The possibility of 100 RP per hour has been removed from the REWARD POINT PRIZES list.
>>> this was much time ago,
>>>i think that everyone are having the same problem>>>
Hello Mr Freebitcoin! There is an error on your site, please correct it! I can’t buy a fan token when purchasing, its price shows 0 satoshi, and my purchased fan token is not displayed! thank you !
I have the same problem
>> can t buy/sell or see yours fun that s are don t locked, and any answer here by one week or ,more, but i think that them are doing some things with tokens, like use on some place like cassino or shorting on any exchange that have FUN tokens(

), and after this, them will let for use again on freebitco site, no problems..., when them will answer , only ajustments like html JS ...code for any improviments of fun use on site ...
>>> but, keep asking here for any answer.
and i don t konw what happened on this date>>>
After October 2021, I’m afraid to even imagine what surprise our dear has prepared for us.
What do you mean? What happened in October 2021?