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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.8%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (7%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.6%)
$95K to $100K - 28 (19.7%)
>$100K - 82 (57.7%)
Total Voters: 142

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26729154 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Activity: 1666
Merit: 2889

Far, Far, Far Right Thug

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January 03, 2023, 04:35:26 PM

Hey fella, I bet you're still livin' in your parents' cellar
Downloadin' pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar

Literally 24 years later:

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Activity: 1666
Merit: 2889

Far, Far, Far Right Thug

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January 03, 2023, 04:48:47 PM

Wholesale gas prices are now lower than they were when Russia invaded Ukraine, yet the brilliant minds of European politicians will ensure its citizens stay poor through sanctions and its bestest ally / criminal invader USA charging us 4 times as much.

I don't blame the criminal USA for being its usual criminal self, that it has done for decades but the weak minded AND / OR criminal leaders in Europe certainly don't have the best interests for its citizens at heart. That much is now clear.

But keep blaming Putin for your scam of the century.

 Roll Eyes

Eventually however I think people will come for your ass and then the game is up and you'll be done!

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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11695

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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January 03, 2023, 05:00:59 PM

That’s it Bob, show us your true face for once.
I’d rather not tbh. But hey, let’s go fishing, and see who brings the bigger fish.

I would rather not show my true face, for OpSec reasons - I've pretty much low-key doxxed myself already, and don't appreciate these stupid games you are playing.

Those that need to know who I am in meatspace, know who I am - even follow me on Twitter - BOTH ACCOUNTS. I suspect you may be one of these cases and has connected the obvious dots, and is now just baiting me for peculiar reasons.

If you are seriously challenging me in meatspace, please drop me an email at my meatspace presence, along with your proper, legal meatspace presence, and we can continue this silly game via "the real world" which will incur real consequences.

I'm down to play if you are.

I would invite you to come fishing on the ranch with me, but I suspect I'm dealing with a bad actor here, intentionally seeking to stir the pot for <reasons>

EDIT: And if you did know me, you would know the fishing pond bank serves as a backstop for .50 Cal on our shooting range. Don't play these dangerous, silly games. I'm already involved in enough lawsuits, and you do not want to test my patience at this juncture.

Both* of you are twats.


 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

*Or should it be "each of you?"

but I suspect I'm dealing with a bad actor here, intentionally seeking to stir the pot for <reasons>
You’re dealing with a good actor here Bob, but I guess all you bad actors can’t even conceive it.


I didn't mind Trump as president either though he turned out pretty weak not pardoning the likes of Julian Assange when he could have. And only thing he cares about now is himself which won't get himself re-elected, ever.  Roll Eyes

One thing that surprises me is that anyone ever though that dweeb Trump ever thought of anyone other than his lil selfie..., even if I could understand that sometimes people might consider that Trump's acting in his own interests simultaneously was parallel to what they thought to be their own interests.. burn it all down or whatever it was that that dweeb was trying to achieve while he was ongoingly maniacally focused on robbing the people (coffers) for his own self-benefits.

I can see many people in the UK not giving a damn about the EV push and 2030 net zero deadline, after the massive increase in energy cost and now higher cost to fast charge an EV than just filling up an ICE car with petrol.

Personally I think hybrid is the way to go for the foreseeable future.

In that light very strange that Toyota dropped the Prius and Ford dropped the Mondeo and Fiesta in the UK. All with hybrids would have been excellent car buying options.
A BZ4X or Mustang Mach E seems like utter expensive nonsense.

I agree that Hybrids do seem to be a decent kind of compromise.. and possible way of innovating too..
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January 03, 2023, 05:01:17 PM

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January 03, 2023, 05:26:53 PM

El duderino_ (through its merit award)

About that, open-source, right?
And who guarantees that the custom coldkey won’t have custom firmware as well? I guess you - the CEO, right.
Ukrainian CEO with a cold wallet company, right. A cold wallet for El duderino_, free of charge, through his “merit awards”, right.
Ukrainian IT people - without exception - are proud of their skills, right.
You even send personal invitations to people with [heavy?] Bitcoin stacks [have I got it right xhomerx10?] to lure them on the WO.
Luckily, most ignored you.

I just hope that the people on that list, but especially The Dude, is smart enough to never ever use it as a wallet, rather only as a collectible item.

first of all none of us is from ukraine and secondly a Coldkey card consists only of a BTC address and its privatekey. therefore there is no software installed and the loading of the cards is then left to everyone - btw even some people from this list can tell you only positive things about Coldkey Wink
of course, the Coldkey cards serve as collectibles but also very good as gifts if you want to bring your dearest people with something in the matter of Bitcoin approach and thus that person makes the first small steps
Unknown Op
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Activity: 840
Merit: 629

Pakistan Local Board Request

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January 03, 2023, 05:42:32 PM

Happy Birthday Bitcoin BTC 🥳
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Activity: 1666
Merit: 2889

Far, Far, Far Right Thug

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January 03, 2023, 05:54:17 PM

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January 03, 2023, 06:01:21 PM

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Activity: 115
Merit: 5

JJG AI, is an attack vector on humanity. Beware.

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January 03, 2023, 06:07:37 PM

If you are referring to the post where my other account on here posted on the same page, then, yes. A calculated and intentional "moment of weakness" - in retrospect.

No. I was referring to this:

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

I have no idea what you’re talking about, and what other account you handle.
However, I do miss “Rick” and his posts.

Bravo for catching that.

Otherwise, I know I post and delete stuff all the time, and have knowingly dropped my guard with regard to certain matters. Choose to delete posts after the fact, but if you catch my "moments of weakness", ~

I was referring to the purge of BobLawblaw’s posts, when you became a newbie again, don’t recall exactly, 1-2 years ago?

~ then you'll only better know my genuine meatspace self.

No thanks, yours truly, not.

And if you genuinely consider me evil, then I honestly don't know how to respond to that, other than to say I would like to know what your definition of "good", is, and how I am specifically evil.

You lie non-stop, well, almost about everything.
Your bot lies non-stop too, even “Rick” lied - but not so much as your asses.

If you followed me on Twitter, ~

Get over it, I don’t.

~ or you know my other account on here, then you know I shine a light on evil.

“Enlighten me”, said the devil in disguise. Tongue

Whatever it is you think you are doing here is not productive, and a waste of time for everyone.

Me thinks that it’s quite productive. The results speak for themselves, and we’re not even done yet.


Yo nutty, give my teaser quiz a go, will ya?
Or maybe, I get it, that it can be confusing after so many scams, and that you’ve lost track of the relentless non-stop scamming.
Three tries for a letter, go on:

Here is a little teaser I came up with, +3 WO’s merit to whomever cracks it:

“What do the users nutildah, xhomerx10, BitcoinGirl.Club, Hueristic, suchmoon, … and [probably others] … have in common?

_ _ E . _ _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ . _ _ _ E . _ _ _ _

Four words, boyz n gals.

Who would-a-thunk?  
Why would uie-pooie do some lil thingie like dat?  Why?  

Both* of you are twats.

first of all none of us is from ukraine ~

If you say so. Roll Eyes

~ and secondly a Coldkey card consists only of a BTC address and its privatekey.

Oh really?
And how was that address and privatekey generated? Where, to be more precise? Any copies perhaps?
Hahahahhaha, you’re funny.

~ therefore there is no software installed and the loading of the cards is then left to everyone -

You don’t need any software installed - to steal the users funds - once they hit your phishing wallet.

~ btw even some people from this list can tell you only positive things about Coldkey.

With the exception of definetely one, perhaps two, all the other names on that list are fake as fuck.
I don’t need heavily merited accounts to tell me anything about your lying asses.

~ of course, the Coldkey cards serve as collectibles but also very good as gifts if you want to bring your dearest people with something in the matter of Bitcoin approach and thus that person makes the first small steps.

Yada, yada, yada, get lost will ya?

Allow me to enlighten your scamming asses, that I don’t know anybody irl on this forum.
Firstly it’s a matter of principle [none of my bussiness], and secondly I don’t see any value in doing so - even if I could.

That said, I will drag your sorry fake asses merely by your usernames, for ever and ever, period.
As promised. Kiss
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Activity: 1869
Merit: 5781

Neighborhood Shenanigans Dispenser

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January 03, 2023, 06:28:26 PM
Merited by vapourminer (1), Hueristic (1), jojo69 (1), DdmrDdmr (1), OutOfMemory (1), strawbs (1)

Me thinks that it’s quite productive. The results speak for themselves, and we’re not even done yet.

Actually, yes. We are done.

You're delusional, and added to my ignore list.

Honestly not sure what you are trying to do here, but it's put me on guard enough to recognize you are not a genuine threat, and therefore irrelevant to me.

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Activity: 2772
Merit: 4024

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January 03, 2023, 06:55:23 PM

Copper Member
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Activity: 1512
Merit: 1651

Bitcoin Bottom was at $15.4k

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January 03, 2023, 06:59:59 PM

Bitcoin - days since last all time high

Good area to start DCA.
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January 03, 2023, 07:01:17 PM

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Activity: 3920
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Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!

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January 03, 2023, 07:02:41 PM

I assume the person trolling this thread and pissing off long time regulars, some of whom add value, perhaps as a means to drive them off?  I dunno... maybe working.  

It's sad to me, but probably just a season... I just ducked in to mention this particular disappointment...  it is what it is...  
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Activity: 1869
Merit: 5781

Neighborhood Shenanigans Dispenser

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January 03, 2023, 07:16:27 PM
Merited by philipma1957 (2), vapourminer (1), OutOfMemory (1)

It's honestly fucking retarded, and makes me question why I even bother to visit this place any more.

This place was fun for a really long time, but it all started to fall apart for me when confidence from a group chat was violated in this thread, which caused me to rage-delete my entire post history, bringing me back to Newbie status.

This is a year of big change for me, on a personal level, and I'm beginning to suspect a consequence of that will be a natural drifting away from this forum.

Tired of being sad, and this place doesn't help.

Too much good I have left to do.
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Activity: 4074
Merit: 5698

Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it

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January 03, 2023, 07:34:01 PM

You make me want to both ignore you and merit you in every iteration, that is why you are so easy to spot. 

Huh? Are you really implying that I’m some sort of machine? Hahahahahaha.
Maybe the email I registered with on this forum is misleading, yo. Wink

I’ll take WO’s merits, anytime, even from the scumbags like you.

And that is the one thing you have zero control over.

And neither do you, it’s not a human thing ya know.
So much for your personal text, pfff, I’m pretty sure you never saw this coming.

{lots of snips}

The problem is … the problem is 80-90% of the posters in this thread.
Here is a little teaser I came up with, +3 WO’s merit to whomever cracks it:

“What do the users nutildah, xhomerx10, BitcoinGirl.Club, Hueristic, suchmoon, … and [probably others] … have in common?

_ _ E . _ _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ . _ _ _ E . _ _ _ _

Four words, boyz n gals.

Damn, did I kick you into your manic phase already?

*this shit is getting too easy.
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Activity: 1666
Merit: 2889

Far, Far, Far Right Thug

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January 03, 2023, 07:49:38 PM

Failed at becoming president several times, a full time plagiarist in the 1980s, completely lied about his education, doesn't know where he is going when left alone on a stage.

But sure he is the wisest of all in the new world.  Cheesy

(The use of the word clan in that tweet seems quite apt considering the racist remarks Biden has made in the past)

That other over the hill, geriatric politician  also got immense praise from the full time deluded:

They must be giving out magic mushrooms to Blue tick Twitter accounts these days.

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January 03, 2023, 08:01:17 PM

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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11695

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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January 03, 2023, 08:06:06 PM

Whatever it is you think you are doing here is not productive, and a waste of time for everyone.
Me thinks that it’s quite productive. The results speak for themselves, and we’re not even done yet.

You are amazing, if I do say so my lil selfie.

Both* of you are twats.

Look at who is allergic to dee true.

That said, I will drag your sorry fake asses merely by your usernames, for ever and ever, period.
As promised. Kiss

Is this the point in the movie where "we" are each (or is it "all"?) supposed to "shake in our boots?"

[edited out]
enough to recognize you are not a genuine threat, and therefore irrelevant to me.

Antisthenes is within a smilar threat model as a gnat  - arm urself accordingly.

And, he just notwuves face masks.

which caused me to rage-delete my entire post history, bringing me back to Newbie status.

Nobody to blame but ur lil selfie for that dumb shit.
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Activity: 1869
Merit: 5781

Neighborhood Shenanigans Dispenser

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January 03, 2023, 08:12:52 PM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

Nobody to blame but ur lil selfie for that dumb shit.

My problem is that I've always been Mr. Nice Guy. Too trusting of people.

I've been way too naïve.

That stops this year.

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