i really hate paypal , in Georgia i am almost 2 month here , so the problem about paypal is i can only send payments .
meaning all my earning site must be throw 3rd party WTH is that , i contacted the freaks of tax paypal , reply me lol i can only send payment not receiving any , so why BTC .
every one know that , BTC is global 2 way payment with almost no tax .
paypal with scammers
bank-charge back that will never stop tell you go to the bank .
if you pay to a company and scam you or close your account [kiss your money bye bye ]
if you start earning really good like over 3k a month , after some months paypal limit the withdrew to 500$ a month [my house rent is 650$]
how many fees paypal really have ?>
1: transaction fee
2: exchange fee [2 ways]
3: holding money for 6 months and only give you 500$ a month
4: 5$ + 2% fee .