By the way,..... I would like to mention:
Some of you may know that a bit over a week ago, Binance US had stated that it may lose its banking services, so it suggested that either people withdraw their USD or convert them over to USDT.
I converted all mine over to USDT and then re-established my buy/sell orders on Binance US as part of the BTC/USDT pair, and so it was a bit strange that about 3.5 hours ago (calculated from the time of this post), I was waiting for my sell order at $28,900 to fill, and then all of a sudden all of my orders filled from $28,900 all the way up to $129,400... .. and there was some kind of a fat finger or something, and then the price moved back down to $28,800-ish... so I bought back all the BTC that I had sold (plus a little extra), and reset my BTC sell orders and also ended up with some extra USDT out of the deal, too.. .. I don't really want to disclose the amounts, but it surely adds up... and I have not exactly added it up.. I suppose that I could do some math at some point.
Are you still using Binance US?
I mean knowing the risk that there might be a problem anytime soon (might not be) and still using it. I won't say it is too smart to continue using Binance now.
Apparently, I am still using Binance US, otherwise I would not have this personal experience story to tell you about.
You got smartness figured out, apparently.
Over the years, I have used quite a few different exchanges, and it seems that I have figured out some ways to not hold large amounts on any exchanges, even though surely some might consider my amounts to be large and the risk NOT to be worth it, and yes, each of us needs to figure out our own risk tolerance and even if we understand the risks. I did not have any money on Terra luna, Celsius, Gemini earn, GBTC, Voyager, Blockfi, or FTX.. so maybe I am just lucky? And my time is going to come. By the way, I did lose some money on BTC-e.. so maybe I am just too stubborn? And I have been hacked previously (through sim swap techniques), so maybe I am just too willing to lose money?
I do have some back up ways of various kinds of bitcoin wallets that I use.. and I don't use Ledger... and I hardly have very many shitcoins, though I do have some (but don't really talk about them too much since they are not really much of my focus.. likely less than 1% of all of my "crypto" holdings is in shitcoins.. and sometimes I do have to do some managing (or moving) of those coins too... though again, I don't really talk about that not very important stuff very much... Oh yeah, I have some BNB.. since 2016. that I bought as a kind of fluke to use as a kind of way to get trading discounts on Binance.. I still hold around 2/3 of those coins that I bought in 2016 - they are worth about 13.5x more than what I paid for them in 2016.. and I don't really care if they go to zero or not.. I just have them.. same thing with some of my other shitcoins, I don't really look at them very much, even though I hold some of them.
Especially Binance US. Imagine you were swapping your coins, and suddenly it went down. You will blame yourself,
Why would I blame myself? I already know that Binance and Binance US has been on the hotseat for quite a while.. and what about Coinbase, should people stop using Coinbase too? Oh no the Binance situation (level of scary) is much moar worser, right?
I know that binance (and binance US) are not even close to the same kind of shame as FTX, even though a lot of dumb and ill-informed people talk about Binance and FTX as if Binance were the same as FTX.
and it will remain the dumbest decision for you to use Binance US, knowing there is a problem going on.
There are probably dumber decisions that people can make in life... so by definition, whatever I am doing could not be "the dumbest".. if you even know the meaning of the words that you choose to use, and I am thinking that it can be quite dumb to assume too much about the situation of another person.. of course, you are just trying to help, right? Especially since I likely suggested that you were not as smart as you are presenting yourself as being.
I hope nothing will happen like this. But nobody knows.
That's right no one knows the future, including knowing whether it is too risky to use Binance US as a service. It was pretty fucking risky to use FTX, but a lot of people lost a lot of money by using that crap and they did not even perceive using FTX was much if any risk. I didn't lose any money by using FTX.
So pray tell.. what kind of advice are you giving? Do you know enough about anything to be giving advice in regards to which exchanges to use or not use or the various ways to get bitcoin or to participate in various aspects of the bitcoin economy? How about other ways that people hold their coins? Do you have any further advice that you would like to give? People need to know... and to learn from learn bitcoin.
[edited out]
Congrats Mr. JJG! You must have been a boy scout as seems you were adequately peepared for uppity
Seems like a kind of weird luck, but surely there is some value in terms of being prepared, like you say.. to be in the right place at the right time...and to have the sell orders active and in place.
I recall one time in around 2016 when Gemini was still pretty new, Gemini had reversed buy orders connected with one of the extreme DOWNity candles that I thought that I had benefited from (and then had all of those "lucky" buy orders reversed).