I was asked by an user to help him retrieve his coin that BTC38 refuse to rebroadcast. Because we do not want the users to be stealen by BTC38 like they were already by crapsy, I compiled the following guide.
https://wiki.anoncoin.net/How_to_rebroadcast_transactionCertain exchanges fail to rebroadcast the transaction and claim a network error, and then refuse to give the user the RAW TXID (which would allow the user to get the transaction confirmed).
If they follow this guide, the exchange can broadcast the transaction in a two very easy step process.
If they fail to do it the user can definitelly conclude he was robbed by the exchange.
We all know this happened with mtGOX, this happened with Cryptsy and that this happened with Vircurex.
I have recent complain this also happened with Coin-E:
<khanjant> Hi guys. Just want to report, in case someone is interested, that coins-e didn't execute a withdrawal of mine after what is now 3 weeks, in case you have more warnings like this you could start advising people not to use the service.
<Cryptoslave> are they trading anoncoin?
* vergedev has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Cryptoslave> I did not know that
<khanjant> Yep, I bought my first ones there a couple of years ago, maybe
* vergedev (
dogedDEV@rwuatg7bpte5jzpyb6pwapw3vh7yb7sncnai5g473yhgpjf7f4za.b32.i2p) has joined
<khanjant> usually they handled the withdrawals without problems, don't know what has changed now
<Cryptoslave> mhh
<Cryptoslave> thx to tell
<khanjant> Sure, thanks to you for the coin
And I also received two other complains that this is happening with BTC38 too!
<HFBo> Because they are withdraw-unfriendly.
<HFBo> The user there even don't know what the wallet is...
<HFBo> btc38 just like a black hole sucking money...
<Cryptoslave> did you ever try to withdraw from them?
<Cryptoslave> well they have proof of holding at least
<HFBo> my friend did, failed.
<Cryptoslave> really?
<Cryptoslave> what happened?
<HFBo> they jest let us wait.
<Jukil> Hey Cryptoslave, can you help me, BTC38 refuse to let me withdraw my anoncoins!

<Jukil> They say they did the transaction, showed me a pic but it is still not in the blockchain despite hundred of blocks passed.
https://coinplorer.com/ANC/Transactions/69c9369368c9dc2dbca8361c3297c2089dd26e99b07dac40bd1bb7eabd41cf67<Cryptoslave> Hi Jukil, they shall provide the raw transaction to you if they are too much incompetent to rebroadcast them themselves, K1773R or me can then mine it!
<Jukil> Rightly so I asked them to provide me with the Raw TX but they said they can only prove it was in blockchain and are talking bullshit like it is a block error.
<Cryptoslave> yeah do not listen to them it cannot be a block error, if they broadcasted the transaction then I shall have received it and would have mined it during those last 100 blocks.
<Cryptoslave> getrawmempool return emptiness
<Cryptoslave> I am sorry to tell you but they are stealing you and thinking you are stupid and not knowing how a cryptocoin works

Do not listen to their bullshit, if they broadcast the transaction K1773r or me would see them in our mempool as we are well connected miners with many peers and mining 24/24 7/7. The fact is they do not want to rebroadcast because if they broadcast the transaction will confirm, and they will then lose the coin they just stole from their users!

SO I advice everybody to
NOT USE BTC38 and COIN-E as long as they fail to allow withdrawals!