In regards to :
Lately on a few occasions the explorer would get "stuck".
Occasionally the Blakecoin daemon will not respond to a database loader RPC call. The daemon does not return an error, just completely ignores the request.
In the past this has not been an issue as the loader was using the Python library "requests" to handle RPC calls. This library has an auto-timeout feature that would resend the RPC call if not answered in a certain period of time.
The latest version of requests somehow entirely breaks the RPC request code in CCE 3.5. I needed to revert the RPC request code to an much earlier version which uses the Urllib python libraries instead. These libraries do not have the same error and timeout handling that requests has. When the Blakecoin daemon ignores an RPC request, the loader will sit there and wait for an answer hence getting stuck.
I was hoping I would not have to patch 3.5 and instead address the requests issue in 4.0, but as 4.0 is still in development, I have patched 3.5.
Due to some of the changes over the last few versions of requests
, I need to limit the patched 3.5 and the future 4.0 to a certain version of Linux server.
This morning, I switched the Blakecoin explorer to its new server with the patched 3.5 code.
This should solve the hung explorer issue.
Thank you for your patience