Activity: 3066
Merit: 1188
May 13, 2019, 01:08:28 PM |
What eBay tweet? What am I missing out on? IM FOMOING NOW¡
Somebody took a picture of that eBay advert and turned it into a rumour that eBay were going to be accepting crypto for payment. It's garbage.
May 13, 2019, 01:10:10 PM |
But why is that finex whale making it so obvious he's selling so much?
There's some kind of "fuckery" going on there today. Another whale has completely crashed the BTC swap rates by posting 4k (3k & 1K) at about a hundrerth of the recent level. As if begging bears to take more shorts... It's not a Finex whale. It's finex. They buy on Bitstamp where it's lower volume but high influence, push the price beyond finex to get the sheep to buyl the walls on finex and get shorters to close or to get margin calls if they can. It's pretty obvious. They will go as high as they can before the natural price resumes and the price crashes. They have all the data on what possitions are held and can thake calculated risks on how high they can pump the price an other exchanges will follow before a crash. But it will crash hard sooner or later. I may be dim, but I can't see how practically free bear fuel supports that. Im not going to explain that to you. Ask your boss at bitFinex he/she will explain it better Hilarious! Thanks for contributing. You registered April 9th 2014 , the day of the crash that kickstarted phase B of the 2013 bubble elliotwave! On june the 3rd of the same year you are telling people to buy coins just before the crash to $160 You do work for, or are affliated with BitFinex so please FUCK OFF OFF THIS FORUM YOU LYING DISINGENUOUS TWAT! Along with your army of Finex Bull Trolls Move on, man. the markets are what they are and you're just no good at it. Buy a few coin and get on with something else that you enjoy.
In 10 years time you'll still be BlamingTheWhaleConspiracy to any barfly who'll listen. CouldaBeenRich, but, but...
Deary me. Triggered much? Is this how you go through your life? If you'd put that effort into explaining how absurdly low swap rates supported your "hurr, durr sheeple manipulation" nonsense, we'd have all learnt something. But, hey, you are who you are. If you could eplain why you joined on that date? why you were telling people to buy bitcoin before the crash, and why you're back now doing the same? You don't have a very good track record of being correct, so what is you current purpose of posting on the forum ? What is your prediction of the price? Off couse you can always log in on one of your other usernames to back yourself up if you feel im picking on you. Just remember i can see your last log in time  Dammit jonoiv, you've got me. There'll be hell to pay at finex now I've been unmasked. It was that terrible advice (to MatTheCat, IIRC) to buy bitcoin in 2014 and hold for 10 years that pushed aside my mask, wasn't it? Be careful with those super-sleuth powers, won't you? Please, for the kiddies. Respect to long HODLers if thats the risk they want to take, thats up to them. But please tell me how you see the rest of 2019? But why didn't you tell mat to buy after the crash not in June 2014 when every man and his dog knew it was going to crash? Please explain that one. Please explain why Bitsptamp always leads people to buy the finex walls then it crashes. Please explain why you are here on those dates?
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1188
May 13, 2019, 01:16:01 PM |
Tether = central bank of crypto. If you want to pump bitcoin and happen to be the person in control of the "create unbacked tether out of nothing" toolbar button then you can have as much bitcoin as you want without worrying about the price.
Then dump it for "real" $USD.
May 13, 2019, 01:23:48 PM |
 2019 vs 2018 
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1188
May 13, 2019, 01:25:44 PM |
Tether-fuelled pump & dump........."because we can  "
May 13, 2019, 01:26:12 PM |
 2019 vs 2018  So you're telling me to buy right ? 
Activity: 2772
Merit: 2570
$130000 next target Confirmed
May 13, 2019, 01:26:45 PM |
Tether-fuelled pump & dump........."because we can  " You troll
Activity: 2772
Merit: 2570
$130000 next target Confirmed
May 13, 2019, 01:27:16 PM |
Tether = central bank of crypto. If you want to pump bitcoin and happen to be the person in control of the "create unbacked tether out of nothing" toolbar button then you can have as much bitcoin as you want without worrying about the price.
Then dump it for "real" $USD.
You troll
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1188
May 13, 2019, 01:27:58 PM |
Tether = central bank of crypto. If you want to pump bitcoin and happen to be the person in control of the "create unbacked tether out of nothing" toolbar button then you can have as much bitcoin as you want without worrying about the price.
Then dump it for "real" $USD.
You troll Why ?
Activity: 2772
Merit: 2570
$130000 next target Confirmed
May 13, 2019, 01:28:12 PM |
I saw breaking news today that Ebay accepting crypto.
- No Joke -
It wasn't "news". It was a random tweet with a picture of a bunch of boxes. Your a fucking troll
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1136
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1188
May 13, 2019, 01:33:08 PM |
Your a fucking troll
You wanted to believe in the eBay stuff ?
May 13, 2019, 01:34:39 PM |
 2019 vs 2018  The only real question is will it crash before it makes it through the Finex wall or just after.
Colonel Panic

Activity: 110
Merit: 26
I do not have a Telegram or Skype account.
May 13, 2019, 01:38:14 PM |
But why is that finex whale making it so obvious he's selling so much?
There's some kind of "fuckery" going on there today. Another whale has completely crashed the BTC swap rates by posting 4k (3k & 1K) at about a hundrerth of the recent level. As if begging bears to take more shorts... It's not a Finex whale. It's finex. They buy on Bitstamp where it's lower volume but high influence, push the price beyond finex to get the sheep to buyl the walls on finex and get shorters to close or to get margin calls if they can. It's pretty obvious. They will go as high as they can before the natural price resumes and the price crashes. They have all the data on what possitions are held and can thake calculated risks on how high they can pump the price an other exchanges will follow before a crash. But it will crash hard sooner or later. I may be dim, but I can't see how practically free bear fuel supports that. Im not going to explain that to you. Ask your boss at bitFinex he/she will explain it better Hilarious! Thanks for contributing. You registered April 9th 2014 , the day of the crash that kickstarted phase B of the 2013 bubble elliotwave! On june the 3rd of the same year you are telling people to buy coins just before the crash to $160 You do work for, or are affliated with BitFinex so please FUCK OFF OFF THIS FORUM YOU LYING DISINGENUOUS TWAT! Along with your army of Finex Bull Trolls Move on, man. the markets are what they are and you're just no good at it. Buy a few coin and get on with something else that you enjoy.
In 10 years time you'll still be BlamingTheWhaleConspiracy to any barfly who'll listen. CouldaBeenRich, but, but...
Deary me. Triggered much? Is this how you go through your life? If you'd put that effort into explaining how absurdly low swap rates supported your "hurr, durr sheeple manipulation" nonsense, we'd have all learnt something. But, hey, you are who you are. If you could eplain why you joined on that date? why you were telling people to buy bitcoin before the crash, and why you're back now doing the same? You don't have a very good track record of being correct, so what is you current purpose of posting on the forum ? What is your prediction of the price? Off couse you can always log in on one of your other usernames to back yourself up if you feel im picking on you. Just remember i can see your last log in time  Dammit jonoiv, you've got me. There'll be hell to pay at finex now I've been unmasked. It was that terrible advice (to MatTheCat, IIRC) to buy bitcoin in 2014 and hold for 10 years that pushed aside my mask, wasn't it? Be careful with those super-sleuth powers, won't you? Please, for the kiddies. Respect to long HODLers if thats the risk they want to take, thats up to them. But please tell me how you see the rest of 2019? But why didn't you tell mat to buy after the crash not in June 2014 when every man and his dog knew it was going to crash? Please explain that one. Please explain why Bitsptamp always leads people to buy the finex walls then it crashes. Please explain why you are here on those dates? Er, No. For one thing there's too much (money-making) to be done in the markets today and for another, well, you're a bit dim for me. Sorry. Unless you have another, better, theory about the crash in BTC funding price today? Else /end
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1288
May 13, 2019, 01:39:50 PM |
This fools’ rally has set us back for at least another year.
Whatchu on about? You still think the bottoms not in? REALLY? The move is going too fast. It will break if not already the case. Buyers will be wondering where their $100k Bitcoin is. Delusion and sorrow will spread. Price will be sideways and choppy for months/a year. No one will touch the Bitcoin for considerable time. At least, not the masses who’s influx should bring us towards $100k. Or do you think moms and pops are buying into and causing the current rally? Someone is continuously off loading coins, big time  Suckers’ rally. No one promised $100k BTC before 2021. Only thing that can set us back a year is a new financial crisis. And that can actually happen in the next 2 years. But on the long run Bitcoin need a new financial crisis, whenever it will happen, to strengthen itself.
Activity: 3122
Merit: 1538
May 13, 2019, 01:39:54 PM |
 Just for the record: that spike at the end took a whole 20 Bitcoin’s at Bitfinex. But enjoying this pump nonetheless 
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1188
May 13, 2019, 01:43:59 PM |
No one promised $100k BTC before 2021. Only thing that can set us back a year is a new financial crisis. And that can actually happen in the next 2 years. But on the long run Bitcoin need a new financial crisis, whenever it will happen, to strengthen itself.
According to ZH we should thank "Trump and the Trade War". (And the button pressers at Tether for printing tons of fake money and using it to pump bitcoin).
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
May 13, 2019, 01:44:20 PM |
The only real question is will it crash before it makes it through the Finex wall or just after.
More of a ladder than a wall  undecided
infofront (OP)
Activity: 2660
Merit: 2920
Shitcoin Minimalist
May 13, 2019, 01:45:32 PM |
Look at the chart above your post. We are only 5 months ahead of schedule right now. We should be hitting this price in November 2019 in any event. Do you really think that this is a big deal?
$500K by the end of the year. You should link to my Steemit explanation and also include a copy of the chart image directly in the post. Here a direct link to the chart image:
Activity: 938
Merit: 2540
May 13, 2019, 01:47:07 PM |
Microsoft Launches Decentralized Identity Tool on Bitcoin BlockchainMeanwhile, an anonymous source with knowledge of Microsoft’s project told CoinDesk that Ion will shift from using bitcoin’s testnet to the bitcoin mainnet later this year. As such, any tech-savvy observer could run a node and contribute to this project.
Said W3C’s Allen:
“To have Microsoft say they are not scared of bitcoin, and in fact, it has some very good properties and we are willing to take advantage of those properties, is, I think, a step in the right direction.” is a public, permissionless, Decentralized Identifier (DID) network that implements the blockchain-agnostic Sidetree protocol on top of Bitcoin (as a 'Layer 2' overlay) to support DIDs/DPKI at scale.