Activity: 1185
Merit: 1018
March 05, 2014, 11:47:30 AM |
BTW: FreeRider will be released in the following days!
so a working live asset exchange will be released before mastercoins one?? put up a timer for it! soon, but not a good tactical move to put a timer onto it BEFORE it is reallyreally released 
March 05, 2014, 11:52:08 AM |
Damn it, I wanted to go to bed! But I had to download.  Quick thoughts: It works! Incredible feature set, more so than Wesleyh's client, but less fluid/responsive/natural than wesleyh's as well. Choices are great to have and this looks like a great client for Mac users that want an all-in-one app. For my tastes, wesley's streamlined approach fits my style better. Well done. Solaris is light years beyond all the QT cookie cutter apps out there. How NXT is still lingering at .00008 with community efforts like Solaris is beyond me.  Thanks! Will look at the performance and responsiveness once I get a line profiler up and running. Hey Marcus, that really does look slick. so many options. and seems to work well on OSX but didnt really stress test it. any suggestions on where to push it? Not really. I've pushed what I usually push, so you should probably push it in your own way to find new bugs and problems. :-)
March 05, 2014, 11:56:21 AM |
client promissed for march ....  we have about 3-5 clients. then how come nobody use them and people don't know about them? sorry guys rhere is only first place here and that is the one who is first, so mastercoin is the big winner here. start to sell coz nxt dint deliver the main feature on time and is worthless now. community and marketing failled big time. Dude after you have finnished dumping your NXT please go buy some glasses and a new personallity. ur current eyes and personallity are failing you. please see page 1 of this thread and you will find several clients. have fun at the opticians 

Activity: 87
Merit: 10
March 05, 2014, 11:59:40 AM |
Why at nxtcrypto.org is not show this video as default - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuZH3a5MKik ? Like at bitcoin.org For how long will be NXT.org starts ? Someone develops it ?
March 05, 2014, 12:01:00 PM |
and what if apple says tomorrow no more crypto apps. Also what if the world ended tomorrow.  There are too types of ppl in the world emule "what if ers" and "do ers" unfortunatley you fall into the category of "what if ers". must be hard living a life of what ifs and never knowing i bet you were that scardy cat type of kid who always spoiled everyones fun by saying what if my mum find out. lols
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
March 05, 2014, 12:03:13 PM |
Some news regarding Account Control
I'm going to transfer (from BCNext's code to NRS) only Pooled Forging and Account Locking features. All the other features (multi-sig, for example) could be implemented with Autonomous Transactions (developed by CIYAM Open).
If Account Control has multisig, please transfer that also. AT is still a ways away and I dont think we should charge AT execution fees for multisig. If you wont port the multisig code, at least release it, this is very important. James
Sr. Member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
AKA jefdiesel
March 05, 2014, 12:07:17 PM |
here comes 2100....
March 05, 2014, 12:07:43 PM |
client promissed for march ....  we have about 3-5 clients. then how come nobody use them and people don't know about them? sorry guys rhere is only first place here and that is the one who is first, so mastercoin is the big winner here. start to sell coz nxt dint deliver the main feature on time and is worthless now. community and marketing failled big time. Dude after you have finnished dumping your NXT please go buy some glasses and a new personallity. ur current eyes and personallity are failing you. please see page 1 of this thread and you will find several clients. have fun at the opticians  again, then how come nobody use them and people don't know about them? sorry guys rhere is only first place here and that is the one who is first, so mastercoin is the big winner here. start to sell coz nxt dint deliver the main feature on time and is worthless now. community and marketing failled big time. my eyes are fine I see nxt price declining day by day, maybe something is wrong with your eyes! (which indicates huge dumping by the whales btw)
March 05, 2014, 12:07:56 PM |
OMG, he leaves us on page 2100 
Activity: 2184
Merit: 1000
March 05, 2014, 12:11:57 PM |
Some news regarding Account Control
I'm going to transfer (from BCNext's code to NRS) only Pooled Forging and Account Locking features. All the other features (multi-sig, for example) could be implemented with Autonomous Transactions (developed by CIYAM Open).
If Account Control has multisig, please transfer that also. AT is still a ways away and I dont think we should charge AT execution fees for multisig. If you wont port the multisig code, at least release it, this is very important. James +1 ....include multisig pls.
March 05, 2014, 12:13:01 PM |
client promissed for march ....  we have about 3-5 clients. then how come nobody use them and people don't know about them? sorry guys rhere is only first place here and that is the one who is first, so mastercoin is the big winner here. start to sell coz nxt dint deliver the main feature on time and is worthless now. community and marketing failled big time. Dude after you have finnished dumping your NXT please go buy some glasses and a new personallity. ur current eyes and personallity are failing you. please see page 1 of this thread and you will find several clients. have fun at the opticians  again, then how come nobody use them and people don't know about them? sorry guys rhere is only first place here and that is the one who is first, so mastercoin is the big winner here. start to sell coz nxt dint deliver the main feature on time and is worthless now. community and marketing failled big time. my eyes are fine I see nxt price declining day by day, maybe something is wrong with your eyes! Thats great news donkey more distribution for new comers fantastic news. And as most nxters already know the current btc/nxt price is irrelevant. price wont matter when theres only nxt left standing. sorry e donkey i didnt realise you spoke for the whole community when discussing clients. most humans with an iq of 1 or above can clearly read the main page of this thrrad and see clients to use. maybe you should concentrate on another project since you have no interest in nxt at all other than slandering this thread with false facts.
March 05, 2014, 12:17:31 PM |
Emule = poor attempts at e slander
March 05, 2014, 12:18:29 PM |
Can you take responsibility for the whitepaper (and it´s development)? Or do we have someone who is responsible for it? How do we stand now?
Nobody is responsible right now. Editable Whitepaper is on our Wiki. No one is responsible = bad. Let me just ask some questions to get a clear picture, because i can't accurately pin down what is needed: 1) Who in the community has the knowledge and expertise to write in the white paper, or work out things that have been put in? Feel free to just name people. Jean-Luc, CfB, James, l8orre, wesleyh, nexern, marcus... who else?1a) Do these people actually have time and are they willing to do the work? 1b) What do they need? Are there things missing that they definitely need to get started/continue? I think the one responsible for whitepaper should approach them one by one and asking clear questions.2) Who knows of people who can do the audit and what exactly is needed for this audit? People who have already been contacted and said "no" don't count. 2a) If we don't know them, where can we look for them? 2b) I've seen names of "big" people in cryptography mentioned, but is this needed? If the proof is valid, does it matter if the "name" isn't big? This seems like an argument that only has marketing value, not mathematical value. 2c) If we can't get "big" names, is there anything to be said against taking a normal qualified person who can do the audit. We have noone to make the review, AFAIK.These are some preliminary questions, just to get the situation clear. Once that is clear, maybe we can take further steps. If I missed anything out, please point it out to me.
March 05, 2014, 12:24:18 PM |
client promissed for march ....  we have about 3-5 clients. then how come nobody use them and people don't know about them? sorry guys rhere is only first place here and that is the one who is first, so mastercoin is the big winner here. start to sell coz nxt dint deliver the main feature on time and is worthless now. community and marketing failled big time. Dude after you have finnished dumping your NXT please go buy some glasses and a new personallity. ur current eyes and personallity are failing you. please see page 1 of this thread and you will find several clients. have fun at the opticians  again, then how come nobody use them and people don't know about them? sorry guys rhere is only first place here and that is the one who is first, so mastercoin is the big winner here. start to sell coz nxt dint deliver the main feature on time and is worthless now. community and marketing failled big time. my eyes are fine I see nxt price declining day by day, maybe something is wrong with your eyes! Thats great news donkey more distribution for new comers fantastic news. And as most nxters already know the current btc/nxt price is irrelevant. price wont matter when theres only nxt left standing. sorry e donkey i didnt realise you spoke for the whole community when discussing clients. most humans with an iq of 1 or above can clearly read the main page of this thrrad and see clients to use. maybe you should concentrate on another project since you have no interest in nxt at all other than slandering this thread with false facts. oh yes that retarded distrubution crap again. NEWS FLASH if I as whale start to "distribute", altough even only 100K, nxt is dead gone, 0 that is how many buyers nxt has, none, no intrest what so ever from people, if i dump only 500k from my 60M nxt is dead, and i alone can do that 60 times. you f***ng bagholders
March 05, 2014, 12:28:27 PM |
Can you take responsibility for the whitepaper (and it´s development)? Or do we have someone who is responsible for it? How do we stand now?
Nobody is responsible right now. Editable Whitepaper is on our Wiki. No one is responsible = bad. Let me just ask some questions to get a clear picture, because i can't accurately pin down what is needed: 1) Who in the community has the knowledge and expertise to write in the white paper, or work out things that have been put in? Feel free to just name people. Jean-Luc, CfB, James, l8orre, wesleyh, nexern, marcus... who else?1a) Do these people actually have time and are they willing to do the work? 1b) What do they need? Are there things missing that they definitely need to get started/continue? I think the one responsible for whitepaper should approach them one by one and asking clear questions.2) Who knows of people who can do the audit and what exactly is needed for this audit? People who have already been contacted and said "no" don't count. 2a) If we don't know them, where can we look for them? 2b) I've seen names of "big" people in cryptography mentioned, but is this needed? If the proof is valid, does it matter if the "name" isn't big? This seems like an argument that only has marketing value, not mathematical value. 2c) If we can't get "big" names, is there anything to be said against taking a normal qualified person who can do the audit. We have noone to make the review, AFAIK.These are some preliminary questions, just to get the situation clear. Once that is clear, maybe we can take further steps. If I missed anything out, please point it out to me. Had to strike out my name immediately here...
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1043
#Free market
March 05, 2014, 12:29:19 PM |
March 05, 2014, 12:31:05 PM |
 Hey everybody emule.above wants out hes gonna sell off 60m nxt. how great is that. thank you so much donkey. looking forward to your "sell off" and please do dissapear to a very far away place after. ps your a great investor lmao Just to add edonkey i have sold over 1.6 million nxt over a couple of days not so long ago and guess what nxt didnt die omfg
March 05, 2014, 12:37:23 PM |
March 05, 2014, 12:41:29 PM |
The Nxt iPhone app iNxtYou might know that rriky92 is working on an app for iPhone. There is currently version 1.0.7 available in iTunes. Please see the setails on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/inxt/id802351888?mt=8 Riky is a young guy (in his early 20s I think), still going to the university which means that he might have more time than money. He is a talented programmer so he is developing apps for iOS. Unfortunately, he has to focus on apps, that he can sell for money. 1, Can we set up a bounty for him? We could make a feature list what we want to see in the app and offer a bounty for each feature that gets implemented. 2, We would need a graphic designer to support him creating an awesome app. Anyone available for this? What do you think? I would also like to ask you to donate him some Nxt for his work so far, so we can keep him motivated: 4894174904569783391FYI: I am trying to help him because I think we need an app for iOS. I will not receive anything for this, all the funds go to Riky (as the Nxt address above belongs to him).