Jr. Member
Activity: 405
Merit: 3
February 17, 2018, 11:28:05 PM |
dave_bbp very weird for rented 2 CPUs 56xx and dual xeon L5640 ...
sorry, I'll correct this, it's of course 2 rented cores of a Xeon X56XX. 
Activity: 94
Merit: 0
February 17, 2018, 11:56:25 PM |
Oh no, it looks like our getsuperblockbudget for 30750 is 5702381, and we spent 5780000 in the superblock.
I dont know how we did that, but lets look at that later and try to get through this mess.
Checking for a straightforward solution now....
EDIT: All, please stay tuned and watch this thread, we might have to create an emergency superblock and hold an emergency vote...
All, I have created a new superblock - please vote for this new one first before we try to delete the old one - so we don't miss it: gobject vote-many d30ade50b678d6a1092964c15443c3d8e6b48621a7a325b3155d1d225783fdf3 funding yes I removed the proposal for Second Biblepay Faucet from this superblock. Next: Also please vote against the old superblock: gobject vote-many 4e69d1fe449e64e7e1e0b1585971bf5d1b75f442653c40567d6ca8dc7a008d09 funding no So what happens with my proposal?
February 18, 2018, 12:08:09 AM |
You sadly do not get funded this budget cycle  You will just have to enter it into this now 3rd proposal cycle I can front you some coins for the faucet in the meantime if needed
February 18, 2018, 12:12:04 AM |
Alright. Is it maybe a good suggestion that the person who proposed for the Second Faucet (SEO_Account) gets compensated in the mean time (the same way we went about getting on southXchange)? I'm gonna wait for his response of course, maybe SEO has no problems waiting for the next superblock. The general donation adres for the faucet is B9ki5RieMSspR9RncPnPQx3QF56kVm6ioc btw  You can dubbelcheck it on: http://biblepayfaucet.com/I'll just re-quote myself here. Whatever you feel comfortable with I guess SEO  I also don't mind fronting some coins.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
February 18, 2018, 12:17:41 AM |
Quick recap regarding the shares count on lichtsucher's purepool: machine 24h shares Raspberry Pi 3 Mod. B: 55 Core2Duo T9400: 180 Rented 2 cores (of Xeon X56XX) 300 Xeon E3-1230 v3 700 Dual Xeon L5640 2200 Seems perfectly proportional to their computing power.  Those 2 blocks we hit yesterday were obviously pure luck; let's see when we'll strike again.  So are you implying the main pool is not proportional to computing power also, or is it not tested? From what I understand Lich's PMs back and forth to me sound as if the Purepool issues the same diff shares as pool.biblepay.org. So the results should be the same.
Jr. Member
Activity: 405
Merit: 3
February 18, 2018, 12:36:32 AM |
Quick recap regarding the shares count on lichtsucher's purepool: machine 24h shares Raspberry Pi 3 Mod. B: 55 Core2Duo T9400: 180 Rented 2 cores (of Xeon X56XX) 300 Xeon E3-1230 v3 700 Dual Xeon L5640 2200 Seems perfectly proportional to their computing power.  Those 2 blocks we hit yesterday were obviously pure luck; let's see when we'll strike again.  So are you implying the main pool is not proportional to computing power also, or is it not tested? From what I understand Lich's PMs back and forth to me sound as if the Purepool issues the same diff shares as pool.biblepay.org. So the results should be the same. That's hard to say to be honest, because the main pool is resetting the shares much more often and irregularly (at least for my workers), so I never really see how much I gathered with the specific workers in a specific time. What I can say is, that for example a machine with Dual Xeon E5645 processors is now (for at least 2 weeks) consistently at 12-30 shares in "My Leaderboard" whereas my Raspberries are always ín a range of 5-15 shares and my ASUS Tinker Board (which should be approx. 150% of a Pi) is at 10-20 shares. So judging from these (few) examples the main pool definitely levels out my machines. So my personal conclusion would be that the main pool right now is perfectly suited for weaker machines (Dual Core, rented, ARM etc.), while more powerful systems might be better off on purepool (which of course cannot be safely said right now, because we will have to see how many blocks it hits over the course of a week or so...).
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
February 18, 2018, 12:43:36 AM |
bin/watchman.py Line 94: proposals = Proposal.approved_and_ranked(...) Line 98: sb = dashlib.create_superblock(proposals, event_block_height, budget_max, sb_epoch_time)
So I took a look at Watchman, and how it could potentially rank winning proposals and automagically create triggers for them, and I think we may be able to use that particular system in the future. Ill comment more in the testnet thread, and then we can test the change in there with a testnet proposal.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
February 18, 2018, 12:46:19 AM |
Quick recap regarding the shares count on lichtsucher's purepool: machine 24h shares Raspberry Pi 3 Mod. B: 55 Core2Duo T9400: 180 Rented 2 cores (of Xeon X56XX) 300 Xeon E3-1230 v3 700 Dual Xeon L5640 2200 Seems perfectly proportional to their computing power.  Those 2 blocks we hit yesterday were obviously pure luck; let's see when we'll strike again.  So are you implying the main pool is not proportional to computing power also, or is it not tested? From what I understand Lich's PMs back and forth to me sound as if the Purepool issues the same diff shares as pool.biblepay.org. So the results should be the same. That's hard to say to be honest, because the main pool is resetting the shares much more often and irregularly (at least for my workers), so I never really see how much I gathered with the specific workers in a specific time. What I can say is, that for example a machine with Dual Xeon E5645 processors is now (for at least 2 weeks) consistently at 12-30 shares in "My Leaderboard" whereas my Raspberries are always ín a range of 5-15 shares and my ASUS Tinker Board (which should be approx. 150% of a Pi) is at 10-20 shares. So judging from these (few) examples the main pool definitely levels out my machines. So my personal conclusion would be that the main pool right now is perfectly suited for weaker machines (Dual Core, rented, ARM etc.), while more powerful systems might be better off on purepool (which of course cannot be safely said right now, because we will have to see how many blocks it hits over the course of a week or so...). Oh OK I see what you mean regarding the resets. Hes got a 24 hour duration of collected shares, while (pool.biblepay) has a diminishing share effect for the share age.. OK, cool lets see how purepool plays out.
Activity: 94
Merit: 0
February 18, 2018, 12:52:11 AM |
I don't understand how proposals just get deleted who decided? Don't masternodes vote? I had something like 44 - 1 votes yes?
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
February 18, 2018, 01:07:46 AM |
I don't understand how proposals just get deleted who decided? Don't masternodes vote? I had something like 44 - 1 votes yes?
We all voted on a bad superblock, one with payments that exceeded the limit, so we had to recreate it with one less proposal. I deleted yours because it appeared to be the least important proposal in the batch. If you want to recover the 120K Im sure the community can come up with that amount easily. EDIT: To clarify, I didnt have power to delete a proposal, I just recreated a good superblock and asked everyone to vote on it. Once the superblock epoch time passes, the proposal is no good - it would have needed recreated anyway.

Activity: 157
Merit: 10
February 18, 2018, 01:11:33 AM |
I don't understand how proposals just get deleted who decided? Don't masternodes vote? I had something like 44 - 1 votes yes?
We all voted on a bad superblock, one with payments that exceeded the limit, so we had to recreate it with one less proposal. I deleted yours because it appeared to be the least important proposal in the batch. If you want to recover the 120K Im sure the community can come up with that amount easily. EDIT: To clarify, I didnt have power to delete a proposal, I just recreated a good superblock and asked everyone to vote on it. Once the superblock epoch time passes, the proposal is no good - it would have needed recreated anyway. Rob, do you mean it had the least number of yes votes?
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
February 18, 2018, 01:24:48 AM |
I don't understand how proposals just get deleted who decided? Don't masternodes vote? I had something like 44 - 1 votes yes?
We all voted on a bad superblock, one with payments that exceeded the limit, so we had to recreate it with one less proposal. I deleted yours because it appeared to be the least important proposal in the batch. If you want to recover the 120K Im sure the community can come up with that amount easily. EDIT: To clarify, I didnt have power to delete a proposal, I just recreated a good superblock and asked everyone to vote on it. Once the superblock epoch time passes, the proposal is no good - it would have needed recreated anyway. Rob, do you mean it had the least number of yes votes? No, I mean I scanned for the lowest one we could remove that looked like we could live without it, and didnt include it. We are testing the feature that automagically creates the superblock in testnet however, using that new method.
February 18, 2018, 01:26:32 AM |
Its an unfortunate situation SEO, if needed I can fund you the coins, and then I can re-add the proposal and set it to go to my address, next budget wont pay out for probably another 30-40 days
Activity: 94
Merit: 0
February 18, 2018, 01:43:12 AM |
Its an unfortunate situation SEO, if needed I can fund you the coins, and then I can re-add the proposal and set it to go to my address, next budget wont pay out for probably another 30-40 days
If you want to. I would appreciate not having to wait another month or more. It was only 110k BBP not 120k. B4yJccrxhWgdcxRLZyBbPSi7MrEwb3Sh85
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
February 18, 2018, 02:00:55 AM |
The masternodes count on the pool about page gets populated when we have at least one active proposal. That explains why its zero.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
February 18, 2018, 03:50:08 AM |
Hello Does anyone have a throw away account on C-CEX.com or is looking to sell a masternode? C-Cex will not accept new accounts at this time that is the only reason I am asking.....also southXchange just doesn't have the sell volume to purchase 1550001 outright. Thanks for the help
February 18, 2018, 08:22:12 AM |
its any problem with masternodes?
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
February 18, 2018, 08:25:10 AM |
Hello Does anyone have a throw away account on C-CEX.com or is looking to sell a masternode? C-Cex will not accept new accounts at this time that is the only reason I am asking.....also southXchange just doesn't have the sell volume to purchase 1550001 outright. Thanks for the help
If you want, I can buy bbp for you on c-cex.com.
February 18, 2018, 08:29:12 AM |
I think https://biblepay.eu/ the masternode montioring website is showing most sancturiaes as EXPIRED == Also on another note, We noticed ROI for BiblePay sanctuaries went up 4x on Masternodes.Pro and Masternodes.Online https://masternodes.pro/stats/bbphttps://masternodes.online/currencies/BBP/The ROI was ~160% a few days ago and now its showing ~600% Do you think the superblock affected how those sites calculate our ROI? Ive contacted Masternodes.Pro about the ROI issue, Ill report back what they say.
February 18, 2018, 08:36:05 AM |
thanks TOGO: why is still 202 blocks daily on wiki? im fixed it and its again that amount ... vrrrrrr