March 05, 2014, 05:13:13 PM |
+1 To the recent posts about the client. I also think that there's a very important feature missing: an integrated passphrase generator similar to the one used by the Electrum client. I mean something that generates 12 words long passphrases using an internal dictionary, it could be the same as Electrum (1600 words) or the larger Diceware (7776 words) There should be a warning to write it down on paper and keep it in a safe place, because if it gets lost all Nxt are lost too. I believe this is important. Before Nxt I was already a bitcoin user so I was able to figure out what I needed to do, but I'm not sure that all new users do. Also I see many newcomers to Nxt that have just been starting into crypto and have no previous experience with Bitcoin, I bet most of them have absolutely no clue about what kind of strong password they need to protect their Nxt accounts. The initial warning about a 30 strong password is not enough without further help, nothing could hurt Nxt more than a lot of horror stories of newbies that have all their Nxt stolen. Sorry I wish I knew programming so I could help.
Activity: 2142
Merit: 1010
March 05, 2014, 05:13:54 PM |
Lets test, and finally start AE
There is a bug in AE. Source code is public. The bug is not fixed yet. Am I the only one who thinks that something is wrong?..
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
March 05, 2014, 05:14:07 PM |
| know that this is BS about Nxt. But even generally speaking about POS, what if forgers offer "Anonimity service"? I don't know if that can be implemented in NXt, but i guess it can be implemented in some POS coin. Anonimity will cost money, so Forgers will forge not only for transaction fees but to offer anonimity and get paid for that. Possible? Maybe some genius can make such a coin on top of Nxt. NXTcash is in progress
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1010
March 05, 2014, 05:14:42 PM |
| know that this is BS about Nxt. But even generally speaking about POS, what if forgers offer "Anonimity service"? I don't know if that can be implemented in NXt, but i guess it can be implemented in some POS coin. Anonimity will cost money, so Forgers will forge not only for transaction fees but to offer anonimity and get paid for that. Possible? Maybe some genius can make such a coin on top of Nxt. This is what we need the white paper for. We need *proof* that this is BS.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
March 05, 2014, 05:15:07 PM |
Lets test, and finally start AE
There is a bug in AE. Source code is public. The bug is not fixed yet. Am I the only one who thinks that something is wrong?.. I thought you were responsible for fixing AE bugs, or is it jean-luc?
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future
March 05, 2014, 05:15:40 PM |
Lets test, and finally start AE
There is a bug in AE. Source code is public. The bug is not fixed yet. Am I the only one who thinks that something is wrong?.. Than say what you think and dont let us guesse.
Activity: 2142
Merit: 1010
March 05, 2014, 05:18:25 PM |
I thought you were responsible for fixing AE bugs, or is it jean-luc?
Let's pretend that Jean-Luc and me r not available. Will Nxt development stop?
March 05, 2014, 05:18:30 PM |
| know that this is BS about Nxt. But even generally speaking about POS, what if forgers offer "Anonimity service"? I don't know if that can be implemented in NXt, but i guess it can be implemented in some POS coin. Anonimity will cost money, so Forgers will forge not only for transaction fees but to offer anonimity and get paid for that. Possible? Maybe some genius can make such a coin on top of Nxt. NXTcash is in progress Aye, but won't it offer (almost) free anonimity (which is awesome, but my idea was different). If only forgers can offer that anonimity service, they will determine the price for it. This will be kind of a "bonus" for them. (sorry i am just thinking loudly, this may sound ridiculous)
Ties are a prison for the soul...
Activity: 2142
Merit: 1010
March 05, 2014, 05:19:11 PM |
Than say what you think and dont let us guesse.
We need more core devs.
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future
March 05, 2014, 05:20:06 PM |
I thought you were responsible for fixing AE bugs, or is it jean-luc?
Let's pretend that Jean-Luc and me r not available. Will Nxt development stop? as of now, ... simply yes, we dont have the recourses that qualify
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future
March 05, 2014, 05:20:46 PM |
Than say what you think and dont let us guesse.
We need more core devs. YES ! but where to find them, mcjavar begging for days to find one
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1006
March 05, 2014, 05:21:04 PM |
so mr. Msin, regarding of the "cryptographical PROOF", where are we?
a) msin: "I did my bests but I still cannot find the right guy. Please help me."
b) msin: "Yeah, I am in contact with a few right guys and soon we will have our candidate. Don't worry, now I go to bed."
Crypto Audit underway, will be completed in about a week, will give more details and release notes when finished. Still working on an academic, but it's been more difficult since I still don't have specific guidelines. I also wanted to wait for current Crypto analysis so that I could provide an academic with those notes and info so they have some direction. Also, I don't remember saying "b)" but I think I will start using the line "now I go to bed" when my wife asks me to do the dishes. Anon knows what I'm talking about 
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
March 05, 2014, 05:21:15 PM |
Than say what you think and dont let us guesse.
We need more core devs. Exactly this. A big project like NXT should at least have 5 active core developers for the next months. Hoarders should pay up if they want their NXT to become worth anything.
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
March 05, 2014, 05:22:17 PM |
so mr. Msin, regarding of the "cryptographical PROOF", where are we?
a) msin: "I did my bests but I still cannot find the right guy. Please help me."
b) msin: "Yeah, I am in contact with a few right guys and soon we will have our candidate. Don't worry, now I go to bed."
Crypto Audit underway, will be completed in about a week, will give more details and release notes when finished. Still working on an academic, but it's been more difficult since I still don't have specific guidelines. I also wanted to wait for current Crypto analysis so that I could provide an academic with those notes and info so they have some direction. Also, I don't remember saying "b)" but I think I will start using the line "now I go to bed" when my wife asks me to do the dishes. Anon knows what I'm talking about  Hello, Have you found a auditer? I put the word out to some of my sources and asked for tips for auditer, but if you've already located one then I don't have to focus any more time on this 
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
☕ NXT-4BTE-8Y4K-CDS2-6TB82
March 05, 2014, 05:23:13 PM |
Lets test, and finally start AE
There is a bug in AE. Source code is public. The bug is not fixed yet. Am I the only one who thinks that something is wrong?.. No, you are not alone.
March 05, 2014, 05:24:16 PM |
| know that this is BS about Nxt. But even generally speaking about POS, what if forgers offer "Anonimity service"? I don't know if that can be implemented in NXt, but i guess it can be implemented in some POS coin. Anonimity will cost money, so Forgers will forge not only for transaction fees but to offer anonimity and get paid for that. Possible? Maybe some genius can make such a coin on top of Nxt. This is what we need the white paper for. We need *proof* that this is BS. Are you going to put out a whitepaper, so whatever you are doing can be peer reviewed?
There are not so many differences between Bitcoin and Nxt.
1] Nxt uses Ed25519 ( 2] Nxt is 100% proof-of-stake currency. I will publish technical details in this thread soon. 3] 100% of coins is premined in the genesis block. No a whitepaper required for that I believe.Core defeciency of PPC in my opinion was a lack of transparency in the POS design and a lack of receptiveness to criticism.
I will explain how PoS works in Nxt. The source code will be published when Nxt is launched. I don't think you will have much luck persuading people to switch unless you explain exactly what you are doing in precise detail.
I agree. Ask and be answered, later I will put FAQ into the OP. Comparing an established opaque system to a novel opaque system, I think the established opaque system wins every time.
Nxt will be transparent. After all main features are implemented I will find time to explain all important details. You will be able to check everything using beta version of the client. Also, do not start rewarding early adopters until everything has been made transparent. Otherwise you will be criticized as an opportunist scamcoin creator. You want your early adopter group to be serious about the coin's long term future. if you start putting in incentives etc., then you will attract speculators rather than real enthusiasts.
True. I know, but BCnext probably wants some developers to review Nxt and do the whitepaper. On the other hand, developers want a whitepaper in order to review nxt. Magic circle 
Ties are a prison for the soul...
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future
March 05, 2014, 05:24:43 PM |
Going good all will come in place,
now marketing has to create the perfect storm where all comes toghetter.
March 05, 2014, 05:26:17 PM |
Crypto Audit underway, will be completed in about a week, will give more details and release notes when finished.
+10 A big project like NXT should at least have 5 active core developers for the next months. Hoarders should pay up if they want their NXT to become worth anything.
+10 edit: Damn, guys, girls, early birds. The ones who were 'lucky' to get on the train so early in november. I would so fucking spent at least half of my NXT for all the shit what needs to get done if I were you. It is about the dimension of your NXT bag. Nothing more. It's like O(2*N^10) = O(N^10). No one cares about the "2". So contribute to it and you will be happier than ever.
March 05, 2014, 05:29:53 PM |
Come-from-Beyond, can you introduce some developer to the community? He/she will be warmly met and trusted. Or maybe you should just recommend somebody that you respect? We can gather some funds for them or vote for the unclaimed coins? (come on, you should know somebody )
Ties are a prison for the soul...
March 05, 2014, 05:34:06 PM |
we need a one click installer that installs NRS, java client and userfriendly client!
I ask this since december!
one click install for all please! than we can start promotion [/quote]
I agree. There are several other clients available but it would look better if the NXT Branded client (if "branded" acceptable terminology) were usable by regular people. For apearances sake.