
Activity: 81
Merit: 10
October 18, 2011, 07:40:09 AM |
I'm starting to work on a feature to add the ability to mine from the client. Here's what I plan to add and the order I'm working on:
1) Turn generate on/off in the options and for that option to stick. 2) Show in the UI the mining hashrate and other mining related information 3) Add option to point to a pool instead.
What do you guys think? Would this be useful?
Ok, implemented 1 and 2: can now start/stop mining from the option pages. You can also limit the number of processors used. The status bar now has a new icon. Unfortunately, the icon doesn't change, but the tool tip will show you your hashrate. Who wants to help me create a colored mining icon that I can use? I'm building a Windows client binary now. Windows binary uploaded: help me test it. Thanks! Nice update Coblee ! Two things tho; - When I select 'autostart with Windows' this setting is not remembered (on Win7 x64 non admin user with UAC enabled) - when I click Help it says 'about Bitcoin' which seems rather odd 
If you appreciate my posts you can donate any number of Coins you like at BTC 16MPWTomba4GUN1FU98DWmUKvVUr5ms3rs LTC Lg15AdU4cYhfUttyd1n2LQYGNANkdqGWQ9
coblee (OP)
Activity: 1654
Merit: 1354
Creator of Litecoin. Cryptocurrency enthusiast.
October 18, 2011, 07:50:10 AM |
I'm starting to work on a feature to add the ability to mine from the client. Here's what I plan to add and the order I'm working on:
1) Turn generate on/off in the options and for that option to stick. 2) Show in the UI the mining hashrate and other mining related information 3) Add option to point to a pool instead.
What do you guys think? Would this be useful?
Ok, implemented 1 and 2: can now start/stop mining from the option pages. You can also limit the number of processors used. The status bar now has a new icon. Unfortunately, the icon doesn't change, but the tool tip will show you your hashrate. Who wants to help me create a colored mining icon that I can use? I'm building a Windows client binary now. Windows binary uploaded: help me test it. Thanks! Nice update Coblee ! Two things tho; - When I select 'autostart with Windows' this setting is not remembered (on Win7 x64 non admin user with UAC enabled) - when I click Help it says 'about Bitcoin' which seems rather odd  Litecoin is based on a beta version of Bitcoin. So it's probably that they have not fixed this problem in Bitcoin. Once it's fixed, I will merge the fix in. As for text still showing Bitcoin, I think you must be running a non-English version of Litecoin. Unfortunately, I have not gone through and fixed all the locale strings yet. I will do that soon.

Activity: 81
Merit: 10
October 18, 2011, 07:54:29 AM |
I'm starting to work on a feature to add the ability to mine from the client. Here's what I plan to add and the order I'm working on:
1) Turn generate on/off in the options and for that option to stick. 2) Show in the UI the mining hashrate and other mining related information 3) Add option to point to a pool instead.
What do you guys think? Would this be useful?
Ok, implemented 1 and 2: can now start/stop mining from the option pages. You can also limit the number of processors used. The status bar now has a new icon. Unfortunately, the icon doesn't change, but the tool tip will show you your hashrate. Who wants to help me create a colored mining icon that I can use? I'm building a Windows client binary now. Windows binary uploaded: help me test it. Thanks! Nice update Coblee ! Two things tho; - When I select 'autostart with Windows' this setting is not remembered (on Win7 x64 non admin user with UAC enabled) - when I click Help it says 'about Bitcoin' which seems rather odd  Litecoin is based on a beta version of Bitcoin. So it's probably that they have not fixed this problem in Bitcoin. Once it's fixed, I will merge the fix in. As for text still showing Bitcoin, I think you must be running a non-English version of Litecoin. Unfortunately, I have not gone through and fixed all the locale strings yet. I will do that soon. - Bitcoin 0.40-beta does not have this issue (the setting is retained) - I am indeed running a Dutch (and thus non-English version) of Litecoin 
If you appreciate my posts you can donate any number of Coins you like at BTC 16MPWTomba4GUN1FU98DWmUKvVUr5ms3rs LTC Lg15AdU4cYhfUttyd1n2LQYGNANkdqGWQ9
October 18, 2011, 02:09:27 PM |
If you've got several machines on the same subnet, use -addnode=<ip> in the command line for starting the daemon, in order to establish connections between all of them. This way, when one of them downloads a block, they all will, most of the time, receive it from that node, thereby reducing the Internet connection load.
Thank you sir.
Activity: 1855
Merit: 1016
October 18, 2011, 02:12:38 PM |
Feature needed. As like bitcoin client, I want Litecoin show total blocks mined & also if can the difficulty.
October 18, 2011, 08:22:15 PM |
Feature needed. As like bitcoin client, I want Litecoin show total blocks mined & also if can the difficulty.
you can see all that in the daemon. look for it in the first posting by coblee. you have to run it from the command line. cd to the deamons directory then submit litecoind may have to mod the config file of the litecoin client by adding daemon=1
"It is, quite honestly, the biggest challenge to central banking since Andrew Jackson." -evoorhees
October 18, 2011, 08:27:17 PM |
I'm starting to work on a feature to add the ability to mine from the client. Here's what I plan to add and the order I'm working on:
1) Turn generate on/off in the options and for that option to stick. 2) Show in the UI the mining hashrate and other mining related information 3) Add option to point to a pool instead.
What do you guys think? Would this be useful?
Can you integrate the CPU specific mining bots? they are so much faster. i was doing 0.8 kh/s from the solo .4 client. then i dl/ed the core2 duo specific (from Artfotz?) and now i run 2 threads and pull down more than double that. you'd have to do some hardware queries...set the default num of threads to 1 per core and stuff.
"It is, quite honestly, the biggest challenge to central banking since Andrew Jackson." -evoorhees

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
October 19, 2011, 06:00:04 AM |
could someone post the link to the Litecoin Windows 64bit minerd please? Thanks gents!

Activity: 86
Merit: 10
October 19, 2011, 06:06:20 AM |
Is it possible to use p2pool on Litecoin and/or other scrypt-based currencies?
BCX's stress test on SC2 network reminds me that.
October 19, 2011, 06:09:08 AM |
BCX's stress test on SC2 network reminds me that.
Litecoin has no central point of attack. It is a giant network made up of thousands of nodes around the world. The pools are a different story, one that does not relate to the core structure of Litecoin or its network in any way.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1057
Marketing manager - GO MP
October 19, 2011, 07:10:59 AM |
Yep I have been working on it. The problem is, I have started to model it using OpenScad, a modeller for 3D printed objects, more like a cheap hack than a software. I had issues getting the relief effect working.. CSG modelling is really resource expensive with it I was at the point where it needed 3 gig ram to cunstruct a mesh.
So I went over to redo it straight in POVray and it works much better. I have started with a quadric curvature for it so it looks even better but I need to figure out the math to get to the right dimensions. The whole relief effect seems to be necessary so the L is still readable when the icon is as small as the systray icon.
Should I commit the POV-Ray script to the Github project once it's done if you plan to use it?
October 19, 2011, 10:03:40 AM |
Cleaning up and making a much larger psd with a big clean coin, going for the full bounty! lol
October 19, 2011, 11:16:54 AM |
The cleaned up Litecoin Coin Design v2.1, source code released, by Bitcoin Porn.
 The design is simple. The coin is digital, the coin is "Lite", therefore abusing these laws and ensuring the coin could never physically exist*, the coin is somewhat transparent by design. You cannot get more lite than that. On various backgrounds. White Blue Black Bitcoin Orange
The below is a png file that is transparent, so it will just be whatever the forum color is or if you view else where, it will just an overlay on that color.  Click bottom image for source code, aka psd, to fuck around with as you please. 
*After I typed it could never physically exist, I already can see some ass being able to make a souvenir coin out of glass. And I would be the ass to buy one, those Glass Collectors '7' Arcade Tokens
Activity: 4648
Merit: 1851
Linux since 1997 RedHat 4
October 19, 2011, 01:38:30 PM |
Again, not the best, but at least the LTC looks really good  If anyone thinks they can draw a good silver blank to replace the plain coin I've drawn behind it - supply it and I'll combine my foreground on top of it. (If it gets chosen, you can even have half the bounty  if you want) (It of course needs to be the same size or bigger and I'll scale it down) 
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1057
Marketing manager - GO MP
October 19, 2011, 01:54:34 PM Last edit: October 19, 2011, 02:56:18 PM by ElectricMucus |
Well, you fellas put me under time pressure...  anyways here is the preliminary raytraced version with relief, beveled text and some unoptimzed lightning and some quick bumpmapping, so much room for improvement. Looks still best if you ask me   here a version with quickly hacked together transparency (the goal is to have transparency & shadow on the background something the others can't really do (that nicely)  )  PS: fuck the bounty, I only want the karma 