If you are referring to the post where my other account on here posted on the same page, then, yes. A calculated and intentional "moment of weakness" - in retrospect.
No. I was referring to this:
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
I have no idea what you’re talking about, and what other account you handle.
However, I do miss “Rick” and his posts.
Bravo for catching that.

Otherwise, I know I post and delete stuff all the time, and have knowingly dropped my guard with regard to certain matters. Choose to delete posts after the fact, but if you catch my "moments of weakness", ~
I was referring to the purge of BobLawblaw’s posts, when you became a newbie again, don’t recall exactly, 1-2 years ago?
~ then you'll only better know my genuine meatspace self.
No thanks, yours truly, not.
And if you genuinely consider me evil, then I honestly don't know how to respond to that, other than to say I would like to know what your definition of "good", is, and how I am specifically evil.
You lie non-stop, well, almost about everything.
Your bot lies non-stop too, even “Rick” lied - but not so much as your asses.
If you followed me on Twitter, ~
Get over it, I don’t.
~ or you know my other account on here, then you know I shine a light on evil.
“Enlighten me”, said the devil in disguise.

Whatever it is you think you are doing here is not productive, and a waste of time for everyone.
Me thinks that it’s quite productive. The results speak for themselves, and we’re not even done yet.
Yo nutty, give my teaser quiz a go, will ya?
Or maybe, I get it, that it can be confusing after so many scams, and that you’ve lost track of the relentless non-stop scamming.
Three tries for a letter, go on:
Here is a little teaser I came up with, +3 WO’s merit to whomever cracks it:
“What do the users nutildah, xhomerx10, BitcoinGirl.Club, Hueristic, suchmoon, … and [probably others] … have in common?
_ _ E . _ _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ . _ _ _ E . _ _ _ _
Four words, boyz n gals.
Who would-a-thunk?
Why would uie-pooie do some lil thingie like dat? Why?

Both* of you are twats.
first of all none of us is from ukraine ~
If you say so.

~ and secondly a Coldkey card consists only of a BTC address and its privatekey.
Oh really?
And how was that address and privatekey generated? Where, to be more precise? Any copies perhaps?
Hahahahhaha, you’re funny.
~ therefore there is no software installed and the loading of the cards is then left to everyone -
You don’t need any software installed - to steal the users funds - once they hit your phishing wallet.
~ btw even some people from this list can tell you only positive things about Coldkey.
With the exception of definetely one, perhaps two, all the other names on that list are fake as fuck.
I don’t need heavily merited accounts to tell me anything about your lying asses.
~ of course, the Coldkey cards serve as collectibles but also very good as gifts if you want to bring your dearest people with something in the matter of Bitcoin approach and thus that person makes the first small steps.
Yada, yada, yada, get lost will ya?
Allow me to enlighten your scamming asses,
that I don’t know anybody irl on this forum.Firstly it’s a matter of principle [none of my bussiness], and secondly I don’t see any value in doing so -
even if I could.That said, I will drag your sorry fake asses
merely by your usernames, for ever and ever, period.
As promised.