Wonderful !
Great to hear back from you.
Its been awhile since I've checked in here, so I'd like to give everyone just a very brief update on what we have been doing lately.
First of all, we have a new
Anoncoin web site, and we have reorganized the
Anoncoin wiki for clarity. If you have any suggestions, or if you would like to help out with editing content on the wiki, please let me know.
Second, for the past several months we have been working with GroundRod, who is now an Anoncoin core developer. He has experience working with other crypto projects, and has been instrumental in upgrading our code to 0.9.4. We are running beta versions of 0.9.4 now, and are working on fixing a few bugs. You are welcome to build the current version on the develop branch at github: if you do so, let us know if you encounter any errors. Unless you are brave, you might want to hold off on this for about a week. I'm hesitant to give a deadline for when we will have a release ready, but I would be surprised if this would take more than a month.
Third, if you want to keep up to date, we have a
developement schedule on the wiki that we update on a regular basis. As you can see, our next big project will involve updating the difficulty algorithm and changing to 3-chain mulitPOW merge-mining. We consider this essential for securing the blockchain and to avoid the problems we encountered late last year. This will involve a hard fork, and we have already made some progress on implementing this. As for Zerocoin, this is still the primary goal of the project, but we have decided to stop all such development until after our next release.
Lastly, if you are unhappy with the pace at which we are progressing, we are looking for all types of volunteers and coders. We still have a few bounties that are open on the wiki. Even if you can't code, there is graphic design work that could be done, or work in contacting businesses to use ANC.
Given that we are very close to a release, you can expect to get more regular updates here. Regardless, the best way to keep informed is by IRC on the #anoncoin channel. Most of our discussions are currently on the developer channel (there are pages of uninteresting error messages and tests), but if you ask a question at #anoncoin, someone should get right back to you.
my anoncoin wallet does not sync why?
that in my debug:
trying connection 46................. lastseen=7804.4hrs
2015-02-07 17:32:52 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:32:52 trying connection dnsseed01.anoncoin.net lastseen=0.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:32:57 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:32:57 trying connection 90........... lastseen=6588.9hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:02 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:02 trying connection anoncoin.dnsseed.coinpool.in lastseen=0.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:07 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:08 trying connection 16.............. lastseen=480.1hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:13 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:13 trying connection dnsseed01.anoncoin.net lastseen=0.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:18 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:18 trying connection 91................ lastseen=104.1hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:23 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:23 trying connection anoncoin.dnsseed.coinpool.in lastseen=0.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:28 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:29 trying connection 86.................lastseen=4382.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:34 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:34 trying connection dnsseed01.anoncoin.net lastseen=0.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:39 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:39 trying connection 18................... lastseen=3890.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:44 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:44 trying connection anoncoin.dnsseed.coinpool.in lastseen=0.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:49 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:50 trying connection 12................... lastseen=166.8hrs
2015-02-07 17:33:55 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:33:55 trying connection dnsseed01.anoncoin.net lastseen=0.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:34:00 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:34:00 trying connection 2............... lastseen=652.8hrs
2015-02-07 17:34:02 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:34:02 IRC connect failed
2015-02-07 17:34:02 IRC waiting 138 seconds to reconnect
2015-02-07 17:34:05 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:34:05 trying connection anoncoin.dnsseed.coinpool.in lastseen=0.0hrs
2015-02-07 17:34:10 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:34:11 trying connection 17.................... lastseen=5864.9hrs
2015-02-07 17:34:16 connection timeout
2015-02-07 17:34:16 trying connection dnsseed01.anoncoin.net lastseen=0.0hrs