ALTJ1990 omg stop writing craps here.....nonstop ballasts
ROB: can you explain in whitepaper how rosetta working with bbp? still missing important informations for us ....
cos this your steps kills complete BBP
1. we need on our VPS masternodes linux desktop?
2. we need install rosetta on our linux machines? how?
3. how working mining BBP with cancer? any scheme pls
4. 100% power mining BBP how can i set rosetta in linux?
why missing importatnt info on main web? we dont want info here,forum,reddit= we need 1 place for all news
1. I don't know, maybe Rob can help.
2. If we change to this new algorithm after the proposal vote then you can still mine BBP using current PoBH but rewards are much smaller (~600 BBP/block). The main daily reward will be a superblock divided between people who help Rosetta. So you can put your cpu power to this to get a part of the reward. I will outline the steps for linux which I used
a) install boinc
sudo apt-get install boinc-client
b) create Rosetta account with email, password, username
boinccmd --create_account EMAIL PWD USRNAME
c) Check that it worked
boinccmd --lookup_account EMAIL PWD
It will return your account key that you need to copy
d) attach machine to Rosetta account to begin working on solving computations
boinccmd --project_attach ACCOUNT_KEY
If you want to join a team (optional), go to community, find a team, search for Biblepay, click on "Biblepay", click on "Join this team", or find another team.
e) Now associate your BBP
testnet wallet with Rosetta. Open wallet in testnet. It costs a couple of tBBP (since we are in testnet) to associate your BBP wallet to Rosetta.
exec associate rosetta_email_address rosetta_password
f) then you can add more machines to Rosetta to get a bigger portion of daily superblock reward. Install boinc as before in a). Then you only need to do step d) on each machine.
Right now it is new so there is not so many guides, but people can help.
3. I don't understand the coding, maybe Rob can help, or you can check their website So you do the steps above and it works in linux. Note that you only need 1 machine with BBP wallet (running in testnet), then boinc on all machines you want to add to Rosetta mining (to count towards daily superblock).
Yes there is much information in multiple places. I think Togo is working on this, but I/others can help as much as we can. Time goes so quickly...
Good luck

edit: I forgot to say, after point e)
It will take 6 blocks to sync. You can check typing
exec getboincinfo