpida? hynix? samsung?
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bou !

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January 31, 2017, 06:00:57 PM


How do the following commands work with claymore?

I would like that my card starts with the voltages following 950mv and the fans has 50% minimum, I therefore apologize these commands in the .bat

But it does not work.

-cvddc 950 -mvddc 900 -fanmin 50

an idea ?

thank you

go to the moon !!
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Activity: 92
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January 31, 2017, 09:05:57 PM

Elpida memory gpu 1122 / mem 2020 core voltage -96mV . I got with samsung memory too. I will test them in few day...
At 2020 memclock, which timings do you use? From which strap - 1500, 1625, 1750?

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