Activity: 1470
Merit: 1000
Want privacy? Use Monero!
February 26, 2017, 12:12:35 AM |
Thanks guys, that's better than i thought it was.
"It doesn't prove you sent the amount, but it does prove that amount was sent (and received). – Luigi Oct 3 at 18:46"
So i guess it doesn't show the address it came from just that the amount was sent from someone to the address? The easy solution would be to generate a new address for each transaction.
Not as easy as having a public blockchain anyone could quickly verify but a good solution nonetheless.
I'll ask my other questions when i have more time. Thanks again.
You're welcome and that's correct. Context: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.msg16728080#msg16728080luigi forgot that it's easy for the sender to prove the address by signing a messase using the private spend key that matches with the public spend key associated with the address. It's really the same as during arbitration people sign messages with their private key to prove the validity of certain screenshots or emails If the sender doesn't, one can assume he didn't send the coins. That doesn't exactly help you very much. The idea of a transparent blockchain is to deter such conflicts in the first place since any party making a claim to have altered the blockchain state will have that claim arbitrated on by the entire userbase, not just by me. Therefore, Poloniex can make any claim they like as to what state change they've made and that claim is instantly testable, not just by keyholders but by non keyholders also. Furthermore, that applies not only to the positive case but the negative (absence of state change) case as well - no 'assumptions' needed. Encrypted blockchains are designed to keep everyone else out of the loop except the sender and receiver. Thats what makes them ok as an encrypted messaging system but valueless as a monetary asset in their own right (an unbacked one at least) since bearer tokens don't distinguish ownership from possession. The encryption is therefore redundant and only serves to obscure (and potentially corrupt) their authenticity as you've already illustrated by demonstrating that the co-operation of 3rd parties (keyholders) is required to fully verify that a claimed state change did in fact occur. Yes, the encryption ensures the privacy. Your bank account isn't viewable by everyone in the world, isn't it? You don't know how much gold is in my vault either. When I open my vault, I can publicly disclose how much I own. But I rather not have a vault made out of glass. The whole world doesn't need to know how much gold I own for the gold to be 'real money'. your whole explanation about transparent outputs is just a convoluted way to justify the fact that DASH isn't private by default You can force your counterparty to disclose his prove that he has sent the money. Nice. A Cryptocurrency who's blockchain state can only be verified through recourse to third parties. Good luck with that  So easy to ask counterparty when you are buying drugs with an anonymous dealer on DN  Anyway the interesting in the image is : "NOBODY IS USING IT! (ndlr: xmr). /OffTopic My point is that if there is a dispute between someone buying drugs with BTC/DASH or XMR, the result will be the same: either the sender/receiver cooperates and discloses the transaction or he doesn't. You need to trust the arbitrator/platform in both cases. The big difference however is that, even when you need to disclose certain things about your transaction, the history of your wallet will still be protected*. * at least when the sender proves he has sent the coins. If a receiver discloses his viewkey, that can be an issue. Hence, it'll be solved soon with disposable addresses.
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
February 26, 2017, 12:37:16 AM |
If the sender doesn't, one can assume he didn't send the coins. ROFL M0ner0's entire transnational solution is based on assumptions and manually providing view keys to provide proof of purchase. Clunky much? Good luck going mainstream or being used for any type of day to day transaction....that as well as 50x worse scalability than bitcoin. Monero vision: Providing drugs, child porn and weapons to the worst 0.00001% of society. I think we can all agree thats where it is now, and thats where its going to stay! Anyways, back on topic to Dash!
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
February 26, 2017, 12:40:54 AM |
xmr propaganda.
I/we don't give a shit on how work your unscalable shitcoin! 
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1188
February 26, 2017, 12:48:59 AM Last edit: February 26, 2017, 01:06:18 AM by toknormal |
Your bank account isn't viewable by everyone in the world, isn't it? It is if you're the bank who's endorsing its value. Since "everyone in the world" is who endorses Bitcoin's value - that's who gets to view it. Encrypt that at your peril  (P.S. Contrary to the faulty propaganda you like to put about, anecdotal knowledge of transaction participants # contractually defined money. You need encryption to protect the latter because it's nominated. You need mixing to protect the former because it's un-nominated but not backed & therefore must remain transparent. If you get that principle the wrong way round then you end up with Monero which is why you're having to cite 3rd-party backed trusted monetary media in your defence).
Activity: 3444
Merit: 1061
February 26, 2017, 12:53:24 AM |
These monero &^%$ wads continue to come here like warrior monks to try and expunge DASH from existence.
The religious order of monero and their psychopathic trans-humanist beliefs where they believe they will be uploaded into a shared singularity existence with monero, logic and math at the core is just laughable.
David Latapie is not going to lead these zealots to some sort of religious monero driven singularity nirvana. I mean WTF !, most of them are already too bloated to fit on an already constrained bloated block chain. How would that work anyways?
And so to dnaleor, you are on the wrong path with this one. The direction you are taking with your hate and religious calling, you look like you'll end up hurting others and yourself. I fear that you and your friends, who are part of this monero religious sect have already crossed the line where you believe the ends justifies the means.
I guess we wait for your next move.
just for some clarification, I'm not from team monero and no, i don't want DASH to be expunged from existence, maybe i want DASH to retain a certain market cap that is just enough to keep you DASH shills here at bitcointalk for fun. dnaleor stay on topic please, this is the dash forum, not the monero forum
If things are said that aren't true, I can correct those statements. Even if that's of topic. Wrong, Belgian Lard Waffle! .... LOL. That's the funniest thing I've seen in here in a long time. how about some Canadian maple syrup on top? and pair it with a glass of chardonnay. EDIT: ugh..there goes my breakfast! i'm eating salad instead.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
February 26, 2017, 01:05:21 AM |
Good god people, put these trolleros on ignore! WTF good does it do to argue with them? It's like walking onto the farthest corner of the elementary school playground. Don't give these worthless non-humans your time for goodness sake! USE THE IGNORE BUTTON!!! In the mean time; I hope you all are having a lovely Saturday. I fully expect this post to be mod deleted  Still, have an Awesome Day everyone, and watch your blood pressure  ::hugs::
Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member  My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading "You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."Sir Winston Churchill BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1000
Want privacy? Use Monero!
February 26, 2017, 01:14:36 AM |
xmr propaganda.
I/we don't give a shit on how work your unscalable shitcoin!  wrong. at least it's being used on alphabay. Real use, because people prefer it over BTC for the privacy/fungibility it delivers Where is DASH being used?
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1000
Want privacy? Use Monero!
February 26, 2017, 01:17:04 AM |
Your bank account isn't viewable by everyone in the world, isn't it? It is if you're the bank who's endorsing its value. Since "everyone in the world" is who endorses Bitcoin's value - that's who gets to view it. Encrypt that at your peril  (P.S. Contrary to the faulty propaganda you like to put about, anecdotal knowledge of transaction participants # contractually defined money. You need encryption to protect the latter because it's nominated. You need mixing to protect the former because it's un-nominated but not backed & therefore must remain transparent. If you get that principle the wrong way round then you end up with Monero which is why you're having to cite 3rd-party backed trusted monetary media in your defence). you can't forge the existence of coins in your account. You can only prove that they are there. I don't see any issue with that approach. I ask you again: why should I prefer a glass vault in stead of a vault I have the keys for and chose to open when I want to disclose what's in it or when I want to transact?
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1188
February 26, 2017, 01:30:53 AM |
you can't forge the existence of coins in your account. Yeah, I know you can't in theory. Unfortunately you can in practice - it's just a question of how "buggy" your code is which is why the "backers" of cryptocurrency's value are not the least bit interested in your privacy and extremely interested in blockchain transparency. 
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
February 26, 2017, 01:41:08 AM |
If the sender doesn't, one can assume he didn't send the coins. ROFL M0ner0's entire transnational solution is based on assumptions and manually providing view keys to provide proof of purchase. Clunky much? Good luck going mainstream or being used for any type of day to day transaction....that as well as 50x worse scalability than bitcoin. Monero vision: Providing drugs, child porn and weapons to the worst 0.00001% of society. I think we can all agree thats where it is now, and thats where its going to stay! Anyways, back on topic to Dash! I like DASH and XMR, but I have to ask you why you think Monero is only for drugs, child porn, weapons, crime stuff? If someone got or can get information about your income someone will ask where it comes from, be jealous and worst of all.. They are gona take some of it, and just cause they think they earn it! put yourself in have the situation of having been and bought beer and selling a few trucks a friend, then I'll come and take some of the money that you owe me .. you win a lot of money, so I'll have a part of it .. you have been working alot latly cause you and your family needs a bigger house, then i yell YOU THERE! Where does this cash comes from? Well never mind, I'll take at least 20% of it! Cause you owe me that! That's the way it is when you have to share some of the things that concerns you
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
February 26, 2017, 02:11:08 AM |
Where is DASH being used?
https://www.dash.org/merchants/All merchants that accept Visa (everywhere yes!), with my Shakepay Visa plastic debit card (charge with Dash instantly thanks to InstantSend). :p Didn't try the other yet but there is various option for this. Example of some online merchant: 
Activity: 1183
Merit: 1000
February 26, 2017, 02:22:10 AM |
xmr propaganda.
I/we don't give a shit on how work your unscalable shitcoin! wrong. at least it's being used on alphabay. Real use, because people prefer it over BTC for the privacy/fungibility it deliversWhere is DASH being used? lol, no one is really using anything but btc on alphabay, probably 99% of sales are BTC. Dash is the second most used coin on amazon via purse.io and has been for months. so monero's adoption claim to fame is alphabay and other Darkmarkets while and Dash caters to amazon and beyond, you see the difference.  Dash Keeps Overtaking Ethereum As Purse.io's Most Popular Altcoin As Bitcoin Dominance Strengthens https://cointelegraph.com/news/dash-keeps-overtaking-ethereum-as-purseios-most-popular-altcoin-as-bitcoin-dominance-strengthensYour explanation of the how monero viewkeys work is very confusing and you seem to be in disagreement with two higher ranking members. Not sure how my mom is supposed to figure all that out? Y'all have multiple scaling issues in every key area. While coming up with a solution to a problem in bitcoin, y'all created more problems with your solution. Dash just solved the problem and moved on to the next one, conformation speed, then funding and governance, next is usability and mass adoption.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
February 26, 2017, 03:42:04 AM |
Dash has focus. Dash has purpose, it has a vision to realize. Dash will succeed.
February 26, 2017, 04:16:32 AM |
If the sender doesn't, one can assume he didn't send the coins. ROFL M0ner0's entire transnational solution is based on assumptions and manually providing view keys to provide proof of purchase. Clunky much? Good luck going mainstream or being used for any type of day to day transaction....that as well as 50x worse scalability than bitcoin. Monero vision: Providing drugs, child porn and weapons to the worst 0.00001% of society. I think we can all agree thats where it is now, and thats where its going to stay! Anyways, back on topic to Dash! I like DASH and XMR, but I have to ask you why you think Monero is only for drugs, child porn, weapons, crime stuff? If someone got or can get information about your income someone will ask where it comes from, be jealous and worst of all.. They are gona take some of it, and just cause they think they earn it! put yourself in have the situation of having been and bought beer and selling a few trucks a friend, then I'll come and take some of the money that you owe me .. you win a lot of money, so I'll have a part of it .. you have been working alot latly cause you and your family needs a bigger house, then i yell YOU THERE! Where does this cash comes from? Well never mind, I'll take at least 20% of it! Cause you owe me that! That's the way it is when you have to share some of the things that concerns you Because. Monero is promoted as such and the core people involved openly brag about being into that sort of behavior, they literally think they are untouchable. I use XMR and am not into any of those things. There are only a few on the XMR forums and sites who say they're into drugs. And Monero is not officially promoted for use of illegal things. Some individuals might do it, but that's not my stance nor the community's stance. I just like the pure privacy, fungibility, and real decentralization of it.
Activity: 1183
Merit: 1000
February 26, 2017, 04:22:04 AM |
Another good one to add to my collection. This is huge and could potentially lead to purse.io, coinbase and many others integrating Dash!!! Dash info graph..
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1014
Dash Nation Founder | CATV Host
February 26, 2017, 05:24:24 AM |
Dash has focus. Dash has purpose, it has a vision to realize. Dash will succeed.
Absolutely. The positive feedback loop afforded by the budget system has created a monster. It's like a snowball rolling down a hill, get in the way at your peril! And with the masternode network, the possibilities are endless! One day, our detractors (who are not getting paid) will understand. Great times for Dash!
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1023
February 26, 2017, 07:38:13 AM |
Hey Mac's install bitbar and then click these links http://bitbar.dash.do/  
February 26, 2017, 07:43:28 AM |
Dash is the most dominant altcoin from 2014, it became top 3 in 2014 huge pump, after that Dash keeps the top 7 level, which is the most reliable and long term project. We love it, not only for anonymous feature, but also self-governing society.
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
February 26, 2017, 08:00:25 AM Last edit: February 26, 2017, 08:19:06 AM by qwizzie |
Dash $27 : check Dash #4 on coinmarketcap : check Dash #1 on BCT forum ANN : check Dash has a bright future : check Dash most technologically advanced : check Dash doing its own thing : check Conclusion : its good to be in Dash  Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. - Warren Buffett
Learn from the past, set detailed and vivid goals for the future and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control : now
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
February 26, 2017, 08:05:37 AM |
The religious order of monero trans-humanists will be uploaded into a shared singularity existence with monero, logic, and math at the core
I'd watch the hell out of this movie on Netflix. Can the Masternodes vote to make it happen?
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| "The difference between bad and well-developed digital cash will determine whether we have a dictatorship or a real democracy." David Chaum 1996 "Fungibility provides privacy as a side effect." Adam Back 2014
| | |