How can I transfer electroneum to cryptopia? I have paper wallet with Balance, from mining.
Any advice that leads to me successfully trade with this overprice on cryptopia will be rewarded in eth or etn
0x9942cb65c66F1379904CD39b19E0d828aDBA7e9D or etnk74AQmpPYYvn3nTKjndCKU7CNBN7bYa5xg8fVYTBXBbhuDiRawf6Hu8BRW3HuHTYurpQcswEFBQK

does anybody know where I can check the balance of etn on my wallet adress???
Good grief.
For anyone wanting to know their balance if their pool is on the fritz, just run the daemon. - scroll down a bit to 'Direct Miners' which is what they're calling the daemon and cli executables.
Download according to your OS and decompress. The linux one didn't work for me, so I compiled it myself, it doesn't have many dependencies, I already had all the non-optional ones anyway.
1. Fire up electroneumd and wait for it to sync
2. Fire up electroneum-wallet-cli like so to get it to give you details of your paper wallet:
"electroneum-wallet-cli --generate-from-keys WALLET" (On Win it's probably "electroneum-wallet-cli.exe...")
- without the quotes, where WALLET is the wallet name you want, can be anything
...when prompted enter your public address and private key and view key from your paper wallet
...set a password
...wait while it syncs that address
3. Bugger about with it

- type "help" at the prompt for available commands - "balance" and "show_transfers in" (without the quotes!) are what most of you are looking for
4. Log back into that wallet if you've closed it with:
"electroneum-wallet-cli --walletfile=WALLET"
Note - as before, you need to have the daemon (electroneumd) running and synced again first