January 17, 2016, 01:35:10 PM |
How many anoncoins do they still have, last guestimate i heard is 500k or about 1/4 of all currently mined anoncoins. and 1/6 of total supply. rich list: wallet balance: 530,015.95 I looked at the top five wallets: 1. AQ4X6FMaSwX4ARenfK1mCTNAfa46TUnCR5 530,015.95 ANC -> is BTC38 see ATep63upG6ZXQs5Dvzsnzu7CY24QCEAWh7 128,000 ANC -> is cryptsy, as from going back own transactions from cryptsy I found it 3. Ab8Esj3NSpSdi8DqPLJ1EvzHHyJuZbi3kS 119,855.87148467 ANC it got anc from ATep63upG6ZXQs5Dvzsnzu7CY24QCEAWh7 as the first TX see> is cryptsy 4. ANzPdnYjLt2PTPS5yLx6Y43dV3pwFcNVFz 91,000.40 ANC received its first TX from ATX8YP8ZKZGC8zRQNxCSNBmCD2YbiA27LT see ATX8YP8ZKZGC8zRQNxCSNBmCD2YbiA27LT sent plenty of time to ATep63upG6ZXQs5Dvzsnzu7CY24QCEAWh7 -> is cryptsy 5. AG3i7FtRPTY1XdfPeMer927yGHWeS1UF5h 74,775.53 ANC -> Is the wallet of AHMygXMbP9de6wY9H1LSpU15gX2TyLwbHT which is the mining address of the biggest miner in Anoncoin So Cryptsy holding were of approximately 128,000 + 119,856 + 91,000 = 338856, at least. What happened to cryptsy can also happen with BTC38 so I think the holder of anc in BTC38 shall think twice about leaving their anc there! 530k anc is about 1/4 of the actual supply, which will be 2000000 anc in one week, and 1/6 of the total supply, which is 3103954 ANC !! So please our chinese friend if you read this, take your anc out of btc38 into a personal wallet or a paper wallet:
January 17, 2016, 03:15:16 PM Last edit: January 17, 2016, 04:58:37 PM by Cryptoslave |
BTW, now there are two qt version: qtc (classic) and qtt (themes) qtt does not work for win64 due to Qt issue, so you can only run anoncoin-qtc; and at the end of setup it will not run even if asked, because the setup is still configured for anoncoin-qt, which does not exist anymore.. Secondly, it may seems to not advance in block synchronisation from scratch, if you look at bottom on main wallet GUI. But in fact it does! You can check the advance in the Help - Debug window - Network Traffic tab. At first, headers are downloaded and proof of work are verified, this takes lots of computing power and only 50 MB of bandwidth. During this time you will see little spike in the network traffic, from only one peer, but almost no block synchronisation as that thread is not run alot during this time.  After a couple of hours it will finish to process the headers then will start to download all the blocks in parallel from all connected peers. At this point the blocks number will increase in the main wallet GUI as well as the bandwidth usage in Network Traffic.  If you want to know how far the headers are downloaded, type this in console (Help - Debug window - Console) -> you will see the valid headers downloaded and the active chain (+ forks) getchaintips
"height" : 412000,
"hash" : "000000000160e830e869cdc4cf2087e2af9c3364f5282e92436b25237008952d",
"shad" : "b01e9c8c6adcced33c9fce9ab75a728081c8ab6d62f1d9086868660bf36d40a5",
"branchlen" : 408736,
"status" : "headers-only"
"height" : 3264,
"hash" : "000000f8ae79a8b640b3ab89fb2ff87a8a544acf72cb8e0790966b208c33fcb1",
"shad" : "0ade3ac2cc010accf8ea607a7f3fcf3215e5e86c13e0cec0d904c018c0ed74b9",
"branchlen" : 0,
"status" : "active"
So in this case the headers are almost finished to dowload, when it reach the tip of the block chain (475324 at present time) it will start to download the blocks at a much increased pace, from all your connected peers. CS
Jr. Member
Activity: 54
Merit: 1
January 17, 2016, 11:31:17 PM |
Ugh, it's been a rough time for FB lately. I lost big time but we are back in the game. I gave the new client a try and oh boy it's so much faster than previous versions, it synchs in no time. Good work CryptoSlave. That's how we roll.
January 17, 2016, 11:39:18 PM |
Ugh, it's been a rough time for FB lately. I lost big time but we are back in the game. I gave the new client a try and oh boy it's so much faster than previous versions, it synchs in no time. Good work CryptoSlave. That's how we roll.
Thank you, but it is undue credits, the client is GroundRod work... I only removed a couple of small bugs... Happy you like it 
January 20, 2016, 06:47:18 PM |
For its first four years online, a portion of every mined Zcash coin will go directly to Wilcox’s Zcash company and a smaller portion to a non-profit he’s creating to oversee the Zcash code and community longterm. Wilcox says that he plans for 1 percent of Zcash’s currency to ultimately go towards that non-profit, and 10 percent to be paid to the for-profit startup.
sounds like the typical instiminted story, nothing more than a money making scheme imo, i have great respect for some of the people involved but have they removed the backdoor ? with ZeroCash, the people than create it can exploit the initial parameters and sign bogus transactions to give themselves unlimited free coins, it looks like instead of finding a solution for this, they have embraces it as a means of making themselves rich 
January 20, 2016, 06:49:14 PM Last edit: January 21, 2016, 02:33:54 AM by entertheabyss |
Any luck on finding new developer to assist w/ code review and hardfork?
CS has fixed most of the bugs and we are doing a testnet now, if you want to participate join our dev channel on irc2p.
January 22, 2016, 05:38:11 AM |
So about 3 weeks now since I withdrew my ANC from Cryptsy and the transactions finally appeared in the blockchain/my wallet. Not sure what's going on over there but I'm glad to get the rest of my coins out!
January 22, 2016, 08:12:16 AM |
For its first four years online, a portion of every mined Zcash coin will go directly to Wilcox’s Zcash company and a smaller portion to a non-profit he’s creating to oversee the Zcash code and community longterm. Wilcox says that he plans for 1 percent of Zcash’s currency to ultimately go towards that non-profit, and 10 percent to be paid to the for-profit startup.
sounds like the typical instiminted story, nothing more than a money making scheme imo, i have great respect for some of the people involved but have they removed the backdoor ? with ZeroCash, the people than create it can exploit the initial parameters and sign bogus transactions to give themselves unlimited free coins, it looks like instead of finding a solution for this, they have embraces it as a means of making themselves rich  Hi, I don't think that is really the case here. On the one hand, the fact that there is a portion of mined Zcash diverted to the company (with 10 percent going to the for-profit startup, apparently with the bulk of that 10 percent to pay back investors who have already coughed up over 700k), could be seen as a criticism - do that for too long, the community isn't going to look kindly upon it, and some people simply aren't going to like the fact that it's done at all. On the other hand, apart from the criticism it invites, it also can be seen as a potential net positive - no matter what, Zcash will have paid off its investors and have a tidy development fund to utilize. In addition, there's nothing requiring anyone to use Zcash... the team has already produced Zerocoin (its initial release) and later, developed Zerocash, before its current release of Zcash (alpha, testnet). (ANC development schedule shows some development work done with Zerocoin - for details see - though there were hiccups from back in fall of 2014 with heavy proofs and other issues, which apparently have taken a while to work out). So, it's an open source world... people can use what they will. I am guessing that if people want to use Zcash they will, for example, and if they want to use Zerocoin they will... each project that is evaluating using those will have their rationale for the direction they want to go.

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
January 22, 2016, 01:01:34 PM |
About btc38, my withdrawals often get stuck -> invalid state and then have to contact the support
Twitter: Apis Apis @infinitypump
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1004
January 22, 2016, 02:30:49 PM |
For its first four years online, a portion of every mined Zcash coin will go directly to Wilcox’s Zcash company and a smaller portion to a non-profit he’s creating to oversee the Zcash code and community longterm. Wilcox says that he plans for 1 percent of Zcash’s currency to ultimately go towards that non-profit, and 10 percent to be paid to the for-profit startup.
sounds like the typical instiminted story, nothing more than a money making scheme imo, i have great respect for some of the people involved but have they removed the backdoor ? with ZeroCash, the people than create it can exploit the initial parameters and sign bogus transactions to give themselves unlimited free coins, it looks like instead of finding a solution for this, they have embraces it as a means of making themselves rich  Hi, I don't think that is really the case here. On the one hand, the fact that there is a portion of mined Zcash diverted to the company (with 10 percent going to the for-profit startup, apparently with the bulk of that 10 percent to pay back investors who have already coughed up over 700k), could be seen as a criticism - do that for too long, the community isn't going to look kindly upon it, and some people simply aren't going to like the fact that it's done at all. On the other hand, apart from the criticism it invites, it also can be seen as a potential net positive - no matter what, Zcash will have paid off its investors and have a tidy development fund to utilize. In addition, there's nothing requiring anyone to use Zcash... the team has already produced Zerocoin (its initial release) and later, developed Zerocash, before its current release of Zcash (alpha, testnet). (ANC development schedule shows some development work done with Zerocoin - for details see - though there were hiccups from back in fall of 2014 with heavy proofs and other issues, which apparently have taken a while to work out). So, it's an open source world... people can use what they will. I am guessing that if people want to use Zcash they will, for example, and if they want to use Zerocoin they will... each project that is evaluating using those will have their rationale for the direction they want to go. Also taking 10% of the whole coin supply is way too much to believe they are confident their project can do as well as they are claiming it will do. 5% would be enough if they were just greedy and 2% or less would be enough if it was just about paying for development et al.
January 22, 2016, 02:44:45 PM |
Any luck on finding new developer to assist w/ code review and hardfork?
CS has fixed most of the bugs and we are doing a testnet now, if you want to participate join our dev channel on irc2p. I would if only I had some leet skills. Happy to hear CS is taking names and kicking butts, or would hiding names be more in line w/ overarching process. ^_^ I'm not going to hold my breath on Zcash. I'd like to read someone smarter's peer review of it to really get a better understanding. I.e., how it transmits, central authority, etc etc. It sounds good, but I remember dogedarkdash or whatever that flavor of the month was lol.
January 24, 2016, 03:03:29 AM |
Any luck on finding new developer to assist w/ code review and hardfork?
CS has fixed most of the bugs and we are doing a testnet now, if you want to participate join our dev channel on irc2p. I would if only I had some leet skills. Happy to hear CS is taking names and kicking butts, or would hiding names be more in line w/ overarching process. ^_^ I'm not going to hold my breath on Zcash. I'd like to read someone smarter's peer review of it to really get a better understanding. I.e., how it transmits, central authority, etc etc. It sounds good, but I remember dogedarkdash or whatever that flavor of the month was lol. ZCash will largely be judged on its trusted setup and the markets view on the chances of all setup participants deciding to collude at some point in the future (which cannot be detected) to "mint" an unlimited number of additional coins.
January 26, 2016, 04:30:55 AM |
since a lot of exchange exposed as scam (cryptsy,bter,coins-e,vircurex) and others just go offlice, last place to trade are the chinese exchances it seems to me. price for anc/cny also seems good in my opinion (it could be much worse) i am an optismist lol

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
January 26, 2016, 08:28:31 AM |
I just HAD to touch 0.001 limit a few moments ago at cryptopia 
Twitter: Apis Apis @infinitypump

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
January 26, 2016, 08:33:39 AM |
Has anyone been in touch with Cryptsy lately about releasing stuck ANC? I'm willing to raise some funds to the one helping our ANC out of there.
I can start by giving a 150 ANC bounty. Anyone else?
(Because it SEEMS like Cryptsy is working on it). However my deadline would be until after three months from now.
Twitter: Apis Apis @infinitypump
January 26, 2016, 04:10:25 PM |
dont get me wrong i hold ANC too, but i think cryptsy has bigger problems than fixing their anc wallet they are nearly bankcrupt so i am sure they think about that the most.
what did you made think they might work on it? any evidence?
Activity: 1538
Merit: 1210
February 04, 2016, 10:57:27 PM |
I am an author who writes books about cryptocurrency. Please visit have begun to write a book titled "Anoncoin - History of the First Year". Here is the preliminary front cover of the book:  Anoncoin will also be in the second generic cryptocurrency book to be released in 1-2 years. It will feature 50 crypto coins.
February 06, 2016, 12:11:37 AM |
I am an author who writes books about cryptocurrency. Please visit have begun to write a book titled "Anoncoin - History of the First Year". Here is the preliminary front cover of the book:  Anoncoin will also be in the second generic cryptocurrency book to be released in 1-2 years. It will feature 50 crypto coins. Cool!  If you need any info just ask here or go on #anoncoin on the Irc2P network! CS
February 07, 2016, 06:50:55 AM |
This forum is like a ghost town. There are no remaining BTC/ANC exchanges with reasonable liquidity.
BTC38 only offers CNY/ ANC now and not BTC/ANC