November 01, 2017, 09:22:00 PM |
I have been Mac mining since last night (on and off at a super low HR because of my computer speed, but I wanted to see what mining "looks like"). Anyway, I have been entering the TH (the one that appears after I enter "diff" on the mac direct miner) in the Electroneum Blockchain explorer ( Could someone explain which of the numbers is the amount I mined? (is it the "outputs" under miner reward transaction"? or is it something else, cause under transactions I get a "1" and some additional info regarding outputs, fee, ring size, in/out, size [kb], version). Thanks! (I asked this question on the new telegram group but no one replied ... so many questions going on, it probably was missed).
Full Member
Activity: 392
Merit: 100
November 01, 2017, 09:22:21 PM |
You can already mine this awesome coin on COMPUTER, it works like butter and you can get rich without working a real job. When is the mobile miner app going live, today maybe?
If I mine on my PC and cell phone I will doubly my net income salary. I dont like working real jobs anyway, they are not the best. I like to just mine Electroneum all day and watch my money increase while I watch a video etc. Life is all about ENJOYING it not working. Am i rite?
Bad news: all people believed and invested in this thinking it was a new mobile mining currency. It's not.So it's worth almost nothing (a Monero fork made in 15 minutes).

Activity: 94
Merit: 10
November 01, 2017, 09:32:03 PM |
You can already mine this awesome coin on COMPUTER, it works like butter and you can get rich without working a real job. When is the mobile miner app going live, today maybe?
If I mine on my PC and cell phone I will doubly my net income salary. I dont like working real jobs anyway, they are not the best. I like to just mine Electroneum all day and watch my money increase while I watch a video etc. Life is all about ENJOYING it not working. Am i rite?
Bad news: all people believed and invested in this thinking it was a new mobile mining currency. It's not.So it's worth almost nothing (a Monero fork made in 15 minutes). I was always under the impression the mobile mining experience was really just going to be a game to get you started with Electroneum.
XMG - 95AySiw3GaiTxf5xWBnZLLWkJ9orhyagbx
November 01, 2017, 09:36:01 PM |
At the end of the day mining on a desktop or mobile phone is very easy with the electroneum software. I have never moned anything before and was mining within 2 minutes with the PC mining pool. The phone app is going to be even easier.
This project will moon to the outerreaches of neighboring solar systems in faraway galaxies. Cant even fathom how big this will get.
Hoddle long BTC (the mother) and a few others!

Activity: 202
Merit: 24
November 01, 2017, 09:37:07 PM |
another great pool - only 1% fee - payout set to 100ETN
November 01, 2017, 09:37:27 PM |
i went on your pool to look up my adress, it says not found. Why? here is my adress: etnjzsNoayqFT25QsWmUNJaXsJo8sj69HPcVsEpN4dtxUY8L3waiYwFPc37BWVtpRnQt8oewGa3VVGs 3rX51vMSz5QeuxKawS6
November 01, 2017, 09:41:54 PM |
Everyone please click on the "report to moderator" and send it to the mods when you see very bad posts like the trolls posted up thread
November 01, 2017, 09:43:18 PM |
You can already mine this awesome coin on COMPUTER, it works like butter and you can get rich without working a real job. When is the mobile miner app going live, today maybe?
If I mine on my PC and cell phone I will doubly my net income salary. I dont like working real jobs anyway, they are not the best. I like to just mine Electroneum all day and watch my money increase while I watch a video etc. Life is all about ENJOYING it not working. Am i rite?
Bad news: all people believed and invested in this thinking it was a new mobile mining currency. It's not.So it's worth almost nothing (a Monero fork made in 15 minutes). No it wasnt done in 15 minutes, they have been working on this project since 2015
November 01, 2017, 09:47:26 PM |
I believe the coin is gonna do well after ico
That whole you dwell in must be pretty damn deep buddy. I suggest you come out more often. Invite all other so you can share my sausage while we wait for the release of the MOBILE MINING that was promised. MONERO has been forked 566 times and all the same copy and past... Please stop posting in this topic. You have been asked to leave. Go start your own topic.
November 01, 2017, 09:53:44 PM |
Funny how the knockers obviously haven't done their own research or they've listened to the YouTube gurus that pump the worst coins ever and didn't evaluate this one properly. Everything pre-launch seemed about as impressive as it could be to me. The problems today are mostly caused by the overwhelming number of people that are into this coin. That's the sort of problem many new coins would love to have. I'm impressed that I'm able to mine on the first day, with so many people doing the same thing. The mobile phone app being delayed is a shame but will anyone care in a few weeks time?
November 01, 2017, 09:57:59 PM |
You can already mine this awesome coin on COMPUTER, it works like butter and you can get rich without working a real job. When is the mobile miner app going live, today maybe?
If I mine on my PC and cell phone I will doubly my net income salary. I dont like working real jobs anyway, they are not the best. I like to just mine Electroneum all day and watch my money increase while I watch a video etc. Life is all about ENJOYING it not working. Am i rite?
Bad news: all people believed and invested in this thinking it was a new mobile mining currency. It's not.So it's worth almost nothing (a Monero fork made in 15 minutes). No it wasnt done in 15 minutes, they have been working on this project since 2015 Since 2015 lol. you are such a liar Richard "the dick" Ells says on oct 26 that you choose Mooneror fork over Bytecoin fork to that you had a github of FORKNOTE base cryptonote and removed it on the 8th of OCT. You guys have been flip flpping trying to prduce something for the last couple weeks at best. Admit this schill of a scam has come to its end. you got $40 mill out of it. You will pay the Cryptopia listing and dump it there when it goes live in a week or so. There are other cryptonote coins on cryptopia like DCY with a GUI wallet and only 2 billion coin supply that trade about 11 satoshi each while this 21 billion will sink to nothing really fast. This will be a first to get their coins confirmed on cryptopia and dump for about 500 satoshis and all the way down to 1 satoshi. True investors will buy there and sell about 10 satoshi and make a killing.

Activity: 202
Merit: 24
November 01, 2017, 09:58:49 PM |
No it wasnt done in 15 minutes, they have been working on this project since 2015
Just joined the BCT community to say thx for the patience w/ the crowd here. I know that such a project is not done btw breakfast and lunch. There is always something happening you dont expect and you need to adjust timelines and more. Please dont get into a hurry try to fulfill the "need" of a hand full of jerks. Work your stuff out - get a working product and if its coming 3 days later to the announcement - who cares! I'd rather send my ETN 3 days later to my paper wallet than getting 5k newbies hacked and thrown out of the ETN community. So please "keep calm and carry on"! A couple of Thumbs up for the good job so far - patiently waiting for a lot more to come! Cannot imagine what will happen if a "Richard Ellis" goes to a potential customer and throws a adopted userbase of >100k on the table 
November 01, 2017, 10:00:38 PM |
No it wasnt done in 15 minutes, they have been working on this project since 2015
I am a schill newbie account create to deflect negative comments Since 2015 lol. you are such a liar Richard "the dick" Ells says on oct 26 that you choose Mooneror fork over Bytecoin fork to that you had a github of FORKNOTE base cryptonote and removed it on the 8th of OCT. You guys have been flip flpping trying to prduce something for the last couple weeks at best. Admit this schill of a scam has come to its end. you got $40 mill out of it. You will pay the Cryptopia listing and dump it there when it goes live in a week or so. There are other cryptonote coins on cryptopia like DCY with a GUI wallet and only 2 billion coin supply that trade about 11 satoshi each while this 21 billion will sink to nothing really fast. This will be a first to get their coins confirmed on cryptopia and dump for about 500 satoshis and all the way down to 1 satoshi. True investors will buy there and sell about 10 satoshi and make a killing.
November 01, 2017, 10:01:39 PM |
@murzibia I have asked you to stop posting on this thread for a month now.
Go start your own topic, and stop posting here
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
November 01, 2017, 10:03:02 PM |
i went on your pool to look up my adress, it says not found. Why? here is my adress: etnjzsNoayqFT25QsWmUNJaXsJo8sj69HPcVsEpN4dtxUY8L3waiYwFPc37BWVtpRnQt8oewGa3VVGs 3rX51vMSz5QeuxKawS6 Unless you are mining on that pool, it's going to know nothing about you. For anyone wanting to know their balance if their pool is on the fritz, just run the daemon. - scroll down a bit to 'Direct Miners' which is what they're calling the daemon and cli executables. Download according to your OS and decompress. The linux one didn't work for me, so I compiled it myself, it doesn't have many dependencies, I already had all the non-optional ones anyway. Destructions: 1. Fire up electroneumd and wait for it to sync 2. Fire up electroneum-wallet-cli like so to get it to give you details of your paper wallet: "electroneum-wallet-cli --generate-from-keys WALLET" (On Win it's probably "electroneum-wallet-cli.exe...") - without the quotes, where WALLET is the wallet name you want, can be anything ...when prompted enter your public address and private key and view key from your paper wallet ...set a password ...wait while it syncs that address 3. Bugger about with it  - type "help" at the prompt for available commands - "balance" and "show_transfers in" (without the quotes!) are what most of you are looking for 4. Log back into that wallet if you've closed it with: "electroneum-wallet-cli --walletfile=WALLET" Note - as before, you need to have the daemon (electroneumd) running and synced again first
November 01, 2017, 10:03:14 PM |
@murzibia I have asked you to stop posting on this thread for a month now.
Go start your own topic, and stop posting here
We have asked for MOBILE MINING like you promised. Deliver you fuck hole and we will all be happy. Why are you trying to silence the truth?
No it wasnt done in 15 minutes, they have been working on this project since 2015
I am a schill newbie account create to deflect negative comments Since 2015 lol. you are such a liar Richard "the dick" Ells says on oct 26 that you choose Mooneror fork over Bytecoin fork to that you had a github of FORKNOTE base cryptonote and removed it on the 8th of OCT. You guys have been flip flpping trying to prduce something for the last couple weeks at best. Admit this schill of a scam has come to its end. you got $40 mill out of it. You will pay the Cryptopia listing and dump it there when it goes live in a week or so. There are other cryptonote coins on cryptopia like DCY with a GUI wallet and only 2 billion coin supply that trade about 11 satoshi each while this 21 billion will sink to nothing really fast. This will be a first to get their coins confirmed on cryptopia and dump for about 500 satoshis and all the way down to 1 satoshi. True investors will buy there and sell about 10 satoshi and make a killing.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
November 01, 2017, 10:06:28 PM |
ETN is now listed on Cryptopia
November 01, 2017, 10:11:22 PM |
For those of you still thinking you can really mine blocks with Electroneum app, wake up! You have not done your homework people. I suggest you also try Nimiq at and use their Beta testnet. This shows how mobile and browser mining is really done. It's the prototype that launches in december
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
November 01, 2017, 10:17:08 PM |
How do i send my coins from website to somewhere else?