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Author Topic: Official Anoncoin chat thread (including history)  (Read 530792 times)
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October 24, 2014, 05:58:35 PM

Here is a roadmap how to scoop anc up from the abortion clinic floor and bring it back to life.

1) Focus on politics exclusively.
2) Implement the best algorithm available at a particular time.
3) Avoid the idiot game of building the coin around any algorithm or person or goal.

With just this anc could be at us$20 per coin in a few months.

Good roadmap if ANC had a community. The facts are ANC have only pump/dumpers and few sheep.

1) ANC have no focus since 16 months. Even the initial focus with the Guy Fawkes logo have been removed by "investors".
2) Devs already promised to change the algorithm and the flawed KGW but until now nothing concrete. They seems to be only competent to do promises and delay.
3) Impossible to change that. Since months, Anoncoin is built on Zerocoin scam and Gnosis promises.

At this point there are two paths between which any coin can choose.

The path of promising features is an endless circlejerk. One promises x feature. Another improves it so people jump. etc.

The path of promoting some developing value or some growing political force is the path that has proven successful so far but people often misinterpret the reasons for a coins popularity and miss this.

Bitcoin is popular for political reasons, not because of the features offered by ecurrency. There were digital currencies long before bitcoin but they had no traction until after the economic meltdown became visible post 2007 2008.

If you want to sabotage a coin promote it for its features. Or worse, promote it for a feature that is guaranteed to have huge holes like zerocoin.

If you want a coin to succeed attach it to a developing value system that history suggests will succeed.

If isis, the islamic state, issued a coin today, and they will issue one eventually, it would reach a billion usd capitalization before any of the other btc followers.

There is no coin that is positioned to do that right now except anc but it has to shift from morons chasing features to sensible folk promoting something real.

Right now btc is #1.
Soon isis coin, whatever they call it, will be #2.
And anc what? Chasing retardation? Why?
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October 24, 2014, 07:29:59 PM

Cryptsy CHAT (right now)

user  A --> @NetworkAdmin:@Mullick:
i know that you guys have your hand full already but are there any ETA for the Anon wallet being back online?

NetworkAdmin --> user A
I am under the understanding that it is an issue the developers are working to resolve? I don't track the status though.

user A --> @NetworkAdmin:
Ok just wondering because the coin can stll be mined

user B --> @NetworkAdmin @user A: and BTC38 work fine with ANC. It's a CRYPTSY problem. No Blockchain problem. No anc Devs problem

Mullick --> user B:
It is an NC problem admitted by the developers themselves. BTC#* admitted up to 2 day delays on anc withdrawals. Its an ANC problem NOT a Cryptsy problem

Mullick --> user B:
Out of the 238 daemons i manage. Only ANC has this issue

user B --> @Mullick:
you can go BTC38 and withraw by yourself. So this way may be you can trustme
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October 24, 2014, 07:57:44 PM

Cryptsy CHAT (right now)

user  A --> @NetworkAdmin:@Mullick:
i know that you guys have your hand full already but are there any ETA for the Anon wallet being back online?

NetworkAdmin --> user A
I am under the understanding that it is an issue the developers are working to resolve? I don't track the status though.

user A --> @NetworkAdmin:
Ok just wondering because the coin can stll be mined

user B --> @NetworkAdmin @user A: and BTC38 work fine with ANC. It's a CRYPTSY problem. No Blockchain problem. No anc Devs problem

Mullick --> user B:
It is an NC problem admitted by the developers themselves. BTC#* admitted up to 2 day delays on anc withdrawals. Its an ANC problem NOT a Cryptsy problem

Mullick --> user B:
Out of the 238 daemons i manage. Only ANC has this issue

user B --> @Mullick:
you can go BTC38 and withraw by yourself. So this way may be you can trustme

is this on freenode?

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October 24, 2014, 08:13:02 PM

This is CRYPTSY CHAT. Inside Cryptsy
between users and cryptsy hi staff (system admin and wallets admin)
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October 24, 2014, 08:14:39 PM

This is what I got from the crypsy chatroom:

"Mullick told me that he will put online ANC blockchain explorer today and use it as a node for all ANC transactions including stucked ones"

So apparently, from that garbled mess, that means Mullick is on the job? Because I messaged him two days ago on the bitcointalk account -- asking if he could get the raw transactions -- and I haven't heard anything back from him since.

The cryptsy saga continues.

Meanwhile they have stopped replying to my open ticket thread.
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October 24, 2014, 08:29:59 PM

Mullick say me (about 10 minutes ago) that It's an ANC problem NOT a Cryptsy problem

This smells very bad
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October 24, 2014, 09:12:28 PM

How is that game over? Can you actually read? Go back to your goddamned bonobo lexigram chart and try again.
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October 24, 2014, 09:21:58 PM

i wonder if "those trolls" just try to accumulate tons of cheap ANC, then vanish and wait for a price rise... toomany trolls are just well, being stupid and trolls without any reason/good arguments.

[GPG Public Key]
BTC/DVC/TRC/FRC: 1K1773RbXRZVRQSSXe9N6N2MUFERvrdu6y ANC/XPM AK1773RTmRKtvbKBCrUu95UQg5iegrqyeA NMC: NK1773Rzv8b4ugmCgX789PbjewA9fL9Dy1 LTC: LKi773RBuPepQH8E6Zb1ponoCvgbU7hHmd EMC: EK1773RxUes1HX1YAGMZ1xVYBBRUCqfDoF BQC: bK1773R1APJz4yTgRkmdKQhjhiMyQpJgfN
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October 24, 2014, 09:29:21 PM

i wonder if "those trolls" just try to accumulate tons of cheap ANC, then vanish and wait for a price rise... toomany trolls are just well, being stupid and trolls without any reason/good arguments.

Its probably one or two trolls registering new usernames. Several usernames post same kind of brain-dead "funny" photos accompanied by "words of wisdom".
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October 24, 2014, 09:36:15 PM

i wonder if "those trolls" just try to accumulate tons of cheap ANC, then vanish and wait for a price rise... toomany trolls are just well, being stupid and trolls without any reason/good arguments.

Its probably one or two trolls registering new usernames. Several usernames post same kind of brain-dead "funny" photos accompanied by "words of wisdom".

yes. it's getting way too obvious.

[GPG Public Key]
BTC/DVC/TRC/FRC: 1K1773RbXRZVRQSSXe9N6N2MUFERvrdu6y ANC/XPM AK1773RTmRKtvbKBCrUu95UQg5iegrqyeA NMC: NK1773Rzv8b4ugmCgX789PbjewA9fL9Dy1 LTC: LKi773RBuPepQH8E6Zb1ponoCvgbU7hHmd EMC: EK1773RxUes1HX1YAGMZ1xVYBBRUCqfDoF BQC: bK1773R1APJz4yTgRkmdKQhjhiMyQpJgfN
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October 24, 2014, 10:15:05 PM

marica te calentas al pedo. killer es un nabo y el otro tambien. saludos
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October 24, 2014, 10:23:54 PM

What's your definition of troll?
IMO the real troll on that thread is:

It's too late in the day for me to make a progress update, except to say that I have been writing code at a very rapid pace Wink  You all can expect a real update in ~21 hours.

Generally the quieter I am on btctalk and IRC, the more work I am getting done, so don't worry if I'm not posting much here!

I underestimated the scope of this project and set too ambitious of a schedule for it. Zerocoin will be probably be ready within 2-3 months, but I don't want to give any more release dates (either for testnet or mainnet) until I am very, very close. I will not make this mistake again.

I will continue to give status updates, and I have made tremendous progress in recent weeks. As I promised, I will still work full time on this until November 1, and I expect to have a few hours a day after that to work on it.

Sure, you forgot to post a pic of a cat flushing a toilet...
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Invest in your future.

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October 24, 2014, 11:41:34 PM

I guess we'll have to return back to ANC for the "hype" in about 2-3 months again :-)

Invest in your future.
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October 25, 2014, 12:41:39 AM

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October 25, 2014, 02:33:45 AM

The game never started.
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October 25, 2014, 07:34:28 AM

Our dear good boy Meeh

I know him from when he was younger,but I see that has stayed the same and even worsened the condition. Promise from the beginning,with less and less enthusiasm.
You do not know what is your ZC dev doing.
You don't know him.
You do not follow the market.
You became a drug addict,sleep is your priority,you're probably replaced the drugs with sleeping pills and tranquilizers.

What ANC can do is wait for a miracle someone to take your broken coin, and fix it if possible.
You evan didn't know to calculate the total supply.

Programmers were all leaving ANC, JackOfAll, Brotroxer.K1773R just shitting on the forum.In addition to the main web page where it says he is dev,can't be seen anywhere that he is the developer of the ANC.
PR has gone out from the beginning.You don't need PR,because you need not fuss about organized theft of people.
The truth is,that is just a strategy what makes ANC holders belive that you are REAL anonlover,don't need PR,don't need price for your coin.

Today we see your coin don't need blockchain.
Problems are very old, not just last few weeks.

Yes,this is theft,fraud,scam.
You tricked many investors,and thank goodness of crypto that I too appreciate my BTC.
I am not convince to buy your shit.

Picked money along with the major miners like K1773R and the partners at the end of 2013,you stood on the ball and watched still no plan to cheat,after that,out there is a solid work with the ZC,which you tried to use it.

The testnet in March, May, September!
Gnosis's try to get donation one time

You show up stronger than ever,gnosis is not answering,you taking over the project.
This opens a collaboration with XMR,answering how on ZC started working with the new guy, Original.
After a couple of days returns gnosis in game.
He is more active on the forum.Flying around with the legendary members and sheep support in pumping.
New robbery comes.

Second time he was smarter with his partner ,get donations and pump the price after that.

Next was this

Delay 7 days just 1 day before?

New Delay for 2-3 months?

Meeh,are you saying that you still know nothing?
When will you stop the bullshit meeh?
When will this stop? The sheep follow your shit and try to get more sheep in game?

These are just indicative of the fact. I've been waiting for you here last days for details.

ANC is game over.
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October 25, 2014, 08:29:29 AM

I've noticed that several users are interested in helping with ANC development, but (considering the forum) most of us probably don't have the coding ability to do much. I've also heard that Meeh is hesitant to implement AuxPoW or make changes to the protocol without further research. 

So that he might spend more time coding and less time researching, I had an idea to crowd source the research and am hoping Meeh can provide feedback on the information that would be helpful. I've included a pastebin with some links, whitepapers and posts regarding Aux PoW and Myriad that might get it started. If anyone wants to run with this and post it in a doc so that requests and changes can be submitted, be my guest.

I enjoy researching altcoin technology, so it's no loss to me, but I can be encouraged - help out or send ANC - AMqiSiKWq3D92MGC1EEz7PiN3obXpYFqZg
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October 25, 2014, 10:43:11 AM

I lost my computer yesterday ,so I bought a new one and  install new ANC wallet.BUT the wallet cannot sync any more from the start.
Would anybody give me some valid nodes(cleannet) so that I can set up new .conf?That will be appreciated.
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October 25, 2014, 01:20:16 PM


gnosiscameeh420, thank you for warning the poor sheeps who get scammed in the crypto game. This is honorable.
I've read you with interest but I don't understand what you want. Is it a new dev that you would like for ANC?

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October 25, 2014, 01:35:32 PM

I lost my computer yesterday ,so I bought a new one and  install new ANC wallet.BUT the wallet cannot sync any more from the start.
Would anybody give me some valid nodes(cleannet) so that I can set up new .conf?That will be appreciated.

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