November 01, 2017, 07:08:43 PM |
Haha, wow [/quote] ETN community be like : My mobile farm is ready for this miner When to release it? [/size]  [/quote] ROFLMAO!
November 01, 2017, 07:13:53 PM Last edit: November 01, 2017, 07:25:08 PM by contraband |
->IMPORTANT<- Dev Richard Ells: Log in problems / Wallet Launch
Hi all,
There have been a number of security incidents on other websites in the past, unrelated to Electroneum (including, but not limited to, DropBox, Yahoo, Adobe, Last.FM, Tumbler, LinkedIN, Ebay etc.).
Electroneum has not been directly affected by these incidents but we've detected that quite a number of our users accounts are at risk as they may have been using the same email addresses and passwords in more than one place.
To secure your Electroneum account, we are going to be requiring everyone to reset their password in the next day or so (we will inform you when) before we make the wallet system live.
To re-iterate our system has NOT been compromised.
In advance of this, everybody should ensure that the email address that they have used to register an Electroneum account with is SECURE. This means you should really change your email address password (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.) to something VERY secure. Please use the links below for some password generator sites that will make you a secure password.
Your Email account password SHOULD NOT be used anywhere else.
The safety of your ETN coins is entirely reliant on ensuring your primary email account is secure before we ask you to change your Electroneum password.
We are aware that people are experiencing login problems with their PIN number, this issue will be resolved when we ask everyone to reset their primary password.
Please ensure your email account password is highly secure. Use one of the following websites to generate a very secure password.
Again, we are very sorry for the delay in activating our service, we feel it is important to make every effort to ensure our users are protected from the inevitable attempts to compromise their accounts. Please Note!!Another Record!!
In the first 10 hours we hadd 15,000 miners up and running. Thanks again to all our dedicated loyal users!!! Fan Art!! Attention!! Please use the Electroneum Speculation Thread for posts discussing your speculations concerning the future price of Electroneum;topicseen
Thank you!!UPDATE!! $40 Million Raised Attention :
Please ignore the following scammer's nickname believing to be the same individual scamming / misleading the community. Murzibia, electroneumcoin , grumpyguy69, forknote, computerfreak, premiere1, pokayoke, rjboltman, Roger Lau
Repost this message if you see similar behaviour / individual. thanks.
Updates-New!!"Former West Ham United, Portsmouth, Tottenham Hotspur and Birmingham City manager Harry Redknapp tweeted on Thursday to say he was “proper excited” about Electroneum, a new crypocurrency being launched in the UK. “I’m in. Get involved,” he urged his 213,000 followers in his first tweet since August". Great Interview with Dev Richard Ells  Electroneum Dev Richard Ells at RocketSpace Sept. 27 2017 Electroneum in the news interview with Dev Richard Ells Community ResourcesAndroid App Download Desk Forum and FAQ Electroneum Bounty Thread White Paper White Paper Details Invite Link Price Speculation Telegram Invite Link to Blackwidow, I borrowed your collection!! Visit his video thread: WITH ELECTRONEUM DEV RICHARD ELLS intro video with the Dev Richard Ells [google hiM] is another video with a 30 MINUTE DETAILED INTERVIEW WITH THE DEV CEO RICHARD ELLSThis explains how the mobile mining works WITHOUT USING THE CELL PHONES RESOURCES TO POWER THE BLOCKCHAIN AND MINE REAL CRYPTO COINS!!! video, creator was at first confused as to when the crowdsale ends, but corrected it as going until Nov 1st. Great video! great video on ETN of actually buying ETN in video video example of purchasing ETN and projection of 100x in 1 year of ETN rising 100x in 1 year Where to InvestInvest Safely, and only invest what you can afford to loseBig thanks to Blackwidow for this amazing resource:

Activity: 110
Merit: 10
November 01, 2017, 07:17:10 PM |
I wonder if it might have been better for the devs to use a "simpler" coin rather than XMR as the template for ETN. All of the unique features for the privacy aspect make it a bit more complicated to use for beginners. Or, speaking as a former programmer, another layer of abstraction/encapsulation is probably needed to make it easier to use.
November 01, 2017, 07:20:47 PM |
Im going to post this one more time, as these users were posting in the last few pages. Please watch closely for these user names, and remember to ignore them, as they are verified scammers!!Attention :
Please ignore the following scammer's nickname believing to be the same individual scamming / misleading the community. Murzibia, electroneumcoin , grumpyguy69, forknote, computerfreak, premiere1, pokayoke, rjboltman, Roger Lau
Repost this message if you see similar behaviour / individual. thanks.
November 01, 2017, 07:22:38 PM |
it says invalid ETN address when i mine with the begginner miner.
Hoddle long BTC (the mother) and a few others!
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1002
November 01, 2017, 07:23:52 PM |
So many trolls are very active into this thread spreading fake news without any proof so who sell his coins just to get panic will regret later. Every big profit could delay to launch their product on time but this is still very young it need support to get rewarded in future.
November 01, 2017, 07:24:07 PM |
WTS 15,000 Electroneum for 2 BTC.
mined this amount in few hours yesterday night will sell you 15,000 for 1 BTC what say? funny a couple of post back you said you mine 25 ETN per hour. You are starting to smell like a troll! well if you could understand english and I hope you can I mined 15000 last night when there was little to no difficulty in few hours today, few hours ago I was mining around 200 etn per hour and now less than 20 etn I hope it helps
November 01, 2017, 07:25:29 PM |
Someone please answer me, is the default mining pool working? It says invalid address?
Hoddle long BTC (the mother) and a few others!
November 01, 2017, 07:27:48 PM |
Someone please answer me, is the default mining pool working? It says invalid address?
if you are mining in us pool please check your address in us pool not on eu or aisa electroneum pool I am mining at asia so if I check at eu it says invalid address
November 01, 2017, 07:31:43 PM |
Someone please answer me, is the default mining pool working? It says invalid address?
if you are mining in us pool please check your address in us pool not on eu or aisa electroneum pool I am mining at asia so if I check at eu it says invalid address I clicked on USA pool, not working. what wallet address do i use?
Hoddle long BTC (the mother) and a few others!

Activity: 77
Merit: 10
November 01, 2017, 07:33:02 PM |
is there any real benefit 3333/5555/7777
my equipment is highend but i get the same hashrate regardless
is it more heavily weighted or something depending on the port i choose?
if you have a 8 gpu rig then 5555 or 7777 if mining with 1 gpu then 3333 is better Should I be aiming for whatever gives me quicker shares? no quicker shares mean more chances to hit stale shares but still run on 5555 port shares will start decreasing in few minutes and it will be okay Thanks!!
Bitrated user: MinerClub.
November 01, 2017, 07:34:10 PM |
Someone please answer me, is the default mining pool working? It says invalid address?
if you are mining in us pool please check your address in us pool not on eu or aisa electroneum pool I am mining at asia so if I check at eu it says invalid address I clicked on USA pool, not working. what wallet address do i use? public wallet under public wallet there should be three lines join three lines in one line without space and that is your address check that address for the balance
November 01, 2017, 07:35:18 PM |
Haha, wow
ETN community be like : My mobile farm is ready for this miner When to release it? [/size]  ROFLMAO! [/quote] That bout sums it up. Mic drop[/quote] Im going to post this one more time, as these users were posting in the last few pages. Please watch closely for these user names, and remember to ignore them, as they are verified scammers!!Attention :
Who is the official party that verifies these accounts as "verified scammers!!"? 1st time I heard of that b4 sanctioning body. Think you should focus on that mobile miner and GUI wallet buddy. My mobile farm hungers to produce a nonce on this 680,999,999 difficulty at .00005 hash per sec. You do the math
Activity: 76
Merit: 0
November 01, 2017, 07:39:35 PM |
got my coins from ico today,(i had a problem wtih payment clearence) and mined some coins i'm so sorry to miss first hours  diffituly bumped to 3 times in few hours even after i started so its giving normal output now. when released on exchanges ,If it ever gets close to ico prices i will buy more i have great hopes about this project and look this as a long term investment I hope we can use mobile miner soon.
November 01, 2017, 07:40:22 PM |
Its incredible how easy that was, its working now! To be minining the most successfull ICO ever! In its infant stages
Hoddle long BTC (the mother) and a few others!
November 01, 2017, 07:44:19 PM |
**SCAM ALERT** NOV 1 I have returned Mining with my mobile device is such great coin Nice copy paste of XMR So nice your GUI purse fantastic SCAM COIN you make
What kind of indicators did you find that make this a scam coin? Totally ridiculous. This is anything but a scam coin.
November 01, 2017, 07:45:53 PM |
Is total shares the amount of ETN i just mined? Wow this is incredible, first day it works smooth as silk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Hoddle long BTC (the mother) and a few others!
November 01, 2017, 07:50:13 PM |
**SCAM ALERT** NOV 1 I have returned Mining with my mobile device is such great coin Nice copy paste of XMR So nice your GUI purse fantastic SCAM COIN you make
What kind of indicators did you find that make this a scam coin? Totally ridiculous. This is anything but a scam coin. The Dev literally forked Monero github made 5 commits, started 3 pools and has $100 Million in ICO money. Dispite the glaring failure that this copy and paste does not doe the (1) thing it was suppose to do. MOBILE MININGWhy have you not forked also XMR gui wallet? just a couple more commits, upload some images for the startup splash screen and stuff, update the nodes, changes Monero Labs to Electroneum LTD and wham your done. FYI I was told by your DEV team to return at launch and eat my words. lol ETN community be like : My mobile farm is ready for this miner When to release it? [/size] 
November 01, 2017, 07:55:01 PM |
What kind of indicators did you find that make this a scam coin? Totally ridiculous. This is anything but a scam coin.
The Dev literally forked Monero github made 5 commits, started 3 pools and has $100 Million in ICO money. Dispite the glaring failure that this copy and paste does not doe the (1) thing it was suppose to do. MOBILE MINING Why have you not forked also XMR gui wallet? just a couple more commits, upload some images for the startup splash screen and stuff, update the nodes, changes Monero Labs to Electroneum LTD and wham your done. FYI I was told by your DEV team to return and launch and eat my words. lol
totally far just a Monero Fork..Nothing new...Lets wait and see the promising "Mobile Miner"