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Author Topic: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)  (Read 243462 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (345 posts by 1+ user deleted.)
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January 25, 2018, 06:52:31 PM

I started by contacting uquid for debit card integration but still have not been able to find the status of visa integration for new communities:

Hi Rob,

Thank you for your contact.

We are currently changing our card vendor and this may take a few weeks. During this transition period we are not seeking to expand support for further cryptocurrencies. However, once we have our new card set up and distributed to all of our present customers, we will look at this.

Kind regards,

Mark Green
Customer Service Rep.
Skype :

Just in case people didn't know, I think both Visa and MasterCard have started to shut down all existing cards and decline all new ones which have anything to do with cryptocurrencies, sadly. Although it's totally understandable since cryptocurrencies are the arch enemy of central banks etc.

I personally tried around 8 different sites which claim to have a card which can be used to spend crypto in real life (including uquid), but after I register, I find out that they "currently" do not issue new cards. So this is a big problem for the crypto community in general, but I think this year will bring some new solutions to the table.
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Activity: 180
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January 25, 2018, 06:57:08 PM

Dear Rob and biblepay community,

I haven't had the chance to follow along with the posts for the past week or more, but I see there is still talk of getting on other exchanges.  I would like for Rob and the community to give feedback on whether the idea of running our own exchange seems desirable or not?  As for myself, I would like to see biblepay run its own exchange that closes for 24 hours over the weekend to respect the Sabbath.  I think that would really bless this project and help it greatly.  For a coin that wants to serve a Godly purpose, I think it is important to respect the Sabbath.  I am not suggesting stopping the blockchain, but only halting trading for a 24 hour period.  I don't know what the personnel or bugetary requirements for this would be, but I think it is worth considering.  What does everyone think?  

With all respect to other beliefs, respecting the Sabbath is a jewish mandate. Us Christians respect Sundays, as they are the Lord's Day, the day Jesus resurrected, thus abrogating the Mosaic law.

Anyway I agree with the ones that think that running an exchange is calling for hackers, problems, and beyond the scope of BBP project.

My thoughts on these issues:

- The sabbath:  I agree, Jesus ended the law and created the church and Christianity, and we are to pick up our cross daily.  Its not necessary to keep one particular day holy, we are to follow all of Jesus' commandments.

- Running our own exchange:  After seeing the viruses uploaded into childrens letters, and the hot wallet being stolen by the hackers, I am *very* reluctant to write an exchange in the pool.  And as another said, US regulation is tough, so it could not be done by us.  

Mathew 5:17
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus did not teach to do away with the 10 Commandments.  He didn't teach to blasphemy, be an idolater, to steal, to lie, to covet.  Likewise we should still strive to keep the Sabbath holy whether it is on a Saturday or a Sunday.  I'm not perfect at it, so I won't cast that stone, but I know it isn't holy to trade over the Sabbath- the financial markets don't trade over the Sabbath; it doesn't have to be done.  There are people who criticize this project that feel there is something wrong with it.  Many of them say it is like the Temple money changers which is incorrect.  But the issue with the Sabbath is a real issue that it would be good to be dealt with.  I feel that if that issue were dealt with one could honestly and openly talk about this project in a church.

I refuse to argue with you about this, but I also refuse to sit back and stay silent (and the inference that I am setting a blasphemous standard).

Jesus healed on the sabbath, because he had the authority to END the Mosaic law at the end of his ministry.  The Law was meant for the Jews, and the same law that was taught : a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, was Changed by Jesus : He said I say to you in stead, turn the other cheek.  Remember the scope in which you posted the above- Jesus kept the commandments because he respected the authority and lived under Moses laws.  He came to fulfill and end the law.

Jesus has the authority to end the law - and he started his own list of concise commandments.  Love one another as yourself, Ill post them all.

Yes, It is true that he said to keep the commandments, because he lived in a time where he followed those during that particular period.

What I am saying is if you are going to keep the sabbath law, then you need to be keeping every ultra orthodox jewish law also, there are a hundred, which I know is impossible if we were to go through them.  Christians are NOT asked to be ultra orthodox jews!  Christ died for our sins!  He paid that in full!  If you disregard that gift, that is a slap in the face of Jesus.

Jesus did not say that we are commanded to go to a brick and mortar church on Sunday.  He said in the book of acts we should be starting our own churches - and healing one another - and helping and loving one another - every day - and picking up our cross - every day.

Read this first:

Then read Jesus version of the commandments here:

And then realize Jesus actually has more commandments than God originally intended for the Jews.  And they are distinct from the 10 commandments.

You are stepping into dangerous territory when worshiping as Seventh-Day-Adventist churches do and bringing the calendar in.  Its deprioritizing what Christianity is, and going back to the law is ignorning what Jesus commanded us to do when he Fulfilled the law when he was crucified.

No, I'm going to keep it simple.  Trading on the Sabbath is not holy and trading on the Sabbath is not akin to healing on the Sabbath.  Healing on the Sabbath is something that needs to be done because of time and place.  Trading on the Sabbath is not something that needs to be done.  Keeping the 10 Commandments does not relate to Seventh Day Adventist.  It's the 10 Commandments!  To put it flatly, there are important people at Prestonwood Baptist Church who don't like this project because it trades over the Sabbath.  If it didn't trade over the Sabbath, on either a Saturday or Sunday, they wouldn't have any arguement over it.  But right now, they do.  It would be good to have their blessing.
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January 25, 2018, 06:59:13 PM

Hey guys, just from a practicality point of view...we run on different timezones so it's not the same day everywhere in the world the same time? So I don't think something like this could be implemented anyway.
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January 25, 2018, 07:03:34 PM

Hey guys, just from a practicality point of view...we run on different timezones so it's not the same day everywhere in the world the same time? So I don't think something like this could be implemented anyway.

Alex, you would just pick 24 hours from either UTC or UTC-6 or some other time zone.
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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January 25, 2018, 07:07:01 PM

No, I'm going to keep it simple.  Trading on the Sabbath is not holy and trading on the Sabbath is not akin to healing on the Sabbath.  Healing on the Sabbath is something that needs to be done because of time and place.  Trading on the Sabbath is not something that needs to be done.  Keeping the 10 Commandments does not relate to Seventh Day Adventist.  It's the 10 Commandments!  To put it flatly, there are important people at Prestonwood Baptist Church who don't like this project because it trades over the Sabbath.  If it didn't trade over the Sabbath, on either a Saturday or Sunday, they wouldn't have any arguement over it.  But right now, they do.  It would be good to have their blessing.

The Sabbath is for the Jews, the Jews are still looking for the anti-christ to come on the scene, God modified some of the ten commandments and extended them which you fail to recognize from Acts (the sabbath is not on Saturday or Sunday anymore), and its not unholy to trade on a particular day of the week today.  If you want to call Robert Jeffress from Prestonwood, and get his opinion, you will see that he agrees with me.

The main point is Jesus had the authority to End the law, there is no more Sabbath for Christians, and if you want to be an ultra orthodox jew and anticipate the Antichrist, you should be keeping All of the ultra orthodox laws, not just the ones you pick and choose that "seem" to be fitting.  Doing so would allow you to appeal to God as Jew during judgement day, and that May or May Not go over well (forsaking his son).

Some of the 10 commandments have been revised by Jesus.

And to recap, Jesus is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and he Rules here.

I am not here to make any blasphemous teachings, I am here to back Jesus!

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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Activity: 491
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January 25, 2018, 07:07:11 PM

anybody else have problems with miners?
my miners are randomly disappearing from pool, but what is worse, when i check 'alive' miners i can see:

going to solo with poolmining=true Smiley
  "poolinfo1": "BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; ",
  "poolinfo2": "RM_01-25-2018 19:00:06; RMC_01-25-2018 19:00:18; RMC_01-25-2018 19:00:13; RM_01-25-2018 18:58:58; ",
  "miningpulse": 777,
  "poolmining": true,
  "pool_url": "",

  "biblepay-generate": true,
  "poolinfo1": "BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; ",
  "poolinfo2": "Submitting Solution 01-25-2018 19:02:53; RMC_01-25-2018 19:02:33; RMC_01-25-2018 19:00:49; RMC_01-25-2018 19:02:31; Submitting Solution 01-25-2018 19:01:08; RMC_01-25-2018 19:02:23; RM_01-25-2018 18:54:16; RMC_01-25-2018 19:00:28; Submitting Solution 01-25-2018 19:02:47; RMC_01-25-2018 18:59:51; ",
  "poolinfo3": "CFW 01-25-2018 18:59:05; CFW 01-25-2018 19:02:31; ",
  "miningpulse": 859,
  "poolmining": false,
  "pool_url": "",

  "poolinfo3": "Checking on Pool Health to see if back up...01-25-2018 18:40:45; ",
  "miningpulse": 1670,
  "poolmining": false,
and so...
hash2 fluctuating from 100k to 2m - totaly unstable
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Activity: 98
Merit: 10

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January 25, 2018, 07:11:25 PM

Hey guys, just from a practicality point of view...we run on different timezones so it's not the same day everywhere in the world the same time? So I don't think something like this could be implemented anyway.

Alex, you would just pick 24 hours from either UTC or UTC-6 or some other time zone.

Assuming that something like that was possible (which I don't think it would as I don't see any exchanges turning of and on trading of our coin for us every week), I don't think that's really practical and that would mean you wouldn't be able trade BiblePay for 2 days a week depending on where you live (the Sundays on UTC time and the Sundays on your own timezone lol).
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January 25, 2018, 07:16:18 PM

No, I'm going to keep it simple.  Trading on the Sabbath is not holy and trading on the Sabbath is not akin to healing on the Sabbath.  Healing on the Sabbath is something that needs to be done because of time and place.  Trading on the Sabbath is not something that needs to be done.  Keeping the 10 Commandments does not relate to Seventh Day Adventist.  It's the 10 Commandments!  To put it flatly, there are important people at Prestonwood Baptist Church who don't like this project because it trades over the Sabbath.  If it didn't trade over the Sabbath, on either a Saturday or Sunday, they wouldn't have any arguement over it.  But right now, they do.  It would be good to have their blessing.

The Sabbath is for the Jews, the Jews are still looking for the anti-christ to come on the scene, God modified some of the ten commandments and extended them which you fail to recognize from Acts (the sabbath is not on Saturday or Sunday anymore), and its not unholy to trade on a particular day of the week today.  If you want to call Robert Jeffress from Prestonwood, and get his opinion, you will see that he agrees with me.

The main point is Jesus had the authority to End the law, there is no more Sabbath for Christians, and if you want to be an ultra orthodox jew and anticipate the Antichrist, you should be keeping All of the ultra orthodox laws, not just the ones you pick and choose that "seem" to be fitting.  Doing so would allow you to appeal to God as Jew during judgement day, and that May or May Not go over well (forsaking his son).

Some of the 10 commandments have been revised by Jesus.

And to recap, Jesus is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and he Rules here.

I am not here to make any blasphemous teachings, I am here to back Jesus!

You need the Dragon before you get to the Beast or the 'anti-Christ'.  The Beast will be pretty much a loser until he receives power from the Dragon.  The people I am talking about are more important than Robert Jeffress.  One runs a radio show and does Bible study at Prestonwood, the other is his daughter.  Let me know if you want to know who they are.  It does matter.
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January 25, 2018, 07:20:43 PM

Hey guys, just from a practicality point of view...we run on different timezones so it's not the same day everywhere in the world the same time? So I don't think something like this could be implemented anyway.

Alex, you would just pick 24 hours from either UTC or UTC-6 or some other time zone.

Assuming that something like that was possible (which I don't think it would as I don't see any exchanges turning of and on trading of our coin for us every week), I don't think that's really practical and that would mean you wouldn't be able trade BiblePay for 2 days a week depending on where you live (the Sundays on UTC time and the Sundays on your own timezone lol).

Alex, if it is practical for the financial markets, it could be practical for biblepay.  24 hours close time would be important for the sake of the coin, in my very honest opinion.  Bless you for listening, Alex.
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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January 25, 2018, 07:26:39 PM

No, I'm going to keep it simple.  Trading on the Sabbath is not holy and trading on the Sabbath is not akin to healing on the Sabbath.  Healing on the Sabbath is something that needs to be done because of time and place.  Trading on the Sabbath is not something that needs to be done.  Keeping the 10 Commandments does not relate to Seventh Day Adventist.  It's the 10 Commandments!  To put it flatly, there are important people at Prestonwood Baptist Church who don't like this project because it trades over the Sabbath.  If it didn't trade over the Sabbath, on either a Saturday or Sunday, they wouldn't have any arguement over it.  But right now, they do.  It would be good to have their blessing.

The Sabbath is for the Jews, the Jews are still looking for the anti-christ to come on the scene, God modified some of the ten commandments and extended them which you fail to recognize from Acts (the sabbath is not on Saturday or Sunday anymore), and its not unholy to trade on a particular day of the week today.  If you want to call Robert Jeffress from Prestonwood, and get his opinion, you will see that he agrees with me.

The main point is Jesus had the authority to End the law, there is no more Sabbath for Christians, and if you want to be an ultra orthodox jew and anticipate the Antichrist, you should be keeping All of the ultra orthodox laws, not just the ones you pick and choose that "seem" to be fitting.  Doing so would allow you to appeal to God as Jew during judgement day, and that May or May Not go over well (forsaking his son).

Some of the 10 commandments have been revised by Jesus.

And to recap, Jesus is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and he Rules here.

I am not here to make any blasphemous teachings, I am here to back Jesus!

You need the Dragon before you get to the Beast or the 'anti-Christ'.  The Beast will be pretty much a loser until he receives power from the Dragon.  The people I am talking about are more important than Robert Jeffress.  One runs a radio show and does Bible study at Prestonwood, the other is his daughter.  Let me know if you want to know who they are.  It does matter.

Then please contact both of them with my reply to you in full, especially the first one where I provided links, and then get their opinion.  We will see if they are Christians or if they are in it for the money.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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Activity: 98
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January 25, 2018, 07:26:48 PM

Hey guys, just from a practicality point of view...we run on different timezones so it's not the same day everywhere in the world the same time? So I don't think something like this could be implemented anyway.

Alex, you would just pick 24 hours from either UTC or UTC-6 or some other time zone.

Assuming that something like that was possible (which I don't think it would as I don't see any exchanges turning of and on trading of our coin for us every week), I don't think that's really practical and that would mean you wouldn't be able trade BiblePay for 2 days a week depending on where you live (the Sundays on UTC time and the Sundays on your own timezone lol).

Alex, if it is practical for the financial markets, it could be practical for biblepay.  24 hours close time would be important for the sake of the coin, in my very honest opinion.  Bless you for listening, Alex.

Hey aikida, I just don't think it is practical or even possible.

If you were to run your own exchange that would close down for 24 hours, BBP would still be traded on the other exchanges so its value would still fluctuate.

Your exchange would then only benefit people doing arbitrage as they could profit from your exchange being "behind" but you can be sure that it will catch up with the other exchanges really quickly every time it opens again. You would probably see people taking their BBP out before it shuts down too.

That's why I don't think that what you want would be possible anyway.
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January 25, 2018, 07:27:13 PM

Dear Rob and biblepay community,

I haven't had the chance to follow along with the posts for the past week or more, but I see there is still talk of getting on other exchanges.  I would like for Rob and the community to give feedback on whether the idea of running our own exchange seems desirable or not?  As for myself, I would like to see biblepay run its own exchange that closes for 24 hours over the weekend to respect the Sabbath.  I think that would really bless this project and help it greatly.  For a coin that wants to serve a Godly purpose, I think it is important to respect the Sabbath.  I am not suggesting stopping the blockchain, but only halting trading for a 24 hour period.  I don't know what the personnel or bugetary requirements for this would be, but I think it is worth considering.  What does everyone think? 

With all respect to other beliefs, respecting the Sabbath is a jewish mandate. Us Christians respect Sundays, as they are the Lord's Day, the day Jesus resurrected, thus abrogating the Mosaic law.

Anyway I agree with the ones that think that running an exchange is calling for hackers, problems, and beyond the scope of BBP project.

My thoughts on these issues:

- The sabbath:  I agree, Jesus ended the law and created the church and Christianity, and we are to pick up our cross daily.  Its not necessary to keep one particular day holy, we are to follow all of Jesus' commandments.

- Running our own exchange:  After seeing the viruses uploaded into childrens letters, and the hot wallet being stolen by the hackers, I am *very* reluctant to write an exchange in the pool.  And as another said, US regulation is tough, so it could not be done by us.  

- Yobit: If you all give them a 5, I think we should go for it.

- Ducks in a Row:  Thats noble, but the issue Im facing now is we have no working exchanges and we need at least one LOL.  People are trying to buy sancs, and I have to raise funds once per month.  So it is very high priority to get another one up.  Although I agree, if we went on too many at once we would hogtie ourselves into limited updates.

- Listing on the top 5 exchanges:  Both fell through.  I lost my personal 3.5btc on the deal.  I think we should work on yobit,, and Blues NEXT decentralized exchange next.  (Im working on the side to contact binance and hitbtc sr managers and reach them and give them documentation list of everything I went through to see if they will have compassion on us and list us on either exchange due to the fraud I experienced).  Please dont write a lot of comments on the board about this, as I dont want to be polluted with things tying us to this- I would rather move past this issue and work up and onward.

Rob, thank you for listening for yobit suggestion, you will fill the form or who will do?
Is the 3.5BTC really non refundable? wow that is huge loss..
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
Merit: 215

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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January 25, 2018, 07:28:08 PM

anybody else have problems with miners?
my miners are randomly disappearing from pool, but what is worse, when i check 'alive' miners i can see:

going to solo with poolmining=true Smiley
  "poolinfo1": "BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1
  "poolinfo3": "CFW 01-25-2018 18:59:05; CFW 01-25-2018 19:02:31; ",
  "pool_url": "",

  "poolinfo3": "Checking on Pool Health to see if back up...01-25-2018 18:40:45; ",
  "miningpulse": 1670,
  "poolmining": false,
and so...
hash2 fluctuating from 100k to 2m - totaly unstable

Let me check into it....

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
Merit: 215

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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January 25, 2018, 07:30:02 PM

Dear Rob and biblepay community,

I haven't had the chance to follow along with the posts for the past week or more, but I see there is still talk of getting on other exchanges.  I would like for Rob and the community to give feedback on whether the idea of running our own exchange seems desirable or not?  As for myself, I would like to see biblepay run its own exchange that closes for 24 hours over the weekend to respect the Sabbath.  I think that would really bless this project and help it greatly.  For a coin that wants to serve a Godly purpose, I think it is important to respect the Sabbath.  I am not suggesting stopping the blockchain, but only halting trading for a 24 hour period.  I don't know what the personnel or bugetary requirements for this would be, but I think it is worth considering.  What does everyone think? 

With all respect to other beliefs, respecting the Sabbath is a jewish mandate. Us Christians respect Sundays, as they are the Lord's Day, the day Jesus resurrected, thus abrogating the Mosaic law.

Anyway I agree with the ones that think that running an exchange is calling for hackers, problems, and beyond the scope of BBP project.

My thoughts on these issues:

- The sabbath:  I agree, Jesus ended the law and created the church and Christianity, and we are to pick up our cross daily.  Its not necessary to keep one particular day holy, we are to follow all of Jesus' commandments.

- Running our own exchange:  After seeing the viruses uploaded into childrens letters, and the hot wallet being stolen by the hackers, I am *very* reluctant to write an exchange in the pool.  And as another said, US regulation is tough, so it could not be done by us.  

- Yobit: If you all give them a 5, I think we should go for it.

- Ducks in a Row:  Thats noble, but the issue Im facing now is we have no working exchanges and we need at least one LOL.  People are trying to buy sancs, and I have to raise funds once per month.  So it is very high priority to get another one up.  Although I agree, if we went on too many at once we would hogtie ourselves into limited updates.

- Listing on the top 5 exchanges:  Both fell through.  I lost my personal 3.5btc on the deal.  I think we should work on yobit,, and Blues NEXT decentralized exchange next.  (Im working on the side to contact binance and hitbtc sr managers and reach them and give them documentation list of everything I went through to see if they will have compassion on us and list us on either exchange due to the fraud I experienced).  Please dont write a lot of comments on the board about this, as I dont want to be polluted with things tying us to this- I would rather move past this issue and work up and onward.

Rob, thank you for listening for yobit suggestion, you will fill the form or who will do?
Is the 3.5BTC really non refundable? wow that is huge loss..

Yeah, I guss I can fill it out in a half hour.  Please check back with me later today if you havent heard back.

Let me check into Capulos pool issues now...

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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Activity: 180
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January 25, 2018, 07:33:38 PM

No, I'm going to keep it simple.  Trading on the Sabbath is not holy and trading on the Sabbath is not akin to healing on the Sabbath.  Healing on the Sabbath is something that needs to be done because of time and place.  Trading on the Sabbath is not something that needs to be done.  Keeping the 10 Commandments does not relate to Seventh Day Adventist.  It's the 10 Commandments!  To put it flatly, there are important people at Prestonwood Baptist Church who don't like this project because it trades over the Sabbath.  If it didn't trade over the Sabbath, on either a Saturday or Sunday, they wouldn't have any arguement over it.  But right now, they do.  It would be good to have their blessing.

The Sabbath is for the Jews, the Jews are still looking for the anti-christ to come on the scene, God modified some of the ten commandments and extended them which you fail to recognize from Acts (the sabbath is not on Saturday or Sunday anymore), and its not unholy to trade on a particular day of the week today.  If you want to call Robert Jeffress from Prestonwood, and get his opinion, you will see that he agrees with me.

The main point is Jesus had the authority to End the law, there is no more Sabbath for Christians, and if you want to be an ultra orthodox jew and anticipate the Antichrist, you should be keeping All of the ultra orthodox laws, not just the ones you pick and choose that "seem" to be fitting.  Doing so would allow you to appeal to God as Jew during judgement day, and that May or May Not go over well (forsaking his son).

Some of the 10 commandments have been revised by Jesus.

And to recap, Jesus is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and he Rules here.

I am not here to make any blasphemous teachings, I am here to back Jesus!

You need the Dragon before you get to the Beast or the 'anti-Christ'.  The Beast will be pretty much a loser until he receives power from the Dragon.  The people I am talking about are more important than Robert Jeffress.  One runs a radio show and does Bible study at Prestonwood, the other is his daughter.  Let me know if you want to know who they are.  It does matter.

Then please contact both of them with my reply to you in full, especially the first one where I provided links, and then get their opinion.  We will see if they are Christians or if they are in it for the money.

I don't think they are in the coin, but I do know they don't like that it trades over the Sabbath.  They have already developed their opinion and the links won't change their mind.  Just pray for the safe passage and development of the coin anyway.  I see there is a ton of resistance to the idea.  So that is how it is. 
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January 25, 2018, 07:36:59 PM

Hey aikida,

Just realised I forgot something which probably would have been a better response than what I wrote before.

Since crypto is decentralised and unregulated, some of the things that are possible with traditional financial markets are just not possible with crypto markets right now and that's why I don't think something like that would have been possible.
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January 25, 2018, 07:38:33 PM

ALEX hello, can you make graph into explorer like this

Charts are on my list. I can't give an ETA though :/
bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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January 25, 2018, 07:54:27 PM

anybody else have problems with miners?
my miners are randomly disappearing from pool, but what is worse, when i check 'alive' miners i can see:

going to solo with poolmining=true Smiley
  "poolinfo1": "BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1riZvuKA5W7prbtwx7PuSXXBwL; BNvQ5Txs1
  "poolinfo3": "CFW 01-25-2018 18:59:05; CFW 01-25-2018 19:02:31; ",
  "pool_url": "",

  "poolinfo3": "Checking on Pool Health to see if back up...01-25-2018 18:40:45; ",
  "miningpulse": 1670,
  "poolmining": false,
and so...
hash2 fluctuating from 100k to 2m - totaly unstable

Let me check into it....

So here is what I see Capulo, this might actually be beneficial to add as a feature for the pool, yes, more work for me, but anyway here is what I see:

Out of the 50,000 or so solutions we have received over the last 10 minutes, about 8% of those are invalid.  Most of the errors (the lions share) is BLOCK_SOLUTION_STALE.  So that is actually pretty normal.  That happens when the block changes and a miner is still working on the solution and submits it late.

On Your miners however we have an 18.3% error rate (as compared to the standard 8.39% error rate).  The lions share of the errors are the same : block_solution_stale.  I see one miner in there a lot: capulo_wrk_21, maybe that particular node is hosed.

Anyway please check to see if the chain is synced, most of the errors are on the old version too, I do not see a higher incidence of errors on the new version.  You might have nodes behind an IP on a fork together.

I will go ahead and see if I can add a feature to the pool to convey the error ratio of the user up into either the leaderboard, I guess leaderboard might be OK then we can all see who is hosing the pool the most descending, it would be a nice feature.

Im going to work on the yobit paperwork first though!

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bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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January 25, 2018, 08:07:08 PM

Alright I submitted the exchange form to Yobit for a free listing.

The .10 BTC Fee type listing leads me to a dead-end (it leads me to the dash trading page).  I'll check tomorrow and find out how we can fund the .10 btc fee if I don't hear anything back from them by tomorrow.

Ill look into adding the Error % as a new pool feature...

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January 25, 2018, 08:07:15 PM

YOBIT is horrible .. im waitin for activated email almost hour  Grin Grin

ROB hello, can i to ask, why any miners is missing on pool and miners is staked in missing?   thanks

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