For those interested, here are the necessary packages to build the wallet with QT 5:
apt-get install qt5-qmake libqt5gui5 libqt5core5 libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev-tools[/quote]
Thanks. Oneline TEK install on Debian-based:
apt-get install qt5-qmake libqt5gui5 libqt5core5 libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev-tools && mkdir ~/cryptos ; cd ~/cryptos && mkdir TEK ; cd TEK && wget && tar -xvf v1.2.tar.gz && cd TEK-1.2 && qmake-qt5 && make && ln -s ~/TEK/Tekcoin-qt ~/Desktop/TEK
Arch-based should be similar, just replace
apt-get install with
pacman -SsI want to change it so that I can get 100% every month.
Change = hardfork = not good.
Plus, CENT took that route and it spiraled down into hyperinflation (granted, CENT was 1000% a month).
If you want a 100%/month coin, create a variant of TEK. But be warned: since high interest encourages stacking, few people will sell => very low liquidity. Consider two quotes before going any further:
the higher the interest, the less liquid the asset is, resulting in high volatility. [...] TEK is a beast that should not be taken lightly. Lack of liquidity can make it very difficult to exit large positions, which can result in substantial losses. Trade accordingly.
As I said in previous posts: if we want value - we have to make the volume. We have to be willing to buy AND SELL the coins. We can't just hoard them.
That is why I make the following StakeHunter pledge:
I will sell 25% of my stake every month.