1. What ideas do you have to revamp the image?
Thank you. I do believe the first thing to be done is stick to the gameplan. In 11 days a marketing campaign is supposed to kick-off that will greatly increase everyone's awareness of the BiblePay system. A full slide-deck should be developed that outlines the short term & long term goals clearly.
http://smallbusiness.chron.com/deck-marketing-64930.htmlSlide decks are full of infographics and data optimized for "at-a-glance" viewing. BiblePay needs a substantial marketing deck to remove the people who come into the thread and make comments like "cchub" did on February 2nd:
I thought this project was a pure joke, but it looks legit. WTF! Can somebody please explain to me whether it is really legit or only a joke?
Their opinion is certainly valid, too?
Sure, but there are also many people who do not read the original post or dig into things, I agree infographics would help, Slide Deck sounds cool,
The roadmap laid about by Rob has been followed fairly well, but we have been reactive to issues as they pop up (fighting fires),
the roadmap has changed but has not been updated, and Im not sure if any marketing initiative is in the pipeline yet,
There have been constant issues with the Pool Rob has had to deal with, as well as bugs, security commits, etc
Proof of Loyalty (POL) came about to combat the potential botnet mining the coin:
https://www.reddit.com/r/BiblePay/comments/7s3g3y/proof_of_loyalty_staking/Proof of Distributed Computing (PODC) came about to replace cryptographic puzzle solving with science research:
https://www.reddit.com/r/BiblePay/comments/7uzqlb/proof_of_distributed_computing_cancer_research/POL is in Testnet, PODC is in development
Before this, this is what Rob said about his next goals:
https://twitter.com/BiblePay/status/950051016258543616So the roadmap is in fluctuation right now.
If anyone is interested to create a slide deck or interested to hire someone to create a slide deck, please jump on it!
Ive added it to the unofficial TODO list
3. What things in particular make BiblePay look like a scam?
The Face - The accountability & pool site is akin to a green-screen wireframe graphic. It looks incredibly unprofessional and unrealistic. For some people, this is extremely off-putting. Not trying to be insulting, but I have had several very negative comments from people about the site, who are not otherwise negative. This image is a problem that for whatever reason the BiblePay team is not seeing--but it is there.
Rob knows the design is older looking, I dont think Rob is a designer,
If you know anyone who could help make the pool look better, or if anyone could hire someone to do that, that would be great, anyone want to jump on this?
Ive added it to the unofficial TODO list
The Code - The code and pool code work on the client end, but the pool end of it is not functioning for anything outside of the standard BiblePay site. One pool for all? This is a bit of a slip because at the same time people like Slovaks will have the ability to link their CPUs, there are other people without that ability until the tools are released. I understand you don't want the black hats to access the inner workings of the code but good always triumphs in the end. I've read the book, we win. Let's move forward. Occasional hiccups occur and we can all live with that, but this seems more like a very important function that is missing. I'm new to BBP and was shocked to find it was not already functional.
BiblePay has a unique algorithm that doesnt fit into the standard pools that are out there already,
https://www.reddit.com/r/BiblePay/comments/7m5xqi/need_2nd_pool_again/We used to have a 2nd pool called MinersOfMen run by nsummy, but Im not sure what happened, I heard it closed down.
The One Man Show - Rob should be actively finding his replacement for duplication/multiplication of his efforts. One person cannot fight the front lines in a forum thread with trash talkers, while building the next best thing in the lab. They are the ones who should be inspiring people to lead & rally to the cause but too often he is engaging people in fisticuffs, defending his work zealously. Not necessary. He has all of us to do that for him. Rob should be above all that.
Rob is who he is

Im sure hes open to constructive criticism though, he is worth 10x his weight in gold or even more, the project wouldnt exist without him, an investment in BiblePay is right now mostly an investment in Rob.
So far hes already interviewed over 35 candidates for the C++ Blockchain Developer position, 2 met his criteria, but the one wanted double the pay we offered and walked away.
5. What feedback do you have on the C++ Blockchain Developer Ad?
I feel this needs to be a paid position. One that warrants getting together with your investors / masternode owners and even one more important benefactor: the lead dev. Everyone should discuss the hire plan immediately. They should be the first official employee of BiblePay. Also, the lead dev should be the one to be sacrificing the most (financially investing in) for the new developer since they benefit most immediately & directly. If Rob has to divest his own mined BBP to hire help, so be it. I hate to say it but that's what equity stake is. It is when owner's take a stake and don't passing off that cost to the new incoming people (Ponzi). Unless Rob has no coin to sell, then why isn't a council in charge and already hiring a developer at market rate absent Rob's "blessing"? Although the work is being turned down by other devs you may even have to pay a 10%-20% premium on top of market rate to get what you need. The show must go on....
We dont currently have much funds to pay for good developers, at current BBP to Dollar rate, our 20% 40 day budget is worth $11k, half of that goes to Charity, the other half is split between IT, PR and P2P. There was no premine, no instamine, no ICO, anyone who has coins had to mine them or buy them from the exchange, or work for them through a proposal.
Please post a proposal to the sanctuary (masternode) owners to vote on your idea:
http://forum.biblepay.org/index.php?board=5.0Ive posted job ads on all the crypto boards:
http://forum.biblepay.org/index.php?topic=85.0Blockchain is not something easy to learn, the combination of C++ and Blockchain skills is hard to find, most coins out there are clones of other coins, and most Blockchain developers are already working on their own coin, Everyone that applies that doesnt have Blockchain skills yet, I send them my compiled Blockchain Learning Resources:
https://www.reddit.com/r/BiblePay/comments/7rlzfu/learning_blockchain_development/ and invite them to our Slack and Discord.
Rob is looking for someone with high experience and who will be a long term member / grow with the project.
6. We dont have much money to pay for work, yet, We've only had 1 budget cycle so far and the next one ends in 2 weeks,
If 5.7 million BBP is in this budget cycle then why are you giving 3.8 million BBP to charity (that is over 66%, not even close to 10%). 570,000 goes to Charity. Simple, end of story. Re-cast the expenses to match the actual income. This is done by not over-commiting finances that aren't there.
This is the current Block Reward Breakdown:
10% Charity
5% IT
2.5% PR (Public Relation campaigns)
2.5% P2P (Orphan Letter Writing, Pay To Preach, Pay to be a Priest, FAQ writers, Social Media functions)
40% Miners
40% Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
so 20% of coins every 40 days goes to the superblock budget,
So 1/2 the budget is Charity, 1/4th is IT, 1/8th is PR, 1/8th is P2P
But these are just guidelines, with Charity being the highest priority.
Its up to all Sanctuary owners to vote yes or no on each proposal, and if there are more passing proposals than the budget can fund, the proposals get paid out in descending order of most yes votes
That is why every coin available should be wisely re-invested. No one should be making any profit at this stage except crypto daytraders speculating on movement. Since nothing can stop that kind of bottom-feeding, it exists whether we acknowledge it or not. Where I take issue is, I'm new to the forum and I've already been solicited to hire a developer. Are we developing blockchain as a faith-based currency or are we just paying bills now?
Most people are motivated by money, for example, look at the developer who walked away, he wanted $70/hr, so youre being contradictory wanting to pay premium for a developer but also not wanting anyone to make profit. There have been a lot of volunteers, but its my opinion that everyone should be rewarded for their work. For instance, we have a charachter in the community like Slovakia, who mined with hundreds of machines and got a couple masternodes, and hes off to mine other coins now, he may not ever help the project again, but he will make a profit in the future off all the work all of us potentially do going forward. So I think its very important that everyone who does work gets paid, and I would vote for you to get paid for any work you do for the project.
I ask everyone to help the project and tell them how they can create proposals and be funded in BiblePay coins for their work, but not many have stepped up. And a lot of people dont have the time as well, they have work, family, etc, this is a hobby to most, Rob is really our only full time employee. I guess Im kind of a part time employee, but its been a sacrifice to my day job and my home life.
There isnt really a team per se, BiblePay is a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), BiblePay was started by Rob, and has attracted many miners, investors, daytraders, etc and some people have helped the project, some have been vocal, some have jumped on small projects or taken on small roles. In time there will probably be more structure, but for now this really is a one man show, a project 6-7 months old attempting to bootstrap itself. Everyone here now is here very early in the process. This is like a very early weird online startup company. I believe BiblePay could definitely 10-100x+ in the next 0-3 years, but we shall see.
7. Are you interested to propose work?
Proposals: http://forum.biblepay.org/index.php?board=5.0
Yes I can offer quite a bit when it comes to linux systems administration and organizational/leadership development. I'm an accomplished businessperson myself and would love to contribute some work to the project.
We could use all the help we can get! :)
That's why I joined Slack! Surprised its so quiet in there!
Awesome! I look forward to anything you can do to help out!
Yeah the Slack is fairly quiet, the Discord has some more miners talking, theres also a Telegram that some other miners are on.
Most of the action is in this Bitcointalk thread and the proposal and testing talk is mostly in the Biblepay Forum.
You asked for more ideas so here goes:
A) The accountability page needs help. The accountability site is supposed to be where people feel good. By simply posting the receipts online, it looks like an "expense" and not an opportunity.
It is impossible to feel good looking at the site unless you were an accountant happy to see your client keeping receipts. Simply having the data on the website is not the same thing as presenting a unified message saying "we are ACTIVELY helping". yes, I understand there are other areas of the site which display the orphans and their letters but I am talking exterior optics, not inside baseball since you would have to be far deeper than a looker before you would ever see the docs pertaining to accountability. This should be SURFACE-LEVEL and not several layers deep.
What ideas in particular do you have to make the accountability page better?
Excellent thoughts, merited. This is exactly what I think is the missing puzzle piece for BiblePay to grow to the next level. I couldn't have expressed it better myself.
Even though this may sound illogical, I firmly believe that design is more important than tech, especially so if the target audience are Christians who are not very tech-savvy. Making the wallet look aesthetically pleasing and easy to use via GUI, without ever having to go something like the "debug console", will do wonders. It's been ages (in crypto time) when there's been some discussion about hiring a Qt wallet designer, which I understand has been deprioritized because of the plans to go with the Stratis platform, which would bring a new look on the table, but since that's been pushed to almost a year from now, maybe we should go back to the idea of redesigning the current Qt wallet? Because I can't really see this current wallet design make a breakthrough in the year to come.
The wallet needs a Chinese language version for our bretheren & sisteren (?) in the communist nation. Big priority should be on the wallet update and cleaning it up for international use. All good ideas and needed execution. if it will help, I'll review candidates and inspect their work product, as well. It'll be a blast. Where do I sign up???
So far we havent had a Chinese translator pop up, Ive been working on getting the Original Announcement Post translated:
https://www.reddit.com/r/BiblePay/comments/7qmt6m/bitcointalk_main_post_language_translations/So far Ive only been able to get 5 translations over the past 3 weeks
I think getting the wallet to work internationally is a great point, Ive added it to the TODO list.
All good ideas and needed execution. if it will help, I'll review candidates and inspect their work product, as well. It'll be a blast. Where do I sign up???
Hehe, Just jump into it!
Thats the beauty of this being a DAO, anyone can propose work, anyone can jump on anything, I saw ways I could help and just started helping

And sanctuaries voted yes on me getting paid, its pretty neat

Thanks tmc808!